Photos: 20th Annual Century Sawmill Pageant Winners

March 30, 2011

Over 65 contestants took part in this year’s 20th Annual Century Sawmill Pageant sponsored by the Century Lions Club.

The winners and their photos are below:

Baby Miss: Peyton S. Lee, queen; Ashley Elizabeth Mixon, first, photo, sportswear; Kaydence Makenzie Hadley, second; Addison Wise, third.

Toddler Miss: Emilee Grace Braswell, queen, sportswear; London Vera Brooks, first; Carlisa Spears, second, photo; Malia Jenay Smith, third; Alyssa Hullett, sold most tickets.

Little Miss: Jada Jones, queen; Olivia Blaze Griffis, first; Jordan Elizabeth Sanders, second; Andrea Grace Lasala, third, photo, all over queen; Kaylyn Franklin, sold most tickets.

Young Miss: Briana Dunsford, queen; Emma Barrow, first, sportswear; Maegan Mallett, second; Caroline Elizabeth Harp, third; Mallory Samantha Floyd, photo.

Junior Miss: Ansley Brooke Lasala , queen, sportswear, photo; Carly Leanne Sanders, first; Alexis Ariel Clark, second; Hannah Merchant, third.

Pre-teen: Mackenzie Taylor Leeser, queen; Morgan Shelby Floyd, first; Valencia Ariana Burnette, second; Auburn N’Cole Jernigan, third, sportswear; Tori Marie Knapp, photo.

Miss: Savannah Elizabeth Hart, queen, sportswear; Alayna Nicole Gordon, first, photo; Kourtney Paige Smith, second; Brooklyn Shae Dortch, third.

Overall Queen: Andrea Grace Lasala.

“The Century Lions would like to thank all of the sponsors who bought ads in this year’s program, all of the volunteers who worked at the pageant and assisted with everything, especially the teachers at Byrneville Elementary.  Many members of the community worked tirelessly with posters, flyers and signing up contestants.  This year’s pageant was the biggest and best ever. All proceeds will benefit children in our area who may need assistance with glasses,” the Century Lions Club said.

All photographs courtesy Photo By Fischer, Century for Reprints are available (850) 256-3980.


19 Responses to “Photos: 20th Annual Century Sawmill Pageant Winners”

  1. greenjeans on April 2nd, 2011 12:05 am

    Let these little girls be little girls. You are encouraging potetnial body image issues. How do you expalin to a little girl that she wasn;t “pretty enough” to get a crown? It has been PROVEN to adversely effect thier self image to participate in this crap that should be only for older kids. I am a child mental health therpaist and I have treated “Little Miss” participants. I feel this type of “beauty” contest is NOT for ANY good cause and is actually UNHEALTHY for these little kids. Let them decide when they are older if they would like to tp participate–pre-teen and up if you would like. If they are younger than that, these little girls are living MOMMIE’S unfulfilled fantasies of crowns, etc. STOP THE CRAZINESS.

  2. DENISE BRASWELL on March 31st, 2011 7:09 pm


  3. Shana on March 31st, 2011 11:46 am

    Malia you did such a great job and Mommy is so proud of you! Congrats to all the participants!

  4. Victoria on March 31st, 2011 10:32 am

    Congrats to all the girls, especially Paige Smith and Ashley Mixon!!! GREAT JOB :)

  5. Ms K on March 31st, 2011 7:40 am

    Congrats Peyton Lee. You were so awesome for a 14 month old! Our Queen

  6. PJM on March 31st, 2011 12:35 am

    Congratulations Shae!! You did a great job. UncleDooley

  7. Gidget Dortch on March 30th, 2011 6:31 pm

    You really out did your self this time Shae!And your daddy and I are so PROUD of you.We love you Lou!AND your brother says he is very proud of you to!

  8. Carleen on March 30th, 2011 4:12 pm

    Congrats Carlisa Spears we are so proud of you, your just beautiful!!! Love mom, dad, & Family!!! & Congrats 2 Alayna Gordon you were beautiful as always & we love u 2!!! all you girls were beautiful Congrats!!!!

  9. former miss sawmill contestant on March 30th, 2011 3:30 pm

    @ mary

    you say that but have you ever been in a “beauty contest”? i was a contestant in the miss sawmill pageant when i was 6 and i loved it i wish that i had done it more than the one year. the sawmill pageant is nothing like those ones you see in the toddlers and tiaras, its all for fun and a very good cause.

  10. mary on March 30th, 2011 2:07 pm

    a mother against babies/toddlers/& young girls in “Beauty Contest”. Let kids be kids!!! My opinion…..

  11. Brooke Mixon on March 30th, 2011 1:59 pm

    Congratulations Ashley Mixon!!!! We are so proud of you…Love, Momma and Daddy

  12. memaw on March 30th, 2011 1:44 pm

    I also think that the mothers need a pat on the back for all they have to do to get ready for an event like this. a job well done …..

  13. memaw on March 30th, 2011 1:40 pm

    congratulayions to all and a very special congrats to Emma . I love you.

  14. MeShea Allen on March 30th, 2011 1:03 pm

    You young ladies all look so beautiful. Ariana your family is soooo proud of you. Way to go!!!

  15. jaymomma on March 30th, 2011 11:10 am

    Good job Emilee Grace!! Beautiful!!

  16. Juli Jones on March 30th, 2011 10:26 am

    Congratulations Jada, Addison, Jordan and MacKenzie!!!!

  17. Gayle Mathis Aldridge on March 30th, 2011 7:30 am

    Way to go Shae you done a great job! love ya! Aunt Gayle

  18. Esther Dortch on March 30th, 2011 7:08 am

    Great job Shae!! I am so proud of you and you look so beautiful and grown up! Missed being there with you, but was thinking of you. Love, Meme.

  19. Angela Dortch Rowell on March 30th, 2011 6:55 am

    Congratulations Shae!! You looked beautiful! I wish we could have been there to see you in person!