Tate High Sexual Assault Suspect, 16, Ordered Held Until Trial

March 19, 2011

The 16-year old accused of the sexual assault of a another student at Tate High School will remain in custody until his trial next month.

Friday, Judge Ross Goodman ordered Raymond Eugene Teamer held by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice until his April 13 trial date. He is charged with felony sexual battery and indecent exposure. Teamer remains suspended from Tate and faces potential expulsion.

According to the arrest report, Teamer exposed his genitals to at least four people while attending a class at Tate High School on March 1. He is also accused of grabbing a 14-year-old female by the neck and forcing her head down into his bare crotch.


24 Responses to “Tate High Sexual Assault Suspect, 16, Ordered Held Until Trial”

  1. Jean B. on April 5th, 2011 9:16 pm

    “a parent”
    Thank you for posting the West Florida Home Education Support League. I have been so upset about the school system and have not known what to do or who to trust. You have provided a great source. Thank you.

  2. ernest scribbler on March 30th, 2011 7:40 am

    Despite the fact that the entire truth has yet to be reported, some interesting comments have been made.

    Before students reach school, they grow up in a home, acting as sponges and mirrors, absorbing and reflecting what they encounter there. Given both students’ admitted and alleged behaviors, it makes me wonder what went on in those households while the children were still very young.

    Successful education requires three sets of willing participants: schools, parents/guardians, and students. Remove one of these from the equation and schools become nothing more than glorified babysitting at public expense, with any learning and teaching being more accidental than intentional.

    Fixing this would require a long-term seachange in how American culture works. As this would require upwards of 20 years and many businesses would – gasp! – lose money, necessary changes are unlikely to be proposed, let alone executed, due to their very nature being political suicide.

  3. Raymond "Lil Sister" on March 25th, 2011 7:58 pm

    Raymond Teamer is like my Big Brother &’nd I Know him like nobody else . The girl Has be report’d before doing this at Ransom . &’nd they should’ve Check’d w/ everybody in the class . Turn’n stuff in is not Even worth his Time . The Girl Knows she will do anything to get ATTENTION ! If she didnt want to do it then she shouldve Bit him but, I Know Raymond isnt that Type of Person . &’nd Where was the Teacher they should have Cameras in Class to Monitor everything that is going . Teachers dnt care about children anymore all they want is their Check .

  4. bjay on March 21st, 2011 11:28 pm

    @unknown- from what I hear your boy raymond has a history also. For heavens sake he’s a 16 year old freshman! Maybe you shouldnt up your mouth if you dont know all the facts. And notice i posted my name.

  5. Unknown on March 21st, 2011 10:55 pm

    I knew Raymond sort of. On the same football team. That chick has a rep for doing that and people who were in that class knew exactly what that girl did. If someone on here doesn’t know him don’t say nothing cause it’s not your place to say anything

  6. a parent on March 21st, 2011 8:43 am

    “This is getting out of hand”. ???


    Parents are waking up, they remember what they went through at school.
    It is time to take them out of school.
    I as a parent can do a better job finding alternative ways to teach. There is ACE, paces, video school, i.e ( enterprise) for math’s. Where there is a will there is a way.

    Look up wfhesl (West Florida Home Education Support League) for Florida.

    They can get you started. . Our children need not tolerate this behavior at all.

  7. bjay on March 21st, 2011 1:36 am

    Yah David I dont get it. The boy admitted to most of it and wittnesses are not taking his side and yet people are still bashing the girl. There is more than one thing going on here. 1) the attack 2) the lack of control from the teacher, and 3) Tates tardiness on the reporting it to the police. And some people wanna blame all this on a 14 year old girl and bring up her past. (if its even true) There are many problems here and they all need to be fixed.

  8. AL on March 20th, 2011 11:55 pm

    If this punk is being kept until trial, the judge knows something we don’t. Good for them on putting him away. And if he is guilty there are a LOT of NE.com commentators who will need to type out apologies to the young girl.

  9. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2011 5:23 pm

    please don’t be rude. Just tell us what a wonderful person he is so we can see the error of our ways and will understand why what he himself admitted to is appropriate in a classroom.

