Northview, Ernest Ward FFA Members Attend Ag On The Hill

March 21, 2011

Students from the FFA chapters at Northview High and Ernest Ward Middle schools attended the annual “Ag On the Hill” event last week in Tallahassee.

The seven students were among about 150 from the state’s 15,000 FFA members chosen  to take part in the event that introduces the students to state leaders and the Legislature.

The local FFA members were able to visit with Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, Sen. Greg Evers and Rep Doug Broxson. They were also introduced on the floor of the Legislature by Broxson.

Students attending from the Northview FFA were Lydia Weaver, Stephanie Solari, Allyson Bullard and Devin Bell, along with student teaching intern Anthony Cannon and FFA Advisor Perry Byars.

Students attending from Ernest Ward Middle School were Haylee Weaver, Allison Woodfin and Bethany Reynolds, with EWMS FFA Advisor Cindy Wilson.

For a photo gallery from the event, click here.

Ag on the Hill is presented annually by the Florida Association of Agricultural Educators, The University of Florida and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Pictured top: Northvew FFA members Stephanie Solari, Lydia Weaver, Allyson Bullard and Devin Bell; Sen. Greg Evers; Ernest Ward FFA members Allison Woodfin, Haylee Weaver and Bethany Reynolds at “Ag On the Hill.  Pictured inset: Bullard and Bell on the floor of the Florida Legislature. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


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