Sexual Assault Victim Allowed To Return To School

March 18, 2011

The ninth grade victim of an alleged sexual assault at Tate High School is off suspension and will be allowed to return to class. But the 14-year old girl’s mother says she will be home-schooled and will not return to the public school system the remainder of the year.

Another ninth grader, 16-year old Raymond Teamer,  is accused of forcing the girl to perform oral sex in a reading classroom on March 1. He is charged with felony sexual battery and indecent exposure. Teamer remains suspended from Tate and faces potential expulsion.

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan says the school waited too long — until March 4 — to report the incident. But school officials say that procedures were followed and the incident was reported March 2.


34 Responses to “Sexual Assault Victim Allowed To Return To School”

  1. One Who Cares on March 22nd, 2011 2:37 pm

    For those who dont believe her story, that is your choice. should we all be punished for the things we have done in our past. no matter what, he should not have forced her and for doing so he should be punished. some say he is innocent! how do you know this? were you in the class! your nonfactual comments does not help people know the person that we are all starting to learn. for those who dont know, read the previous comments. Student in classroom tell yous you of how he ahs been since the begining of school. i feel that he is a young man that is starting his wrath on women! he is showing that he does not have any respect for women at all! ladies BEWARE! I guarantee this will not be the last time he will go to jail for the abuse on a woman. And why is it that when children act out it has to be the parents fault. is it your parent fault for all the things that you have done that showed no morals or respect. they are becoming adults and their actions are their own. I know plenty of preachers children, but you wouldnt think their children were their own. are the preachers to blame? NO! They are their own individuals! but i have gottn use to this judgemental world that is becoming intolerable. it is sad that now we do not protect the children of the world. OUR WORLD! OUR FUTURE! OUR HOPE! We now are destroying what lies ahead! YOURS TRULY, ONE WHO CARES

  2. WHY on March 22nd, 2011 7:26 am

    I want to know WHY the Administrators at Tate have not been suspended?


  3. We are in that class on March 22nd, 2011 7:20 am

    RE:-Student IN Classroom

    You say you sit behind him and didn’t see anything. You have his back because you don’t want him to punk you like he does those boys back there. You know hes a punk and has bad temper. you know most of class is scared of him. You seen him get put out of class for bad stuff? don’t play him up like hes a good guy when you know hes a joker a lot and we laugh at him but he dont do right and you know it. You know him a long time. He is good to some of us but punks more than he is good to. We didn’t see them but we know how he is and we would take a lie test and pass it would you?

    we may put our fear behind us and give statements about the friends that blocked and they will be charged for helping. You may want to change your story while there is time. backing a bad guy will never get you far. be a hero and tell the truth. She has a past, so what. He is no better and he did wrong.

    we all lie in class and pretend to be against her because too many ears listen. we know he may not be in class no more but he could still get his punks in and school dont keep us from it and you know it. your group has wimps that dont take up for girls you should be ashamed for it. one day we will be stronger and will scream and tell on guys that punk.


  4. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2011 5:44 pm

    “she obviously doeasnt care what goes on in her classroom. ”

    Please consider the possiblility she couldn’t imagine it happening, that she had an unreasonably high opinion of her students. Note that she reported it to authorities as soon as she found out. Note that the principal didn’t jump to conclusions but investigated, possibly poorly, but possibly not. Also note that one claiming to have been sitting behind the gentleman claimed to also not see it.

    Most of us don’t know anything, many of those who do are probably wrong since they didn’t see it themselves.

    David wondering if this is supposed to be Tate’s best

  5. bjay on March 20th, 2011 11:22 am

    @ RE- You said “To hold teachers, principals, bus drivers responsible for this kind of behavior is ridiculous”

    Um nobody is blaming the teacher or deans for the the attack. Were blaming them for the way they have handled it. That IS their fault. How does this happen in a classroom and the teacher not see it? 4 other kids were standing up and that didnt raise a red flag that something may be going on? The teacher (Pam Saxton)should be fired because she obviously doeasnt care what goes on in her classroom. The principle and everyone else at Tate high School dropped the ball on this one.

    Tate students please ask your parents to proof read your comments before you post them. All your doing is showing that Tate needs some teachers who actually teach out there.

  6. RE on March 20th, 2011 10:05 am

    Both students are equally at fault and my prediction is that both of them will be in the news in the future, Assault, prostitution, etc. To hold teachers, principals, bus drivers responsible for this kind of behavior is ridiculous.

  7. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2011 9:27 am

    “The School Board says this incident WAS reported in a timely manner.
    The School is supposed to MAKE a report to law enforcement. A report is an official document with information on it. ”

    Whoever told you all reports are official documents? Think of a soldier reporting for duty or Channel 3 reporting live from – - -. Written documents are handy because they reduce confusion as to exactly what was reported but in general a report is to “tell about what happened: to give information about something that has happened.”

    Therefore it is possible to report, tell that something happened without having all the information needed to make a full report. After all most people can only tell what they KNOW not what they imagine or what one side told them.

    This is not to say everything was handled perfectly, just that your requirement that everything be complete and in writing immediately just won’t work.

