Teens Tell Different Stories In Tate High Sexual Assault Case; Reading Teacher Was In Room

March 16, 2011

More information was made available Wednesday about the alleged sexual assault of a student in a reading classroom at Tate High School on March 1.

Raymond Eugene Teamer, 16. was arrested Tuesday evening and charged with felony sexual battery and indecent exposure in connection with the incident.

The 14-year old girl accused Teamer of exposing himself during a reading classroom at Tate, forcing her head toward his genital area two times.

The girl “stated the teacher was unable to view these actions, because of where she was sitting and other students were blocking the teacher’s view,” the report states. “(The victim) stated initially she did not tell the faculty what occurred because she feared retaliation from Teamer and his friends.

Teamer told investigators another version of the events.

“Teamer stated he was joking was some friends and acting like he had his…exposed,” the Sheriff’s Office report states. “Teamer stated (the victim) asked him to show her…at which time he pulled his shorts back enough to expose himself.” At that point, Teamer claimed the girl willingly performed the sexual act.

Three 15-year old male witnesses told investigators that Teamer exposed himself “and kept trying to get them to look”. They then observed what appeared to be the victim performing the act in the classroom.

Teamer remains in the custody of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice pending a court hearing.

For an earlier version of this story with more details, click here.


69 Responses to “Teens Tell Different Stories In Tate High Sexual Assault Case; Reading Teacher Was In Room”

  1. We are in that classroom too on March 23rd, 2011 9:54 am

    RE:-Student IN Classroom

    You say you sit behind him and didn’t see anything. You have his back because you don’t want him to punk you like he does those boys back there. You know hes a punk and has bad temper. you know most of class is scared of him. You seen him get put out of class for bad stuff? don’t play him up like hes a good guy when you know hes a joker a lot and we laugh at him but he dont do right and you know it. You know him a long time. He is good to some of us but punks more than he is good to. We didn’t see them but we know how he is and we would take a lie test and pass it would you?

    we may put our fear behind us and give statements about the friends that blocked and they will be charged for helping. You may want to change your story while there is time. backing a bad guy will never get you far. be a hero and tell the truth. She has a past, so what. He is no better and he did wrong.

    we all lie in class and pretend to be against her because too many ears listen. we know he may not be in class no more but he could still get his punks in and school dont keep us from it and you know it. your group has wimps that dont take up for girls you should be ashamed for it. one day we will be stronger and will scream and tell on guys that punk.


  2. Jerry on March 19th, 2011 8:35 pm

    I have read the words “sweetheart´´ and “nice kid´´ when some are writing about this young boy. Sweethearts and nice kids don´t expose themselves in a classroom. They have respect for others and themselves. I also read a comment about some wanting to fight this young girl. Again this shows the lack of respect for others and themselves. This teaching starts at home. Too many parents think it is the schools job to teach these things ( right / wrong, respect, morals) but these are thing that should start at home and then the schools build upon that.

  3. dad on March 19th, 2011 6:13 am

    Just want to point out since it seems no one else has that no where in the article does it say “the act” was performed. It says he grabbed her by the back of the neck and forced her head towards his genitals twice. Maybe it was just for a few seconds. However long it was it was wrong.
    Also, why is this boy exposing himself in class? He should be expelled. He is a danger to other students. Not to mention being sixteen and in the ninth grade. He obviously isn’t interested in his own education.

  4. babygirl! on March 18th, 2011 11:23 pm

    okay so imma freshman at tate and all i gotta say is free raymond hes a good kid. jv football team. good grades. and hes a sweet heart. this is not the first time the girl has done something like this! her story does not add up! she was willing!!!!!!! she should be glad hat she is not comming back to school because almost the whole school wants to fight her!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Why on earth was this "fine young man" exposing himself in the 1st place? on March 18th, 2011 10:36 pm

    There is no good answer to that question… Period! Why didn’t the “victim” scream her lungs off in a room full of other so called “fine” young people? There is no good answer to that question… Period! Why didn’t any of the other “fine” young people that witnessed an ongoing “assault” scream their lungs off? How could such a horrible act even take place with all these “fine” young people around in the first place? THERE IS NO GOOD ANSWER TO ANY OF THOSE QUESTIONS… PERIOD!

