Tate High Student Passes Away

March 18, 2011

Grief counselors were on hand again Friday at Tate High School following the death of a student Thursday morning.

The Gabe Carter, 15, reportedly began experiencing a seizure in a classroom and collapsed. The freshman was transported from the school by LifeFlight to West Florida Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

An announcement Thursday afternoon notified Tate students that their classmate had passed away, and counselors were made available.


150 Responses to “Tate High Student Passes Away”

  1. Kyle on September 8th, 2018 3:02 am

    Hey Gabe, I miss you man, I wish you were here. What would you think of the world? Would you be out of college or married by now? The world keeps moving but i don’t think that I will ever be able to forget your friendship. You helped me through a tough time of my life and i’m sorry that you can’t be here, I love you now and always.

  2. Shane Powell on March 17th, 2012 11:17 pm

    R.I.P. Gabe was a great person better than i could ever be an amazing friend first off i used to make fun of him alot back during 7th grade year in the begining then i changed my ways stoped being so mean to everyone and desided to sit down and actually talk to him he told me about a great video game called fallout 3 turned out to be my favorite video game still is , and you know i still feel bad about making fun of him so much at the begining of the school year but we became great friends after that amazing friends actually had my seat moved so i could sit next to him during class i wouldnt have passed with out he helped me alot he spent more time trying to teach me math than the teacher did i think ,he was awesome and i wear my memorial braclet every day to remember him and try to be more like him miss you bro

  3. Jeremy Macha on May 23rd, 2011 11:44 pm

    I wrote a song about you tonight. I wish you were here to hear it man, you have great taste in music. You could tell me if it is good or bad. “I never took the time. To say what’s on my mind. Now it’s too late, but my heart won’t wait. I love you. I remember when we met. Nicest guy ever, I bet. I’m glad I glad I got to know you, I was happy to. I wish I could bring you back cause I need you. I wish I could bring you back cause I feel blue. I miss you more than Paul misses John, I wish I would’ve told you this before you were gone. But its too late. Why did I have to wait? I love you Gabe” there’s your song man…. I love you and miss you so much

  4. Kyle DiBattista on March 30th, 2011 10:20 pm

    I still miss ya Gabe and always will. Rest in peace my good friend…

  5. Ashton Hand on March 23rd, 2011 5:32 pm

    Gabe and I were both in tsa last year. When we went to the trip to orlando me and Gabe shared a room togethwer with two other friends of ours. Every morning no matter what Gabe work up with the biggest smile on his face . I remember the one and only time i have seen Gabe without a smile on his face was when he didn’t make it into the top ten at state. We had a close and strong bond over that year and the trip. I didn’t cry at the funeral but as soon as i sat in the car the tears came. You will be truly missed from everyone. Miss you Gabe Rest in Peace Gabe. i’m glad you with god now instead on this earth.

  6. Jennifer Grant on March 22nd, 2011 10:42 pm

    Today was a very hard day to watch a family grieve for the loss of their child. I didn’t know Gabe that well but I know his mom. Carrie has shared so many stories with me about Gabe and Eryn. I have met Gabe twice and for that I feel privileged. He was a wonderful kid and I am so very sorry for the Carter family’s loss.

  7. Brittany Culbertson on March 20th, 2011 10:50 pm

    We were never that close and the only time i saw you was at family gathering at Auntie Mimi’s house. You were always smiles and making jokes. I don’t ever remember seeing you sad or upset. You were also very smart and had a very big heart ! It was always fun when we all got to play Marco Polo with Eryn and Courtney in Auntie Mimi’s pool. You truely were an amazing person ! You were sweet and you cared so much for your family. It’s hard to think about the way that you had to leave us all because you were so young. I know God has a plan even though we now have no idea what it may be, but what i do know is that you are right there in Heaven and will still watch over your family as you did when you were here. You were an inspiration to many and you will NEVER be forgotten. I pray that God stays with our family and that You Rest in Peace. I love you !

    Your Cuz,
    Brittany. <3

  8. tatehighschool1045 on March 20th, 2011 9:41 pm

    we thought about you with love today,
    but thats nothing new.
    we thought about you yesterday,
    and days before that too.
    we think of you in silence,
    we often speak your name.
    now all we have is memories,
    and a picture in a frame.
    your memory is our keepsake,
    with we will part.
    God has you in your keeps,
    We have you in our hearts.

  9. a close friend to the family on March 20th, 2011 7:33 pm

    gabe lived across the street from my grandfather however i have known him for years and i was going to see him when i got back from vacation but when you have done what he wanted you to do he calls you home and you cant ignore the call i will miss you gabe and to the rest of the cater family you are in my prayers

    a close friend

  10. Mannie and Judy Maynor on March 20th, 2011 5:41 pm

    Dear Gabe, we will always remember you in so many ways, the way you were so kind and had such a big heart there are not enough words to explain how much you are loved!! Last year is one year that reminds us so much of you… when we all went swimming together and the way that you taught my 3 and 4 year ols how to swim and gave them the confidence to jump off the diving board:) Still to this day they remember that even at a young age! I wish we could have spend more time with you, but we know one day we will be in Heaven with you. Enjoy the great time you are having there and we know you will be watching over everyone that knew and loved you!!! LOVE ALWAYS MANNIE AND JUDY MAYNOR <3 <3 <3 <3

  11. wfh rn on March 20th, 2011 12:56 pm

    I did not have the pleasure in life to know this young man… But he will touch my life forever.. I’m one of the RN’s who tried to save his life..I understand this is my choice in life to try and help people but, when something like this happens to such a young and full of life person it takes a piece of my heart with them. I believe in the power of prayer and all I could do was say the lords prayer over and over in my head while we tried to save this young mans life. Any death is a tragic one but to read all of the comments and stories people have said about him makes this one so unfair.. I understand God has a reason for everything and that is how I live my life.. My prayers are with his family and friends..I’m so sorry for your loss..

  12. Clayton Atkins on March 19th, 2011 11:21 pm

    R.I.P. Gabe
    we will miss you.

  13. Meranda,Nana,Brianna,Papa on March 19th, 2011 11:04 pm

    We all loved him. It couldve been his bright smile.Or it could’ve been his twinkling sparkle in his eyes. But no it was his kind,loving,generous heart in which he could never seem to have a limit to hold another person.
    We will never ever find a replacement for such a young man. We will love him forever and always. Eryn knows he is in a better place,but don’t worry,no one can replace gabriel’s spot in your heart,but we will make sure your heart as well as carrie and charlie’s…is never completely dull. We will love you forever and always no doubt Gabriel.We will make sure to take good care of Eryn and fill his heart with undivided love.See you when we can,at the gates of heaven Gabriel.
    Meranda,Nana,Brianna,and Papa<3

  14. The Stubblefields on March 19th, 2011 10:52 pm

    We have two children that attend Tate, When the children arrived home that day…it was sad. It was sad that my son did not know Gabe personally and it was even sadder when my daughter sits in the same seat as Gabe. The Death of this young man has touched our lives, physically and mentally. How aweful that God would take such a young boy that was becoming a wonderful man! I have no idea what the family is going through~ I can say that the family of Gabe Carter is in all of our thoughts and prayers and may God stand by this family and guide the Carters and Friends in their time of need.
    To Mr. and Mrs. Carter~ your not suppose to burry your own and its not suppose to happen this way…I am sorry for the tragic loss that has been done to your family. When time permits, Please keep us all posted on ANY events that all friends, family, Aggies, aquanintances, non-aquanintances, and the general public can show their support with in anything the Carter family may need!!!
    May you rest in Peace, Gabe Carter….gone but not forgotten by many bud!
    ~Ryan, Michelle, Zakary, and Morghan Stubblefield
    ~The Stubby’s

  15. Parent of a teenager... on March 19th, 2011 10:45 pm

    I am the father of three children myself. My oldest two attend Tate. Every morning they leave for school, and every afternoon I expect to see them again. Parents, kids, we all take so much for granted. I truly can not imagine how I would handle the news of one of them passing in the manner that Gabe did.

