Molino Woman Charged With DUI After Cantonment Rollover Crash

March 2, 2011

A Molino woman was charged with driving under the influence after an early Wednesday morning crash in Cantonment.

Kelly Nichole Herzberg, 29, of Highway 196 Molino, was charged with DUI third conviction within 10 years after a prior conviction and careless driving by the Florida Highway Patrol after the crash about 2:40 Wednesday morning on Highway 29 near Muscogee Road. Authorities say Herzberg was northbound on Highway 29 when she lost control and rolled her vehicle into a fence, water system and sign at T&C Feed Store and CMP Food Mart. Her 2006 Mustang rolled over and came to rest upright in the parking lot of the feed store. Herzberg was not injured.

Herzberg, who was not injured in the crash, remained in the Escambia County Jail Thursday afternoon with bond set at $5,000. Further details have not yet been released by the Florida Highway Patrol.


43 Responses to “Molino Woman Charged With DUI After Cantonment Rollover Crash”

  1. GAM on March 17th, 2011 7:44 pm

    @BMB Thank you so much for addressing the previous attempts of the family in the ongoing battle to help this young woman. The law will not allow the assistance her family is willing to provide – and I’m not talking mom, dad – I’m talking an entire generation of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins – all there to support and try to help this girl. I guess the taxpayers in Pensacola would rather pay for her support in jail and cry on the websites about the alledged crime than really confront the fact that K may be something other than a lifelong deviant.

  2. David Huie Green on March 7th, 2011 10:47 am

    “It sounds like some people want sharia law or something.“

    Further, you’ll notice I hadn’t said anything about the lady until you spoke denigratingly about those who disliked what she is charged with doing. You act as if it isn’t important what might have happened and what is happening daily at the hands of such violators and what is likely to happen at her hand if she continues playing Russian Roulette with the lives of those around her and herself. (Always assuming she is guilty and not just falsely accused.)

    Being bothered by such disregard for the lives of others is not the same as wanting Sharia Law and does not make all of us Muslims. When you say people don’t understand how the law works, you are somewhat correct, just as they don’t understand how it DOESN’T work sometimes.

    One thing is most certain, the same document you think condemns DUI (for some reason) guarantees their right to speak against her actions. (Still assuming guilt, which is not certain.)

    Power crazed rage monger David

  3. David Huie Green on March 7th, 2011 7:41 am

    “Check out the U.S. constitution, it’s a pretty cool document. It condemns this woman’s behavior, but also protects our citizens from power crazed rage mongers like you.”

    The United States Constitution does not condemn any individual act. It sets up the framework of government, what it can do and what it can not do. It doesn’t protect anyone from “power crazed rage mongers like” me.

    Please explain how driving a vehicle with the kinetic energy of several thousand high power bullets in an uncontrolled manner is different from firing those bullets.

    David the power crazed
    or so I’m told

  4. J. R. on March 6th, 2011 6:24 pm

    Ragingly angry David,

    What occurred was illegal, and she’s has been arrested and being dealt with accordingly to the laws of that municipality. That legislature is created by elected government officials. I guess not too many people understand how the law works or why the things happen to people that do break the law.

    Your analogy of “firing a gun into a crowd” is pretty ridiculous, and it’s a perfect microcosm of the anger, and illogically filled spittle that you have put forward. It sounds like some people want sharia law or something. Check out the U.S. constitution, it’s a pretty cool document. It condemns this woman’s behavior, but also protects our citizens from power crazed rage mongers like you.

    Seriously, the constitution and bill of rights………pretty cool documents. Check them out online if they’re new concepts to you. Since opening a book is obviously a far stretch, google it or, more fittingly in your case, wikipedia. lol, reads ups on somes books missuh david……

  5. David Huie Green on March 6th, 2011 3:47 pm

    “Seriously, this girl’s story isn’t nearly as frightening as how furious and angry some people are getting about it on the internet.”

    It might not seem frightening or serious to you, but each DUI is similar to a gun fired randomly, maybe into a crowd, maybe in the air, maybe into somebody’s house or child. If a person has fired a gun into a crowd three times in ten years, some silly people tend to get worried about that person.