  6. Student in classroom. on March 18th, 2011 9:49 pm

    Honestly, I was in the classroom when this happened, and I was sitting right behind them. I didn’t see anything happen. I mean, i’m not saying they didn’t do anything, but she could have at least screamed, bite him, some sort of way to get away if she was forced. I’m sure they both agreed to it. I’m not trying to like accuse anybody of anything, it’s just interesting.. the two stories we’re getting from both students. And to the people who have said anything, the other students sitting next to them were their best friends, and i’m sure they were telling her to and purposley blocking our teachers view. But as I said before, I was sitting right behind them, and honestly did not know ANY of this was going on.

  7. JagAllstar on March 18th, 2011 8:53 pm

    Raymond was a sweetheart and everyone he knew at Tate knew it and loved him. he isn’t stupid and age doen’t matter im 16 and no one complanes to me about my age. Only those two know what the truth real is but keeping him from returning to Tate and stoping him from learning and playing football is in my opinon wrong. All the girl had to say was no and that be the end of it, however i agree perfrom the act in a reading class is extremly wrong. But honestly Raymond has gone through alot in the past week and problely wishes he never made the mistake that he did and she is thinking the same, why make it worse for them? Raymond i hope you get out of this soon and i hope that all the studnets at tate will suport him and her. I miss having Raymond in my class, im praying for you and im here for you

  8. homeschooled on March 18th, 2011 1:06 pm

    A good teacher paces the room at all times seeing that the student’s eyes are in the book, not elsewhere. She should not have been SITTING!!.

    These kids probably needed to be expelled long ago. I am sure the teacher has had to discipline them throughout the year. Good teachers know to put the problem kids up front opposite each other.

    This is toward the end of the year when kids get antsy, therefore the teacher should be more on her guard that ever.

    Bet she won’t do that again.

  9. kidswillbe kids on March 18th, 2011 8:51 am


    Thanks.You summed it all up.My prayers are with both families and i know neither of the two involved.I have kids and i know i am good mother but i am pretty sure they have done or will done things i dont aprove of or will know nothing about.Kids minds start to wonder at a young age.No, its not acceptable what they done but i do realize they are still kids.More sex education classes should be brought to table (especially at home)rather hiding the subject from the kids as if they are never going to have sex.From reading some of the post i am glad there are still some caring and understanding people in this world.I try not to be to judgemental because Karma can hit you at any time.

  10. S.L.B on March 17th, 2011 10:37 pm


    As far as my comment about WWJD and Bill Clinton, it was to make a point about who’s example our young people should consider before pulling their pants down
    in school for anything other than using the restroom. You have your opions and I have mine!

    Our hard earned tax dollars are earmarked to support the Public School System for a better EDUCATION for our children in a safe, clean enviroment, not to provide a quickie motel for their sexual pleasure!

  11. Molino guy on March 17th, 2011 9:51 pm

    Omg , we are talking about to young kids ! How and why would he want oral sex inside a class room full of people ? Hmmm another young guy arrested before evidence was proved ? I can’t believe are Criminal Justice System I’n Fl ? I hope his parents Files a million dollar law suit against the so called victims Parents but most of all the Sheriff Dept ! Can’t wait to Election Time ! We need to Educate are Officers how to gather information before making a legal Arrest ! God bless this young man and his family !

  12. speedy2588 on March 17th, 2011 9:36 pm

    I just have to say what kind of teacher doesnt know whats going on in their classroom. I dont care if they say “well there was people blocking her view” she needs to pay more attention to what goes on. You cant tell me that someone is being “assulted” in her class and she is oblivious to it. Tells me that she doesnt pay attention to her students. Maybe she needs to be questioned about her actions or lack of.

  13. RME on March 17th, 2011 9:26 pm


    Mr.Shackle is a great principle. He knew about this when it happened and he informed them resource officer and whoever else needed to know about it as soon as possible.

    Don’t blame him for his school being on the news or in the paper. Is it his responsibility to raise over 2000 kids? No. He is a principle sand his job is to control the kids at school. Even though he didn’t see what happened and when and where it happened he controlled the situation anyway.

    Stop trying to force the blame on Shackle when all he is doing is his job. There is no need for us to be putting others down. Thats not what we’re put on this earth for. So if you have something rude to say about Mr.Shackle please keep it to yourself. He is already going through a rough time at the moment with this sexual assault, and now death of a student at his school. I’m sure he could do without the rude and obnoxious comments that come from people that are overly opinionated.

    Oh and@S.L.B I totally agree with everything you have said.