    One would like to think that their faith, their belief in God and their trust that God is not a man and that it is impossible for Him to tell a lie, would hold them up emotionally and spiritually. That He would not ask of anyone, more than they can bear. Truly, this would test any person’s faith, not to mention the parent of a child taken so suddenly.

    To the parent’s of Gabe Carter, I offer this prayer…….

    “Lord God in heaven – I would ask that you wrap your arms around the parents, the family, and the friends of Gabe Carter. There are no words that man can speak, to heal the hurt, the pain, and the emptiness that now presents itself. God, it is when we are at our lowest, that you reveal yourself in the highest.

    Father, in the name of Jesus – wrap your loving arms around the parents of Gabe, give them a fresh kiss. Let them have peace in the midst of this storm. In the days to come, surround them with Christian friends, and place in their path – the right person, the right people – that would provide the comfort necessary to begin the healing process of their loss.

    In reading this blog, it is my belief that Gabe new you as his Savior. Lord, in that promise – “to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord” – grant the parents of Gabe a peace that passes all understanding, and allow them the faith and belief in their Lord, that their son Gabe is in the presence of the most high God. That one day, they will be reunited with their son, in eternal glory with our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

    Father God, in the days to come, grant them the spiritual, mental, and physical strength to press on. Lord, your word does not promise us an easy journey in this life, and certainly – by any measure – this is not easy, but your word does promise us a safe return for all who are called by your name.

    God even in the midst of this sad, and painful emptiness – use this circumstance to touch the lives of each and every person that new Gabe Carter. In the days to come, touch each and every teen-ager, and draw them close to you.

    Bless the parents, family, and friends of Gabe. Cause your face to shine upon them, and pour out a special measure of peace, that only you can give Lord.

    In the name of Jesus, amen……….”

  16. Bill Barrett on March 19th, 2011 10:02 pm

    I grew up with Jr. and Charlie. I feel bad for the whole family. I was close with this family for a long time. I can not imagine the loss of a child being the parent of three, 13,10, and 5, and with my oldest turning 13 on Friday. Loseing someone is never easy but they will always live on in your heart. Don’t ever forget and thank God every day for what you have and out him first in your life. I know that it does not make it any eaiser but life will go on. Just remember if you live your life right you will see him again.

    God Bless!

  17. Track on March 19th, 2011 9:13 pm

    Hey Man, the whole track team ran for you today at our meet. We had ribbons on just for you. Miss you man.

  18. Cary Carter on March 19th, 2011 3:43 pm


    I was in a state of shock when Uncle Junior called and told me about your passing. I still don’t understand it and don’t fully comprehend it, I don’t know if I ever will. But I do know that God always has a plan, you must have been an important piece of the plan for Him to take you away from us so soon.

    I have missed out on so much of your life but I know that you are the most caring, loving and pure of spirit person I had ever met. You, Gabriel, have greatly enriched my life and I know you are in better place watching over everyone. It seems from reading the comments, my dearest nephew, that you touched a lot of people and made their lives more joyful by just being you.

    Your dimple, your blue eyes, your clumsiness, and sense of humor are things that I will never forget. You as a toddler dancing to “Who let the dogs out”, birthday parties at McDonald’s and sword fighting with Eryn and John Buck in Uncle Junior’s back yard are memories that I treasure. And if I listen very carefully, I can still hear the last time you said, “love you Auntie Cary.”

    I love you too Gabriel. I love you too.

    Love you always
    Auntie Cary

    To Charlie and Carrie: I am so sorry. If you need anything at all just call. Junior has my number.
    To Eryn: I love you nephew. If you need to talk honey, call. Gabe loved you very much.

  19. nita kyles on March 19th, 2011 2:54 pm

    gabe its so hard to see such a good kid gone so soon but i know its a good reason god has taken you home to be with him and other angels but gabe all though i really didnt get to know you it’s a shocking moment for me because when i first transferred to tate a mont and two weeks ago from escambia high school you was the first student there out of all to welcome me there or even speak to me you really made me feel welcomed and i would like to thankyou for that i remember when you first came up to me at breakfast and asked me why i was sitting all alone i said because i was a new student and i dint know anyone jjust yet and you said well you know me now then you introduced me to some olot of other people making sure i adjusted to the new atmosphere and that right showed how good of a person you truely were and i would never forget you for that but now that your gone it’s going to be a while before a nice person like you to be that nice to any one to gabes family all my condolences goes out to you causeyou just lost the world greatest person ever sorry for your lost and i, keeping gabe and his family and friend in my prayers

  20. Jessie Fisk on March 19th, 2011 1:12 pm

    R.I.P Gabe you will be missedd alott, but never forgotten <3

  21. Wallace Carter on March 19th, 2011 2:53 am

    Gabriel Kent Carter is my nephew. He and his brother, Eryn, made me smile, laugh, care, and grow. Those two young men are the children I was never blessed with and fortunately, my brother and his wife allowed me to be a big part of their son’s lives.

    On March 17, 2011 the world lost a truly remarkable and selfless young man. Gabriel was a son, grandson, brother, nephew, cousin, and friend. Everyone who knew Gabe saw the kind spirit and sense of charity he possessed. His actions may not have been graceful all the time but they were always thoughtful and well intentioned.

    In order to honor the memory of my nephew, I will always carry him in my heart and do the things he wanted to with his life.

    Gabriel, you were my nephew and my friend. I am so happy that you were part of my life but I am so very sad that you were called home to the Lord. Your absence from my life is painful but I know you are with us all.

    I promise to look after your mom and dad and brother for you and I’ll keep taking care of grandma.

    I miss and love you, little guy (he was bigger than everyone, but me).

    Your Uncle Jr

  22. pensacolalm on March 19th, 2011 1:58 am

    I did not know him, my condolences to the family. May your sweet Gabe rest in peace.

  23. Cody Harris on March 18th, 2011 10:27 pm

    It sucks with out him he was funny and all ways smiling he was a friend and a weight lighting partner we were all ways joking around he was all ways motivating me to keep goin and i still remember our last conversation was about meeting Lexis father its really goin to be hard with out him.

  24. Alan LaBerge on March 18th, 2011 10:21 pm

    Gabrial, I’ll miss you and our talks together with your brother Erin in your Aunt Mimi’s pool. You were a unique young man, and great nephew. You had such muture and positive thoughts about the future. You never had anything bad to say about anything or anybody.

