Health Care Opt Out Advances

March 30, 2011

Moving toward a 2012 ballot fight, a House subcommittee on Tuesday approved a proposed constitutional amendment that might allow Floridians to opt out of a key part of the federal health overhaul.

The House Health & Human Services Quality Subcommittee voted 10-4 along party lines to approve House Joint Resolution 1. The full Senate has already passed its version of the measure.

The proposed amendment says, in part, that “a law or rule may not compel, directly or indirectly, any person or employer to purchase, obtain, or otherwise provide for health care coverage.”

Supporters hope that would allow Floridians to opt out of what is known as the “individual mandate” — part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that eventually will require almost all Americans to have health insurance.

The Florida Supreme Court rejected a similar proposed amendment last year because of misleading ballot wording. Sponsors removed the disputed wording from the new version and want to ask for voter approval in November 2012.

Sponsor Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, told the subcommittee that the individual mandate is “against what our country was founded on.”

But Democrats have long contended that Floridians can’t opt out of the federal health law because of the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Rep. Mark Pafford, D-West Palm Beach, said he thinks the proposed amendment “frankly is philosophical rambling.”


5 Responses to “Health Care Opt Out Advances”

  1. VW on March 31st, 2011 9:44 pm

    Right on TK!

  2. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on March 30th, 2011 3:00 pm

    Oh yeah…………. The democrats used to bash PRESIDENT BUSH for playing golf. Hey dems…… did you know that ODUMBA golfed more in one year than BUSH did in 8! I bet you didnt cause the left wing liberal media wont tell you that. Are you tired of this ego maniac apologizing for america being such a bad nation? Did you know that he and his big butt wife and 40 of her closest friends spent more money on one trip to spain than BUSH spent on all his trips in 4 years? Take up for this hollywood puppet if you must, but be ready to apologize to your kids when 35% of their hard earned money goes just to pay the debt he is mounting right now. He said he would be transparent when he campaigned…….. well he was right cause I can see right through all his smoke and mirrors! To hell with him!! Vote for me as the 45th president!!

  3. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on March 30th, 2011 2:51 pm

    Its obvious the joke called obamacare is intended to give insurance to people who dont want to work. Im not saying that everyone without insurance is lazy but most of you know what I mean. I have blue cross and blue shield and just paid $750.00 out of pocket for my 7th knee surgery. I was self employeed for my other 6 surgeries and they didnt cost me any where near $750.00 combined!!! Its the same principal as the law that the idiot in charge came up with that says that crack COCAINE is not actually COCAINE because most of the people arrested for it are non whites. Go to your goverment websites and look at the changes made that help one race and hurts another. Can we afford four more years of the unqualified, vacation taking, money spending racist thats in there now? I say NO WE CAN’T !! Call me a racist if you like, I just call it as I see it.

  4. northend alumni on March 30th, 2011 11:25 am

    I was hoping that the new healthcare bill would be the law of the land and this is why. I have a friend who is married with two kids. Her husband has been working in a state job for nearly two years now. He has healthcare, but has not added his wife or kids. I think that it should be against the law for him not to provide healthcare for his family especially since he is covered and have the means. He ought to feel less of a man by not providing for his kids’ health. So what happens if there is a trauma and they must be hospitalized, well…. tax payers like us will have to foot the bill.

  5. Jane on March 30th, 2011 10:39 am

    No one should be FORCED to buy health care by the federal government! Health care should be an option, not an ORDER. Some of us can’t afford it regardless and will just have to pay the fine because it is cheaper than the insurance premiums. If the government wants to control health care then get rid of the insurance companies and do what Canada does. Of course then you don’t have access to best health care. Right now only rich people can afford health insurance!