It’s Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, Camp Fire USA Style

March 17, 2011

There really is a day for kids — Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is Thursday.

Kids at the Camp Fire USA Century Youth Learning Center and other Camp Fire sites across the country received handwritten letters of support and encouragement fromparents and community members, showing the kids just how incredible the adults think they are.

In Escambia County, Sheriff David Morgan (pictured) penned a letter at the request of the local Camp Fire USA Gulf Winds Council.

“CFUSA was thrilled to learn that the sheriff supported their mission in the AIKD letter writing. They hope his involvement will inspire more individuals to participate in AIKD and support their mission of letting children know how absolutely incredible they are,” said La-Vonne Haven, executive director of Camp Fire USA Gulf Winds Council.

The sheriff’s letter is reprinted below.

To the Children of Escambia County,

As the Sheriff of Escambia County, a parent and grandparent, I am setting this time aside to reflect on all of these roles.

As the Sheriff, I see the devastating effects of child neglect and abuse, on our society and community. The lives wasted for lack of parenting and concern for children brought into this world trusted to our care by God. For in far too many instances, we have abrogated our solemn responsibilities in teaching and mentoring the elements of basic decency and honor. And yes, respect for those in authority, the elderly and the law.

As a parent, I have struggled with raising children in a changing society, where many of the things ‘we’ held dear are now considered antiquated, such as faith, family, community and nation. It is difficult in this environment to pass along these attributes when a society (outside the home) continues to teach children that ‘the most important thing in life….is “you.” Our children are taught to live in the moment, with little or no thought for the future. We see this manifested in gang activity, drive by shootings and suicides.

So let this change begin with me. As a sheriff, parent and grandparent, I state unashamedly that “I love you.” I care deeply about your wellbeing and your future. That I pray for nothing but a future bright with possibilities and that I make it my daily mission to provide for and leave a world better for you than it was for me.

For in the end, I hope that when people speak of me to my children and grandchildren, that they say; “I knew your dad, and he was a good and decent man.” I can hope for no better.


David Morgan
Sheriff, Escambia County

Pictured top: Sheriff David Morgan writes his Absolutely Incredible Kid Day letter. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “It’s Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, Camp Fire USA Style”

  1. art on March 18th, 2011 1:13 pm

    hey kids, it is all about you. you are in fact , incredibly incredible! when life gives you a lemon, you make lemon meringue pie… that is how incredible you are. some of us grown-ups want you to know we see your struggle and determination and pride and silliness… we see your incredibly bright smiles, your eagerness to show us you care and that you can make a difference and be a valuable member of society. we have plans for you, but at the end of the day, you hold the future and to some extent our futures, in your hands. so let’s just say up front,” thank you” for being incredible. hope you learn from our mistakes. hope you live long and prosper. never forget. you are incredible!

  2. Margie Hays on March 18th, 2011 6:10 am

    Sheriff Morgan sounds like he cares deeply for our county’s kids & youth. I hope more parents will realize their children are precious and irreplaceable, and that many more qualified foster and adoptive parents will step forward to help those who need a stable and loving home and guidance into adulthood.

  3. noh8rs on March 17th, 2011 11:30 am

    I think he forgot to tell the kids “how incredible he thinks they are.”
    But he sure let them know how incredible he thinks he is!!!!!!