Three Arrested After Shot Fired Into Molino Home

March 17, 2011

Three people were arrested Wednesday afternoon in connection with a gunshot fired into a Molino home.

A resident in the 6000 block of Highway 99 near Blackberry Lane reported that someone fired a shot into their home about 12:45 Wednesday afternoon.

Zachary Brandon Miller, 20, of Cantonment; Anthony Taylor Crepeau, 21, of Gulf Breeze; and Riley Edward Baldwin, 35, of Pensacola were charged with weapons offenses for firing into a building and discharging a firearm in public.

The three were, according to deputies, firing at targets in a nearby field. All three claimed to have never shot in the direction of the house, but deputies said they would have had to intentionally pointed a weapon in the direction of the residence in order to strike it.  Deputies found the trio with a shotgun, a handgun, an AK-47, a Keltec semi-automatic rifle and what appeared to be a Mac 10 pistol.

According to deputies, the bullet fired into the residence exploded a window, went through a wall and struck a kitchen cabinet. The bullet reportedly passed just above the head of someone inside the residence.

Crepeau’s father, the owner of the property where the three men were found, told deputies that they did not have permission to be on his property shooting firearms.

The home is located about 500 feet off Highway 99.

Pictured above: Escambia County deputies investigate after a shot was reportedly fired into a Molino home Wednesday afternoon. photos, click to enlarge.


44 Responses to “Three Arrested After Shot Fired Into Molino Home”

  1. TerryCanal on March 20th, 2011 7:05 pm

    Anthoney Crepeau had an active warrent for theft during this foolish shooting. And yes I do personaly know him and can tell you he is trouble. And why did his brother miller the “innocent one” have the handgun? He is not 21. All of these thugs should get the max sentence.

  2. Gun Owner in Alabama on March 20th, 2011 4:10 pm

    Ok people, do you only read the parts you want to or the whole thing? I have only seen a very few who seem to have read the whole thing and are not quick to judge. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Let alone the Second Amendment freedom? Have any of you accusing these men done background checks to PROVE they are “thugs” or “gangsters”? Granted there is ONE that has a previous record, and shame on him for doing something he knew he shouldn’t have. Unless you know the person well, you can’t assume that the other two knew he wasn’t supposed to be shooting. As far as anyone knows, they were just having some fun target shooting….NOT at homes. And unless forensics recovered a slug from said cabinet, who is to say that that hole wasn’t there from another incident that may have happened years ago…not days…and the neighbors were complaining for the reason some have mentioned, they didn’t sound like small arms so they freaked and assumed that the guns were “illegal”. Richochet from any firearm, from the distance they were shot at, could not have penetrated through that much material, unless the house was made of paper or particle board…note those are weak materials.
    My point being folks, until both sides of the story are brought to full attention, don’t judge just because there were rifles you don’t like and assume they are illegal. The only thing illegal I notice is the felon having fired them, and that is HIS fault not all of them.

  3. TerryCanal on March 19th, 2011 8:33 pm

    Ash, why not have fun with guns at a safe place like AT A GUN RANGE! That way no INNOCENT people get thier house shot. Crepeau was already a felon for grand theft auto, why does he own all of those guns? Police need to ask why his mother allowed all of those weapons in her house with a 4 year old.

  4. STUMPKNOCKER on March 19th, 2011 4:02 pm


  5. David Huie Green on March 19th, 2011 11:49 am

    Please forgive me for confusing you. I don’t really think all sheriff’s deputies are stupid. I was saying they would have to be if this turned out to be an unlikely ricochet. If the trio weren’t shooting anywhere near the house which was hit, even a ricochet wouldn’t be likely to hit the house. That’s why I mentioned multiple ricochets being required for that explanation. (If they were, then they were being extremely careless with lots of lethal weapons.)

    Every time a slug hits something, it loses much of its kinetic energy. That’s why I pointed out that the one which hit the house hit a window and then went through a wall. This is unreasonably unlikely for a ricochet.

