Langley Bell 4-H Center Could Be Sold To Navy Federal Credit Union

March 21, 2011

Escambia County could sell the 240-acre Langley  Bell 4-H Center in Beulah to Navy Federal Credit Union to grow its customer service center campus.

Within weeks, Navy Federal will employ over 3,000 people at its facility on Nine Mile Road, directly adjacent to the Langley Bell 4-H Center. To expand, Navy Federal, the largest credit union in the U.S., has begun talks to purchase the 4-H property for $2.5 to $4.5 million.

A public meeting was held  Tuesday evening at the Langley Bell 4-H Center with a history of the facility, perspective from the Bell family, the current proposal, a Pensacola Chamber of Commerce/Navy Federal presentation and an open period for comments.

4-H supporter Dr. M. Langley Bell, Jr. donated 400 acres to Escambia County for the Langley Bell 4-H Center. The center, which is now 240 of the original 400 acres, is used for events such as 4-H camps, retreats, timber projects, livestock projects, and as a meeting site for extension agents. The Langley Bell 4-H Center comprises about 240 acres of the original 400 acres. Four cabins, a kitchen, meeting hall, nature trails, forestry and livestock educational areas, barns, pastures, a 5-acre lake, and a campfire circle are part of the 4-H center’s learning environment.

Pictured top: Students from Ernest Ward Middle and Northview High schools attend a Forestry Field Day at the Langley Bell 4-H Center in 2009. A construction crane at the Navy Federal campus can been seen in the background behind the lake. file photo, click to enlarge.


51 Responses to “Langley Bell 4-H Center Could Be Sold To Navy Federal Credit Union”

  1. krl on June 9th, 2011 9:54 am

    Mr. Bell gave the land and the center to the youth. The center is apart of 4-H history and is an important part of 4-H activities. Mr. Bell have the youth that center so they had some place to gather and go for activities. That center belongs to the youth. I was a 4-Her for 13 years and am now a volunteer. I have been in that building more times than I can count. It is an asset to 4-H and a symbol of the 4-H program in Escambia county. I think it would be a tragedy to sell the center. It belongs to the youth of 4-H and it should stay in their hands. I love 4-H and I love that center. I urge you to not sell it!!!!

  2. mv1325 on May 12th, 2011 4:45 pm

    do not sell the 4-H center!

  3. mark on March 26th, 2011 1:47 pm

    ok people listen closely – all proceeds from a sale of 4H property go to the 4H Foundation which was established prior to the last sale. Proceeds from the prior sale were matched by state funds – brilliant move by the Foundation. The county receives no money from a sale – nada. The extension service receives no money from a sale. The funds secure the future of Escambia 4H for a long, long time. What a wonderful legacy – thank you Bell family!

  4. gulf Coast on March 24th, 2011 10:27 am

    4H mom,
    I will reserve judgement on the county commissioners as none of them have come out and said the are in favor of the sale or not. Also their responsibility is to the constituents of Escambia County, not just 4Hers.

    The real problem lies at the extension service, not many agents use the facility and then one of the arguements for selling it is its nonuse. The real point of the sale is this ” Is it in the best interest of 4H to sell the property” NO it is not, not without a replacement facility that is BETTER (not necessarily bigger) . Extension wants to sell the property and NOT replace it. That is why all these people are fighting the sale of the property.

    Navy Federal doesnt “need” the property right now, they want it because land prices are as low as they have been in recent years. I say hold on to the property another 10 years and by then Navy Federal will finally be close to capacity at there present location (1600 employees vs 3100 capacity currently) discuss selling it to them then and at least make twice the money they are offering.

    My $0.02 worth.

  5. 4-H mom on March 24th, 2011 7:34 am

    This does stink of the county wanting to get their hands on this land and the profit from it. The land was donated to the 4-Her’s, the children of future generations. Unfortunately they are minors and the county “thinks” they know what is best for them. These county officials have never been in 4-H or had chldren in 4-H. My children started in preschool and graduated high school including 4-H in each year, 13 to be exact. They learned how to improve on communication skills, work with others, teach others, create a project, care for animals, compete in county up through state level events, and volunteer their services. There is so much more. They have received numerous scholarships to college based on these life long skills and they can use these skills the rest of their life. This is history and future history that is being sold for a price. What has our values come to?

