Escambia Student, 12, Injured In School Bus Altercation In Molino

March 8, 2011

A 12-year old middle school student was transported to a Pensacola hospital after an altercation on a school bus in Molino Tuesday afternoon.

The incident happened about 4:10 p.m. on Escambia County School District bus 16-07 on Highway 97 near Pine Circle Drive. The students on the bus were all students at Camelot Academy, an alternative charter school located in Pensacola.

The student was transported by Escambia County EMS to a Pensacola hospital as a precaution, according to Assistant Superintendent Norm Ross. He said the student’s injuries were not serious.

The student reportedly suffered lacerations on head and face as a result of the altercation.

The incident is under investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Pictured top: A Camelot Academy student was transported to a Pensacola hospital after being injured in altercation on an Escambia County school bus Tuesday afternoon in Molino. photo, click to enlarge.


41 Responses to “Escambia Student, 12, Injured In School Bus Altercation In Molino”

  1. Angie on March 25th, 2011 2:19 pm

    As for the comments such as “If kids have to go to an alternative school they should be removed from their homes”….my son goes to Camelot Academy. The reason why he is there is because he was being bullied at the public school he was in and didn’t want to seem like a “mamas boy” by running to me or going to a teacher. He got so afraid he took a kitchen knife to school for protection and got caught with it in his book bag. Now he makes straight A’s and is a good kid and I provide him with a loving, decent home. He was on that bus that day. As far as the bus driver, she is an amazing lady who goes out of her way for her kids and did the best she could in that situation.

  2. a person. on March 20th, 2011 3:12 pm

    just cause you fight u got problems? apparently u and many others do … make some more time out of your life than sitting on here and talkin crap about kids. get a life

  3. a person. on March 19th, 2011 4:22 pm

    the 15 year old has got no problems!

  4. Horrific! on March 14th, 2011 10:31 am

    THIS…..I can see why this 15 year old has problems.

  5. a person on March 12th, 2011 7:43 pm

    thank yu (:
    some1 agrees wif me .

  6. kaylllla .! on March 12th, 2011 7:16 pm

    Okay , this 15 yr. Old boy is my besst friend and all of yalll arent aboutt to sit here and gang up on him . Yall act like hes such a bad guy , the 12 year old should have neverr started messing with him . When you fight you balck out and do stupid stufff . So yall get off the computer and do some laundry or something better to do with yalls lives. I love youu 15 year old boy .!

  7. a person on March 12th, 2011 3:53 pm

    and all im saying is that yeah you did talk to josh but who talked to the 15 yr old?every1 that did talk to the 15 yr old didnt belive a word he said . every1 took josh (the 12 yr olds) side.but what yall dont relize is that what the 15 yr old is saying is the TRUTH.i think that the 15 yr old told the truth and that the only reson no1 took his side is because of the age differince.yall all think the 12 yr old is more likely to tell the truth because he is younger then the 15 yr old but yeah what dous it matter anyway because the 15 yr old is takeing all the blame …

  8. a person on March 12th, 2011 3:35 pm

    yeah well there was alot more to the story then what every1 has read on here.

  9. Horrific! on March 12th, 2011 11:34 am

    @A person
    I don’t see where anyone said only the 15 year old was the problem.
    I did talk to josh because Josh comes on here and makes responses.
    He has had comments before on here, and I recognized his name.
    However, all the kids that go to that school have obviously had
    problems in school and need special attention at home and at
    school. If it comes to fist fights NO ONE IS IN THE RIGHT.
    Kids are suppose to know to keep their hands to themselves and
    that that is not how you settle a difference of opinion or anything else.

  10. a person. on March 12th, 2011 4:10 am

    why dous everyone think its just the 15 yr old in the wrong?ohh because noone knows what the 12 yr old did to get what he got , thats right it is a shame.

  11. Horrific! on March 11th, 2011 10:25 am

    Stay strong and stay tuff Mary. Good job.