    I am so blessed for having known and loved you even for such a short time. I would have prefered to meet you at the gates, and would gladly change places with you if in my power. My love, thoughts, and prayers go out to your Mom, Dad, brother Erin. Grandmother, and Junior and all of our family.

    Your Great “Uncle Al”

  25. Destiny simons on March 18th, 2011 9:44 pm

    i will miss you tons you were a fantastic kid you always gave me hugs you were special to me i will never forget you you were an amazing person i dont know what to say except i love you and miss you i cant even go to school or work without crying i dont know what to do without you but we all know u r in a better place a safe place. i love you and am praying for you Mrs. Carter ;/ you will be missed…
    R.IP. Gabe Carter
    destiny s

  26. Friend on March 18th, 2011 9:00 pm

    I’m a friend of him at church, I’m sry for his passing hope u live good in heaven

  27. D'Jonique Robinson on March 18th, 2011 8:43 pm

    I used to go to Tate but i moved to New Orleans. When I heard he had died I cryed for almost a whole day i miss him so much even if i do come back it will never be the same he was the most funny sweet nice person i ever met he was unbelieveable i will never foget him ily gabe yhu will be missed of all the people who this would happen to i never thought itwould happen to yhu R.I.P. Gabe ily

  28. Jeremy m. on March 18th, 2011 8:32 pm

    I wrote you a letter today man….I cryer for you dude…I just can’t stand the fact that I won’t see you anymore…it’s honestly heartbreaking…..but you left me with fond memories that I will never forget as long as I live….
    I love you man and I will always miss your personality and your laugh…you had the ability to lighten up everyone’s mood when you came in the room….that’s one thing I will miss most………

  29. Sherrill on March 18th, 2011 8:03 pm

    I am finding it difficult to find the right words to express the loss Tate High School has experienced since losing Gabe. In the past 24 hours, I have witnessed students, faculty and staff genuinely heartbroken and devastated because Gabe Carter was a gentle soul few will have the privilege to meet in a lifetime. The Carter family must be so proud….they raised an amazing young man. I will miss Gabe dearly as will all who knew him. Our class will not be the same but we are better for knowing Gabe……now an angel in heaven. RIP

  30. S.Modin on March 18th, 2011 7:46 pm

    I had reading w/ Gabe last year at Woodham Middle School… I wasn’t very close to him at all but he was always so sweet to everyone. I never seen him get mad or angry at anyone. He was truley a genine person & will be missed by many.
    My prayers go out to his family.
    Rip </3

  31. John LaBerge on March 18th, 2011 6:26 pm


    I am having a hard time finding the right words to write. I didn’t get to know you nearly as much as I would have liked, but on the few occasions I did meet you, I could tell you had the biggest heart in the world. It is obvious through reading each and every comment that you touched each of these people hearts. That is a gift and you had it. I know they say that God has a plan, but sometimes you have to second guess. Regardless of anything else, we were family, and I love you.

    Charlie, Aunt Suzanne, Carrie, Junior-

    There is nothing I can say that will console your pain. Please know that my family is praying for you guys and that if you need anything, we are here. We love you all. I know we don’t see or talk as often as we should, but it doesn’t change how we feel. We will always be family. You raised a beautiful child and grandchild/nephew that you got to spend 15 glorious years with. You shaped and molded him into the fine young man he was. I know it isn’t enough knowing that he is in a better place, but use each other to get through this tragic time and console and love each other. It is what Gabe would have wanted.

    Love You Guys-


  32. Katelyn Brown on March 18th, 2011 5:33 pm

    Gabriel Kent Carter,
    You were the most kind hearted person I have ever met. Not once did I see you frown. That smile was tattooed on your face, no one could ever bring you down. I loved that about you. You made me feel better about myself, always. I hate that your gone, but I know for a fact your in the best place possible. I’m praying for you, your mom, your dad, your brother, and everyone else that had a special place in their heart for you. You will be missed Gabe < / 3
    - Love Kate.

  33. Jackie & Brittany on March 18th, 2011 5:30 pm

    I remember when I would walk in to biology class & he would always have a smile on his face. He helped me through a lot of things & always made me laugh . I never heard him say anything bad about anyone . I will Truly miss Gabe he was one of the sweetest guys I knew . I loved having him as a friend .

    R.I.P. Buddy

    Jackie .

    I know that he meant a bunch to a lot of people at tate including my sister . He really be missed . Keeping the Carter family in our prayers .

    Brittany .

  34. A MOTHER AND A SISTER on March 18th, 2011 5:09 pm

    I know the love you have for your son, I have a 17 year old, my heart goes out to you Mrs. Carter and you will always be in my prayers. I know the love of a sister for her brother. I lost my brother and that void will never be filled and you will always miss him Eryn….remember his smile and know he is smiling at you all from heaven. Always tell those you love how much and as often as you can.

  35. annalise on March 18th, 2011 4:42 pm

    hey i dont really know you but my brother talks about you all the time (Connor) anyway i heard that you past away and i was shocked, just to hear of death and to someone close to my brother. i hope you have a good time in heaven say hey to mj for me.! :) <3

  36. Shelby miller on March 18th, 2011 4:36 pm

    Gabe was a really nice kid. He was always positive, never did I see a frown on his face . I remember in black biology he would always have out his Harry Potter books:). He was like a teddy bear! He was so kind and generous. Gabe was a very funny guy I looked forward to coming into biology. He was my partner most everytime if we had to do a project in mrs bedfords class. He was always willing to help out another person with anything. I wish he could have stayed with us alot longer! Gabe, we will always love and miss you, you will never be forgotten! We will see you again someday wheather it been soon or far away we will met up again I promice:)! I love you Gabe Rest In Peace buddy!

  37. Charlie and Carrie Carter on March 18th, 2011 4:33 pm

    All friends and family:

    The Wake will be held from 5 to 8 pm on Monday March 21st at Faith Chapel North on Hwy 29 in cantonment and the funeral mass will be held at 1200 am on March 22nd at St Judes in Cantonment and the burial will be at 200pm at Pensacola Memorial Gardens on pine forest rd.

    Charles and Carrie Carter

  38. India Lucas on March 18th, 2011 3:55 pm

    Gabe was the sweetest person i ever met. I went to schoool with Gabe last year, and he was so nice. I had 1st semester block with him this year. What a great time we had. I remember him alays reading books. Big books at that. But he still made jokes. He was so nice. I will truly miss gabe. R.I.P Gabe.

