Penascola Man Killed In Cantonment Traffic Crash

March 22, 2011

A Pensacola man was killed in a high speed traffic crash about 10:00 Tuesday morning in the Cantonment area.

The Florida Highway Patrol said Erskine M. Rushton, 31, was southbound on Highway 297A near County Road 97 in excess of the speed limit when he lost control in a curve. He over-corrected, and his 2009 Nissan Sentra began to spin clockwise into the path of a 2008 Escambia County Road Department truck driven by John Worley, 66, of Pensacola. The front of the work truck struck the side of the Nissan, according to the FHP.

Rushton was pronounced dead at the scene. Worley was transported to a Sacred Heart Hospital with minor injuries. He was the lone occupant of the county truck.

Pictured: A Pensacola man was killed in this accident Tuesday morning on Highway 297A. photos by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.


49 Responses to “Penascola Man Killed In Cantonment Traffic Crash”

  1. nukie on March 25th, 2011 8:43 pm

    Just remember, 1 person was not the only 1 that lost life.. Every 1 that knew erskin lost a part of theres 2!

  2. nukie on March 25th, 2011 8:32 pm

    What alot of ppl fail to realize is that we lost a member of our family, regaurdless of how it happend. Yes thank GOD the other driver survived, but my lil brother didnt and i will never get a chance 2 say the words of i luv u bro 2 him, but now i have 2 tell his “Shell”.. Im gna miss all the times we all shared.. U all know who u are.. I luv my brothers and may GOD give us the strength and bless us all thru this time.. R.I. P. ERK N JERK! U are home now…

  3. Felisa Jones on March 25th, 2011 11:54 am

    We love u classmate u will be sadly missed!

  4. Rescue1 on March 24th, 2011 7:16 pm

    I just want to say thank God that Mr. Worley was in his work vehicle and not his personal automobile. And even more thanks that it wasn’t someones wife with her children or a husband returning home to his family, Grandparents going to visit their grand kids. Had it been anyone else driving in their ordinary vehicle that morning and gotten hit they would have lost their life too. People need to stop trying to place the blame on everything else but the cause of the problem. In this case it wasn’t a bad road or a speed limit that caused this tragedy. It was the carelessness and poor judgement of an individual who for whatever reason we will never know. It’s a shame that someone had to die for no reason but it could have been a lot worse. Prayers go out to all the families.

  5. januarymims on March 24th, 2011 5:35 pm

    My heart goes out to the Rushton family. I am so sorry for your loss, I will continue to pray for your family. And to all the negative people, don’t take anything for granted,.couldve happened to someone you dearly love.

  6. jackie mosley on March 24th, 2011 1:48 pm

    on monday my mother had a massive heart attack and esrkine’s mother was sitting with me at the hospital and praying for her aunt to be ok when she got the aweful news, we need many prayers and we will be praying for all these negative people. his record has nothing to do with the price of gas in china,he has a family that loves him and now he’s gone, we thank god the no one else was hurt,and pray that other people will take heed and slow down. god bless our family,we need prayers.

  7. Yafa Gibson Hyde on March 24th, 2011 12:42 pm

    My heart goes out to his family, who is like family to us. I am saddened to hear about news like this. I hadn’t seen Erskine since I was probably 6 or 7 years old. May God be with you and your family. Mrs. Henrietta, Calvin, Peaches, and Bookie, hold your heads high, as GOD has called his angel to watch over you all.



  8. Greg on March 24th, 2011 12:27 pm

    ……so to all of you who say lowering the speed limit to 35 would help!!!…BULL>>>…it does not matter what the speed limit is people FLY on 297 and 97… prayers go out to the family
    but the guy should have not been driving any car!!…… could be driving the speed limit and still be involved in someones elses wreck like the man that was driving the truck….thank god he did not kill anyone else

  9. The Truth on March 23rd, 2011 10:12 pm

    My sympathy to the family….he will forever be in your memories and your hearts. No one has a right to set in judgement on this man or his family. People need to care more for each others feelings and be less judgmental …gee I bet they would see things differently if it were a member of their family. I bet those who are being so judging are probably big wigs in their local church…like that is suppose to give them a right to decide who is good or bad.