  12. David Huie Green on March 11th, 2011 7:04 am

    good for you, mary, hang in there

  13. mary on March 10th, 2011 8:54 pm

    Good Bad or just plain out of control…Times have changed & yes kids are a lot different because society has let it get this way. I was not an angel when I was younger(teen yrs) i have spent many a nite locked up in “juvy” . I did not fight ..I ran a way. I mite have shoplifted a pack of cigs & I did a lot hitchiking..I “partied”. Today kids “party” differently than I did. As an adult I have 4 kids..I see how they are today..I wasnt the best parent but i managed to raise them thru public schools w/out any involvement w/the law. i have a son still @ home who is almost 14 yrs old. He is just the best kid I could ask for. He helps me around the house w/o any problems I have never had to discipline him for more than a week for a bad grade (straight A B student) . This is how he is NOW..alot can change in a yr..I know I was good till I hit the 9th grade. I just pray he stays the way he is & stays away from kids that are doing wrong. Guess I have rambled on enough

  14. just thinking on March 10th, 2011 4:32 pm

    Not saying what happened was okay. Not agreeing with fights nor any type of violence. Yes, from what I understand, the students who attend this school are there because of problems. Yes, most of them are troubled and that is what got them placed in this school. We all have some kind of problems, but as adults, many of us have learned to deal with it, but these are kids, they are not all equipped to handle rejections, ridicule, peer pressures, and even broken homes. Each child reacts in different ways. So, the answer, I think, is to try to understand where they are coming from, OBSERVE what they are saying/actions, etc., get counseling, get support from a professional person THEY can trust and censor what they watch on movies/tv and games they play and who they hang out with. And most of all~take them to church and teach them right from wrong!

  15. David Huie Green on March 10th, 2011 11:32 am

    “These kids are not bad, THEY JUST MADE SOME BAD CHOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    You are what you do.
    You do what you are.

    Assuming what they did was “make bad choices”, I’m pretty sure they made bad choices many, many times ere being placed in an alternate school.

    Still an interesting thought:
    “Were you beat up, shot and knifed by a bad person?”
    “Oh no! Just by someone who made some bad choices. I sure hope he decides to start making good choices before he kills anyone.”

    David thinking at some point you might realize
    the thing quacking is a duck

  16. Horrific! on March 10th, 2011 10:50 am

    @Mary, then you pay for them. As far as I’m concerned someone just
    needs to take them in hand and make them mind and tell them there
    is no crap on the bus….They need to sit down, shut up, and keep their
    hands to themselves.

    Some of the parents who’s children are provided this special education
    need to volunteer to do one day a week and run ruff shod over these kids
    on the bus. Take the RIDE ! Their YOUR KIDS!

  17. Horrific! on March 10th, 2011 10:06 am

    @None….thats what kids do…..they make bad choices….thats why someone else
    is supposed to BE IN CHARGE!

  18. Horrific! on March 10th, 2011 9:58 am

    It is therefore still my opinion that if when they go to school we have to ship
    them off to another school because they haven’t learned how to be fit in
    public, then the parents have either run out of ideas and it is over their
    heads, or they just don’t care. So time for someone else to give it a try
    because too many kids go on to be thugs now days and they have a right
    to a fighting chance if we can get through to them.

  19. none on March 10th, 2011 7:44 am

    Well my lil brother goes to this same school rides the same bus and was put off in Cantonment after he was hit first and had to walk home, and if these kids didn’t want an education then why would they still be in school, such as camelot, it may be an alternitive school but its still a school. These kids are not bad, THEY JUST MADE SOME BAD CHOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Jim W on March 9th, 2011 4:38 pm

    OH my, my adults have such short lived memories now days. These kids of different ages riding the same bus is no different than when I grew up. I went to a county school that was from grade 1 thru 12. And yes occasionally there was a little unrest on the bus but as a general it was great noproblems. Besides even the trouble makers knew that if they got caught there would be problems at home and at school. They knew there woulod be displine awaiting them if they were in the wrong. Therefore being taught wrong from right. I know some of you are going to say that teaches abuse but I respectfully disagree with you on that issue. So, just maybe we need to re-evaluate our feelings on what is right and wrong when it comes to discipline. I personally think we have let our children have it far to easy for far to long. Okay now for those of you who wish to just go right ahead and pounce on this statement as I will stand behind it.