  39. Kristin Laberge Again . ;( on March 18th, 2011 3:50 pm

    Dear Gabe,
    I typed this so many times I couldn’t get it right . But I will type all that needs to be typed . You were the nicest man I had ever met . It seems impossible that you left that fast . I hadn’t talked to you in so long . I wish I would’ve went to the Family Reunion after Christmas . You were such a healthy, tender hearted, caring, trustworthy, sweet, funny, nice man. When you left yesterday I hadn’t got the message until I woke up and went on Facebook to my messages and Mom/Sonja told me you had died. It was the most tragic thing that had happened in my life to know that someone close in my family had gone that fast. I know if the doctors had tried hard enough you probably would have made it alive. I still remember that year at Uncle Jr and Auntie Suzie’s house Auntie MiMi handed out this huge stocking with a bunch of stuff in it. You were so joyful. You prayed ALOT. You were one of a kind. I guess when god had told you it was your time, I guess it was. I promise if you’re listening Gabe you will make Heaven a better place. You will always be in the Carter and LaBerge families’ hearts. You are gone but not forgotten. I promise to pray for you every night I hope. I Love You Gabe. R.I.P. Please pray for him. ~Kristin LaBerge/ your cousin.

  40. Minnie on March 18th, 2011 3:47 pm

    Gabe…i don’t know how to say this but i seriously miss you sitting in the desk. More than half our block class was at the library because they couldn’t stand looking at that empty seat. i know i would have been one of them if i didn’t feel that i was leaving mrs.pardue, that just shows how much we all loved you! it tore my heart in half hearing ms.webre read your book to your little brother. you were the sweetest guy i knew and you had the biggest smile i have ever seen. i don’t know if i can stand looking at your empty seat anymore! i wish i could see that big smile on your face sitting in that chair! Well i might not have shown it as much but i love you and miss you buddy…R.I.P. big man we will never forget you and that smile. oh and you could’ve been the best romeo i’ve ever seen! ;)
    Love you big man!,
    Minnie(red head)

  41. Michelle on March 18th, 2011 3:19 pm

    To the family, my prayers go to you. And that you have much love and support, and you will be able to find peace during this trying time. GOD BLESS you all.

  42. Tate student(shae) on March 18th, 2011 3:15 pm

    I remember in 6 th period GABE would always have a smile on. His face he was never mad or had anything bad or mean to say he loved him some football &he would always sit in tha teacher chair that she wouldn’t let NOONE sit he was tha sweetest guy I’ve ever met RIP GABE CARTER WE LOVE AND MISS U U GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN !

  43. Brandi on March 18th, 2011 3:14 pm

    Carrie – I can’t imagine the hurt you are feeling. God has a purpose for all of us and now Gabe has an even more important purpose in heaven – to watch over and protect all of those who knew and loved him. You are all in our prayers and please don’t hesitate to call if you need anything at all.

    We love you!
    Brandi McGlothren and Patti Rittenbery

  44. Kelley Family on March 18th, 2011 3:00 pm

    Gabe, you will be greatly missed. We have known your for years and you have always been a bright spot. We will never forget the infamous Sweet Tea Incident. You were truly always a gentle giant, it isn’t fair that you are taken when you were becoming such a great young man. We know that you are with GOD and you are making Heaven a brighter spot.
    You were loved and held dear by your Father and Mother. Your grandmother adored you and you were like a son to your Uncle Jr.
    We will always love you and cherish the memories of our times with you. James

    Gabe, you were such a special young man. It was a honor to be able to know you and watch you grow up over the years. I know God has to have something special in store for you. One day we all will be reunited with you in heaven. Just know that everyone that got the chance to know you loved you. You have such a gentle and loving spirit. I will hold the memories of you dear to my heart. Rest in peace sweetie. Love, Amy Kelley

    I will miss you its just been 2 weeks since i talked to you its strange how quickly life can change. i will miss you and remember you fondly Gavin Kelley

  45. micheal stephens on March 18th, 2011 2:31 pm

    I remeber real weel when it was my first week on at church playin drums. Big gabe as i call him was there. He watched me very closely the whole time I played. When I steeped down he gave me a huge thumbs up. After service, He came up to me gave a hugg and said thatt I did really great. Then he asked me to teach him. I gave him lessons for about 3 months, and I never seen anybody pickup the basics so quick. I play vater 3A fatbacks for my drum sticks and Gabe pick them up as well. I will never forget how quick he picked it up and how close we were. I will never forget BIG GABE.

    Love you brother.
    Micheal “Cornbread” Stephens

  46. Rebeka Craig, Brooke Schang, Brooke Walker on March 18th, 2011 2:27 pm

    Brooke W- fly high baby boy your gonna be missed. we love ya dude.
    Rebeka- I will miss you baby boy!! I wish I could have gotten to know you alot better. I love you!! fly High!
    Brooke S- Your loss has impacted our lives so much….We will all miss you. Fly High!

  47. Travis Biggs on March 18th, 2011 2:20 pm

    Hey Gabe,

    I love you and your fadora man. Your one stylish guy.
    Man, you are by far the nicest guy anyone could meet.
    We all love you.

    Travis Biggs(The guy who stole your hat)

  48. Lauren Byrd on March 18th, 2011 2:18 pm

    Gabe, we love you so much. You’re in our hearts and you always will be. Your family, friends, people all around love you! You’re in a better place now. You’re safe. You’re with God, and he loves you. We will miss you so much. You’re amazing, funny, loud, a teddy bear, and so much more. Everybody wishes we could see you one last time, no matter whether you’re here or not, or if anybody even knew you. We miss you hun. We’ll pray for you.

  49. blake nelson on March 18th, 2011 2:17 pm

    love u bud you are gonna be in my corey and triston and roel hearts u were an amazing friend opened are eyes to so many good things will miss you

  50. Cassandra Keller on March 18th, 2011 2:17 pm

    Dear Gabe.
    I remeber when you would use to come and stand with us sometimes before the bell and i was amuzed with your new phone… gonna miss ya bud. :(

  51. michael moorer on March 18th, 2011 2:15 pm

    I remember one day in class (6th period) how you would joke about me sitting in the classroom in the teachers big chair and how you joke that i couldn’t sit in the chair because i wasn”t big enough to sit in it. Everyday gabe would have a joke about me. I hope that you have any regrets and that’s all i have to say. Have a great time in heaven gabe R.I.P Gabe Carter

  52. brittany wine on March 18th, 2011 2:08 pm

    i was the girl who ran to you when everyone ran to get help. i was the one who was holding your hand when your heart stopped beating. im called a hero for that. for being brave and staying with you. yet, i do not feel like a hero because we have lost you. i feel like i could have saved you. i never wanna go back in that class ever again. ill miss you. and ill never forget you. never. have fun in heaven. and sing “ring of fire” with god. <3bitty

  53. Chelsie M. on March 18th, 2011 2:08 pm

    we loved you and you left

    the words onthis page will fade away but you will forever stay

    the colors of this world will turn by our tears but when we rember your bright smile they will reamin again

    the hatfullness will come and go but your sweet loving comments will last a life time

    the football team will miss you cus’ they know that you would have made the team

    that harry potter book will remain unfinished i vow now to finish it for you

    fly away but promise me you will wach from where ever you are with your loving protections!

    love and miss you forever chelsie :’)

  54. jacob Felling and Jessica Saxon on March 18th, 2011 2:02 pm

    We miss you in six period. I miss you so much! i remember when uh me and you would make fun of michael and we would all laugh! – Jacob Felling :)

    we all miss you in 6th period! it will never be the same!
    R.I.P. Gabe Carter! we all love you sooo much!! – Jessica Saxon <3

    I still can't believe you beat me over team captain ! Haha jk. You were a great captain,(: (little Michael) -Kaitlyn Bates !