    David failing to comprehend

  10. JUDY MASEK on March 20th, 2011 11:23 am

    molino mom, you do have a very good idea…..i sure hope that the powers to be, will listen and institute a similiar plan, such as this….its not brain surgery!…a cost effective method, utilizing willing parents/adults to do what they (schools) are obviously unable to do properly.

  11. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2011 9:34 am

    “in my day we had kids who were hall monitors.- – - YOU COULD GET THE SAME EFFECT WITH HALL CAMERAS THAT HAD MONITORS IN THE OFFICE.”

    Hall monitors MIGHT work in the halls, but incidents which do not happen in hallways can not be monitored that way. You probably COULD site a camera in every corner of every room, closet, classroom, toilet booth, shower room but what kind of person is going to monitor those cameras?

    David considering possible problems with that plan,
    wishing for better people

  12. get em on March 20th, 2011 8:43 am

    Molino mom
    your on the right track
    in my day we had kids who were hall monitors. They were hand picked by
    the office. They were the cream of the crop and ALL teachers and administrators
    knew it.


  13. Gkr on March 20th, 2011 5:36 am

    punishment not counseling is what this future inmate needs…can anybody say deterent…….our criminal justice system,,,,,,is a joke,we hang the ones who deserve less and slap the ones that deserve hanging……public schools are out of control

  14. Molino Mom on March 20th, 2011 1:43 am

    My niece went to Tate last year and she says that the things that go on in these school bathrooms, behind drink machines, on breezeways during lunch times is unreal. She says that the staff can not monitor what is going on at that school because the kids are going to do what they want to. So, if we know this now and the schools are being told this…why can’t they start policing bathrooms, hallways, breezeways, parking lots, in between buildings, in closets left unlocked, behind soda machines? Need parents to volunteer to do it?????? Maybe someone should let us know. The mindset of not wanting parents in the schools after elementary school is ridiculous. Who better to help you police your schools and be an extra set of eyes than parents that (of course) pass background checks and can volunteer even if it is just for 1 hour a day. Use your resources. Protect our children. Not all kids act this way, but exposure to this behavior is just not good even for the best of children.

  15. S.L.B on March 19th, 2011 5:42 pm

    Welp….it is a shame that this young man who apparently had so much going for him, according to so many of his fans, didn’t use his noodle to think about the consequences of his actions before he acted upon them, because now he is learning about it first hand. Suppose since he gets pleasure in “show and tell” his genitals, he’s in the right place now, because school is NOT the place!

    *Parents, lets take back our Schools*

  16. got-2- sa- it on March 19th, 2011 5:31 pm

    If this is happening in the classroom with the teachers present…whats going onn after school…this generqtion is ruined already…and the parents will be held accountable…BY GOD HINSELF…he will balance the books one day !!

  17. Amber on March 19th, 2011 4:54 pm

    This is really getting out of hand.

  18. bonnie king on March 19th, 2011 1:21 pm

    thank to judge for keeping him custody.

  19. bjay on March 19th, 2011 11:30 am

    Seems to me that the judge has more information than we do. What is out of control is this 16 year old freshman. Obviously the (who has all the information) feels as if she let him out he would try to intimidate the witnesses or something since afterall he does have a history of it.

  20. MQ on March 19th, 2011 10:32 am

    I agree with Mary. This is getting out of hand. I don’t know if the “truth” will ever be known at this point is time. Sad for both the teens involved.

  21. t2 on March 19th, 2011 10:26 am

    young people need better examples set. TV and advertisements, then parents acting as if they are teenagers. There is no wonder why today’s generation is getting worse and worse. There are less and less boundaries set.

  22. Bully on March 19th, 2011 10:19 am

    Castration would be a good solution to these problems.

  23. dee milam on March 19th, 2011 8:34 am

    i agree! *smh* i bet he is thinking, good grief it wasn’t worth it! i think the one who should be in jail, if it even happened should be the teacher!

  24. mary on March 19th, 2011 4:41 am

    this is getting out of hand!