$1 Million Project To Improve Rocky Branch Road

April 20, 2011

A $1,099,855.50 project will improve Rocky Branch Road and construct a new concrete bridge to allow residents access to their homes without worries about flooding.

The project will include paving about 6,400 feet of existing dirt road, adding a 100 foot concrete bridge and culvert upgrades. The road will be raised about seven feet across about 600 feet of wetlands.

Since the roadway is the only access for the residents of Rocky Branch Road, a temporary roadway will be constructed through the wetlands during the construction process.

The low bidder on the project was Aero Training & Rental, Inc. $1,099,855.50. Other bids ranged from Roads, Inc. of NWF at $1,118,951 to The Green-Simmons Co at $1,573,727.05.

Rocky Branch Road runs north off East Quintette Road, near the Escambia River.


18 Responses to “$1 Million Project To Improve Rocky Branch Road”

  1. DO WHAT on April 22nd, 2011 11:10 pm

    Does the county have anymore property to rent out for $1.00 a year. I would like to start a business and this sounds like a good deal. Which county commisioner benifits from this good ole deal. I have to pay $35.00 to rent the park for my childs birthday party and this shooting club pays $1.00 a year to rent county property and have a business with 700 to 8oo members who all have to pay a membership fee. WHAT A DEAL and a GOOD OLE DEAL AT THAT.

  2. M on April 22nd, 2011 7:57 am

    You know it. I here you Marc. Thats what should happen.That $1 needs to increase. The only reason I’m on here sarting trouble is I’m bored. Got layed off .Just passing the time being a nusince. LOL

  3. Marc on April 22nd, 2011 7:41 am

    Slam D? Did I guess right? Old friend I don’t think were going to see eye to eye on this subject. I do agree that the range should kick in to help pay some of the cost. I have no idea how much they pay in taxes but I do know they pay the county a dollar a year for property. Pretty good deal huh? Believe me when I tell you the county has brought in countless yards of red clay over the years only to have it wash down the creek. The last time we got flooded in we went around the back way only to find Rubin on a backhoe trying to save his burm. He told us that another hour of rain and he would have lost the whole pond. Yall come out and see us sometime. Bring the truck not the car the washboards in the road will shake the fillings out your head. LOL.

  4. M on April 22nd, 2011 7:08 am

    Thats great . He deserves it.

  5. Tina on April 22nd, 2011 6:41 am

    M…….forgive my husband, he is just so happy because now that the road is coming, he will finally be getting a new truck :)

  6. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2011 6:37 pm

    “there is less than 10 residents down that road. Put a couple of culvert pipes and bring in some clay”

    Regardless of what any one of us sees as “need”, all dirt roads in the county were supposed to be paved with Local Option Sales Tax revenues per the 1992 vote. The fact that they haven’t already been paved does not speak well of elected officials charged with carrying out their duties.

    Paving of roads is not just for residents of those roads but for any who go down them: Ambulances, deputies, linemen, meter readers, muzzle loaders, school buses, lost Yankees, prospective buyers.

    Exactly how it should be done is a separate question but that it SHOULD be done should never be in doubt.

    David for doing our duty

  7. M on April 21st, 2011 7:56 am

    @ Marcus .Yes M is the correct letter for me. I just think there is a cheaper solution to getting over that creek when there is a heavy rain and it floods.Like your wife Tina said alot of the people using that road aren’t even from here.Make the gun club ,as a club contribute towards paving since they use it more than the residents.And in an emergency situation you know Rubin would let you out the other way.All governments need to cut spending and not paving this road is a good place to start.Hey Marcus here’s another clue…M.D.

  8. Marcus on April 21st, 2011 5:18 am

    M (assuming that is your real letter) you just keep drinking on that big ole glass of haterade. Meanwhile my neighbors and i will be enjoying our newly paved road that we have been promised for years. Yes part of the reason the road is being paved is because of the excessive amount of traffic going in and out of the range. Another reason is the red clay that is brought in every other month or so is not good for wet lands. There are many reason factoring in to this decision. Todd I don’t remember seeing you at the meeting we had last week. You know the one between the neighbors and the county and the contractors. As far that crud about pigs and old men or whatever you were talking about ,I bet you don’t put that junk on the shooting ranges web site. If you did and signed your real name you would be finding a new place to shoot before you could say reload.

  9. Tina on April 21st, 2011 4:48 am

    Hmmmmmm, actually “TODD” many, many “members” of the “shooting range” are ALABAMA and SANTA ROSA residents! Get your facts right TODD!
    If you can’t keep your facts right, I sure hope you’re NOT one of the one’s shooting targets and missing??

