Home Invasion Nets 15 Years For Escambia Man

March 26, 2011

State Attorney Bill Eddins announced Friday afternoon that Escambia County resident John Lee Williams was sentenced by Judge Michael Allen to 15 years in state prison followed by 15 years probation.

On February 9, 2011, Williams was found guilty by an Escambia County Jury of one count of home invasion robbery without a weapon and a second count of battery upon a person 65 years of age or older.

On April 8, 2010, Williams and two others forced their way into the home of Lloyd E Dawson, while a fourth person waited in the car. Once inside Dawson was pushed and held down while he was struck repeatedly with his own cane. The defendants took a camcorder and other electronic devices.


7 Responses to “Home Invasion Nets 15 Years For Escambia Man”

  1. NWFLA Linda on March 27th, 2011 2:24 pm

    commonsence(sic), It was ten years for more than a dog. Look at it this way, not all home invaders /robbers/drug dealers/murderers are dog fighters but I betcha all dog fighters are guilty of expanding into other areas of illegal activity. To get to the cancerous tumor you have to start excising the outer margins. Dog fighting and its accompanying activities are part of those outer margins. That;s the legal rationale for maximum punishment and if I remember the article, this was not his first encounter with the law so there’s a repeat offender factor involved. From a humane standpoint, ten years locked up for knowingly and willingly abusing and brutalizing dogs for his own entertainment and profit is not nearly severe enough. The dogs had no such choice – they were at this guy’s mercy and suffered greatly.

    Ideal punishment would have been to turn the dogs loose on him. Ideal punishment for this home invader creep would have been to be beaten with a cane as Molino Man suggested. Then, if able, they could both proceed to prison! Unfortunately just prison is the best we can do.

  2. commonsence on March 27th, 2011 6:32 am

    JDG I agree.

  3. commonsence on March 27th, 2011 6:31 am

    Ten Years for a Dog, 15 for Home Invasion of the Elderly. Whats wrong with this Picture?

  4. JDG Molino on March 26th, 2011 10:56 pm


  5. Fairlane63 on March 26th, 2011 10:54 am

    Only 15 years? This scumbag should have gotten life.

  6. Molino Man on March 26th, 2011 10:23 am

    I think they should cuff Williams & let Mr. Dawson beat him with his cane. Plus pay Mr. Dawson every dime he gets sent to him in prison. Then his “girlfriend” will be his provider. This is Scum !

  7. xpeecee on March 26th, 2011 7:55 am

    How low can you go! This “person” does not deserve to live in this society – - – ever! I hope your prison “girlfriend” is as proud of you as yo mama! Disgusting!