    David seeing their side
    hoping the guilty stop doing it

  6. J. R. on March 5th, 2011 7:13 pm

    Some of you people are eerily angry about this. Please don’t punch and break your computer screens. It’s apparent that you have things in your own life that are very sad and depressing, and find external things to attach your own misery to. There are over 2 dozen DUI arrests every single day in the state of Florida, and that’s on a weekday. So to lose your mind over this and physically abuse your family as a means of releasing your anger, doesn’t seem to make much sense. The system itself is flawed. Go to school, learn about your government, stop touching your children inappropriately, and deal with your own issues.

    Seriously, this girl’s story isn’t nearly as frightening as how furious and angry some people are getting about it on the internet. She’s out of jail, and she’ll deal with court when that time comes. Until then, have a coke and a smile! ;)

  7. DRUNK AND WHAT ELSE? on March 5th, 2011 12:10 pm

    There are so many criminals because there are so many people here
    who just defend them and pray for them. GOD HELPS THOSE WHO
    HELP THEMSELVES. Sometimes it takes more than prayer. They
    have to pay the piper the first time, then they learn there are consequences to
    their actions otherwise they just keep on going down that same old road.
    This one obviously likes that ROAD.

  8. DRUNK AND WHAT ELSE? on March 5th, 2011 12:05 pm

    I don’t know why anyone thinks we should not be mad about this and
    fume about it on here. Look at that girl and this is her third time out there driving in this condition with a lethal weapon. I’ll tell you what, if she goes out and kills any of MIINE I’m going to have her hide nailed to my barn door and I don’t care who wants to defend her. Stop AIDING her and start HELPING HER and grab her by the EAR until she squeals and TAKE HER DOWN AND MAKE HER sign HERSELF IN TO A HOSPITAL, or is her WHOLE family just waiting for someone
    ELSE to foot the BILL? Are you worried about your pocket books or this girl you claim you love so much?

  9. scott johnson on March 5th, 2011 11:27 am

    Maybe no more driving privileges, 3rd dui shows their’s a big problem and the only way to get her attention(if possible) is to revoke her driving for 20 years. Then she might think before drinking and diving which can injure many innocent people…

    Why is there so many criminals in molino…??

  10. BMB on March 5th, 2011 10:56 am

    This girl needs help. What help has she gotten since this previous story?

    It is time for the judicial system to step in since she continues to be a repeat offender.

  11. J. R. on March 4th, 2011 8:38 pm

    She’s very fortunate that she wasn’t killed and didn’t kill anyone else. It’s pretty sad to read the comments below though. It’s fitting that the people who are the most judgmental, are also the people who are writing on a 2nd grade level. Edumacation is goods yall.

  12. Just An Old Soldier on March 4th, 2011 12:09 pm

    My old First Sergeant used to say “Nothing good ever happens after Midnight.”

    I wish someone had gotten this young gal to Rehab after the first DUI. If there’s any doubt that a “bottom” has been hit, it should be gone now.

    I join my prayers to those of her Aunts. May the Lord bring her (and those like her) to right and sober living in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  13. WORRIED RESIDENT on March 4th, 2011 7:15 am

    Thank GOD no one was injured! Someone could hve been killed by this DRUNK DRIVER! Most of the time the drunk gets up and walks away! I guess because their bodies are so relaxed because of all the alcohol they have consumed. Although alcohol is more socially accepted, when it is used the wrong way (which it was in this incident- too much), it is as bad as drugs! She should be treated just like the crack, and meth addicts when they are arrested, or worse – because she was behind the wheel of that -however many ton- weapon (car)!!! Please realize how mangled up someone (victim) is when in a wreck with a drunk driver behind the wheel. Remember the woman who was decapitated a couple of months ago. Throw the book at her!!! You, your spouse, child, your parent, your sibling, your uncle, or even your aunt could have come victim to this DRUNK!!!!!!