  55. Alex & Adrian on March 18th, 2011 2:00 pm

    we will miss you gabe you were a wonderful guy and no one in the world will ever forget you.please please pray for him and his family. We know you loved football and we wish you coulda fininsh the harry potter book i know you was soo happy to read the book we also know that you couldnt wait to play football and you was the nices guy ever we love you and we will miss you R.I.P

    We will never forget you, you were the nicest person i have ever met! You would never do anything or say anything to hurt anyone. I know ive never really said alot to you but i should have. No one will ever forget you and youll always be in my prayers and many more too. We love you Gabe. R.I.P

  56. cheyenne morgan and melony on March 18th, 2011 1:55 pm

    CHEYENNE&MELONY-gabe is the nicest guy i have ever known , if you were mean to him he would turn around and smile at you. he loved to read, especially harry potter. when i went to middle school with him he road my bus and he would always do something that made me laugh. he never ever said a mean thing to anyone. you are missed and loved brother fly high tell god hey for us and watch over everyone.
    MORGAN-Gabe, I wish I could’ve gotten the chance to know you better. It’s sad you’re gone. I still remember the time someone introduced us and you smiled at me. I loved your dimple. I love you, even though I don’t know you that well. I miss you, and I hope you’re having a wonderful time in heaven with Shawn and Jeremy..

  57. Brittany Barnes . (: on March 18th, 2011 1:54 pm

    Gabe Was The SWEETEST Guy I Have Ever Met. He Always Had A Smile On His Face No Matter Whatt ! He Would Always Laugh And Not Have Anything Negative To Say About Anybodyy No Matter How Mean They Were. I Had Last Semester Team Sports With Him & I Would Never Get The Ball But Everytime He Would Get It He Would Give It To Me. & I Had 5th Period Block With Him & He Really Wanted The Part Of Romeo But Unfortuantley He Didnt Get It Even Though He Tried TWICE ! I Will Always Remember Gabe By His Smile It Was Like A Tattoo On His Face It Never Faded . Gabe Didn’t Deserve This At All , He Was One Of Those People That Were Too Happy To Just All Of A Sudden Be Gone . He May Be Gone But NEVER Forgotten.. </3 You Will Be Greatly Missed .

    I Love & Miss You Gabriel .
    ♥ Brittany !

  58. corey on March 18th, 2011 1:53 pm

    you were a cool kid, u will be missed!!

  59. chardonnay draper on March 18th, 2011 1:53 pm

    Gabe was a geat friend and person. i had biology block amd now english block with him and never in these three Nnine weeks of school have i ever heard a single negative word about anybody come out of his mouth.he loved to read sooo much that he would alwats get n trouble for reading his book instead of doing watever the assignment was. but in stead of geting mad all he would say is im sorry and i will try harder or it wont happen again.i rember how bad he wantd to be romeo and even tho he didnt get the part he gave hi congrads to the boy who did and as juliet i would have been happy for him to b my romeo. my heart goes out to his family the most,gabe was a good person and im glad he looking over us now:)

  60. trey on March 18th, 2011 1:53 pm

    your love for everyone is astounding you cared for any one that was in need and you gave it your all all your life and i know you will be wahcing over everyone


  61. HARLEY RIDER on March 18th, 2011 1:49 pm

    god bless! much love to his family hope the best for you he was so young

  62. kelly on March 18th, 2011 1:47 pm

    Dear Gabe,
    I only knew you for a short time, and all we weren’t bestfirends we where still friends and that’s all that matters to me. It still hurts to know that you died at such a young age and wanted to grow up to be an amazing person, in the hearts of students and myself you may be gone but you well never be forgtton. My father cried and wished he could have helped you more, he loves hes job and it hurts him to see a teenage lose their life before the actually get to live it. You were amazing. I’ll miss seeing you around at Tate, but you’ll aways be there some way or another. Rest in peace Gabe and know that we all love you<3

  63. Hackett and Victoria on March 18th, 2011 1:44 pm

    You were one of the nicest people i knew and i know that you are in a better place. One of the best things about you was that you were never angy or sad. I remember that all u used to talk about was football. You will always be with us.

    You were such a wonderful person, inside and out. I know you are in a better place now, which is where you should be. I remember walking into our 6th period class, and you always had a smile on your face (: I remember that you were soooo excited to start football, and you were excited to finish your Harry Potter book. I will keep your family in my prayers, in hope they will get through this. We will miss you very much, and our 6th period class will never be the same.

    Love Victoria Bell and, Ryan Hackett.

  64. emily money on March 18th, 2011 1:35 pm

    we will miss you but you have a face that will always be rembered in a good way. You where alwas a positive student and friend you never let people bring you down you will alwas be missed. Your family will always be ib my prayers

  65. TateAggie63 on March 18th, 2011 1:32 pm

    Gabe was an awesome guy, he was so smart and that dude always smiled and he could NEVER stay mad at anyone. Gabe absolutely loved to read, i remember that everyday i would come in the class and he would always be reading his Harry Potter book, He loved to read ! Gabe is going to be missed by many people including myself, i’ll always remember how excited he was for Spring Football. He worked out with the team every Tuesday and Thursday. Myself and other team mates feel that it would only be right if Tate’s Spring Football Practices and Games be dedicated in his name. In my mind, Gabe will always be a team mate and wil ALWAYS be an Aggie !

  66. Brooke Walker and Rebeka Craig on March 18th, 2011 1:31 pm

    you were like a brother to me i never wanted u to go away im gana miss u and so will every one elseim gana lisen to the ring of fire over and over

  67. pari ross on March 18th, 2011 1:29 pm

    I FREEKIN MISS U!!u had the most wonderful personality!!!!!:,) we love u about 70 ppl came to tyhe liberary and the cafitera banner for you…they miss u…watch over us keep us safe from harm…
    i ghave ur fam in my prayers everyday alone with shawn…
    watch over brittany mostly she helped u but then ….help came and they took u away!

    rest in peace forever ok!!!

  68. chloe on March 18th, 2011 1:18 pm

    God has called you…….
    you have a new and important mission……..
    watchover your friends from above…..
    and help them along, each step of their way……………….

  69. No Name !!! :) on March 18th, 2011 1:13 pm

    lexi hope u are ok !!!! keep him in your prayers !! ;)

  70. ian on March 18th, 2011 1:07 pm

    rest in peace buddy, i’ll pray for your faimly and say hi to jesus for me

  71. No Name !!! :) on March 18th, 2011 1:07 pm

    WE FREAKIN LOVE YOU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RIP MY DAWGG

  72. Shani Conoly on March 18th, 2011 12:59 pm

    Gabe was in my 5th period class . Gabe was like a big marshmellow ! He was goofy and very smart and loved to read . I feel like someone like him should have had a much longer life. But i guess it was just his time to go. He was so generous and even would help me with my work. I never really got to know him but I wish I would have. Ive heard sooo many great things about him and im sure he would have made a great friend. There’s alot of things we all want to be able to take back in life and I really wish I could take back time and get to know him . But I cant and thats what upsets me most. When Gabe tried out for romeo and juliet he really wanted the part but he didnt get it. But he tried again, and still didnt get lucky but even at that he still congratulated our other classmate for it. His attitude was so positive. I dont think I ever saw a frown on his face. Everytime I think about the whole situationI have to tell myself that he is in a better place. And that you cant judge a book by its cover. R.I.P Gabe . Man fly high bigg dawg !