    Furthermore, guns are rifled so slugs go through the air spinning to reduce air resistance. Once they bounce off anything, they are no longer aligned with their direction of travel. (Think of a spear thrown sideways, it just ain’t a gonna go very far.)

    Lastly, as I pointed out the one who seems to have admitted to have been doing the shooting has a record as a felon in the State of Florida. Unless his civil rights were restored, he gave up the right to hold a firearm. He’s not innocent (or incident if you were a former Flomaton policeman) because he’s already admitted to a felonious act.

    Again, sorry for getting your hopes up. Best thing the other two can do is blame him.

    David for better understanding

  6. **Ash** on March 19th, 2011 10:56 am

    INNOCENT!!!! They Are INNOCENT!!! This Was Target Practice People… These Guys Went Out To Have A Fun Day Shooting, LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of Americans OWN, Shoot, and ENJOY SHOOTING GUNS!!!! These Guys Do KNOW Gun Safety, They Have Families and Lives of Their Own, and They Would NEVER Just Shoot in The Direction Of Someone’s Home… These Guys Don’t Even Know This Family… I Feel Bad That The Family Had To Go Through Something Like This and Very Very Great Full That No One Was Hurt, But These Guys Were NOT Out There To HURT ANYONE or RUIN Their OWN LIVES… Come On People… Two Of These Guys Have Wives and Children…
    Think About It People….

    And Like I Said Thanks David For Being One Of the ONLY People That Really Read The Story and What Is Going On and Understand That This IS RIDICULOUS!!!! Drop These Charges and Let These Two Family Men Have Their Lives Back!!!! Please!!!

  7. Flo Flo on March 18th, 2011 11:00 pm

    I know one of the guys involved in this incident and he is a family man that was just out to blow off some steam shooting at targets. It’s my understanding the target practice went on for quite some time not just a quick shot then leaving the area. I know he would never intentionally shoot at anyone’s house or anywhere that someone might get hurt. I am very glad no one was hurt. I think poor planning was the culprit here not the intention to hurt anyone.

  8. **Ash** on March 18th, 2011 9:14 pm

    David if there is anyway you can contact me… please do… i want to help these boys… and you are apparently the only person with an IQ over 75, and looks into the situation and can come up with a reasonable explanation for what REALLY happened unlike our fine POLICE DEPARTMENT!!!

    I Want to be able to help these FAMILY MEN get their and their families lives back!!!!

    NOW… A Convicted Felon is a Different Story…………

  9. get em on March 18th, 2011 2:47 pm

    it’s amazing how little sense some of these posters have. Thanks David.

  10. David Huie Green on March 18th, 2011 2:09 pm

    “ no one has ever heard of a ricochet.. this whole story is ridiculous let them go”

    So you figure the deputy was too stupid to consider if that was a reasonable explanation? There is no way he could have considered where they admitted they were standing when shooting and where they insisted their targets were and figured out how a triple ricochet would go in a completely different direction?

    I wonder what the ricochets were off of. When we consider the report that at least one of the shots “exploded a window, went through a wall and struck a kitchen cabinet,” we have to wonder what kind of a slug would have had that much kinetic energy and penetrating power after bouncing off other objects first. And what are the odds that it would pick out a window to hit?

    Okay, assuming the deputy is too stupid to decide whether or not that explanation is reasonable and not worrying if the shooters were too stupid to also realize there could be such a danger while slinging lead (or maybe depleted uranium, based on the penetration involved), what are we to do about the previous felony conviction?

    There’s no right way to do a wrong thing.

    If the convicted felon who admitted shooting could not legally hold a weapon, a number of laws WERE broken. Maybe you think all lawbreakers should be free to shoot again, but others are less open minded about such things.

    David the gullible.

  11. people-r-crazy on March 18th, 2011 2:07 pm

    Regarding: “this whole story is ridiculous let them go…”

    Are you CRAZY!! If my friend had stood up off of his couch that bullet would have went into his chest. He was really lucky that he didn’t decide to get up and get a snack or something!! God was watching out for him!! With that said I’m blessed to be able to go home in the afternoons instead of the hospital to visit him. These guys need to be punished and learn something from this, because the next time they could be looking at a murder charge.

