Local Unemployment Increases

March 11, 2011

The latest job numbers released Thursday showed 23,638 people out of work in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties during January.

Escambia County’s unemployment increased  from 11.3  percent in December  to 11.7 percent in January. That represented 455 additional people out of work, for a total Escambia County unemployment of 16,334 people. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 11.9 percent.

Santa Rosa County also recorded an increase in unemployment— from 9.8 percent in December to 10.3 percent in January. Santa Rosa County lost 310  jobs during the period, with a total of 7,304 persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 10.3 percent.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in January 2011 is 11.9 percent, down slightly from the December 2010 rate of 12.0 percent. This represents 1,100,000 jobless out of a labor force of 9,276,000.

“While Florida’s unemployment rate is still unacceptably high, we are seeing positive signs that employers are starting to hire,” said Agency for Workforce Innovation Director Cynthia R. Lorenzo. “An increase in online advertisements for full-time jobs coupled with an increase in Florida’s Consumer Confidence Index indicates that our business owners and families are increasingly optimistic about Florida’s economic recovery.”


5 Responses to “Local Unemployment Increases”

  1. Kathleen Wilks on March 12th, 2011 11:52 am

    wait till scott lays off the state employees, it will grow?

  2. elmerfudd on March 12th, 2011 9:11 am

    You reduce unemployment benefits from 26 weeks to 20. Now you have less people on unemployment and that lowers the unemployment figures and life looks peachy and Rosy again.

    Now you see the way the goverment works, If they not getting benefits they not unemployed and life is good

  3. commonsence on March 12th, 2011 5:17 am

    You have to be part of “The Good Old Boys Click” and you don’t have a problem. It’s so sad that a person makes one mistake in life and it haunts them for the rest of their life. Don’t give up recovery rocks. You have touched the heart of some people that understands.

  4. eab on March 11th, 2011 4:21 pm

    Hang in there, recovery rocks. Someone with your attitude will find a job. It is extremely difficult to find anything right now and what is out there may not pay well but attitude is a big part of life. Going back to college is a great idea. Better to do it as early in life as you can, because it only gets more difficult later as I have learned personally.

    I promise you I will pray for you and so will my wife. Keep being honest and keep trying. Someone will see through a misdemeanor conviction. I doubt that many truthful people could say that they have never broken the law even once.

  5. recovery rocks on March 11th, 2011 11:55 am

    Are they counting the ppl that aren’t receiving compensation? I am a productive member of society, but I wish my tax return could reflect that. It is so hard to find a job right now! I have been in trouble one time in my entire life, and corporations don’t want to give ppl a chance. I was only charged with a misdemeanor! I am honest with every interviewer, and nail every one of my interviews… I get offered a salary, do a drug test, and what happens? Sorry Miss, but we find you to be a liability. So, for now… I will just go back to college. I will do what I can to better myself. It is my responsibility.