Major New Boat Ramp Could Come To Perdido River

March 1, 2011

A new major boat ramp could be coming to the Perdido River in the Beulah area.

Thursday night, the Escambia County Commission will consider the purchase of 4.31 acres for $888,500 for the first major public boat ramp site on the Perdido River. The two lots located at 11800 and 10860 will be purchased from Gregory and Linda English, if approved.

Two appraisals were obtained on the property — one by the county, which placed a total value of $665,000 for both parcels; and one by Gregory and Linda English, which placed a total value of $1,112,000 for both parcels.  The Gregorys and the county agreed to meet in the middle at the $888,500 price tag.

The purchase will be funded by Local Options Sales Tax (LOST) monies and from vessel registration fees.


27 Responses to “Major New Boat Ramp Could Come To Perdido River”

  1. Fisher Mann on May 10th, 2012 12:57 am

    The property in question, was privately owned by a fellow fisherman.
    He said he would always make it available to the fishing folks, as long as he was alive.
    Well, he got old and he died.
    His kids, didn’t feel the same about fishin’ that he did, and wanted to make a lot of money.
    At one time, the price was $450K.
    Then along comes Wilson, and said folks, I can get you a lot more money than that, just hold it for a while, let folks get agrevated, and tired of going to Alabama, and they will agree to pay a lot more.
    That same Wilson, has the asphault pile on nine mile road, that code enforcement gave him 60 days to fence it in and get it out of the public eye.
    Well 6 months later, nothing is done there either.
    This Wilson guy, also tried to get his buddy a lifetime job at the horse place, and we caught on to it too.
    Vote this Wilson guy out of office, so he can go fishing on his million dollar boat landing.

  2. rex on September 28th, 2011 6:47 pm

    i love to fish. but this is to much to spend on a boat ramp. let them keep the property for that price. it doesnt matter what we pay in taxes the funds will be blown before we see any rewards. lets keep the ramps we have in good shape for now. maybe with some research another property could be found an a better price. we do not need a location that will continually cost to maintain. just a good ramp that will last for years and parking places.

  3. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2011 12:49 pm

    “I disagree, David. There is a charter/constitution that defines the limits of governments at all levels.- – -This is county government and I don’t recall seeing any Army outposts in Perdido, lately ”

    I stand corrected. Or I shall as soon as you show me where our county charter forbids expenditures on parks and recreation. (I really haven’t checked, so it might be in there. I just find it hard to believe without citation.)

    I agree the federal government isn’t involved in this matter but was just showing how they could legitimately be involved–which is a rare thing nowadays as government becomes Big Brother in a loving but smothering manner. In fact they could be involved (which they aren’t) for the purpose of interstate trade, as in going from one side to the other.

    David also for limited government

  4. SW on March 4th, 2011 9:31 am

    ‘The function of local governments is whatever they decide.’

    I disagree, David. There is a charter/constitution that defines the limits of governments at all levels.

    ‘ If you wanted to look at it historically, county commissioners were called Road Commissioners by most because their prime function was to build and maintain roads throughout the county.’

    If that is their function under county charter, fine. Otherwise, it would be out of bounds.

    ‘In fact the federal government was properly involved in much of that from the very beginning. For example, they cleared the Red River to allow freight to reach Army outposts more cheaply than over land.’

    Apples and Oranges, David. This is county government and I don’t recall seeing any Army outposts in Perdido, lately. (I guess I could’ve missed one)

    Keeping within the boundaries set forth in charters is an absolute necessity; staying within budgetary constraints is equally important.

    Keeping the electorate happy is one thing; buying votes and helping cronies is another.

    SW for keeping government in check.

  5. David Huie Green on March 3rd, 2011 10:24 am

    “This is a government function, how?”

    The function of local governments is whatever they decide. They aren’t like the federal government which is supposed to have limited powers.

    If you wanted to look at it historically, county commissioners were called Road Commissioners by most because their prime function was to build and maintain roads throughout the county. They also kept rivers and major streams cleared because much freight was carried on them.

    In fact the federal government was properly involved in much of that from the very beginning. For example, they cleared the Red River to allow freight to reach Army outposts more cheaply than over land.