  12. Riley on March 18th, 2011 1:57 pm

    i understand the point that guns are legal, period, whether they are aks or .22s, but this is one of those areas that people think that unless they have the biggest, most powerful weapon their rights are somehow being violated. A gun is a tool. A rifle or shotgun can be used as a self-defense tool or a hunting tool. An ak or similiar military-esque rifle is an offensive weapon used by someone to aggressively, actively kill another human being- i see no other use. I doubt these guys were genuine gun enthusiasts or hobbyists either, or they would have shown more common sense.

  13. mark on March 18th, 2011 8:27 am

    a weapon is a weapon who cares what kind…. and i guess no one has ever heard of a ricochet.. this whole story is ridiculous let them go…

  14. David Huie Green on March 17th, 2011 6:03 pm

    “are they charged w/trespassing along w/the firearm charges”

    Initial charges, A.T.C.:

    David looking at the leaders of the future

  15. mary on March 17th, 2011 5:44 pm

    OOPS..just reread the article & see that they did NOT have permission to be are they charged w/trespassing along w/the firearm charges??

  16. mary on March 17th, 2011 5:43 pm

    @Jamie..are you saying that this incident happened on “private property” family owned??? Did these guys have permission to be there? Would like to know the answers so I can calm down a lil about being alone!!!

  17. David Huie Green on March 17th, 2011 5:07 pm

    “This was target practice.. not a drive by shooting and this was family property, although it was not authorized. Do you people not have anything better to do with your time?”

    Nope, school’s out for the day.

    If it were target practice, it was sorely needed practice because otherwise their target was someone ELSE’S house.

    A few years back another nutcase fired some 32 shots at the White House for some stupid reason or other. I think 8 of them hit the building. I checked and sure enough it is considerably bigger than the broad side of a barn and he missed with most of his shots.

    Pitiful aim.

    David thinking felons who can’t shoot any better than that, probably shouldn’t shoot in the first place

  18. hellbilly on March 17th, 2011 4:38 pm

    millions of responsible gun owners have ak-47’s for self defense(for those who actually relize a pistol caliber is really not a one shot man stopper) these guys just did not have any reason to have these weapons if they could not find a safe place to shoot and no regard for what was beyond or around there target.god forbid when someone mentions the evil ak.

  19. Z on March 17th, 2011 4:17 pm

    Gun laws only outlaw guns from law abiding citizens and the crooks and low lifes, who don’t obey the laws, now have a monopoly and they WILL own the bigger guns. So better if all citizens be armed.

    Not that being said, as a kid I remember having some nice 22 target practice times in the woods so I am not quick to judge these kids but you will be held responsible for misfortune and poor judgement. How many of us did stupid things growing up and had we been caught would be in trouble with the law too. If not by the grace of God and sometimes luck we all haven’t lost an eye, aren’t missing arms or fingers, and not in jail.

    Pray for the kids and family’s involved, that this becomes a light bulb turning on moment and a good learning experience.

  20. Jamie on March 17th, 2011 4:15 pm

    This was target practice.. not a drive by shooting and this was family property, although it was not authorized. Do you people not have anything better to do with your time?

  21. Tea on March 17th, 2011 3:37 pm

    I hear gunshots ALL the time…it makes me VERY nervous. When a shot goes off, my kids come in!!! Wish all the thugs/idiots would move to Mexico

  22. Sandra on March 17th, 2011 3:17 pm

    Spot on David!!

  23. David Huie Green on March 17th, 2011 2:25 pm

    “Well with Greg Evers new law it will happen alot more! Why does anyone have to have an ak 47 to defned themselves?

    It’s not a matter of “have to”, it’s a matter of “get to.” As long as citizens don’t misuse weapons, they have a constitutinally protected right to have them. they don’t have to ask my permission or yours. If they misuse them in the commission of a felony, they lose that right.

    I guess I missed that one too. What part of a bill sponsored by Greg Evers would affect people with rifles and shotguns in the woods?