  73. Laquitia Williams on March 18th, 2011 12:54 pm

    My heart goes out to gabe’s family, I have never had the experience of losing somebody that close to me, I can only imagine the pain his family is going through. The Carter family will be in my prayer’s. I had fifth period block with gabe I didnt know him personally and I wish I would have he seemed like a nice person. I remeber we we’re auditioning for romeo and juliet, Gabe was so determined to be romeo that he auditioned TWICE unfourtlney he didn’t get the part. This should teach everyone a LESSON Never take life for granted and cherish every moment because you never know when its going to be your last breath. Rest In Peace Gabe and the part that hurts me the most is that high school is supposed to be the BEST time of your life and gabe didn’t get to finish his freshman year and he won’t get to go on with the rest of us but we will never forget him he will ALWAYS BE IN OUR HEARTS. Fly High Gabe . . .

  74. Brianna 'Bri' Murphy on March 18th, 2011 12:38 pm

    Gabe, Gabey-Gabe.

    You just had to go and make me cry, didn’t you?

    But yeah, I did cry for you, you will be in my heart, now, and forever.

    You where one of my best friends, a baby brother I never got to have. And I guess I can’t have you anymore. I remember all the things we did in art class, waring with each other, making inside jokes.

    But yeah, my male America, a truce has been called, a peace treaty made up. Germany isn’t going to war with you anymore.

    Becuase she loves you with all her heart and will now think of you every time she listens to Queen.

    I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like….

    Love you, little bro. Never ever going to forget you.

  75. Mathew Steadham on March 18th, 2011 12:22 pm

    R.I.P. Gabe a good friend he will be missed very much God bless his soul and his family
    Thanks for always being there.

  76. Travis poole on March 18th, 2011 12:22 pm

    It is a tradgedy what happend to Gabe yesterday. He was a nice responsibal young man and he will be scincerly missed by every one.Rest in peice Gabe Carter we know your in a better place.

  77. Jess & Friends on March 18th, 2011 12:07 pm

    Ashley F::: Forever in our hearts and always with us. You will be missed. You showed people how its easy to love and be nice to others always. Thats why you are missed. I knew of him but didnt know him. So far all I’ve heard about you has been many wonderful things.

    Ashley K::: You were a wonderful friend the best anyone can ever have and we really miss you.

    Jess E::: You know, you were always there for someone who needed a shoulder to cry on, and you will always be in our hearts forever and ever, and we will never forget you in this world or uinverse. You were a really awesome friend and you will be missed by me and many of others and I hope that you have fun up there in the sky and I hope you will always know that I will cry every night for you. I miss you alot and I hope you remember all of us here in school. I miss you and love you. Don’t forget us.

  78. Katie Singleton on March 18th, 2011 12:04 pm

    Gabe, you were a good friend you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Gabe, you were like a big teddybear. Im going to miss you. i love you.

  79. Jay Strother on March 18th, 2011 12:03 pm

    My prayers are with you and your family. May God give your family the strength and courage to recover from there lost. Rest in Peace Gabe

  80. Kristin & Natasha & Courtney on March 18th, 2011 12:01 pm

    Gone but never forgotten … Gabe you were a friend to many, & we all love & miss you very much . We’re so sorry to the parents for their loss . We send our condolences ! You rode my bus, in my Algebra class, & Fluency Class (Kristin’s) . He was in my 5th grade class, Mrs. Rials (Natasha’s) . & was in my Algebra class (Courney’s) …. We know your watching over us right now, & is now are gardian angel .
    FlyHigh babyboy <3
    - Sincerly, Kristin Caperton ; Natasha Boyer ; & Courtney Cagle .

  81. EMD on March 18th, 2011 11:57 am

    Morganne Butler,

    I do not know you, but I hope you keep writing the rest of your life. You have the heart and the gift for it.

    The the family and friends of Gabe Carter: My deepest sympathy and prayer that you will be comforted by The One who died for us all. May The Peace of God reign in your hearts.

  82. Kylie Hickey on March 18th, 2011 11:35 am

    Gabe, We all have you in our hearts You will be loved take alll the love we have for you and use it , i love you Gabe <3 :) . Please RIP !!!!! :) we love and have you with us in our hearts . Good bye Gabe ;(

  83. art on March 18th, 2011 11:34 am

    what a beautiful smile.

  84. Becky POWELL Adams on March 18th, 2011 11:29 am

    Carrie I can only imagine what you are going through, my heart is aching so bad,I love you very much, GABE WILL LIVE IN YOUR HEART FOREVER!!!! Only time will make this day easier, but it will never repair your broken heart,

  85. crystal on March 18th, 2011 11:29 am

    gabe will always be in my heart and i love you carrie and charlie i am here if u want to talk love you with all my heart

  86. crystal on March 18th, 2011 11:26 am

    omg i miss you and carrie and charlie i love you and u guys will always be in my prayers if u need to talk to me mom can give u the number.

  87. jasmine on March 18th, 2011 11:23 am

    may god watch over his family

  88. Tate Family on March 18th, 2011 11:22 am

    Losing a child is so sad and tragic. Gabe was a fine young man and will always be remembered as such. There are no words to ease the pain of his loss, but the Lord needed Gabe and called for him.

    My condolences go out to all of his family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  89. elizabeth on March 18th, 2011 10:56 am

    ok so i well truely miss him and just dont know what to think he is one on the nicest guys ever. her well be mist by meany. and well well be right there with his family as they go through this painful thing we love and miss u gabe

  90. Angela Lunsford Masters on March 18th, 2011 10:46 am

    My condolences to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers. I love you.

  91. trey rigby on March 18th, 2011 10:42 am

    i will see you when G-D calls for me . i think it was to soon but for what ever resson He called you . thank you for being such a good guy and helping me through it all thank you .

  92. Purp! on March 18th, 2011 10:38 am

    Dang . I remeber Him from Woodham Middle School . He rode the bus w/ me! RIP <3

  93. So many prayers on March 18th, 2011 10:24 am

    I heard that Gabe was a 1 in a million kind of guy. No other like him. He was good to everyone and everyone really liked him too.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your friends and family, Gabe. Rest in Peace.

  94. tbpcola on March 18th, 2011 10:24 am

    Our time here is all too short. We need to take time and acknowledge that everyone is special in their unique way — be friendly, smile and say “Hi” to everyone. Let’s become a more caring society.

  95. Courtney Cagle && Brook Baltzell on March 18th, 2011 10:02 am

    Gabe, was in our algrebra class. He was always the first one to answer the quetsions and he cared about everybody.We all think tha it wasnt his time to go but god makes evrything happen for a reason. Our hearts go out to family and friends.
    *Live every day like it’s your last.
    Fly high Gabe .
    We miss and love you !