  10. Melanie Gibson on March 23rd, 2011 10:00 pm

    To the Family
    May God comfort you during your time of sorrow. Just know that Erskine is in a better place and knowing that God has welcomed him with open arms.
    Just remember Psalms 23

    Love Melanie Hyde and Family

  11. Herbert on March 23rd, 2011 9:39 pm

    My prayer go out to the family of the driver. I would like to say 297 A is entirely residential area with not one commercial business located on the entire road. To many lives lost. Call your county commissioner to lower speed limit. Pine Forest Road is 45mph because it is a four lane HWY along with HWY 29. Speed Limit needs to be changed to 35 mph on 297A.

  12. Paul on March 23rd, 2011 9:33 pm

    I wasn’t judging anybody, I was just looking at the facts and records. When people are wrecking their cars doing the speed limit then you can talk about bad roads, until then I’ll call it wreckless driving.

  13. save us all on March 23rd, 2011 7:38 pm

    Let all that has not sin throw the first stone. It seems as if we have nothing but perfect people in the world. If I didn’t know Jesus Christ I would of thought the people pointing finger and judging people are the real Jesus Christ. Be very, very careful what you say and do to others, because as sure as you are living things are going to happen. God bless us all until the end of time.

    We love you Erskine, God is in charged

  14. jesusisreal on March 23rd, 2011 6:23 pm

    If you check the Bible every person God used had issues, murderers, adulturers, liars, and so on! But with God that doesn’t matter because salvation is based on God, it is His gift. God used and still uses those with faults so He may be glorified! Funny how some can always add injury to someone else’s tragedy! I pray this family finds the peace of God that passes all understanding! Erskine asked forgiveness for his past faults and that is all that matters with God, no other opinion matters!

  15. NATASHA KIRKLAND on March 23rd, 2011 5:01 pm


  16. cuz cuz on March 23rd, 2011 4:41 pm

    this was my cousin and i kon it was just a mistake so watch it paul and daniel. i love u erskine .i will miss u so so sorry about wat happend my prayers go out to jackie ,tutney,darrell,nut,shug,nette, and the rest of family .luv u cuzzos

  17. letmespeak13 on March 23rd, 2011 4:07 pm

    To Len, sorry about your cousin. I know you will see him on the other side, But, I also hope you love your family enough to drive carefully.

  18. sogladimsaved on March 23rd, 2011 4:04 pm

    This is my family and last time I check the only flawless man that has ever walked this earth was Jesus the son of God. Do not judge any man according to his sins because dave and whoever else you are not the man upstairs and although you may not have a record I’m sure you are not squeaky clean. My dear cousin rest in peace and may God comfort all those who are mourning and have lost a loved one to soon. I love you erskine.

  19. len on March 23rd, 2011 3:21 pm

    To my cousin Erskin:I love you, see you on the other side.

  20. Karen Stevens on March 23rd, 2011 3:19 pm


  21. Dan B. on March 23rd, 2011 2:53 pm

    The issue is more about the condition of the road. The shoulders are falling apart. I live right off 97-297 and see many accidents. They are all the result of over correction once they hit the side. The road is a maze for cars with hard suspension like mine. I feel every bump and have to be very careful to avoid the side. The speed limit needs not come down but rather the road redone. It hasn’t been paved in 10 years and when it was they didn’t engineer the road very efficiently. I know everyone that lives on these roads will agree. I would be willing to sacrifice much convenience to see these roads re engineered.
    My condolences go out to the hurting family.

  22. on March 23rd, 2011 1:57 pm

    R.I.P to Erskine Rushton and my condolences go out to Ms Jackie and Darrell,, we have our problems but i wuldnt wish that on anybody no matter what happens……and im sorry these people bein so rude bout your people thats real messed up

  23. PJ on March 23rd, 2011 1:52 pm

    Dave & Paul got it exactly right.

  24. Paul on March 23rd, 2011 12:13 pm

    lookin at his record I can’t see where he would have a DL or insurance, I wonder who gave him their keys? It’s good that no innocent bystanders were seriously injured by his wreckless actions.

  25. why:? on March 23rd, 2011 11:53 am

    Every thing you said is so right Dave and I met many of them on the road this

  26. Dave on March 23rd, 2011 10:39 am

    Heres a idea… SLOW DOWN,STAY IN YOUR LANE,chances are you won”t wreck.It all boiles down to personal responsability.Lower the speed limit? He would have been going just much faster over than the current limit.Widen the road? Just how wide is your vehicle. It”s not hard to keep a car in its lane if your not driving carelessly.Put a traffic light at 297a/97? Do you really think he could have stopped at the speed he was traveling. People kill themselves sometimes,always have and always will. If you obey the traffic laws chances are slim you will be at fault in a crash. So don”t go blameing the road or the speed limit sign,some people have no regard for anybody.