  14. Really on March 17th, 2011 8:40 pm

    Anyone who is saying that he was and is such a great person must be related to him and anyone who is saying that about her must be related as well. We are talking about a 16 year old boy who should have enough sense not to be exposing himself in public…to ANYONE. Then we have a 14 year old girl who is being judged because of a past mistake. Neither one of them is innocent lets start with that and lets say it is true…then he needs to be off the streets away from other young females. All of you with daughters….what if this was your baby girl going through this and even though she is the victim you have everyone judging her because of a past mistake. I dont like how none of you were in the classroom and you dont know what really happened so why are you on sides already and none of the facts have been presented. She could be possibly lying and so could he. And parents please dont think your child wont lie to you because they have, they are and they will as long as their breathing and being a human.

  15. Brittany Smith on March 17th, 2011 7:27 pm

    i just dont understand the high school kids these days, they want to be treated like an adult but they want to act like kid.

  16. GusGus on March 17th, 2011 6:19 pm

    Kids will be kids, OMG, please in the back of the classroom with the classroom full of people, forced please, I don’t think so. This was during a reading class. How much noise did this teacher allow the classroom to be? Weather the teacher saw anything, or couldn’t see anything, oral sex is not done that quiet!!!! What happened to the days when kids skipped school to do things like this.

  17. ILY R.T on March 17th, 2011 5:43 pm

    “HE FORCED ME!” child please tell it to someone who dosen’t know you. I’ve known her since middle school and she got in trouble for doing that same thing my opinion is she’s just trying not to get back in trouble. Free Raymond I love you and I stand behind you and believe every word you say regardless what anyone says or comments. It takes someone to know someone to judge someone. Less than that they have nothin to say but what they thank they know. Just like I always said hun “people always have to put their negative comments in things but if you don’t know them then they don’t matter”!!!!!!!!!

  18. Connor on March 17th, 2011 5:07 pm

    I feel like you read a bit too far into kidswillbekids’ statment. All they were saying is that we shouldn’t be ranting and raving about how bad the children are, and instead should be concentrating on how to solve the problems that may have lead to this. In a sense, it looks like you’re saying the same thing that are, albeit a bit more harshly.

    With that said, I think everyone agrees that this type of behavior in a classroom was unacceptable, but there is need for the harsh assumptions you stated. I personally disagree with your final statement about our society in regards to “what would Jesus” do and Bill Clinton. Religion should have nothing to do with the government, laws, or morals of society. I realize that this is impossible to accomplish, but my point is that your personal religious morals should be kept separate from the facts that are present. You may disagree with how society has developed, but keep in mind that this development has occurred whether you agree with it or not. Teenagers always have and always will find ways to break rules, so instead of trying to argue why your personal views are right, how about offering some suggestions to what you see as the problem.

    After reading all of the comments on this page, I find it interesting that a large group is asking about the teacher. Some have pointed out the crowded classrooms and inability for the teacher to see everything that goes on, and I agree. However, a larger factor is trust. 3/4 of the way through the school year, a teacher will generally know the extent to which they can trust their students. In this case, it looks as though the teacher trusted the students enough to conduct themselves while they graded papers or did something else. Obviously the trust was misplaced but I honestly feel like the teacher did what many other teachers would’ve done.

  19. tallyho on March 17th, 2011 4:56 pm

    Kids will be kids, that is the biggest line of bull i have ever read. Kids ar what the parents make of them. And when he is that old his mine is set. Some of the parents do not care.

  20. grandjoy on March 17th, 2011 4:33 pm

    OK!!! said I would not commit on such trash: Teachers need to be in constant movement around the room to be able to observe the students at all times, that is part of the job. There is NO excuse for this to happen! Control in the class room needs to be taken care of. Hire more deans to be in and out of the classrooms. Keep the adults hired at the schools on patrol not sitting at a desk all day. This goes for the buses and every room in the school that children are in. Bathroom monitors too! What ever it takes to keep our children safe! Some choose to act like animals then they need to be treated as such. Take the ones involved out of public schools and send them to a special school so they can be taught some morals and the real reason they are in school. What a shame that has been put on Tate High School and the people who work there. Got to tighten those rules!

  21. S.L.B on March 17th, 2011 4:25 pm

    @ kidswillbekids: Are you serious? When I was 15-17 years old, having or giving oral sex was never a thought in my mind much less a part of my reality. I was married at 19 and was a virgin and very proud of it! Does anyone even know what that word means anymore? If so many of our young people (children) are doing this and think its the “norm” now and are so non-chalant about it, what the heck does that say about us and our society of today?

