Hearing Set In School Prayer Debate

March 29, 2011

A hearing has been scheduled for July in the lawsuit that challenges a consent decree that put an end to student and faculty-led prayer in Santa Rosa County schools.

Monday, U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers gave the lawyers on both sides of the case 90 days to obtain the depositions from over 50 parties in the case prior to the two week bench trial — a trial before the judge without a jury — in July.

Last week, Rodgers clarified that school district employees are allowed to attend religious services such as baccalaureate, even on a school campus.

“This is the only claim involving allegations of school officials threatening discipline for private conduct outside of school or a school event,” Rodgers wrote. “A private religious service is not a school event, even if it takes place in rented school facilities.”

The court prohibited the Santa Rosa County School Board to “from enforcing any school policy that restrains in any way an employee’s participation in, or speech or conduct during, a private religious service, including baccalaureate” pending a full hearing this summer.


8 Responses to “Hearing Set In School Prayer Debate”

  1. whitepunknotondope on March 30th, 2011 12:40 pm

    justmyopinion: there’s a good reason why you’re not in any position of AUTHORITY. It’s pretty evident.

    “Yeah let’s bring back the good ole days when men was men and women raised children and there weren’t no electronics, we all got along just fine! Kids were seen and not heard, women knew their place, and if you didn’t go the local church you were an outcast! Woo hoo! YEAH! Let’s bring them days back, I miss em! That’ll send a message to them God-forsaken socialist liberal commies that WE (meaning the REAL Amerika) won’t tolerate their hijinks!”

  2. sp on March 30th, 2011 11:57 am

    Bamcubz wrote, “Isn’t part of religion to be tolerant of others.”

    If you are speaking of other religions, maybe, but if you are referring to the teachings from the Bible, then no.

  3. just my opinion on March 30th, 2011 9:40 am

    I’m all for this! Bring back prayer in schools, bring back parents and teachers having the upper hand over children, and bring back parents actually caring about their children, starting at home and teaching them right from wrong and teaching them basic life skills and basic information! I’m tired of seeing the kids these days just doing what they want and being disrespectful and not listening to any adults! Go back to the good ole days before video games and crapp took over the world and make the kids be kids again! Seriously It would be nice to see prayer back in schools.

  4. Bamcubz on March 29th, 2011 9:24 pm

    You are of course assuming that everyone that attends schools here is Christian, but I’m sure they all are not. That being the case are you willing to pray according to their religion practices? How much of the school day is this going to used up? Now if you let the pray in math, science, or history are you going to let them make up the time, say at church? What if they are student that do not wish to pray, or you going to penalize them? Make them do like the Catholics and say five Hail Mary’s ? It not a matter of weather you believe in God or not, but when is it appropriate to stop a class so that you can all take part in a prayer? before a test perhaps? May if there were an elective class that was on “religions”, where the kids can study and pray in all religions of the world, after all if you want people to pray your way, you have to be opened minded and willing to try theirs. Isn’t part of religion to be tolerant of others.

  5. James Powe on March 29th, 2011 11:45 am

    To Thinker;

    Matthew 6:6 is indeed a wonderful verse and discribes how we should have our
    private time with the LORD. Afterall, faith is the key to our relationship with the
    HEAVENLY FATHER. Without faith it is impossible to please him. I’m afraid you
    take the verse out of context because verse 5 discribes the fake prayer of one
    lacking proper faith and gets his reward in trying to convince people he is some-
    thing other than what he is by professing to be a CHRISTIAN. He really has no idea of what a true CHRISTIAN is.

    A true CHRISTIAN will profess his faith openly. Whether it be openly joining a
    church, being baptised, or simply by witnessing to others. A true believer will
    NOT keep it a secret.

    I don’t understand how the courts will allow non-christians to profess their
    beliefs openly is public schools, but refuse the same privilage to CHRISTIANS.

  6. Nicole on March 29th, 2011 9:54 am

    Matthew 28:19 :19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20:Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen
    So IF God wanted you to keep quiet about the gospel then why did JESUS say to teach all nations …Which is written in red….I just hope that when you really need HIM he wont be too ashamed of you like certain ppl are to ashamed to pray in public….JUST SAYING

  7. Thinker on March 29th, 2011 8:54 am

    Read Mathew 6:6. When you pray in public, you are obeying the words of men seeking power, not Jesus.

    -Angry Agnostic.

  8. kaye on March 29th, 2011 7:20 am

    the answer to why the world is in the shape its in because of taking christ out. for those that wants to pray let them pray where ever we are,those that dont want to pray, believe me you will want to one day i did JESUSCHRIST is the best thing that has ever happen to me and my husband.