  27. M.S. on March 23rd, 2011 9:55 am

    My prayers go out to Mr. Rushton and his family. May he rest in peace. And to the person posting under the name really? – it does not matter what this man has in his public records. What do you have in yours??? If this was you or one of your loved ones, you surely would not want random people posting negative things at a time like this. Let this man’s family grieve in peace. No one is perfect and the only one who can judge anyone is God. And guess what – God called another angel home. So what may or may not be in his public record does not matter anymore. Rest in peace Mr. Rushton.

  28. really? on March 23rd, 2011 9:07 am

    Seems like Mr. Rushton’s not quite the angel after all once you look at his public records. Good luck to Mr. Worley, get well soon God bless.

  29. why:? on March 23rd, 2011 8:56 am

    Jerry good luck to you because you have read the mind set here which is that everyone should just move because there is nothing wrong with the way anyone
    drives. It says what happened here but can we even really believe that?
    My heart goes out to this nice deceased man may God place his arms around
    all and protect his family now in their time of need and grief

  30. Val on March 23rd, 2011 8:11 am

    First of all my prayers go out to the family of this man. Secondly a word to the older woman that drives down 97-A in the black dodge charger with the handicap sign hanging in the rearview mirror (which your not supposed to do either, read your handicap sign instructions)…please slow down, this could have been you. I drive these roads daily due to where I live at the end. This woman is always speeding down this road and I can only assume she lives somewhere on it as well or in the general area. My only hope is that she understands the important reason now of the posted speed limits and her family will not have to be mourning her one day from an accident that does not have to take place from careless driving habits.

  31. Jerry Farrior on March 23rd, 2011 1:30 am

    Just four weeks ago I made a plea to a local elected official to do something in regards to the traffic enforcement on 297-A. The road’s lanes are too narrow for the posted speed coupled with the volume of traffic. Additionally, the edge and all parts in between, of this roadway are falling apart. When you consider the design and placement of 297-A, there is not hardly 100 yards of flat, open or unobstructed view anywhere on this roadway. But even still, this roadway is not as it appears. It looks- easy to drive, it has long, smooth looking curves with some hills mixed in all its relative short length. In many places the shoulders are dangerous. They are narrow and steep and if you leave the roadway you’ll surely overturn. Plus – add the endless number of driveways and side streets and there is not a sidewalk anywhere. It is a dangerous roadway to drive and not really be attentive.

    It is strange that what made me make my plea for traffic enforcement four weeks ago occurred right at the same place as this fatal accident. On That Sunday afternoon the Fire Department was in emergency response going north on 297-A. As the Escort Truck and Fire Truck approached the bridge they were required to come to a complete ’stop’ because a tanker truck was on the bridge going south at the same time. (Hwy 297-A is Closed to All Trucks) The Fire Dept’s Escort Truck and Fire Truck had to wait until the tanker cleared the bridge to continue responding up 297-A. Still even odder is that both the fatal accident and the incident with the emergency vehicles happen on a newer/ improved portion of 297-A. Now I wonder will improving this roadway, which is to be completed within the next two years, really bring a safer roadway. Or will the improvements bring additional traffic moving at faster speeds?

    I didn’t know Mr. Rushton, he was only 31 years of age, and my family and I grieve his loss. I wish I could assure him and his family he will be the last to lose his life on 279-A. I’ve had enough of “Life-Flight” looking for a place to land in our neighborhood. Something needs to change and someone needs to get to work changing it. This is NOT a highway, this is a dangerous County Road in a Residential, School and Church area. I’m not sure what I am going to do yet, even if there is something I can do. At least that was the feeling I got when I made my plea for help four weeks ago. But I know this- it isn’t over yet…

  32. elmerfudd on March 23rd, 2011 12:33 am

    now looking at the pictures that has a hard hit

  33. elmerfudd on March 23rd, 2011 12:26 am

    Ya you can’t survive that one

  34. Okevia on March 22nd, 2011 11:36 pm

    This is my Brotha and I’m waiting for him to come home…and please stop the rumors…my family thinks he’s gne but I know it’s not true my mom my grandparents my entire family is mourning right now and all we ask for is respect..thank you for those of you who have shared your blessings

  35. footballmom on March 22nd, 2011 10:50 pm

    Really daniel?? Are u insuniuating (sp?) People don’t live on Hwy 29?
    Thoughts and prayers go out to mr. Rushton’s family & to mr. Worley and family. I hope everyone involved find peace.