  14. GAM on March 3rd, 2011 8:45 pm

    @ Another concern: This girl IS paying for her crime – your child would be no different. The question is…when these folks have paid for their crime, according to the law & ordinance of the city or locale in which they reside – who helps them find the appropriate direction? This young woman is 29 Years old – if you read the legal news, the state will not grant “legal custody” to her parents who love her dearly and live in the area. The state will not also “Baker Act” this girl which would afford her and her family the opportunity to deal with her illnesss. Can’t fish without bait! And every fisherman has a tale…

  15. Another concern on March 3rd, 2011 8:00 pm

    If this was my child they would lock her up and throw away the keys. She is no better than anyone else to pay for her crime. Why keep letting her go, just to go out and do it again. She’s going to kill someone if she is not made to realize what she has did is wrong! The only thing I find wrong with our justice department, some pay the price for their crime and someone elses too

  16. GAM on March 3rd, 2011 7:50 pm

    @ Judy and Denise: Now here is the compassion I would hope to see from everyone in the US. Since when have we, as a people, decided it was up to us to judge every individual persons transgressions? Don’t we, as a nation, have bigger “fish to fry”? Should have, would have, could have, BUT DID’NT. The only tradgedy here is for this young girl and her family. Let’s talk about government, collective bargaining, jobs for those who “want” to work – you know, things that really affect us all. No story here for you. Move on…and let this family heal.

  17. Darius on March 3rd, 2011 7:30 pm

    First time: Didn’t learn
    Second time: Didn’t learn
    Third time: We start to see a behavior pattern.
    Hold it, let me start over.
    First time: Your fault
    Second time: Our fault
    Third time: We must be stupid to let there by a third time.
    She don’t need help, we do. Lock her up before she kills me.

  18. JUDY MASEK on March 3rd, 2011 7:03 pm

    ms denise…i can certainly give you (and several of kellys other family members) credit for supporting her in prayer and concern….its a difficult time for all of you, im sure, as she is obviously an integral part of your family…..all i can add is, im very thankful that no one was seriously hurt or killed and i just hope that as she is dealing with the consequences of this ordeal, that she gets the proper help and takes it.

  19. nomoc on March 3rd, 2011 5:52 pm

    in florida after first dui you have to blow to start car for a year, 3rd dui you lose driving privlages, i think i am right here. but they get into someone elses vehicles to drive, those people should be punished also.

  20. Drunk and what else on March 3rd, 2011 4:51 pm

    Little B you sure said a mouth full. It always amazes me when we are not
    supposed to say anything about what their little babies do wrong when they
    could have taken out one of our little babies who did absolutely nothing wrong.
    Time to get real and take this ones drivers license away and send a strong message of punishment so we don’t catch her driving without a license because it sounds like she has been getting chances for 10 years and hasn’t learned anything.

  21. art on March 3rd, 2011 1:51 pm

    breaks my heart to see an addict’s family continue to enable the addict . show your love and support by encouraging and accompanying this darling precious “girl” to the closest AA or NA meeting. and keep on going.

  22. Little B on March 3rd, 2011 11:31 am

    Your heart shoud be joyous that she self inficted pain was not further compounded by killing someone. Think of all the wonderful people, just as precious to their family, who could have been killed. The only outcome that could be better is for her to be off the highway for good.
    If you can’t own a gun for the rest of your life after you are convicted for certain crimes, threre should be some action taken here. Really, don’t you think a car can kill you? I know she is somebody’s precious daughter, but I don’t want an irresponsible habitual drunk on the road with my precious daughter. Think about it. Driving drunk is alot like firing a gun into a crowd.

  23. WOW on March 3rd, 2011 10:52 am

    Aunt Denise
    I have no doubt this mug shot and our comments breaks your heart, however,
    what should be really breaking your heart is the condition that this kid is in
    and the fact that this is her third time.
    We all thank god that none of our loved ones were killed in this fiasco.
    As for talking about what the family will do seems to me your time is past.
    As for praying thats fine and dandy, but I’m praying she doesn’t get back
    in a car until she gets off of what ever it is that she is on, so she needs
    to be taught a real good lesson this time and do a little time before she kills

  24. Denise on March 3rd, 2011 10:39 am

    It breaks my heart to see this article and my spirit to read this commentary. Kelly is a precious daughter, a wonderful sister and a beloved niece in the eyes of her family. With her family’s support, some medical intervention and God’s help, Kelly will return to the vibrant, successful young woman of the not so long ago past. No one could begin to imagine the circumstances that have led Kelly to this juncture. I would like to think that we, as family members ourselves, could put the power of prayer and support to work rather than sit in judgement of this young woman. Seems to me, that is God’s job.