    Further, if they broke one law (that against shooting into houses), why would anyone think they would obey other laws?

    David wondering

  24. Bert on March 17th, 2011 1:18 pm

    Glad I don’t work in a sporting goods store. I’d have a real issue with selling ammo to that fine-looking crew.

  25. get em on March 17th, 2011 12:46 pm

    Kathy Thats the point- they don’t!

  26. Kathy on March 17th, 2011 12:27 pm

    Well with Greg Evers new law it will happen alot more! Why does anyone have to have an ak 47 to defned themselves?

  27. neighbor on March 17th, 2011 12:23 pm

    This isn’t the weapons of a deer hunter so what are they target practicing for?
    I shiver to think of the reason they would have these weapons even if just to shot cause now we know what happens then.

  28. STUMPKNOCKER on March 17th, 2011 10:41 am

    from what i hear the deputies seized the guns and truck and one of the guy’s is a convicted felon. just a bunch of thugs. great job done by the deputies. im glad no one was hurt!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. molino jim on March 17th, 2011 10:40 am


  30. Scott on March 17th, 2011 10:14 am

    To Art : In Fl. no one needs a permit to own a firearm but I understand your statement. I live in Molino & have called the sheriff about firearms being discharged & they responded but its hard to arrest anyone doing it unless caught in the act. Any citizen should report this if heard. Lets just hope the law confiscated the firearms & do a background to see if they were stolen. Thanks ECSO !!

  31. art on March 17th, 2011 7:22 am

    there should be an IQ test before folks are permitted to own firearms.

  32. QUESTION on March 16th, 2011 10:42 pm

    Why were they not on a job working?

  33. JIM W on March 16th, 2011 9:29 pm

    Sounds like a bunch of guys out burning a bit of ammo and got carried away. That is really bad for one of them to turn and fire at a house maybe because they thought it to be funny? Who knows what they were thinking it definately was no accident so now somebody is going to have to pay for the play. Good job police! Good job.

  34. chrstefl on March 16th, 2011 8:54 pm


  35. john q on March 16th, 2011 7:42 pm

    they need to keep that downtown, not in our quiet town we dont need the wanna be thugs

  36. William on March 16th, 2011 7:39 pm

    >>>>>it was not a ‘drive by shooting’….read people!

    It *was* a reported drive-by shooting, and the earlier version of the story reflected that. The story has since been updated with newer information.

  37. Tony on March 16th, 2011 7:21 pm

    woah… i used to live with this fam that was shot at. have totally NO idea why they would deserve that. that’s messed up!

  38. mary on March 16th, 2011 6:49 pm

    Target practice? none of the guys are from who’s land were they on? From the pics..they are the ones to look out for. I live where I’m surrounded by woods & have often “joked” about drive bys…now its real & out here. What happened to my lil quiet town? I am glad no1 was hurt & Good Job Escambia’s Finest!!!

  39. really on March 16th, 2011 6:44 pm

    it was not a ‘drive by shooting’….read people!
    it states:
    “The three were, according to deputies, firing at targets in a nearby field.”

  40. Evelyn on March 16th, 2011 5:55 pm

    This is my brothers home and I am so thankful that God was watching out for them. You just never know what someone is going to do…………..

  41. Scott on March 16th, 2011 4:58 pm

    500 ft off of the hwy & pierce the brick into the interior of the home… ? I’m sure the ECSO is doing their best but this seems like a high powered rifle. Glad no one was injured.

  42. life's_challenging on March 16th, 2011 4:25 pm

    violence,drugs…and NOW drive by shootings…the community needs to start a more strict crime watch in other unpronounced area’s….glad 2 hear no one was hurt though.

  43. Camdenrenee on March 16th, 2011 4:07 pm

    Oh my Goodness!!! I have known this family since I was 8years old, they are like family to me!! I love you guys glad no one was hurt!! Call me if you need anything!!

  44. JuJu on March 16th, 2011 3:19 pm

    Drive by shootings in our area..just great!