    This sort of thing is NOT acceptable, much less in a classroom setting. My gosh, how can you even comment about how we should be understanding and admit that we did it when we were young, so we should just sit back and let you kids have your orgies in class now? What, is that your right?

    I’m just shocked at reading in these blogs today that teenagers are having sex in the bathrooms, under the bleachers, in the back of the classroom and wherever else they hide and do it while we think they are at school getting a good education.

    I guess instead of the what would Jesus do, it’s now what would Bill Clinton do!

  22. kidswillbe kids on March 17th, 2011 2:38 pm

    I really wish some of you would truly understand that these are kids were are talking about.If this was a grown up,i would understand the negative talk and degrading comments but these are kids.How many of us have did the same thing if not worst or close to what these kids have done.Have any of you walked down the street to kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend and knew it was wrong when you were a kid? What about the first time you had sex,knowing it was was wrong and that your parents would kill you if they knew.I know i stated that i feel both are at fault, but i still understand they are kids.We also need to stop blaming the parents.I was raised in a christian home with very strict rules and i did things my parent did not know about.And if they did,they probaly would have killed me.C’mon people,lets be reasonable.Yes,i do feel that the teacher needs to give a logical reason as to how this could have happened,but lets not dog this young man or this young lady like they have killed some one.

  23. David Huie Green on March 17th, 2011 2:34 pm

    “But no1 is answering the question..where was the teacher?”

    Specifically, I doubt many know. Nonetheless, part of why they may not be answering your question is because it is answered above:

    “The girl “stated the teacher was unable to view these actions, because of where she was sitting and other students were blocking the teacher’s view,” the report states.”

    Reading class. Teacher dealing with students reading. Others placing themselves between teacher and action–according to the report. Sorry kids do such things all the time. They think it’s funny to pull one over on the teacher. What it doesn’t tell is how long before the teacher found out anyway–could have been seconds, definitely wasn’t hours.

    David answering the question again

  24. mary on March 17th, 2011 11:12 am

    The poor kid..look @ his pic…they both did wrong but I agree w/mot..she could have done something IF FORCED!!! But no1 is answering the question..where was the teacher? Not that it really matters @ this point. Hang in there Dude!!!

  25. S.L.B on March 17th, 2011 9:58 am

    It really amazes me as to how many “Tate students and others” who claim to know this young man and are coming to his defense saying how great of a person he is.

    Bottom line is, he apparently had no moral issue with exposing himself and participating in such a private intimate act in a public classroom, with others watching.

    Even if the girl was willing, he is the one who ultimately made the decision to give his consent to allow it to happen. She couldn’t have performed oral sex (willing or not) if he didn’t provide the goods to do it.

    I’m sorry, in my opinion…he ain’t that great of a guy and certainly not a role model!

  26. aubrey king on March 17th, 2011 9:36 am

    All are to blame.The teacher should have seen it.The girl should have screamed.The boy should be kicked out of school for such act.The girl too should be kicked out and the teachert fired.

  27. Ms K on March 17th, 2011 7:11 am

    Ok, really, are you serious! In the classroom. I dont care who and how many people were in front of the teacher. What kind of classroom setting is this that she could not see this going on. She needs to be investigated as well, if she was in the classroom. What has the world come to? IN A CLASSROOM! Noone knows the real story here, first off. I will say on my own behalf, afraid of retaliation is a crop of crap! If the teacher was there, I would have screamed as loud as possible. There are cops on campus now and everything. I mean did he hold your head down, put a gun to it, a knife to your throat. Hell, if nothing at all bite it as hard as you can, I promise he will not be so quick to pull it out again.

  28. tallyho on March 17th, 2011 6:47 am

    After seeing one of the person in charge this morning on the news, he seems to be on the protective side of the teacher, whom should of know what is going on in her class. It is not like she was at on end of a football field and the problem was at the other. After reading some of the comments i agree like the Mayor in Baton rouge said after the storm to the mayor of New Orleans, Mayor/ Malcom it is time for you to take back your problem kids to Pensacola.