    David hoping for truth

  8. Curious on March 20th, 2011 12:08 am

    How can we, as concerned parents, DEMAND this be investigated by a bipartisan party? Thomas IS covering up and so is Ross.

    The School Board says this incident WAS reported in a timely manner.

    The School is supposed to MAKE a report to law enforcement. A report is an official document with information on it.

    Haphazardly making an inconclusive comment about a possible sexual assault they are looking into but don’t have names on yet to the SRO at the end of the day on March 2nd as he is walking toward his vehicle to leave is a pitiful and unacceptable excuse for an “incident being reported to Authorities in a timely manner”.

    The School DID have names before 4p on March 1st.

    I hope this will be investigated with a fine tooth comb BEFORE the School Board can take a toothbrush and bleach to it.

    I want Mr. Thomas to explain why Mr. Shackle and the Deans haven’t been suspended pending an investigation.

  9. Mike W on March 19th, 2011 3:50 pm

    Our failing school system is always so willing to point the finger at anybody but themselves when something that reflects badly on themselves happens. They blame parents for FCAT scores, students for the falures of the system, and when all else fails, they put the blame on lack of funds. The biggest question I have about this incedent is where in the heck was the teacher?

  10. LOL @ "Free Raymon" on March 19th, 2011 1:07 pm

    Are you serious? This idiot (and that term may actually be complimentary) exposed himself (his own admission). Exposing one self in class is normal? And to the parent that said, “I don’t know any red blooded 16 year old that would turn that act down” there are plenty that would turn that down in a public setting! Turning that act down would be the moral thing to do!

    I do not want a kid/young adult exposing himself in any class setting BEING AROUND OTHER children! What is wrong with you people? Unbelievable that any of you, young or old is trying to justify any of the behaviors exhibited in that class room!

    And shame on the teacher for not knowing what was going on right under her nose!

  11. a parent on March 19th, 2011 10:04 am

    A pervert’s only hope:


    and submit to God.

    God can change him.

  12. a parent on March 19th, 2011 9:51 am

    If Raymond willing exposed himself in public, he committed a perverted act.

    No good kid does that!

    A pervert, is a pervert, is a pervert, no matter how nice he seems!!!!!

  13. dee milam on March 19th, 2011 7:54 am

    i belive this is another fine example of why our kids are not finishing school and turning to other more negative ways of life. i wish them both the best. i do not know either party but if she has been doing this before maybe they need to look into her childhood, obviously she is being taught sumwhere that this is acceptable. and i dont know any 16 year old red blooded male that would not take advantage of that. all i can see is two young CHILDEREN who will now have to change their ways of life. this is terrible and everyone should be ashamed of slandering either party! they are BOTH still KIDS!

  14. David Huie Green on March 19th, 2011 2:54 am

    “I meant to say that I agree with you most of the time”

    No, you said it right. I just meant that even I am wrong some of the time (admittedly seldom, but it happens). If you agreed with me even when I am wrong, you would be wrong too, so it is reasonable to disagree at those rare times.

    David batting under 0.997
    (quite a bit under, in fact)

  15. tate student on March 19th, 2011 1:52 am

    What in the world! if you was forced to do that. How did you get under the desk? Why were you on the floor? Forced? thats funny bruh. Im just gone say FREE MII DOGG RAYMOND!!!!

  16. nettd. on March 19th, 2011 1:01 am

    what i think is the girl agreedto this . if she had got suspened in 7th and 8th for having sex on a bus and giving oral sex in the class she knew what she was doing . and if she was in a class full of kids she could have made some type of noise or movement , kicked her legs beat on the desk or something to get attention drawn to her so its obvious that she knew what was going on .

  17. JUDY MASEK on March 19th, 2011 12:46 am

    perry!!! i couldnt agree w/you more…thanks for saying what ive been thinking for a LONG time.

  18. Student in classroom. on March 18th, 2011 9:40 pm

    Honestly, I was in the classroom when this happened, and I was sitting right behind them. I didn’t see anything happen. I mean, i’m not saying they didn’t do anything, but she could have at least screamed, bite him, some sort of way to get away if she was forced. I’m sure they both agreed to it. I’m not trying to like accuse anybody of anything, it’s just interesting.. the two stories we’re getting from both students.

  19. Perry on March 18th, 2011 9:05 pm

    Based on the comments made by Tate students about this story over the last few days, I have reached the conclusion that Tate needs to focus more on grammar and spelling (and maybe a class on acceptable public behavior, too).

  20. dad on March 18th, 2011 8:26 pm

    Prediction. We will be seeing Teamer’s name and mug shot again for different things over the next few years.

  21. bjay on March 18th, 2011 6:27 pm

    David that my have came across wrong. I meant to say that I agree with you most of the time.

  22. Dazed and confused on March 18th, 2011 4:31 pm

    If the School’s Resource Officer, who is an Escambia County Deputy was notified on March 2nd, the day after the alleged incident. Why does Sheriff Morgan keep saying it took too long for authorities to be notified?