  6. Annette Faircloth on March 23rd, 2011 4:37 pm

    What about the children That this will affect ? I to remember alot of great memories at this facility ; Learned alot about nature ,trees and outside in general ; before long there will be no History in Pensacola ,Molino ,Century ,Berrineau Park . These were great inspirations to all of us as youngters ..Dr.Matt Langley Bell , Mr Merwin Berrineau,and countless others .We want our kids to follow good examples and learn about the good things in life ,well i’m here to tell you there is nothing likethe history of this place.

  7. Football Mom on March 23rd, 2011 9:58 am

    “they could put it in Century (of course, they’d need armed guards, though)”

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was a good one :)

  8. Terri Sanders on March 22nd, 2011 7:57 pm

    This facility has been used less and less… mostly because of a few people who think they are in control of the facility.There has not been an over night camp held there for as far back as I remember.Homemakers used to be allowed to use it for their monthly meetings.The county stooped that.They let us use it for a few years for our annual Christmas tea,they stopped that.In fact it has become nearly immpossible for us to use that building for anything at all.It is a shame that what Mr.Bell intended the facility to be used for has been all but done away with.I agree let Navy Federal expand the other way or upwards.But I think this is about $$$$$ for the county coffers and not for anyone elses best interest.

  9. David Huie Green on March 22nd, 2011 12:14 pm

    they could put it in Century (of course, they’d need armed guards, though)

  10. Trish on March 22nd, 2011 12:09 pm

    To David Huie: I agree, what will be next????? National Parks, Historical landmarks???? They have been making it hard for the public to use the beach for years (oh we can use a little stretch here or there but they provide little to no parking), the county has the civic center up for sale, now the 4H property. Why not sell some of these ball fields or soccer fields, or boat ramps? Being sarcastic here!

    Why can’t Navy Federal build up instead of out? Or is it not cost effective to build a parking garage with 6 or 7 stories above that for working space?

  11. Robert on March 22nd, 2011 11:09 am

    Where did the money from the sale of the first 160 acres go?

    Where is the facility or property that money was used for located?

    The proceeds are supposed to go to improving or building a new facility (building) for 4H. That is a depreciating asset. The land they want to sell is an appreciating asset.

    WHY even consider this? Are there not alternative properties availiable for NFCU to buy? OF COURSE there are, there’s real estate for sale ALL OVER Escambia County (and cheap too, compared to a couple years ago).

    SOMETING STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN in this deal. SOMEBODY is getting greased to make this happen. NFCU will still build here if they can’t buy this land, but 4H will NEVER get another place like this.

  12. David Huie Green on March 22nd, 2011 10:22 am

    “Why not sell off our National Parks, or Historical landmarks?”

    Please don’t make that suggestion. you have no idea how many don’t understand the concept of sarcasm and many are already nodding their heads in agreement with what they think you seriously proposed.

    David wanting Rushmore

  13. Silver Fox on March 22nd, 2011 8:47 am

    I would like to point out a few facts for consideration.

    1) The land was donated for a particular purpose by Dr. M. Langley Bell, Jr because he loved 4-H.
    2) Considerable resources have gone into the development and infrastructure of this particular site, most recently the reconstruction after hurricane Ivan.
    3) Navy Federal has the ability to make an offer and purchase over 200 acres just adjacent to the current location.

    I want to go on record….I love Navy Federal and want to see it prosper with Escambia County and its citizens along with it. I don’t want snap decisions made which have long term negative impacts on our community and its children.
    During a time of cutbacks and downsizing do any of you really feel that we will ever get a equivalent site with facilities equal to what we already have? I suggest that the money will be spent on “critical” needs and our community will be poorer as a result. Why not sell off our National Parks, or Historical landmarks?

    I encourage Navy Federal to build and grow…..just find another location since you have the ability to make alternate choices. Unfortunately the 4-H program doesn’t.

  14. Bama Boy on March 22nd, 2011 7:26 am

    Proud Army Parent. My point is Navy Federal is feeding and providing alot of jobs for this town. There is enough property somewhere else to build a 4 H center by the way that provides so many jobs!! Its a matter of time before Champion closes! I say sell it and lets put Pensacola to work!! And Proud Army Parent I have a feeling if your income stopped coming it would be a problem!

  15. dnutjob on March 22nd, 2011 6:31 am

    This is so sad………:0(

  16. Resident on March 21st, 2011 9:21 pm

    >>Interesting how this was scheduled at the same time 4 of the 5 county commissioners are required to be in Tallahassee.