    Thus, a boat ramp would be especially appropriate. Nowadays, though it is mainly for the happiness of the local people.

    I’m not talking about the particular site or the price, just the concept.

    David for proper government
    and good boating

  6. Thataway on March 3rd, 2011 9:50 am

    In the past I was chair of M A C. There is money already set aside for ramps. Most comes from boat registration fees. This money can only be used for capital
    Marine projects. There is no ramp for boats in upper Perdido Bay. Heron Bayou is dirt ramp, with bridge between it and the bay. The channel is shallow. There is no place to launch emergency response boats. There is also excellent fishing and access to G O M.

    The Hurst Hammock site is deep water and direct Bay access, as well as Perdidi River.

  7. Bud the Great on March 2nd, 2011 5:45 am

    How do you know? This story consists of a headline, one and a half paragraphs and a footnote. It looks to me like the county commision wants to figure out how to pay for it at a later date. It does not make sense to spend that kind of money for something that only a few Escambia, Florida residences would use. I know that you pay vessel registration fees like I do. Why in Beulah? Thousands of Esc. residences pay the same fees and wont benefit any. Why are you special?

  8. Fiscal Responsibility on March 2nd, 2011 12:20 am

    No way. We don’t have the money for frivolous nonsense such as this when we are as broke as we are as both a nation and a state. Very few people percentage wise are going to use this $250,000 dollar per acre boondoggle That’s just the price for buying the land. how much to actually build it?

    If the people who want to launch their boats have to drive a few miles, then so be it. If the government is going to pay for these folks to float their boats then I think we should pay for everyone to have a boat.

  9. BarrineauParkDad on March 1st, 2011 7:56 pm

    The money has been long been set aside for the purchase of land and construction of boat ramps. The county does not own suitable land on the Perdido River or Bay for the construction of a boat ramp. Suitable property is very difficult to find. The EMAC has been looking for years.We, the residences of Escambia County have been losing access to the Perdido River and Bay systems for years. The closing of Hurst Hammock was a very sad day, as that was my favorite launch spot. I haven’t fished Perdido since. If there is a drowning or other emergency in the Perdido system, the Escambia Search and Rescue has very limited options to launch an operation.

    If you don’t own a boat or fish, you may not appreciate the efforts of the ECC, to provide access to the residents. I own a boat, fish, pay registration fees and purchase a fishing license. A lot of effort has been put into this by the EMAC and I personally appreciate it. I’ll be there opening day to launch.

  10. Howard Leonard on March 1st, 2011 5:38 pm

    River Rat they are by Ruby

  11. Little B on March 1st, 2011 4:42 pm

    you who
    The money ain’t there for it. I know it would be nice but it can’t be justified. I am not retired, but I launch early to avoid crowds. I know what you are talking about,but it is not a good deal. It has already been worked out at an inflated price.
    There are to few people who will benefit. Somebody got ahold to the taxpayer’s checkbook and want us to live beyond our means. How about a couple of golf courses and polo arena to go with it.

  12. Barry Phillips on March 1st, 2011 3:17 pm

    It’s a shame the last swimming hole that was left on perdido river north (Three Run) is now a Private area for members only. Hey! you can’t blame these people. There are too many people that just don’t care about anything, Thier conduct is disrespectful to the community. They trash the streets , swimming holes and the community. They seems to enjoy distroying other peoples property and showing no respect to anyone. I’ve watched these swimming holes close down one by one for these reasons, Attacks on our community’s environment were done by outsiders not local people, they care. Oh Yea! I bought a Place on Perdido River six months ago, 4.5 ac, with a house, and my bud bought 3.8 ac just down the river, both for under 325,000 WHY $888.000

  13. River Rat on March 1st, 2011 2:50 pm

    Exactly where are these lots located on Perdido River?

  14. interested reader on March 1st, 2011 1:45 pm

    Glad to know that LOST money is going to build this million dollar boat ramp. I think the LOST should refer to the county commissioners as is lost your minds. They can’t manage what they already have (projects) so how is this going to be different? Maybe they should just try to finish the projects that are ongoing instead of adding more debt the county. The county is in very poor financial condition already, why add to the debt?