  21. Cindy Leonard on March 9th, 2011 1:54 pm

    DHR is why parents cant control some kids. Because kids know if you spank them and they get a small bruise from it or a red mark and they report it to them or school dhr will take ur kids from u for child abuse. So remember this when u condone parents. Society has caused this problem by sticking there noses into parents business when nothing is done for real abuse yet something like a bruise from spanking is a bad thing. They want you to go to anger classes if you get upset and spank a child of 15 and leave a bruise . Yet look at the kids who r left home 4 days alone and nothing is done when 1 is found dead in a trash can?????

  22. WORRIED RESIDENT on March 9th, 2011 10:20 am

    It’s not just different ages riding the buses together. It’s also something terribly wrong with 16 year olds being in the same school with 11 year olds! I guess some of that has to do with that 3rd grade test, but my GOD! They need to be in a different school also! Some of those children look like they have been taking steroids, or at least eating the chicken with steroids! Even the age appropiate ones! Children with these age differences think differently. At these ages, 12 and 15, fighting is so uneven, because of the strength, reach, and thinking, unless the 12 year old has been eating some of that chicken with steroids!!!

  23. amen! on March 9th, 2011 9:44 am

    â– Horrific!
    â– Yellarhammer


  24. Football Mom on March 9th, 2011 9:23 am

    @ Horriffic – I’m sorry but I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. Not ALL children in alternative schools have crappy homes. Not all children in alternative schools have crappy parents. Some children do have crappy homes, crappy parents and crappy lives BUT NOT ALL OF THEM.

    I know this to be true becuase I have one of these children. He was made to mind and respect in our home, at school, church. He did get regular spankings, luxuries taken away, restrictions, ect. We did spend countless hours with him at football practice / games, camping, going to the beach – river. We went to counseling, dr’s appts, in-patient therapy. He finally got into enough trouble that he went on an extended – stay vacation for 9 months. This happened 1 month before he turned 18 (so it’s not on his adult record). Before he left though he went to an alternative school such as this one. They taught classes there, offered counseling and they even helped him get his diploma. He is now a thriving adult. He works a full-time job, got his license, bought a truck and helps around the house and with his brothers.

    My other two boys are being raised the same way he was and they are doing just fine. None of the problems we encountered with the older one. Both are great athletes and get great grades in “regular schools”.
    So……before you blame the parents (as you do in MOST of your posts) you need to stop and realize that it’s NOT ALWAYS the parents fault. Some children are wired different and have needs that must be met in different ways.

  25. mary on March 9th, 2011 9:21 am

    @ horrific..I want as many buses as it takes to keep OUR CHILDREN safe!! For those who have made comments about if the kids have to go to an “alternative school” then they should be removed from thier homes..then you should report any “suspected abuse/negect” to the authorities.

  26. Horrific! on March 9th, 2011 9:17 am


    Honey what do you want out of your life? Do you want to just grow to be a
    bad guy and end up in jail? Do you think thats a nice place? That is exactly
    where you are headed. Down the wrong road.

    OR do you want to get a good education, be liked by people and society,
    Join the service (which you need to have a high school diploma to be
    able to join) and go see the world and fight the good fights. Maybe you
    want to be F.B.I. or just be a COP. If you go in the service you can do
    that…..but you can’t have a record. Your young, you can do it if you start
    TREATED. Thats your first step buddy. Your second step is to find a
    quiet place every night and do your homework.
    2 things for now. Thats it. It’s not that much to remember and do.

    Good luck kiddo

    THINK: What are your dreams?

  27. Horrific! on March 9th, 2011 8:44 am

    These are just kids that rules have not been applied to AT HOME.
    Respect for your elders STARTS THERE.
    Respect for authority STARTS THERE.
    Respect for other peoples person and property STARTS THERE.