  29. AL on March 17th, 2011 12:46 am

    no matter her past, nobody has the right to force themselves on another. Stop making excuses. If it was consensual (if) then they both will get their due – the humiliation for the girl will be plenty, but I am sure the guy will be a hero.
    If it was forced (if) then the guy needs to be in jail and every single one of you need to post an apology to the girl for destroying her on a public forum.

    Seriously. *sigh*

  30. bigboy850 on March 17th, 2011 12:16 am

    The story doesnt add up. The girl did this willingly. It doest take a rocket scientist to see that. She did it

  31. JUDY MASEK on March 16th, 2011 11:52 pm

    “hear me out”, youve made some valid points in your post…i must say, you do sound more mature, in your thinking, than many of your other fellow tate classmates who have ventured an opinion in this forum…….although, i do think that its a tad premature for anyone to conclude, at this juncture, that “they are both to blame”…..perhaps we should just follow the story and wait for the authorities to finish their thorough investigation- everyone deserves due process.

  32. SeverelyDisappointed on March 16th, 2011 11:38 pm

    I graduated from a high school in Escambia County and now I attend a University in Alabama. I must say that I am highly disappointed in the people that say that it is JUST Tate High School that deals with these types of incidents. I have worked in Peer Counseling and Sex Education for a reason- I made my fair amount of mistakes growing up, and EARLY in my life as well, and I wanted other young girls and boys and growing teenagers to know that there is a healthier and safer way to go about feelings and emotions that WE ALL DEALT WITH growing up. Every one of the people saying that the “parents need to be raising their children better” need to think back on their childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. If our communities knew EVERYTHING that we did, and EVERY MISTAKE we made at those ages, I am quite sure that they would believe that OUR parents need to raise US better. And I assure you, telling our teens “NO” every chance we get is not the way to get them to listen to their parents. Now, in reference to the accusations of the girl being a “promiscuous” teen and the boy being a “racially- profiled and coercing” teen, are you serious?! How many times in high school did we hear of a girl and a guy performing certain acts, regardless of where they happen? I dont have enough hairs on my head to count the numerous occasions that I heard, and STILL hear, about things of this matter. And I certainly can attest to the teacher that had NO idea what was going on in the classroom. How many times have we snuck our cell phones out and texted, made phone calls, checked facebook and emails? How many times did we have papers stuffed in various pockets and sleeves so that we could cheat on a test. How many times have you had a conversation with someone OUTSIDE of the classroom while YOU were still INSIDE the classroom? Now think of all the times you’ve done these things, and even more things that I could mention, and how the teacher NEVER saw you. And every single one of us was an enabler of some “wrong” act in high school. Unfortunately, these two were caught, unlike us other fortunate people who slipped under the radar. Those two are the ONLY two who should be sorting this out, not the random “know-it-alls” who judgingly comment on these articles.

  33. JoshH on March 16th, 2011 10:54 pm

    I graduated from Tate not that long ago and it does have problems. The biggest being with over crowded classrooms. I was in a class where the teacher spent a third of the classjust going over the roll. That being said, I also had teachers who actively walked around the class and knew everything that was going on. I ate in one class when the teachers back was torn and she threatened to send me to the principal if I kept double g it. So it is partially the teacher’s fault for not paying attention as well as the girl’s for lying about being forced when she could have said something or even hit the desk or something to make a noise that would get the teacher’s attention.

  34. wonder on March 16th, 2011 10:45 pm

    How long did this go on? WHERE WAS THE TEACHER IN CHARGE?????????????????

  35. Hear me out on March 16th, 2011 10:01 pm

    Alright, I’m a student at Tate, and I’m not going to get involved in any of this “Oh, she’s to blame”, “He’s to blame” nonsense, and I’ll just simply put my two cents in by saying that they are BOTH to blame. It doesn’t matter who did what. So that’s my say on that, but now to the real point I wanted to make. Please stop referring to these two as “Tate High School”, because it’s not fair to myself as well as the other students who are getting the job done academically and for some athletically as well. And that not only goes for us current students, but for the alumni. So, hopefully, you will take what I said to thought. I didn’t mean to offend anyone, so I’m sorry if I did, but that was my view on this whole ordeal.

  36. JIM W on March 16th, 2011 9:59 pm

    @ Connor, Great point people are jumping on way too quick. It may prove to be all consential before it is over with. Which is why I say let the investigation be completed and get the facts before convicting them in the public eye. Lives will be changed either way and reputations as well. That is a delicate thing to disturb as most people work a lifetime to be known by their reputation.

