Shooting Death Of Cantonment Teen By Juvenile Under Investigation

March 1, 2011

The shooting death of a 17-year old Cantonment teen is under investigation.

Ryan Edward Flaherty was shot about 1:30 Sunday morning on Idlewood Drive in Warrington. Flaherty, who was on life-support after the incident, has succumbed to his injury, according to a statement issued Tuesday morning by Deputy Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Several juveniles were reportedly playing with a handgun at a party when the gun went off and the round struck Flaherty in head.

Charges are pending against a juvenile suspect. The Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the State Attorney’s Office, will determine if the suspect will be charged, according to Welborn.

Flaherty was a student at West Florida High School.  Grief counselors are on hand for students that might need help dealing with the tragedy.


27 Responses to “Shooting Death Of Cantonment Teen By Juvenile Under Investigation”

  1. Taylor on February 9th, 2012 2:00 pm

    R.I.P RYRY miss u evry second u were the best cousin ilu

  2. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2011 1:25 pm

    “Accidents happen!!”

    Yes, they do. Does it ever seem they happen more frequently to the careless than to the careful, though? And, of course, some things which are called accidents aren’t really unintentional. That’s why investigations are in order.

    It should help to review and discuss possible accidents before they happen.
    Imagine someone saying, “Nobody ever told me if I drove a hundred miles per hour, I might kill some kid,” or “Nobody ever told me if I drank and drove, that I might run over some old lady,” or even “Nobody ever told me if it pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger, I might kill him.”

    I know it sounds heartless to mention these possibilities, especially right after an object lesson would drive them home, but it beats going to funerals any day of the week.

    David who’s had plenty of accidents,
    still hoping to never kill anyone in one,
    sorrowing for the losses felt,
    wishing there were fewer

  3. MY PRAYERS ARE WITH EVERYONE INVOLVED on March 4th, 2011 11:17 am

    I had a cousin, who was always one of my best friends killed in an ACCIDENT. It was with a gun. Never did our family look at the other child involved and start pointing fingers and be ugly to the other kid. Accidents happen!! I feel for both of these families and my family will be praying for you. Please everyone at WFHS take advantage of the help thats offered to you and lean on each other for support. You will get through this in time. Trust me i have experienced this 1st hand. All the students need to band together and not apart from each other and always remember that guns know no color/race/religion…..Stay away from them!!! I am praying for you all. To Parents–know where your children are at all times!!! Have all guns unloaded and locked up. To the teenagers-your parents are there to help you (it took me years to figure that one out) tell them you love them for one day they will not be there.

  4. couldhavebeenmyhusband on March 3rd, 2011 10:02 pm

    25 years ago my husband was involved in something like this. If it wasn’t for the grace of God his best friend would be dead. My husband and friends showed up at best friends house banging on his window late one night. Best friend pulled a gun (as well as he should have with the commotion the guys were making). After best friend figured out who it was he invited everyone in. They had a few beers and later the gun was picked up by my hubby. Best friend said it was not loaded and like a major idiot, hubby pointed the gun with laser sight at best friends head. He moved the gun about an inch and it went off. Everyone thought best friend was shot and killed….thank you God that the only thing that hit best friend was sheet rock. It was a stupid horrible mistake that could have completely destroyed the lives of both families. It was an ACCIDENT folks!!!!! Quit judging and start praying!

  5. Me on March 2nd, 2011 10:21 pm

    This is very sad to here about. I graduated from west florida also. Parents should really start taking Gun Safety Courses with there children. Even if they dont own a gun it is a very good thing to know. They should learn about how dangerous guns are and how quickly things can go wrong. There ARE such things as ACCIDENTS, kids are kids theyre young. Everyone makes mistake. No one needs to down either family or either person, theyre goin through a very hard time. Prayers out to both families and everyone at wfhs thats close to them.

  6. D on March 2nd, 2011 7:35 pm

    I went to school with Ryan, he was such a nice person, he will be missed greatly.
    but some people need to stop running their mouths, there are so many rumors, and such going around, you just need to stop, a remember Ryan for who he was, and not critize him or his friends, for how late they were out, or what they were doing, thats besides the point, just remember ryan for the outgoing, and nice person he was, thats all that matters.
    Fly High Ryan, Fly High.

  7. speedy2588 on March 2nd, 2011 6:27 pm

    This is for Mary…your kids dont spend the night with their friends? or their friends dont stay at your house on the weekend? My son is friends with the boy that ACCIDENTLY shot Ryan, and was friends with Ryan. Your remark just makes you sound like a heartless person. Im sure your kids do things that you dont know about. It really ticked me off for you to say something so ignorant. The parents of Ryan and the other child are suffering and for you to get on here and say such stupid and uncalled for remarks is just out right RUDE. Put yourself in their places what if it was your child that was shot or ACCIDENTLY harmed a friend. It really gets to me since MY SON was affected by this.