    Show me the “requirement”? Where in their employment contract or state law or they “required” to be in Tallahassee? Or where is the court order?

    Wilson Robertson, Grover Robinson and Kevin White are chosing to use my tax money to go to lobby. (So much more effective than email or a phone call? NOT!)

    They are chosing to go. They are not required. It’s all about wining and dining at the taxpayer’s expense.

  17. Gulf Coast on March 21st, 2011 9:15 pm

    Interesting how this was scheduled at the same time 4 of the 5 county commissioners are required to be in Tallahassee. Coincedence?? I think not. I have heard at least one commissioner is not happy about it.

  18. ProudArmyParent on March 21st, 2011 9:14 pm

    Bama Boy, your Gulf Power Bill and definitely not you child support bill are nobodies problem but your own. It seems to me that you are disenfranchising the children that the Langley Bell Center was meant to provide for. Once this center is gone there will never be another. Is that what the Bell family wanted? Is that what any of us want? Yes selling the center would be a quick fix to a poor financial situation., but what about the future? There is only so much land!

  19. From the Inside looking out on March 21st, 2011 8:14 pm

    I do have some knowledge of this entire situation. Navy Federal approached the Chamber of Commerce and the extension service about buying this property. They made an initial offer of around $2.5 million, or in the area of $14,000/acre. Their big push was the additional 800 jobs that they would bring. Way to low for this property. As someone said in an earlier post. Property around here has sold for nearly $60,000/acre across the road. Now that was back when times were really good.

    When the Bell’s donated the property they did put language in the agreement that the property could be sold. Funny thing is that they put the County Commisioners as the Trustee’s of the property. So the final decision will be made by the 5 county commisioners, but as Trustees for 4H. So the CC’s have to take their commisoner’s hat off and put on a Trustee’s hat. Which means they have to act in the very best interest of the 4H Foundation. What a conflict huh! They have been and will be reminded consantly of this as this moves forward. Or face serious legal issues.

    The 4H foundation has some great people (volunteers) working on this. And will work in the best interest of the Foundation. They will hear all offers. Those offers will include fair compensation so that a new center can be built.

    There has been offers of building a 4H center behind the Ext Building on Steffani Road. Many personally do not feel this is a good place for livestock and other outdoor events.

    Many of the supporters of the foundation will speak tommorow night. I can assure you that IF the Center is sold, it will be for a fair value, and that value recieved will be put towards a new and better center. The TRUSTEES (ie County Commisioners) have to assure this in their role as a Trustee or face legal problems.

    Most of the supporters of the Langley Bell Center are very supportive of hearing an offer from outside interest, but it has to be a fair one and many other logistics would have to be worked out. If it is not, the Langley Bell Center is happy right where it is now on 9 mile road!!!!!

  20. Well on March 21st, 2011 7:15 pm

    Paid around 2 mil for their first purchase and now they want 20 times as much for the same price. Treat em like Drugs.

    JUST SAY NO !!!!!

  21. Bama Boy on March 21st, 2011 6:59 pm

    JUJU your right the decision probably has been made. I work at Navy Federal and I hope they buy all of Nine Mile Rd and put this town to work. Problem is people dont want to work, they want to gripe!! I say build build build My Gulf Power bill and child support is depending on it!!

  22. JuJu on March 21st, 2011 5:36 pm

    So in other words the decision has been made and once again county citizens have no control over what is taking place except to vote the idiots out of office next election

  23. Molino_Girl on March 21st, 2011 5:24 pm

    If you have so many comments and questions about this issue, read the flyer, and come to the informational session.

  24. Gainesville on March 21st, 2011 4:27 pm

    Escambiagirl sound good but your living in fantasy land if you think that the 4h will get any of that for a new center if they get any thing out of this it will be Nothing like What they have. Ask where the money went from the first sale not to 4h. Kickback I couldn’t agree more only the truth will never come out k

  25. kickback on March 21st, 2011 4:11 pm

    I wonder what is in it for the extension agent that’s been trying to get rid of it for years. Hmmmmmm?