  37. Connor on March 16th, 2011 9:34 pm

    It’s so frustrating to see that the public jumps on the bandwagon about these things. I doubt most of you have looked at the Pitt Meadow’s rape accusation a few months back. The public condemned a boy for drugging and raping a girl, but a month later it was determined she did everything willingly and only cried rape when it was posted on Facebook. People take everything the news reports too seriously, they obviously don’t have anywhere near enough facts to say this boy forced the girl to do this. The arrest is standard procedure, charges pending. They have nowhere near enough evidence to convict him at this point.

  38. JIM W on March 16th, 2011 9:23 pm

    @ Tony Soprano! What are you doing you just had to trhow the race card didn’t you? That is about as lame as it gets. Come on man that is a bit much and no I am not of color but I think it has absolutely nothing to do with anything here. Man what in the world are you doing? Is this how you walk around thinking all the time. Geez that is a horrible thought. Eveidently it runs deep for you to say something like that. Wow I am truly disappointed to hear you make this kind of statement.

    Jim W thinking common sense needs to set in for some people.

  39. chrstefl on March 16th, 2011 9:03 pm

    This school is getting worse and yes in the last couple of years. If I remember correctly, Woodham High School was shut down so assuming the kids from there and nearby schools were transferred to Tate. Tate used to be a very good school. It’s getting just as bad as the others. Hmmm look around people. No one wants to admit it. There are too many kids to one teacher. These kids treat the teachers like crap and no one seems to care. Keep your pants on in school children. Didn’t your parents teach you manners of modesty?

  40. TonySoprano on March 16th, 2011 8:21 pm

    Sounds like a situation where the allegations were not taken serious, wonder what would have happened if the victim would have been a caucasian, I bet the administration would have handled this completely different. Another attempt to cover something up at Tate High, I feel this one may come back to bite them. Just check out the progress of this school the last 5 years I think it has dropped two grades now, something has to change.

  41. David Huie Green on March 16th, 2011 8:21 pm

    “xxxxxxx’s a good kid, has a lot of friends and he’s good at sports.”

    Now we know what good kids do in class? If the friends were blocking the teacher’s view, maybe THEY led him down the wrong path. Most important, though, is that he’s good at sports?

    David thinking even giving
    the most favorable interpretation conceivable
    ’twasn’t the right time or place
    and you are what you do

  42. tatestudentt on March 16th, 2011 7:37 pm

    ive known the girl since elementary school & raymond since middle school. the girls past shows that she cant be trusted. raymonds a good kid, has a lot of friends and hes good at sports. her story didnt add up. she could of easily stopped it by getting someones attention that could help her. FREE RAYMOND!

  43. dad on March 16th, 2011 7:02 pm

    I haven’t heard anyone address why a sixteen year old is in a class with a fourteen year old. apparently he has been left back twice. There is a big difference in two years when you are that age. I wouldn’t want my fourteen year old girl in with a sixteen year old boy. Where do you draw the line?

  44. JIM W on March 16th, 2011 6:26 pm

    It appears to me you guys have already got all parties guilty and pretty much ready for conviction. Why don’t you hold off judgement until you hear what the final investigation says. After all we are talking about peoples lives here and lively hoods as well. Just give the process a chance to be finished then you can make your decission on facts rater than hear says or feeding off one another. It’s almost like a feeding frenzy here. Look at some of the statements made here and you can see what I am saying.
    Make no mistake about it if any one party or all parties are guilty then let the hammer fall upon them so they may get what they deserve. But it just appears your jumping on the band wagon a little bit quick here.
    Jim W for common sense. Now that I have made most of you mad you now can jump on me. What the heck.

  45. Know your neighbor on March 16th, 2011 5:59 pm

    I’m with JU JU. The teacher must be as stupid as the students.

  46. Who Caresss? on March 16th, 2011 5:58 pm

    This is stupid. This boys life is now forever screwed up because of one stupid thingg. NO guy would of turned that downn. And you know she did it willingly. She’s done it before. There’s no reason for him to be the only one punished, certainly not put into jail. BOTH were in the wrongg. And now he get’s to payy for it. That’s messed upp. She’s not that inncocent. SHE ISN’T A VICTIM. Hope she can live with the fact that she ruined atleast part of his life. Because this stupid mess is gonna follow him for the rest of his life. Now he’s the ONLY victim.