  15. You Who on March 1st, 2011 10:49 am

    Little B
    You must be retired and only go boating during the week. On the week ends during the summer your public boat ramps are full. This boat ramp is just a start to what they need to do Navy Point needs to be expanded 10X’s and the county owns the property to do it. And as far as registration going up that a big 10-4 Taxes are killing us A young man with childrens will not be able to afford to hunt or fish with thier child anymore.

  16. Janice Parker on March 1st, 2011 10:13 am

    You people at least have access to Perdido River unlike the people in the north end. We have 1 place we can get to the river and we had to form a club and lease the property to have that. Count your blessings.

  17. SW on March 1st, 2011 9:54 am

    This is a government function, how?

  18. Little B on March 1st, 2011 9:40 am

    You who.
    The LOST and vessel registration fees are not a new sources of income. They have been around for a while. That being said, if this was good idea, there should be money in the bank already. Funding this project seems to be an afterthought.
    I liken this to me telling my family that my overtime is going toward buying a condo, and no longer be used to catch up on the bills and buy food.
    Your vessel registration went because everything else on the planet went up. I pay the same fees and I can get my boat anywhere I want to go already. You may be in the one percent that will benefit.

  19. You Who on March 1st, 2011 9:19 am

    A lot of folks don’t think it’s worth spending a million + dollars on a boat ramp. I can’t believe the county don’t own some property somewhere close to this location.For me I own two boats and have to buy a reistration for each one which just went up I understand. And I also have to buy tags and taxed fuel for these two boats. and for the most part can’t even find a boat ramp to use them. If we want the private sector to build these new ramps then do away with the registrations and tags for these boats and then I would agree with you. But as long as they charge these inflated taxes then we should benifit from the money they generate. I say that if we build these big ball paks and neigborhood parks then we should build more boat ramps

  20. bama54 on March 1st, 2011 8:49 am

    If they are going to build it, then our CC should look at Milton and build a park just like the one on Blackwater downtown Milton (East Bank side).

  21. Darius on March 1st, 2011 8:42 am

    Big Al speaks for me. This is what happened with the equestrian center.
    I would guess that a county commisioner who lives near the river is the daddy of this one. Don’t you want him to have a nice boat ramp?
    This is why our whole country is in debt. Government spends money on frivilous crap, then borrows money or raises taxes to operate.
    Mr. aam, This ain’t where fishing license money goes.
    Here’s an idea:
    1.Sell bonds and build it right, just like we do for toll bridges.
    2. Charge a fee to use the ramp
    3 Pay off the bond holders
    4. Continue to charge a fee and realize income
    or else forget it.
    Let your commisioners know that you are on them thier crooked little scheme before they throw more of your money away. Thanks to North for letting us know in time.
    I got a call to make, and you folks do too.

  22. Howard Leonard on March 1st, 2011 8:37 am

    This will be a really great thing if it happens. Folks here in Seminole ,Alabama can have use of there own boat launch again. Most folks who live and pay taxes here in Baldwin County cant even use our own landing because so many florida folks are using it. Please build this launch so we can fish ?????

  23. aam on March 1st, 2011 7:46 am

    What do you think the fees for fishing liscense are for. I would appreciate some of my money being used for this. Try and find a boat lauch in Escambia County compared to Santa Rosa County.

  24. bill on March 1st, 2011 7:43 am

    we need more boat ramps to the gulf of mexico to . i’m all for it .

  25. barrineau on March 1st, 2011 7:34 am

    I absolutely love this idea, just not sure (we) the county can afford it.

  26. Taxpayer on March 1st, 2011 7:12 am

    Any owner will appraise their property high. This is crazy. Why spend money on property alone for such a high price, then what is the cost to build a boat ramp? Where will the funds come from to maintain the ramp, clean up from litter etc.? Then close it because there are no funds? A lot of parks are already being closed. Sounds like someone wants to get rich off the taxpayers.

  27. Big Al on March 1st, 2011 6:10 am

    Will someone help me understand something. Why is the county (Which is so poor it can’t pay attention) going to spend over a million dollars of taxpayer money on a boat ramp which will be used by less than one per cent of the county’s residends? Shouldn’t this be a privately owned facility. Then the people using it could pay for it instead of the county residents who will never even see it let alone use it.