  96. ashley powell on March 18th, 2011 9:58 am

    i am gabriel’s aunt i love him so much and he will be very very much missed !!!! rip gabe love your aunt ashley

  97. Leslie on March 18th, 2011 9:54 am

    You were the only person that didnt make fun of me and treated me normal. I appreciate that and you will be missed. You were the smartest kid in Algebra. Remeber that one time you helped me save that kitty?

  98. pari on March 18th, 2011 9:53 am

    well i will miss him so much he was in my 2nd per. class he was so nice he had reall pretty eyes to..:’( everyone is goin to miss him…
    for the family im greatly sorry i know how u fell..i experenced it with my brother..
    rest in peace..gabe…

  99. A.M.C (: on March 18th, 2011 9:09 am

    Gabe had to be the smartest boy I knew . He always helpedd me w/ homework and was always reading the thickest books . I always teased him & Makayla about dating (: He always had the biggest smile on his face every time I saw him . He was sure quite but at times he could be talkative ! He will always & forever be in our hearts & prayers ‘ ! R.I.P Gabe Carter you will never be forgotten baybay ♥ Fly highh sweetiee ! God only wanted the greatest angels ‘ . & he chose the best (:

  100. Brandon Meadows on March 18th, 2011 9:07 am

    I was good friends with Gabe along with all of first period. He always brightened everyones day and was a good friend and person to everyone. He will be missed dearly in first period and so will our school, this is a hard time for us aggies but we can get through it as a family. R.I.P. Gabe Carter <3 you are missed and loved

  101. Chase on March 18th, 2011 9:06 am

    We will miss you Gabe.

  102. Eryn on March 18th, 2011 9:05 am

    Gabe my brother.. I loved you more then anything and Ill always think of you. I didnt get to see him that day before he went to school. I never got to say I love you to him before he went. I miss him so much. I just can’t express how much I miss him. I’m sure everyone misses him he was a good brother and a good person. He went outta his way to do anything for anybody he is the best person in the world. He will never be forgotton. I love you Big Brother I always will.
    -Eryn Carter

  103. Kristin Laberge on March 18th, 2011 9:04 am

    Not Gabe.. He’s My Cousin! I remeber the good times with Auntie Mimi. And Uncle Junior and Auntie Suzy.

  104. Allison Holland on March 18th, 2011 9:03 am

    You were always so sweet no one can ever forget that and how you always would cheer me up when i was having a bad day you were my best guy friend ever! i remeber how in reading we would always help each other out on the questions from the book and laugh about every little thing that wasnt even funny. I miss you oh so much Gabe you will always be in my heart and never replaced. i promise i will never forget you<3 R.I.P Gabe Carter <3 I will miss you!

  105. Dezarian Johnson on March 18th, 2011 9:02 am

    R.I.P Gabe im gonna miss you man i remember reading “Tears Of A Tiger” with you in middle school, now i know how the tiger feels man why did you have to leave us dude
    ~Ima miss you big man~

  106. concerned citizen on March 18th, 2011 9:00 am

    This is so sad.. What a loss this must be.. I just can’t imagine.. My prayers are with his family and friends..

  107. Kyle DiBattista on March 18th, 2011 8:56 am

    Gabe was the first person I met when I first went to school here. He was the nicest guy I knew, he wouldnt say anything bad about anyone. He was the last man I knew that would deserve this, he did not deserve this at all. Gabe R.I.P.

  108. darren on March 18th, 2011 8:52 am

    gabe was a good guy that never had anything bad to say about anyone and he didnt deserve what happened to him but i hope everyone will keep him and his family in there prayers.

  109. Student on March 18th, 2011 8:01 am

    Let all are prayes be with the family

  110. A Mother who knows your pain on March 18th, 2011 7:53 am

    I am very sorry for your loss. I know of the pain that you are going thru. I lost my son 4 yrs ago in a car accident. Just know that you will always remember their smiles. It is a very hard thing to do to bury one of your own children. Stay strong.

  111. sweet t on March 18th, 2011 1:18 am

    Take your place in heaven by Jesus sweet child…Look down on your loved ones,if God will allow..Show them you are at peace an will be reunited with them again some sweet day…Now their gaurdian angel perhaps..As long as the hearts of your famly still beat you will always be with them..You are apart of them as they are apart of you! Always,even death cant change that fact,,….My heart goes out to Gabe’s parents,and family members..Those whom he was close to a tate.and all of his friends..For i to am a parent..My heart pours out to his mom & dad!!

  112. AshleyLewis on March 18th, 2011 12:46 am

    Gabe was one the sweetest people ive ever met. He always looked happy and was always nice. I sat beside him in one of my classes, and every day itll remind me of him & how good of a person he was.
    RIP GKC, you will be ver missed

  113. Diane Krueger on March 17th, 2011 11:56 pm

    My daughter came home crying tonight for a boy she never met nor spoke to, but his loss has has affected her profoundly. Our prayers are with his family.

  114. Walnut Hill area on March 17th, 2011 11:43 pm

    So very sorry for your loss. Did not know Gabe, but it sounds like he was a very special person. Lost my mother to cancer several years ago. Only way I found some peace was talking to God daily, thinking of the good memories, knowing she is in no pain with God now and we will be together in heaven one day.
    I pray that God will wrap his arms around you and comfort all of this family in days to come.

  115. Nana on March 17th, 2011 11:35 pm

    ifeel really bad cause gabe really was a nice kid ,, and inever really got to know him but ihad block period with him and ilike always knew he was sweet and it’s just so sad knowing he won’t be here tommorrow . And his seat will be empty in my class it’ll be so sad . i hate this alot I mean he did not deserve to die noone did but iguess that just shows you gotta live your life to the fullest . R.I.P Gabe ,, I’m sending love and prayer to your familyy .

    – S.C

  116. Ozburn on March 17th, 2011 10:49 pm

    Today is a sad day for all of us. My heart goes out to the Carter family and friends. Gabriel, you will be truly missed. You are one of the most kindhearted souls I have ever had the privilege to meet. Paint beautiful sunsets for all of us Gabe. RIP

  117. tate student.. on March 17th, 2011 10:05 pm

    gabe was one of my best friends.. i knew him since last year.. i can’t believe he’s gone. tomorrow is going to be hard.. we are meeting at the flag pole before class for anyone who knew him or just wants to come support him… i love and miss you. fly high boy .. R.I.P gabe carter.

  118. student. on March 17th, 2011 9:54 pm

    I didnt know gabe or his family personally but to hear about this tragedy is horrible. im sure he was an amazing son brother and friend. i wish i had a chance to meet him at tate. 15 is such a young age. i will keep his family and friends in my prayers. rest in peace gabe<3

  119. interested reader on March 17th, 2011 9:49 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family. This is a tragedy no family is ever prepared for. May God hold you in the palm of His hand throughtout the coming hard times.

  120. Morganne Butler on March 17th, 2011 9:34 pm

    Prinicple Shackle is a great principle. Everyone who goes to Tate is taking it pretty hard. Even people who didn’t know Gabe, we are all one big family and when we lose someone it breaks our hearts. This week for Tate has not been a good week or month.

    Gabe, I know your in a better place and are not in any pain. But everyone misses you even people who didn’t even know you. Youv’e touched many lives. I wish i would have met you. You were too young to die.