  26. Escambiagirl on March 21st, 2011 4:07 pm

    I think that this is a great idea, not only for Navy Fed but for the 4H’rs too.. I grew up in the 4H and I have alot of fond memories at the Langley Bell Center.. And I for one will hate to see it go, but honestly they can use this money, the money that Navy Fed is offering is wonderful and they will be able to take that money and put it into a new building closer together and get alot of new equiptment etc. Also not to mention Navy Fed adding on a 5th and 6th buliding!! That means lots of more jobs for us here in Escambia County! Navy Fed is an amazing place to work for.. I myself work there and I fully support their efforts, they will put this land to good use and give the 4h’rs what they deserve.. they have been struggling here for awhile like the rest of us.. and this money will come in handy! I hate to see the land go, but if it offers more jobs, and it goes to a place that is such a great asset to out county.. go for it! Navy Fed dose a lot of things to help the communtiy! I hope it all works of for the best.. I really support either way.

  27. ginger on March 21st, 2011 3:22 pm

    Here we go again getting rid of more beautiful woods and wildlife! soon there will be non at all and where does it stop? Isnt their facility big enough already?! I have lived here my whole life and little by little they are taking away any place to have recreation, fish, hunt, etc. and where is the wildlife supposed to go? BIG MISTAKE to sell and if they are the largest in the us then PAY multiple MILLIONS for it!! This is absolutely ridiculous!!

  28. JuJu on March 21st, 2011 2:53 pm

    for those of us that grew up going to the 4-H center, this is way wrong….I hope someone that is in the Langley Bell family sues the county for not keeping the property…..Kevin White, you better fight to save or you will be voted out for this and all the other stupid things you do

  29. David Huie Green on March 21st, 2011 1:54 pm

    There are some pretty little plants with twisty flowers spiraling up around the stalk in the parking area, or there were a few years back. I checked with a forester who told me it is a form of orchid.

    I wonder if it’s endangered.

    David thinking of pretty plants

  30. tlad on March 21st, 2011 1:05 pm

    I just called my County Commissioner, Chairman White. I suggest all opposed do the same. . . .

  31. tlad on March 21st, 2011 12:59 pm

    My understanding is that the County only has the right to manage the functions at the center, it DOES NOT OWN the land. If this is so, it does not have the authority to sell it.

  32. Christine Rodgers on March 21st, 2011 12:40 pm

    My children have been participating in 4-H and I am a club leader since 2005. While our history does not go back very far, we love the 4-H center on Nine Mile Rd. However, we along with the Bell family and the county want to do what is best for our county for 4-H and for jobs for our county. I for one hope to see the highest price paid for the property, should it be sold and a new state of the art facility built for 4-H use preferably on property where all the same events could still take place that take place at the camp now. I hope every effort will be made to make sure that 4-H does not lose out on this deal. It would be a sad day for the kids to lose that camp to big business for one gain in our community, only to lose in another way by slighting our children’s opportunity to learn and grow through the 4-H program and the other activities that go on at the camp, such as the GCA and NRA Livestock Show.

  33. AL on March 21st, 2011 12:15 pm

    I can see plusses on both sides of this.
    - sale of the property to Navy Federal, a proven employer with good paying jobs, good benefits and low turnover. Want jobs in Pensacola? You’ll get them there. In a crowd of 10-15 people you will generally have someone who works at Navy Fed or knows someone who does. They have jobs posted all the time.
    If they don’t sell to Navy Federal, they will sell to somebody – keep in mind the 10,000 acres they approved for development (read that “more empty subdivisions”) between Beulah and Pine Forest Rd

    - not selling: 4h teaches kids skills and knowledge that are going by the wayside. Without the 4H center, will there be a 4H? Maybe Navy Fed could help fund a new space, smaller but still functional?
    Of course, if the county doesn’t let anybody use it, that would be pointless as well.

  34. gulf Coast on March 21st, 2011 11:56 am

    You are right PBB the liability issues are alot of the problem. It is amazing the hoops you have to go thru to use the facility. Supposedly you had to have a million dollar insurance policy to use thcenter for a non 4H function. The archery club used to host a tournament there. They could not afford to have the insurance so they went to the equestrian center to hold the tournament. Interesting they could hold it at the equestrian center and not the 4H center. (both county controlled properties)

    I think that the decision has been made at the extension level, the only thing going for the center is they dont get to decide the trustees do.