    It appears to me that Sheriff Morgan’s issues should be with his deputy, not the school administrators.

  23. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2011 1:45 pm

    “Although I dont always agree with you (which isnt often)”

    If you always agreed with me, you’d be wrong some of the time.

    David for right

  24. bjay on March 18th, 2011 12:49 pm

    I agree Richard. Im also happy to see that the teachers name (Pam Saxton) has finally gotten out. There is no excuse as to why something like this should happen in the classroom. If she would have been teaching these children then it couldnt have happened. I guess Tate is trying to sweep it under the rug just like the waiting 2 days to report it to law officials. Whether you believe the girl was willing or not doesnt matter. As SOON as the girl claimed it was an assault (which btw it was on the first day) The law should have been called.

    @ David Green- Thank you for posting facts all the time and not uneducated hillbilly oppinions. Although I dont always agree with you (which isnt often) you always base your oppinion off of facts and never sway.

  25. my name on March 18th, 2011 12:06 pm

    okayy coming from someone who goes to tate all yall people seying that he desevers to go to jail yall are wrong i mean even though both of the played a part in the ordeal i feel as if she should have more than a suspension done i mean she has done the same thing before in the 7th grade i mean 7th grade so what is she going to accuse that boy of forcing here to i mean really this has gone to far

  26. ajb on March 18th, 2011 11:48 am

    okay first of all she has done this before so i dont see why its all his fault i mean really she had to want to do it before i mean and she even was bragging about it after it happened i know cuz i go to tate but it okayy god got him and when he get out which he will its gon b okay it just a minor setback for a major comeback and all you people sayiing he deserved it ummmmmmmm no he didint if she didint want to do it she could have yelled or anything that let me and others know that she wanted to do it
    thank you CASE CLOSED

  27. Richard on March 18th, 2011 11:18 am

    A lot of really bad things have aready came out of this. The girl reputation,way of life,and state of mind will never be the same. The boy reputation,way of life will never be the same. Even if he is found not guilty of the felony sexual battery and indecent exposure charges.NO ONE is asking nor commenting about the teacher (Pam Saxton) who was over the class. I’m NOT saying this was her fault, but where was she. Is her classroom that big.

  28. Truth in Parenting on March 18th, 2011 10:07 am

    I’m glad she won’t be returning. School is hard enough without teachers and peers passing judgement and the school board not offering protection.

    I hope more parents will take heed to this case and think about researching the many options available to parents who want to remove their kids out of public school. There are a number of free programs that are accredited and your income doesn’t matter. You can make a million dollars or 1 dollar and you are still able to access the programs for free.

    Sad how Tate Teacher wanted to share the Victim’s past to the public but failed to mention how Teamer would intimidate classmates on a weekly basis, has anger management issues, throws books at classmates when his anger goes unchecked, and spends many days on the outside of the classroom because of his outbursts in class.

    Why is his referral list not longer? Because the Teachers don’t want to be retaliated against either.

    It’s a shame not many have noticed how smart this fellow is. Look how he started intimidating the class from the beginning of the year. Getting them conditioned. Striking fear into his peers then targeting a teen with a spotted past. What better way to get what he wanted without being punished. Little did he know, God was still watching, even though so many have kicked him out of the schools. He still shows up with the students who ask for HIS help and guidance every day. THANK GOD that student spoke out even though fear screamed in the ears, go ahead and tell, be a snitch. When you do, watch your back, I’m coming for you.

    I’m still shocked by the absence of outrage for this character showing his genitals in class. Well heck, I guess to this generation, that’s not a big deal. Makes me wonder if that type of activity is common place in our District. We’d never know if it was since the schools have gotten so good at covering up infractions of a sexual nature.

  29. Gembeaux on March 18th, 2011 9:42 am

    16 years old and in the ninth grade? Obviously his mind is not on academics!

  30. really on March 18th, 2011 7:49 am

    it’s a good thing she’s being home schooled because there has already been a teacher commenting on here saying that she’s guilty because there was a similar incident in middle school. the teacher, not thinking that even if the middle school incident was voluntary, perhaps that was the motivation for this guy to force her to do it again. people do learn from their mistakes sometimes, kids too. i can’t imagine how she would feel returning with no one believing her story. this does call her a ‘victim’ so people should see it that way!

  31. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2011 7:32 am

    “He has not yet been convicted I see no reason to let the girl return but to keep the guy out ”

    He did have his genitalia exposed in classroom by his own admission. It might be nothing to you, but other parents tend to be more narrow minded about such things.

    David wondering why anyone
    thinks he was lying about that part of it

  32. Flomaton Mom on March 18th, 2011 7:28 am

    Good luck to the girl involved. I wish her nothing but the best! If she was my daughter I would do the same thing. I don’t know all the facts, but I’m sure this whole situation has been humiliating and embarrassing for her. I’ll be praying for her and her mom….

  33. mary on March 18th, 2011 4:29 am


  34. huh on March 18th, 2011 3:01 am

    So the girl involved that could be a willing actor , is able to come back to school but not the accused? He has not yet been convicted I see no reason to let the girl return but to keep the guy out .
