Gulf Power Crist Plant Reclaimed Water Project Receives Accolades

March 22, 2011

Gulf Power Company’s project to reuse millions of gallons of reclaimed water at its Crist generating plant in Escambia County was named the top project among the 2011 Industry Excellence Award winners by the Southeastern Electric Exchange.

Gulf Power has partnered with Emerald Coast Utilities Authority to use reclaimed water from the new Central Water Reclamation Facility. The reclaimed water is being used at Plant Crist for cooling tower operations and for operating a scrubber system, which began operations in January 2010 to reduce overall regulated emissions by more than 90 percent.

Gulf Power teams integrated the reclaimed water system into the Plant Crist infrastructure building additional on-site water treatment systems.

“This award goes to our employees who have dedicated so much of their time and their know-how to complete this project,” said Sandy Sims, Gulf Power manager of Public Affairs. “It was an incredibly complex challenge that required teamwork and innovation, and ultimately this project — this partnership — benefits Northwest Florida with cleaner air and cleaner water.”

Gulf Power was the winner in the Environmental Category, beating entries from larger utilities in the Southeast. The Chairman of the SEE Industry Excellence Awards then selected the Gulf Power project as the top overall project of the 11 winning categories. Although recognized by SEE in the past, it is the first time Gulf Power has won the Chairman’s Award.

The Southeastern Electric Exchange, a non-profit, non-political trade association of investor-owned electric utility companies, includes about 20 major utilities in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic from Texas to Maryland and Virginia.


One Response to “Gulf Power Crist Plant Reclaimed Water Project Receives Accolades”

  1. aam on March 22nd, 2011 7:53 am

    IP is using some of this water also, but of course this is not listed.