Sex Abuse Charges Dropped Against Former Flomaton Cop

March 17, 2011

Charges have been dropped against a former Flomaton cop once charged with sexually assaulting another man in Pensacola.

johnsontraceyallen.jpgTracey Allen Johnson, now 42, was  originally charged by the Pensacola Police Department with sexual assault, harassing communication, battery and stalking after a 2010 incident at a Pensacola motel. According to police reports, the 33-year old male victim told Pensacola police that Johnson picked him up at a bar then took him back to a hotel room where Johnson had sexual relations with the him while he was passed out.

The victim told Pensacola Police that he first met Johnson in early November at the Emerald City bar, where Johnson stated that he was an Alabama State Trooper and that he had a phone that would allow him to check a person’s address, criminal warrant status and license plates. Johnson, according to Pensacola Police, is not a law enforcement officer. He did, however, work as a patrol officer for the Flomaton Police Department for less than six months in 2005.

Johnson told police that the relationship between the two men was consensual. Johnson said that after the hotel encounter, the two men even had breakfast together.

Johnson was found guilty on one count of failure to appear in court and sentenced to 20 days in jail, with credit for time served.


10 Responses to “Sex Abuse Charges Dropped Against Former Flomaton Cop”

  1. nobody on March 18th, 2011 6:21 pm

    This guy is a joke. The reason why the case was dismissed is because the victim died in a car wreck and can not testify against him. He should have never put himself in that situation to begin with. I have heard numerous things regarding this guy in prior police held positions and none of them are good. If only you really knew the truth.

  2. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2011 5:30 pm

    I’m not misspelling it, I just assume he really is “incident”

    David not sure exactly what that is, though

  3. I.C.U. on March 18th, 2011 4:17 pm

    Whats with all the bad spelling in these comments. A lawyer who can’t spell lawyer? The next post also misspelling the same word the same way. I know were all guilty of butchering up the Kings english around here but it just seems odd almost every post on this story has bad spelling in it. Just saying.

  4. Playboy on March 17th, 2011 6:44 pm

    This is a discarded message for all victims! Why dont Police Dept’s fully investigate formal complicants such as prior Arrest, wittness’s, and most of all time frames ? Was ther any medical Records are other strong evidence against this guy or just a writing statement saying this Guy really committed these charges ? Hmmm, if I was a juror or a Judge it would have raised alot of question before a man was Aressted for false charges! I searched the man above Name and he only had one prior Arrest and it was for Domestic Violence I’n 1992 which was dismissed after competing A Anger Control Couse which it said he completed ! I hope I see this man on the Rich and Famous One day !

  5. Tracy Johnson on March 17th, 2011 4:17 pm

    Hello, I had to come and post a few facts about my case ! First of all I appeared 14 times to court and yes I did fail to appear due to the fact that the State Attorney had changed my court date with out giving me a prior notice ! I did not serve 20 days for a FTA….. I can’t say much more about this case but I will say that my civil suit is I’n full force and I have been contacted by the local Tv station’s and me and my Attorney will be making a live Post Conference due to the dismissal of these false charges ! I Will say that I walk with my Head up and continue my ever day life knowing I was incident from day one ! People will judge me know matter what the truth is ! It’s human nature to judge and spread gossip! I do think my family & friends for all of there support during this incident! By: Tracy A. Johnson

  6. karen on March 17th, 2011 3:57 pm

    i know tracy and he is a good man he did not do anything wrong thats why the case was droped and it is easy for all of you to talk about someone you dont know

  7. Blue honor on March 17th, 2011 2:29 pm

    This whole case should have never been pressed on this ex cop ! Any body with common knowledge and reading skills could add this story up! Also looks like the Pensacola Pd needs some grant money from The State to send there investigator to school ! I agree with the Lawer , I see a huge Civil suit coming up soon from this guy ! I read this statement and laugh over and over ! Who would go eat and let you take them back to there vehicle after this incident ? And why did this so called victim wait how many months to press charges on this ex cop? Very strange ! God bless American ! I hope I don’t ever have to deal with PPD !!!

  8. John Doe on March 17th, 2011 2:11 pm

    Wow, some people just don’t know the legal system ? The man did not serve time for contempt of court ! He must have had credits served ! This is a 13 month old case folks ! I remember this story and I myself as a lawer , I hope and pray the true victim is the man above . I see a million dollar law suit coming from this man . I hope he reads this and has rebuilt his life from lies. It’s so easy to press false charges , but very hard to prove it ! Read the court records ! This case was dropped by the State of Florida ! I wish this man and his family the best !

  9. Jack on March 17th, 2011 12:27 pm

    get em…read it again. The sex charge was dropped (probably by the accuser). He did 20 days for failure to appear.

  10. get em on March 17th, 2011 12:04 pm

    so the X trooper didn’t even appear but they found him not guilty.
    The whole thing (as this kind of thing always is) just too sleezy for words.