3,000 Apply For New Century Jobs; Company Makes Positive Announcement

April 8, 2011

There was some positive economic news in Century Thursday as the CEO of Century Lumber and Land announced that his company is continuing to move forward toward bringing hundreds of jobs to town.

“Thank you for hanging in with us at Century Lumber and Land,” CEO Jim Craft told a meeting of the Century Chamber of Commerce.

“We now own the property,” Craft said of the old Alger-Sullivan Lumber complex that has sat idle for a number of years. “We are going to be moving pretty quick now that we have the ownership.”

Over 3,000 people have already applied for one of just a few hundred jobs expected to be available initially at Century Lumber and Land, according to Catharine Jeter of Workforce Escarosa.

“These are some really good people that have applied,” Jeter said. “They are not flunkies.”

Century Lumber and Land unofficially announced a venture with several other companies September 2, 2010, that Craft said would eventually employee 300 to 500 people within a 36 to 42 month period. A ribbon was cut for the companies in October — before the company actually owned the Alger-Sullivan property.

Century Lumber and Land, LLC plans to join Railmark Holdings and Milton Timber in a total of five ventures slated for Century. The companies will say they will, over the course of time, be in the business of:

  • treating railroad crossties
  • dry kiln treating domestic lumber for the building industry
  • building and selling lumber kilns
  • repairing freight railcars, railroad track and maintenance
  • processing and marketing Paulownia trees as biomass fuel and wood products

Pictured top: The October 22, 2010, ribbon cutting for Century Lumber and Land. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “3,000 Apply For New Century Jobs; Company Makes Positive Announcement”

  1. Century girl on April 8th, 2011 11:12 pm

    Do I understand this correctly…3000 apps for just “one” of a few hundred jobs… It time to really see some action instead of more talk. Hopefully this is a sincere, viable business and will bring many jobs to our area.

  2. bob h on April 8th, 2011 3:55 pm


  3. Mike Allen on April 8th, 2011 10:42 am

    This is great news. We need more jobs like this.Ive got a good job but yall always got my support. God Bless you all on your jobs Mike Allen

  4. flomaton man on April 8th, 2011 7:17 am

    this only come up around election time,i think it is all smoke and mirrors.it got freddy elected.and nothing has happened,now more talk about nothing!

  5. Concerned Parent on April 8th, 2011 6:37 am

    I’m with you, huh. I pray that this is reality and not smoke and mirrors like the Jack Neal nightmare. Think of the families who would be helped by something like this: food, clothing, no more disconnects on utilities, presents under the Christmas tree, etc. Oh Lord, please let it be true!

  6. huh on April 8th, 2011 6:03 am

    Lets hope century is not left “holding the bag” so to speak on this venture like so many times before.