    Love & prayers to my beautiful niece and her family.
    Aunt Denise

  25. DRUNK AND WHAT ELSE? on March 3rd, 2011 10:30 am

    Isn’t that nice. A 29 year old female looking like that.
    Absolutely disgusting. This little girl needs to lose her license and get
    a year in jail to cool her heels and think things over while she dries out.

    Somebody slap her for me. She could have run over a kid and this is
    her third time. WOW!


  26. art on March 3rd, 2011 9:31 am

    make it mandatory upon her release (and she will be released at some point in time) she donate a whole lot of her time and resources in some way to MADD.

  27. So how many DUI's does someone get... on March 3rd, 2011 6:27 am

    Before they take a drivers license away? Or do you have to seriously injure someone? I thought the court system makes these multiple offenders attache one of those devices that a person has to blow their breath into before the vehicle is allowed to start? Or is that science fiction and urban rumor?

  28. Sherrie on March 3rd, 2011 3:51 am

    Kelly, We love you and are very grateful that no one got hurt. I am praying for you and hope that you realize how desperately you need to get help! You are a beautiful, talented, smart girl. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rethink your destination in life. So many people love you and are praying for your safety and well being.

    Please lord help this girl return to her family and friends, we love her and this in no way is indicative of who the real Kelly is. Please guide her to seek the help she so desperately needs.

    With great love,
    Your Aunt Sherrie

  29. EMD on March 2nd, 2011 11:40 pm

    That is about the sadest countenance I’ve ever seen. Praying for this one. She is in very very DEEP spiritual/emotional/mental pain. For sure.

  30. praynlady on March 2nd, 2011 5:24 pm

    This could be your daughter!!!

    I pray that you help loose her from the hold these substances have on her. I pray she repent and ask forgiveness ank seek your helpand I pray you send the best peole in her life to help her.overcome this bondage. She is precious to you Lord and I know you want her to walk sober in life and your love.
    Thank you.

  31. momof2beautifulgirls on March 2nd, 2011 5:17 pm

    i agree with mary too =)

  32. Name (required) on March 2nd, 2011 4:10 pm

    Just drove by it, tht T&C feed store sign will never be the same…

    … glad that was all she did.

  33. Dave on March 2nd, 2011 3:12 pm

    She skated last year on a felony charge,the victim refused to testify.We can count on the Trooper testifying in this case so she won”t skate out of this charge

  34. Bud the Great on March 2nd, 2011 2:38 pm

    DUI’s are serious things. Driving is to big of a responsibility to be impaired at the wheel. We are all fortunate no one was injured. All of us know at least one person who died in a crash where driking was involved. But on the lighter side, if there can be one, putting this mugshot on a billboard might be a deterrent. I hope she learns from this and does not do it again.

  35. omg on March 2nd, 2011 1:45 pm

    My, My, My what a mugshot that is….Glad no one got hurt or killed.

  36. Jim W on March 2nd, 2011 1:22 pm

    Oh, man, oh man is she ever wiped out! Holy smokes and she got be hid the whell of a car that far gone. I hope they make her take some serious intervention rehab. She looks like she needs it before she kills herself or someone else. Would anyone like to wager she pleads not guilty?? Just joking of couse but I would not put past her.

  37. Big Al on March 2nd, 2011 12:43 pm

    You folks must spend a lot of time looking at Drunks.

  38. Sandra on March 2nd, 2011 12:11 pm

    Even drunk as cooter brown she looks better than last weeks criminals on here.

  39. Name (required) on March 2nd, 2011 11:55 am

    DUI = Driving Under the Influence. Alcohol is not the only substance that can influence someone, and Alcohol is not mentioned as the cause in the article.

  40. NoName on March 2nd, 2011 11:54 am

    I’ll have to agree also more than drunk

  41. nudo on March 2nd, 2011 11:49 am

    Yeah that’s probably more than alcohol.

  42. MolinoGurl* on March 2nd, 2011 11:23 am

    I agree with you mary

  43. mary on March 2nd, 2011 11:19 am

    Looks like she is more than DRUNK