  36. Shiketa on March 22nd, 2011 10:35 pm

    That is my family and it was innocent, We all need to take the time to pay attention to the road signs and slow down. I will miss my brother-n-law and my prayer goes out to his immediate family.

  37. Concerned parent on March 22nd, 2011 9:34 pm

    I live in a “quiet” residential neighborhood, and yet, I still have all the same problems that you just listed. It won’t matter if they take Hwy 29 or not. They aren’t only going to places on Hwy 29. They’re going to places along OUR roads and as far as the BOOM BOOM (not BOM BOM) and the motorcycles, hey, they have the right to the road too. If they want to ruin their hearing with the loud music, that’s their prerogative. If they want to ride a motorcycle and take a huge chance with their lives since so many idiots on the road don’t have enough sense to see it coming toward them, the law gives them that right.
    If you have a problem with the noise, I’d suggest moving your bedroom to the back of the house and maybe considering investing in some soundproofing equipment, or….you could always just find a dead end road and build a house there. Oh, but then you’d be complaining about everybody turning around in your front yard and you’d still have the boom boom, the litter and who knows what else. Nowhere is perfect but if you don’t like it, move. The highway was there before you were.

  38. Charlotte and Nancy Roberts on March 22nd, 2011 9:04 pm

    Our prayers go out to Erskine’s family, friends, and everyone connected. We met Erskine when we lived on the West side. As we were moving into our new home, Erskine knew how much we wanted to hold onto an antique deep freezer. He was so kind, strong and determined, that he made sure we (he) brought our freezer to our new home. He will be truly missed. He was a very good, decent person and we know that the Lord has him in His care now.

  39. sambo on March 22nd, 2011 8:59 pm

    Or you could move farther off the road.

  40. me on March 22nd, 2011 8:42 pm

    wow Daniel, do you feel better.
    my prayers go out to the families of all involved.

  41. bjay on March 22nd, 2011 8:27 pm

    Iheard that the driver was driving at an extremely high rate of speed. That is just hear say right now though. I dont think 35mph is a good idea. It IS a HWY. If you build your house on a hwy then you should know what your getting. Its kind of like building a new house beside a dump and then complaing there’s a dump in your back yard. I know they have plans to widen that road and that will help because the road is not very wide. Prayers for the family of the guy that passed and Im also happy that Mr. worley will be ok. He is a good man that was only working when he was hit by this person.

  42. Daniel on March 22nd, 2011 7:47 pm

    I live right on 297 A its a racetrack. 3 years ago car flip in my front yard. I know there has been 5 people killed on 97 A or 297 A in the last 5 years. This is a residential area. The road names need to be changed . HWY does not sound to residential friendly . Lower the speed limit to 35 like in Gulf Breeze and enforce it . Enforce litter laws people are slobs ! They do 65 mph in front of my house here on 297 A . How would you like to raise your family on this HWY . Motorcycles wake you up all hour of the night or someone with that BOM BOM base. PUNKS! You to motorcycle rider . I wish i could come by your house and wake you up. County needs to put up a sign speed limit 35 do not litter RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY when the road is finish. Use Hwy 29 not a thur street . I pickup a hand full of trash every other day in front of my house. Dont speed text litter people live here . Very sorry to the love ones of the driver.

  43. MONIQUE on March 22nd, 2011 7:39 pm


  44. life's_challenging on March 22nd, 2011 6:22 pm

    omg!! i wonder if the other driver had a medical problem at the time of this horrific accident?

  45. no name on March 22nd, 2011 4:41 pm

    Prayers for everyone

  46. Concerned parent on March 22nd, 2011 4:35 pm

    Omg, you can’t even tell what kind of car it is! How horrible. My prayers are with their family and friends.

  47. sad on March 22nd, 2011 4:09 pm

    Omg how sad praying for.the families

  48. atmore on March 22nd, 2011 12:59 pm

    This is so sad. Prayers for everyone involved.

  49. karen on March 22nd, 2011 10:28 am

    my prayers go out to there family