    You never said I’m leaving
    You never said goodbye
    You were gone before we knew it,
    And only God knows why.
    A million times we needed you,
    A million times we cried.
    If love alone could have saved you,
    You never would have died.
    In life, we loved you dearly
    In death we love you still.
    In our hearts you hold a place
    That no one could ever fill.
    It broke our hearts to lose you,
    But you didn’t go alone,
    For part of us went with you,
    The day God took you home.

  121. Charlie and Carrie Carter on March 17th, 2011 9:27 pm

    Gabriel our son, our baby… truly an angel on earth, now an Angel in heaven. Our gratitude and sympathy goes out to all his friends and Tate family, the loss we are experiencing is simply life altering and we can only hope that we can be as strong as Gabe was in his daily dealings with all he came in contact with. Special gratitude to principle Shackle who was right there in the ER with us sharing our pain and loss, and the ER team at West Florida Hospital for all their valiant efforts, not to mention the Fire Dept and Life Flight team that responded.

    Daddy, Momma and Eryn love you and miss you baby…….

  122. NeNe on March 17th, 2011 9:23 pm

    My deepest sympathy to the family and friends

  123. Kayla on March 17th, 2011 9:21 pm

    i’ve only talked to him, maybe once, maybe twice, i guess i kind of looked him over; but what i could totally tell was he was one of the sweetest people ever & he will be missed! him & his family are in my prayers. <3

  124. Jasper Crabtree on March 17th, 2011 9:04 pm

    I in my whole life have never met somebody with a kind heart like he had, he was the first person I remember really meeting at Tate, I think I was trying to find a class and he helped me out he was a true servant of god and was the last person on earth that I expected to be called back to heaven this soon, it was just this morning we were joking about a assignment in our gaming class…and now..this tragic event happened. He always wanted to help and never cursed argued he was just friendly . I pray that the family is ok and I will keep you in my prayers I feel like I’ve lost a brother at Tate and hope that Tate will recover soon.

    R.I.P Gabriel Kent Carter.

  125. Breanna Harrison on March 17th, 2011 8:36 pm

    I did not know Gabe personally, but I heard only good things about him. This is a huge loss to all of us at Tate and he will be forever missed!!! My prayers go out to the family and you will be in our hearts. R.I.P. <3

  126. Elizabeth on March 17th, 2011 8:24 pm

    I will miss Gabe greatly and art class will not be the same anymore without him. He was one of the nicest guys i’ve ever known and I could never forget him.
    keeping his friends and family in my prayers.
    R.I.P. Gabe Carter

  127. Bamcubz on March 17th, 2011 8:13 pm

    Because you never know what could happen – Parents hug you kids. Kids tell your folks you love them. Be nice to the kid sitting next to you.

  128. AL on March 17th, 2011 8:07 pm

    how heartbreaking… my condolences to the family.

  129. .............. on March 17th, 2011 7:56 pm

    a big thank you to principle shackle. everyone at Tate kows of the things that have happened lately. principle shackle does a great job at Tate. being that we at Tate are one big family, this is just as hard on him as it is on us students. principle shackle… you are amazing. we couldnt have a better principle than you. Gabes friends and family are in my prayers along with principle shackle. god bless. R.I.P GABE <3 you will be greatly missed

  130. tatehighmom47 on March 17th, 2011 7:32 pm

    Thoughts and prayers to his family. I did not know him nor did I know his family. My daughter is a junior and told me about his passing. May God Bless the family!!

  131. kayla holokan on March 17th, 2011 7:05 pm

    I didn’t know Gabe , but whenever we were put on lockdown and heard sirens and everything we knew something was up! We all that he would be okay. Because he had been taken to the hospital , but whenever we found out at the end of the day he had passed it was hard for everyone even the people who didn’t know him . Out school is one big family, & we try to be there for everyone as much as we can . Principal shackle does his best to keep that school in good hands and makes sure that everyone is safe . I think we should all work togethet and help the ones that need help through this , because tomorrow is never promise ! R.I.P <3

  132. Tate student on March 17th, 2011 7:01 pm

    Anyone tht knew GABE was lucky he was the sweetest & most caring person he would do anything for anyone he was never mean or mad he was always smilin he always would sit in 6th and talk about football & finishing his Harry potter book GABE will be missed RIP FLY HIGH BOY ! ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS

  133. ward hooton on March 17th, 2011 6:39 pm

    Gabe is a freshman guys….. R.I.P Gabe i made a dog tag for ya i’m gonna miss ya buddy

  134. dedra on March 17th, 2011 6:23 pm

    I did not know gabe or his family but his family and friends will be in our prayers. I am very sorry

  135. Gabriella Richbourg on March 17th, 2011 6:15 pm

    Art class will never be the same without him.

  136. Gabriella Richbourg on March 17th, 2011 6:14 pm

    I was a good friend of Gabe’s and I know he will be missed dearly. Btw, he was a freshman, not sophomore. My condolences go out to his family and other friends. RIP Gabe. I makez it pretty.

  137. Jodie Nash on March 17th, 2011 6:13 pm

    We meant to say 15, his birthday was coming up. RIP

  138. Jodie Nash on March 17th, 2011 6:12 pm

    Our condolences go out to Carrie, Charlie, and Aaron Carter for the loss of their son/brother Gabriel. To pass at such a young age of 16 is terrible. Our prayers are with you. Love Jodie and Nancy

  139. Honya Richbourg on March 17th, 2011 6:02 pm

    R.I.P. ♥

  140. mary on March 17th, 2011 5:34 pm

    Prayers to the family!!

  141. carolynn on March 17th, 2011 5:33 pm

    my deepest condolences go out to his family and friends. i did not personally know Gabe but everything i heard about him today was either that he always had a smile on his face or that he never had anything bad to say. i am extremely sorry for everyone’s loss. he and his family will forever be in my prayers

  142. Megan on March 17th, 2011 5:29 pm

    Gabe will be missed so much. He was a great guy. So sorry for his family,,they’re in my prayers…R.I.P Gabriel.

  143. brandee on March 17th, 2011 4:56 pm

    RIP Gade u will be miss

  144. Austin bonelli on March 17th, 2011 4:21 pm

    It is sad

  145. Delvis on March 17th, 2011 4:08 pm

    Im a freshman at Tate high school and today was so sad Gabe will be missed.

  146. Morganne Butler on March 17th, 2011 4:03 pm

    I’m a junior at Tate, and we were on lock down wondering what was going on. Then we saw life flight and we knew something was serious. The announcement when Principle Shackle told us he had died the whole school broke down. It’s sad to see someone and the next minute there not there.

  147. Austin bonelli on March 17th, 2011 4:02 pm

    I miss him already I hope he didn’t feel any pain and I hope his soul takes

  148. Austin bonelli on March 17th, 2011 4:02 pm

    He was my friend Gabriel Carter it was sad

  149. S.L.B on March 17th, 2011 4:01 pm

    Our condolences to his family and friends, we are so very sorry for your loss.
    God bless!

  150. me on March 17th, 2011 3:36 pm

    That is so sad!! Prayers for his family and the friends and students at tate!!