  47. tallyho on March 16th, 2011 4:53 pm

    Get rid of the protections ( Unions ) so you can judge a teacher on what she can do or what she does not no. You have kids in class smarter then some of the kids. Get the people out of the office and off the intercom, walk the halls. How can a teacher not no what is going on in her class, more then likely does not know what her kids are doing. The sheriff said it best, do not point your finger at law inforcement it is the parents job to raise there children.

  48. molino jim on March 16th, 2011 4:52 pm


  49. concerned citizen on March 16th, 2011 4:35 pm

    It is so depressing to constantly read about these young people who are obviously not being raised properly.. Just last week, we had the school bus incident, and the week before that, drugs.. Will these parents ever start to care about how they are bringing up their kids???

  50. Reader on March 16th, 2011 4:24 pm

    Why is every one getting upset now. These kids are raised with parents cursing at them, allowing them to watch whatever they want to on television, listen to trashy music and have unlimited use to internet on phones and pc’s. Our world is surrounded by nothing but sex, sex and more sex. These kids act on what they see and hear.

  51. art on March 16th, 2011 4:04 pm

    laraine is on to something…way back in the day when i was a young’un, a looong time ago, teachers actually walked around the classroom the entire class period, just about …. you couldn’t get away with nothin’. they had eyes in the back of their heads it seemed.

  52. MILTONgirls on March 16th, 2011 4:02 pm

    I think everybody should just close they mouth. It seem to me as if the girl doesn’t get enough attention anywhea else so she does it in skool I’m pretty sure she could have yelled or screamed or said no so its somethin about this story that just ain’t addin up right. Now a days people ain’t stupid to FORCE a female to give them somethin she probably just did it and didn’t want to get in a lot of trouble or get a name around the skool but oh well you do now . Yea u right the boy was in the wrong . So was the students who were so called blockin the teachers view and the teacher who wasn’t payin any attention to them. The boy shouldn’t be exposed like this if so put her pic up as well.

  53. kidswillbe kids on March 16th, 2011 4:00 pm

    Look at the story that we have here.Why would he attempt to force her head in a classroom full of people? Why would she perform such an act in front of a class room full of people?The story is crazy but i remember myself being touched and not saying anything because i liked it.If my family had found out,yes i would have been ashamed.There is a lot more to this story than what is being told.Some of us act as if these kids are rapist or molesters.Give them both a chance.For the teacher,i cannot understand how this went on and she did not see or hear anything? How big is this classroom? How many students are in this one room that she was unable to see what was going on,especially if the act was performed.People can say what they want but we all know that no one is going to perform such an act in a classroom unless that is something you wanted to do or some one had a gun to your head.I remember kids going in the bathroom when i was in school and the police was not called the school handled the issue and the parents were called.Again i must say,they are at that age.Teach your kids about sex and respect at home and maybe things like this wouldnt take place.

  54. AL on March 16th, 2011 3:47 pm

    Thank you, alwaysbizzie. I hear you loud and clear and have been there myself. Guess it was my fault since I didn’t yell out.

    True stuff, David Green.

  55. @Victim on March 16th, 2011 3:32 pm

    @Victim You and I both know what type of girl she is so don’t even make it seems like she’s the innocent one she knew what she was getting herself into !

  56. sick and tired on March 16th, 2011 3:25 pm

    I agree with David H Green, as usual. Those blocking view knew SOMETHING

  57. mary on March 16th, 2011 3:22 pm

    Forced oral sex in a full classroom???? She should have bit him & made him yell..that also would have gotten the teacher’s attention! Does the young man have a prior juvy record? I dont believe this story for a second….Hope the truth comes out soon..

  58. JuJu on March 16th, 2011 3:17 pm

    First..the teacher should be fired….the principal should be fired and both students along who ever else was blocking the view or knew and didn’t tell should be expelled. This is not an innocent act of a good kid..bull…this is just the start of a life headed down hill if not taken care of now. then girl also needs counseling to deal with issues at this age whether she was willing or not..not sure how you can force someone to do this in a classroom full of people…Mr. Knight wouldn’t have put up with this crap..

  59. David Huie Green on March 16th, 2011 2:41 pm

    Assuming any of this is true–either view, all those blocking the view of the teacher participated and should be treated as participants.