  35. PBB on March 21st, 2011 11:17 am

    First off, the land was never donated to “Escambia County” for 4H. It was sold to the 4H’ers of Escambia County for $1.00 and a board of trustees were set up to oversee it. Being that the County Commissioners make up most of this board the purpose and meaning of this center has gone by the wayside over the years because of all the political restrictions of this “county”. What is the purpose of this center if the ones it was intended for can’t even use it? if a 4H group wanted to use the bunkhouses and bathhouses for an overnight stay, they couldn’t because of our fine county government and their restriction because of liability issues. What a crock!

  36. me on March 21st, 2011 11:07 am

    responding to shae….Oh, they don’t want to just cut some more from the 240 that is left – they want all of it this time around.

  37. sad on March 21st, 2011 11:07 am

    Its sad that the county would let a place like that go guess the commissioners aren’t thinking of there people maybe they will be forgot about come election time. But we might as Well get rid of it because the people in charge don’t want it used for What it’s intended anyway. No livestock no kids but that’s What happens when organization outside of our county are involved in our business

  38. Christopher Maloney on March 21st, 2011 11:04 am

    Is it guaranteed that they will provide additional jobs to make it worth the sell? Let’
    s say they get a good deal on the land and provide another 1,000+ long term jobs in the area. That would be great. But, if we sell the land and they just sit on it then we loose.

    I would like to think that the community & the 4-H group has some influence in the outcome of all this but I doubt. If the county/4-H approves the sell then I sure hope that they get a new center built but that would probably cost millions more than the price of the sell of this land.

  39. confussed on March 21st, 2011 11:00 am

    I am a little confused about the sale of this land. I understood that when this
    land was donated to the county it was to be used soely for the purpose of
    the 4-H center. I think it was to revert back to the family if the county did not
    follow thru with this and now the county is again going to sell what is left. What has been done with the monies they have received from the sale of part of this complex. Can it be accounted for?

    Have they any intentions of moving the 4-H complex to another location or
    just closing it completely.

  40. shae on March 21st, 2011 10:48 am

    Hasn’t this land been cut enough? Only 240 acres left from 400? “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot!”

  41. gulf Coast on March 21st, 2011 10:22 am

    Look at the property appraisers website two properties just southeast of the center sold for $51,428 per acre in 2006 and 29,201 an acre in 2004. Interesting numbers they came up with on the price.. I think they are low.

  42. bama54 on March 21st, 2011 9:12 am

    aam, you give me a million and I am outa here!! You got it I’ll take it. I would gladly move to Baldwin County Al, at least you see where your money is going.

  43. Dave on March 21st, 2011 8:08 am

    Soooo 18750 dollars {max} per acre for improved land with quick Interstate acces. Sounds like a sweet deal for the largest Credit Union in the US.

  44. aam on March 21st, 2011 7:58 am

    To Bama54:
    How much do you need to move if you hate this County so much.

  45. bama54 on March 21st, 2011 7:54 am

    I say sell all the county land, and fire all the county workers, “NO” county tax! This county is just a big joke!! Please Lord let me win the Lotto so I can move!!

  46. Watch OUT!!! on March 21st, 2011 7:32 am

    Great news I don’t think so land donated to the county being sold. What happens to the money. I don’t see the county buying more land for another 4 h center I see it going by by and all the kids out of great place just to make a few people happy I smell a rat

  47. David Huie Green on March 21st, 2011 7:22 am

    So they’ve found a way around the stipulation in the original donation that the land only be used for that purpose, as a 4-H facility?

  48. nf on March 21st, 2011 6:10 am

    This would be sad to see such a part of history go. I myself have been there several time to attend 4-H events and other meetings. It is a wonderful place with a lot of memories.

  49. great news on March 21st, 2011 5:53 am

    I’m excited to see growth with a great company happening here in Pensacola. Hope this works out!

  50. OMRBH on March 21st, 2011 3:20 am

    Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Surely the county will provide for a new 4-H center.

  51. ridertoo on March 21st, 2011 3:16 am

    Well, lets see if we got the straight scoop. Mr Bell donated land to the county to be used for a 4-H Center, and it has been used for it’s intended purpose.
    Now the county is going to sell that land to the largest credit union in the country (highest bidder?). Obviously that credit union provides a lot of jobs for the area. You scratch our back, we’ll scratch yours.
    So, what about the original purpose for which the land was donated? Will the county provide a comparable site for a new 4-H center? That waits to be seen, doesn’t it?
    In the mean time, remind me not to donate my little piece of land to the county for anything. County would probably sell it to (ahem) someone to build another convenience store.