    IF kids need to go to these schools then THEY NEED TO BE PULLED


    @Mary. How many buses do you want to run from town to Molino at
    the price of gas now days, to say nothing of the bus drivers.

    I’m very sorry for the bus drivers of these buses. How in the world do
    you keep kids safe while trying to just get them home safely if they
    are unruly brats who won’t mind, and are in the making to be thugs.

    People should be ashamed that they have done such a poor job with
    these young children that they have to be shipped somewhere else and are not
    fit to go to school with others.


  28. Yellarhammer on March 9th, 2011 8:05 am

    We as guardians of our society need to get back to what work when I was in school. Let the Principals and Teachers rule the schools, get out the paddles with holes in them and use them correctly to get the respect from these kids that is need. I know people that work in the school system and they have to deal with unruly childern that disrupts the kids that want to learn. When I was in school there was diferant levels of learning and the students where disciplined and taught and they respected the system.

  29. so... on March 9th, 2011 6:04 am

    Yes, we are talking about an alternative school for those students who have been so bad they can no longer attend a normal school. One thing the public does not know is that the driver of the bus asked for officers at least 5 to 8 minutes before dispatch ever acknowledged there was a problem. The only reason they responded then is because another driver keep calling them to tell them the bus was not on the road. Please keep us bus drivers in your prayers, not only are we concidered the bottom of the chain by the schools, but because we are in the northend we have a problem with communication in our own department. This is a difficult, thankless, job.

  30. mary on March 9th, 2011 5:29 am

    @Josh..Thkx!! I hope you are OK!! This is 1 reason why i feel kids @ different grades & ages shouldnt be together. For whatever reson these kids go to “private school” .you cant put (or shouldnt) such age differences together. 6-8th graders are just hitting the “teen years” while the 9-12th graders are driving & doing a lot of stuff that the younger ones shouldnt be around. What started this? I would HOPE that charges are brought on to the 15 yr old that hit/punched/or whatever happen to the 12 yr old. My son will be 14 in May & he wouldnt know how to handle a situation like this w/a 15 yr old. PLUS..I would make sure the police charge the 15 yr old w/battery & would probably have an “altercation” w/him as well!

  31. WORRIED RESIDENT on March 9th, 2011 1:00 am

    Oops, I overlooked Molino Jim’s comment!

  32. WORRIED RESIDENT on March 9th, 2011 12:58 am

    Is this an alternative school? If not, what type (Math/Science, etc) is it?

  33. met on March 8th, 2011 10:25 pm

    If they wanted an EDUCATION they would act like it!!

  34. molino jim on March 8th, 2011 8:28 pm


  35. Jim W on March 8th, 2011 8:24 pm

    Before everyone pounces all over this one. Remember these are kids trying to get an education and they are no different from anyone else. Just because they go to a private school does not make them ay different from anyone else the disagree also and have altercations. Not saying what happened was right because at this point we don’t know I am sure if there is more iformation William will let us know as soon as he gets it.

  36. josh on March 8th, 2011 7:46 pm

    @mary i was one of the kid in it i was 12 he was 15

  37. Voice of reason on March 8th, 2011 7:07 pm

    Is it just me, or does it look like the police car is under the school bus in the home page picture?

  38. t2 on March 8th, 2011 6:31 pm

    Sorry that is make sure you are NOT abusines the children, but to punish them properly. (I apologize for typo)

  39. t2 on March 8th, 2011 6:31 pm

    Put God back into schools, and if you must use paddling, make sure you are abusing the children but punishing them properly so they learn their lesson. We need more teachers with smaller classrooms. We need parents that arent so busy being teenagers themselves. And we need NO drugs, inside the homes or schools. Guidelines, rules and regulations at an early age.

  40. met on March 8th, 2011 6:14 pm

    How well those charter schools are Mr. Rick Scott!

  41. mary on March 8th, 2011 6:14 pm

    This school is from grades 6th-12th…wondering how old the kids were in the “altercation”! Hope there will be updates on this…