  10. PensacolaEd on April 20th, 2011 1:17 pm

    Actually, Todd, in 1981 when the County originally asked the neighbors if the Muzzleloaders could shoot in the “Borrow pit”, there were already several families living on Rocky Branch Road. The Range was originally supposed to shoot just a couple of weekends per month, not grow into the huge club it is today. The neighbors were always supposed to have the right to have the County shut the range down – I can prove this, I have the actual minutes from the BOCC Meeting where this was put out in 1981.

    And the reason the range is going to remain here is because the Neighbors and the ERML Management went through arbitration, and the range agreed to make improvements not only to make the range better, but also to make it safer and quieter. The actual number of ERML Members that are registered voters in Escambia County is less than 500.

  11. Todd on April 20th, 2011 12:25 pm

    Funny how you say they were there before the range??? NOT, …DO NOT Move next to a pig farm and complain out the smell.Everyone knows about the old guy at the end,the only one there before the range.The range will not be moved now that all the improvements are being done and the last time they tried ,they quick found out how many voters use the range.

  12. PensacolaEd on April 20th, 2011 12:23 pm

    M, If there were County Folks in the Gun Range membership, they would have gotten the portion of the Road that goes to the Range paved. This Project just paves the main part of the road, not the left fork where the Gun Range is.

    The Gun Range is on County-Owned Property that is leased to ERML. That’s the only vested interest the County has in getting the road paved.

    The neighbors have fought hard to get this project put through, I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but to me, it’s important that we have a safe way to get in a nd out of our neighborhood during times of bad weather, and for emergency vehicles to be able to get to us.
    Once the road is paved, there may be additional residences built on Rocky Branch Road, there is about 30 acres that is zones doe one house per 3/4 acre, that can’t be developed until the road is paved.

  13. M on April 20th, 2011 11:40 am

    There is not enough people LIVING down that road to justify $1.1 Mil.And as far as the gun range goes,I know several people that live on that road (even before the gun range was started and as far as they are concerned you could take your gun rang somewhere they don’t have to listen to it.Must be some county folks in the membership.I see

  14. dnutjob on April 20th, 2011 10:13 am

    Pensacola ed thanks for the correction, I should have said land owners not residents, even if you don’t live on it you still have a vested intrest and pay taxes on the land.

  15. PensacolaEd on April 20th, 2011 7:39 am

    I am one of the 13 (not 10, not 30) homeowners on Rocky Branch Road. In addition to the 13 homes on our road, there is the Escambia River Muzzle Loaders gun range, that has a membership of over 700 people that also use the road. This road does NOT lead to Roy Jones’ Property, his access is from Quintette.

    The County has done traffic studies on this road, and we get more traffic on Rocky Branch Road than on any unpaved road in the County. With the current road and inadequate culverts, the road washes out during periods of heavy rain, and several times the road has become impassable, leaving us with no way in or out. How would you like to be in that situation, and hope that your boss understands that you can’t make it to work, and hoping that you don’t have a medical emergency?

    Ths Residents of this Community, including Roy Jones, Jr, gave the County the property needed to put this road in, and many of them have been waiting more than 25 years for the County to make good on a promise to pave the road that was broken in the 1980’s.

    In addition, there are several property owners who own property that is zoned for additional residences, that cannot develop their own property until the road is paved.

  16. Todd on April 20th, 2011 7:23 am

    M your focus is on Roy and not the real reason for the improvement. The real reason for the improvements is 1000’s of the members ” as I am ” of ERML use this road to get to the shooting range many times each year.With just a small shower the low part floods and a 4×4 is need to cross.It’s ok for me I have A 4×4,but not many who can join the ERML club open to the public, with membership.The range is about to be redone and upgraded to a world class shooting range.Thankfully the county commissioners are able to see how the traffic is going to jump even more after that happens .We all almost lost this range once,then we would not have an open to the public ” with membership ” place to safely shoot,to teach my son and daughters gun safety .Remember all across this country shooting ranges are being closed and once they are gone they do not come back.Support YOUR local shooting club and range.www.erml-gunclub.org

  17. dnutjob on April 20th, 2011 5:53 am

    M, so you think there taxes arent as good as yours? No more clay in the river also. For your info there are 30 residents down there and a gun range. Go back and add up the maintenance costs for all the dirt, and rock and see what it has been costing the tax payer.

    Informed, intune and in touch.

  18. M on April 20th, 2011 4:02 am

    REDICULOUS!! $1 mil. on that road?I know there is less than 10 residents down that road.Put a couple of culvert pipes and bring in some clay to raise that part of the road about 3ft.,problem solved for way less.Oh! I forgot Roy Jones uses that road.Let him pay for it.