  8. anonymous on March 2nd, 2011 5:51 pm

    It’s a tragedy when a life is taken so early, however, I do have to agree that this was 100% preventable. Reading about this definitely gets to me, because I am pregnant with my first child, and I am alumni from WFHS. No, even at 17 years old, none of those kids should have been out that late, they should not have been drinking, and definitely should not have been playing with a gun. I fail to see how it could have been an accident. The weight of a loaded gun is easily identifiable. Maybe all American kids should have to join the military, so that someone can teach them about weapons and weapon safety. Furthermore, other teenager’s ignorance of these facts scare me even more. I hope I can raise my child to be smarter than that. I’m praying for the Flaherty family and those who were close to Ryan.

  9. OldMarine on March 2nd, 2011 2:52 pm

    When I was a child , ffirearms safety was common and accidental shootings were not

  10. me on March 2nd, 2011 9:49 am

    I didnt know Ryan very well. but from what my friends that knew him told me, he was a great guy. the other boy was his Best Friend, and this was an accidient. People make mistakes, and i know that both families are hurting bad right now. so please just let this be the only article that no one bashes anyone! i guarentee that if you were the family, you wouldnt want anyone to do that either. R.I.P. Ryan, you will be missed!

  11. Gerry Dumenkoffen on March 2nd, 2011 9:13 am

    Nothing good happens after mid-night!

  12. idk on March 2nd, 2011 8:58 am

    mary u dont no the cercumstances he might have been stayinthe night at a friends house! and maybe his parents give him a lil freedom to 11 on a weekend come on thats like them not even bein able to do anything then at night and u raise ur kids one way ill raise mine another lets just not sit here and call his parents out on there parenting cause right now im sure they are in a world of enough hurt right now with out u downin there parenting style

  13. Horrific on March 2nd, 2011 8:46 am

    I know one thing, if you got em today HUG EM……and take care of them.

  14. art on March 2nd, 2011 8:40 am

    it’s at a time like this when you look at your goofy teen that is driving you halfway to insane and think wow i really am a lucky parent. what makes it so frustrating is they really are just big kids in adult bodies with adult hormones. but their brains are not even mature adult brains, yet the connections that are needed to making good decisions and good judgment calls and resisting impulse just are not there yet. studies have proved it and yet we keep treating them as if they are full grown adults at the very least 18, younger, if they commit some god awful crime and they get tried as an adult…so sad. it wasn’t too long ago child labor was abolished, children were seen as miniature adults and so forth….so very ,very sorry for everyone’s loss.

  15. mary on March 2nd, 2011 5:40 am

    1:30 am?? what was he even doing out @ this hr?? & what was he doing in Warrington? Did he not have a “curfew”? My high school kids had to be home @ 11pm ..on special occasions I would allow it to go to midnight because of the drive out to molino(home). Prayers to both families…

  16. speedy2588 on March 1st, 2011 9:29 pm

    My son was friends with Ryan, and is friends with the other teen. He is very saddened by the events. I just hope everyone will show respect when posting. The families of both boys are in pain. We need to remember them and not be disrespectful. Keep both families and the friends of BOTH boys in your prayers. Thank you

  17. RIPRYAN on March 1st, 2011 8:52 pm

    Ryan was totally a great person and always kept me smiling and laughing . It is just so hard to go to school knowing tha you will never see his beautiful smile or hear that wonderful laugh. I just wish both families the best of luck.Keep your head up and sty strong because god wont put anymore on you than you can bear.

  18. Voice of reason on March 1st, 2011 5:56 pm

    All who read this please follow these two simple rules when handling guns of any type.



    My condolences to everyone affected by this tragic incident.

    Experience is knowledge gained too late…

  19. A on March 1st, 2011 5:08 pm

    Ryan was an amazing guy never once did you see him frown. He never got mad at anyone. He was amazing in every way. My school is in so much grief we could only imagine what his family is going through. The suspect involved did not mean to it was an accident. Although I agree it never should have happened. Theres no “opps” when it comes to a gun. However, if his family can forgive him and understand so should his fellow classmates.
    His family is in my prayers. Fly high Ryan, Fly high. We all love you. <3

  20. concerned citizen on March 1st, 2011 4:14 pm

    One young life was ended and another one ruined.. I do not know either of the youths, but what a tragedy this is.. My prayers are for both of the families in their time of sorrow..

  21. So Sorry on March 1st, 2011 3:33 pm

    you are very correct, EMD.

  22. mary on March 1st, 2011 3:28 pm

    Way too many shootings @ such an early age…How sad!!! Prayers to the families!! Are they going to charge the kid as an adult?

  23. Question on March 1st, 2011 3:07 pm

    Ryan was an amazing person. Hate,to see him go. His family is in my familys prayers

  24. EMD on March 1st, 2011 3:06 pm

    God has blessed America. Maybe these awfulthings are rampant now because America has not blessed God. Jesus said, “It is finished.” Maybe He is waiting for those that name His name to actually obey Him and seek to be like Him. To do that, it helps to read the manual He arranged to have written and compiled. He gave all. He is waiting for us to do the same.

  25. Jim W on March 1st, 2011 1:16 pm

    Sad I tell we just lost another one of our youg people. I think people think sometimes that it is like watching tv just shoot and not worry about it everything will be okay in the end. Sad thing is they place no value on life period.

  26. So Sorry on March 1st, 2011 11:57 am

    God Bless (Help) America. This is terrible. Prayers & sympathy for all the family.

  27. Name (required) on March 1st, 2011 10:12 am

    Prayers are with the families involved.