    David irritated at enablers

  60. tatestudent14 on March 16th, 2011 2:30 pm

    @JimD I do not agree with you sayin he should be removed from all Escambia County School because Raymond is a good kid and a good friend that just made a mistake that shouldn’ve had happened so you have no right to be saying stuff like that becuase you don’t know him or neither do you know what TYPE of girl she REALLY is with a bad reputation.

  61. Laraine on March 16th, 2011 2:22 pm

    This is all so sick, I’m not even going to read about it anymore.
    Doesn’t sound like the teacher had much command of the classroom,
    If all this went on and the teacher couldn’t see each student in the class
    why? Why is it that a teacher cannot look each student in the eye. Tate has a bigger problem than this. Tate needs to inspect each room and figure out why
    teacher and students can’t make eye contact. Or do they care?

  62. Something smells fishy! on March 16th, 2011 2:20 pm

    This smells fishy to me. If this happened in a class room….. Nah this stinks to me. If nothing else she could have said stop it out loud and the teacher would have asked what was going on.. It sounds like this girl may be wanting attention, but this is a heck of a way to go about getting it.

  63. Victim on March 16th, 2011 2:16 pm

    Well I know the victim and she wouldnt lie over beeing forced because she wouldnt lie over that and end up messing up that boys life for no reason but this is a reason cause he really did force her but that has no cause for you to speak how you are and, How come there are THREE witnesses so as an adult I SUGGEST you speak what you know not what you “THINK!!!!” I rest my case.

  64. alwaysbizzie on March 16th, 2011 2:05 pm

    I remember being 14 yrs. old (many yrs. ago) and having a boy touching me inappropriately in the back of a classroom. No, the teacher could not see what was happening. I remember being to embarrassed to say anything, not wanting to be made fun of, or hearing the snickering of the other boys in the classroom. He was popular, I was not. Who would believe me is what I thought. Many girls keep quiet for reasons you may never know. It is not our place to judge what has happend here and the best we can hope for is that the truth comes out in the end. There is always more than one side to a story and the story is usually embellished as time goes on. Teenagers do not always make wise choices and it is even hard for adults to know what is the right choice at the time. I do feel that the first choice should have been to report the incident when it first came to light. It gives less time for students to collaborate their stories and compare events. All of the facts have not been presented and we are not judge and jury. We may all have an opinion but it is just that and voicing that opinion can be very hurtful to others.

  65. A on March 16th, 2011 1:56 pm

    I agree with Call It Like I See It -

    If you are in a classroom with all of those other students and did not willingly preform the act them she could have yelled out or something…. It doesn’t make any sense. Of course, if you are willingly doing the act you wouldn’t say anything until word got around and maybe your parents find out. Then it’s reported as sexual assault… Come on people we were not born yesterday..

  66. Melissa M. Ward on March 16th, 2011 1:39 pm

    This makes me sick to my stomach that we are even having to see this in the news.

  67. kidswillbe kids on March 16th, 2011 1:34 pm

    @call it like I see it. I said the same thing when i read this. She is just as guilty. We sometimes want to see one guilty party when in fact it is both. Plus, there are 3 male witnesses that told on the both of them. Both of them should be punished. I think when it got out or when she was seen performing this act, shame became a part of this story and she lied. We all have done things and didn’t want it to get out or liked to our parents because we knew it was wrong. I don’t see myself judging either of the two. They are kids and they both need counseling.

  68. Call It Like I See It on March 16th, 2011 12:50 pm

    IMO I lean towards trusting what this kid is telling the cops. This girl supposedly was “forced” into doing this sexual act when all she had to do was yell for the teacher. Fear of retaliation or not…..I cannot see her doing this unwillingly when in a class room when plenty of people are around. It’s not like they were in a secluded place, etc. I personally believe she did this, and her story has since changed since they were caught. I can see her lying to her parents, etc…….as what teenage girl wants to admit, “yeah I willingly performed this act while in a class room” to her parents or law/school officials.

  69. JimD on March 16th, 2011 12:20 pm

    If he has started doing this at 16, and does not gets what is comingto him now, we will se his picture for many years to come.

    Juvenile systems should also determine if he know right for wrong and try him as an adult…..some people say you can’t help stupid…well stupid does not belong in school, that would be my community note.

    The school should treat the girl in this situation a what she was….the VICTIM. He admits exposing himself in the class room. He should be removed from the Escambia County School system perminately, allowed to continue his education in a young offenders instutution and his sentence carried forward on turning 18 to “REAL JAIL”, where he will most like be performing these acts for real as someone’s B**CH.