Greg Evers Weekly Wrap-Up: Septic Tanks, Gun Open Carry, Health Care

March 13, 2011

This week marked the beginning of the 2011 legislative session.  I am working hard with my fellow legislators to represent and serve the people of District 2 and to pass legislation that will help protect our communities and restore Florida’s economy and workforce.

Senate Bill 168, my bill permanently repealing the septic tank inspection requirement, is pending in the Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee.   I will continue to fight to get this bill passed to provide relief from unnecessary, expensive and burdensome government intrusion.

Senate Bill 234, relating to the open carry of firearms, continues to be a priority for me and will be up for a vote on the afternoon of  Monday, March 14th in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.  During a committee meeting this past week, the bill was amended to remove the provision that would have allowed for concealed carry license holders to carry firearms on college campuses for self defense and other lawful purposes.   While I continue to believe that a Floridian’s Second Amendment right of self defense should apply on college and university campuses in our state, I also understand that compromise is a necessary part of the legislative process.  I intend to continue to work to defend our Second Amendment rights and I look forward to the debate and consideration of Senate Bill 234 in committee next week.

On Wednesday, the Senate passed Senate Joint Resolution 2, which will allow Floridians the opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment in 2012 that will protect their rights to make their own health care decisions, free of government intervention.  I look forward to the Florida House of Representatives taking up and passing this proposed constitutional amendment so that it will be on the general election ballot in 2012, allowing Floridians to vote for their health care freedom.

This week I had the unique opportunity to speak with tea party movement leaders across our state, including several leader-activists from the Panhandle.  Their input, enthusiasm and dedication to the betterment of our great state and country is inspiring.  I want to extend a special thank you to these dedicated citizens who took the time to come to Tallahassee and meet with my colleagues and myself.  I encourage all of you to do the same.

I want to take this opportunity to remind you of the upcoming 2011 Lincoln Day Dinner being held at New World Landing in Pensacola on the evening of Friday, March 25, 2011 from 6 – 9 p.m. Hosted by The Escambia County Republican Executive Committee, the dinner will feature Governor Rick Scott as guest speaker of the night. I invite those of you interested in purchasing tickets to contact I am looking forward to attending and would love to see you there.

As always, please continue to send me your priorities and concerns for the legislative session. For further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me at or call my office at (850) 689-0556 with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued input and support!

Greg Evers


32 Responses to “Greg Evers Weekly Wrap-Up: Septic Tanks, Gun Open Carry, Health Care”

  1. Robert Hudson on March 16th, 2011 10:23 am

    Reply to just an old soldier, You Sir, have hit the nail dead on the head. We are doomed to repeat history, if we are not aware of it, or learning from it. But now the liberals have no problem with ( Correcting) history. Why do you think they get so mad , rude and hateful when you disagree with them. I call it a (Elitist complex) . All you can really do is vote them out and laugh at them.

  2. Just An Old Soldier on March 16th, 2011 10:04 am

    And there you have it. :)

    A perfect example of the liberal left agitprop, following nearly every tactic of Marxist socialists ala Saul Alinsky. And completely wrong on every level.

    The Left will always try to co opt the language of any perceived opposition to turn it wrong, even that of religion. They will always rail with accusation, cynicism, sarcasm, & mockery. They will wear a pleasant mask until they don’t need that mask any longer, then put on another that suits the circumstance. Under that mask is the Sneering Tyrant. They will substitute real and positive answers to problems with the iron fist in a velvet glove. They seek to silence & disarm their opposition, and if they can, kill or ruin their enemies. No enemy for them is too small or weak, even the innocent babe in mother’s womb is their victim.

    The political process for them is incremental war, & movement toward totalitarian victory & socialist utopia. That’s how it’s worked since before 1917 when Trotsky & Lenin took Moscow – they were called Communists. That’s how Mussolini did it in Italy – they were called Fascists. That’s how Hitler did it in Germany – they were called Nazis. That’s how Mao did it in China – they were called Maoist Communists. That’s how Guevara & Castro did it in Cuba (Communist). That’s how Ho Chi Minh did it in Vietnam (Communist). Pol Pot in Cambodia (Communist). They were all Socialists/Leftists, each in the flavor of their country and culture.

    Here they are called Democrats and RINOs. Over the decades they have invested a lot of time, effort, and money to infiltrate, corrupt, and break our system from within. Where are the 60’s and 70’s radicals now? They are holding political office, and are part of the apparatchik, the heart of the Democrat Party.

    We are reaping the harvest of that bitter sowing now & more to come as long as they hold power & influence. They are breaking our country.

  3. Robert Hudson on March 16th, 2011 9:46 am

    A few note’s, Liberal’s and the ACLU hate God, plain and simple. We see it every day in the news, they wish to take God out of every thing. Why? He is a treat to their ego and their lust for power. No.2 Folks in New Orleans thought that the government would not take their guns. Well they did when the hurricane hit. When crime was at it’s worst, they city stripped them of their 2nd amendment rights. We need good leadership like Mr.Evers, who is looking to the future, to protect us and our rights. This is what we voted him to do, and he is doing a fine job representing us. We sure do not wish to end up like California. Just always remember, the government is ruled by men, And they do not want all your rights, they just want the one’s they do not have now.

  4. eab on March 15th, 2011 2:43 pm

    (yawn) Your railing grows tiresome,Old Sobber. See you down the road.

  5. Just An Old Soldier on March 15th, 2011 10:29 am

    Oh, I get it too, you’re what they call a “troll”…and you’re a protege to a “mentor” already…Satan is his name, little sister.

    I am not “the Messenger”, that one was crucified, but I follow Him.

    I am sad for you. The grandiosity and superiority you accuse others of must be your greatest sin. That’s a common fault of the Left – they always accuse the others of the things for which they are most guilty. The supposed elites of the Left always mock their “lessers” as you do. The youth of the Left know no respect for their elders. They are pitiless and cynical. All see it in you here, little girl. You have earned no respect so you respect no one else.

    Repent your sins and faithlessness, and turn to God for forgiveness. You advocate the path of destruction and tyranny, both national and personal. End your wickedness, and bigotry.

    I will continue to pray for you. It’s not my words that will cure you, but God’s grace can. I hope that others will pray for you too.

    And if you were sincere in praying for me, I thank you. We all need each others prayers.

  6. eab on March 14th, 2011 11:06 pm

    Oh…I get it! You were never serious with your rantings! I am some kinda bozo to not see it before now. Dang! And me a student of humor too. (LOL)

    The whole time you were just kidding! My apologies. I almost feel like typing in capital letters.

    I mean, how else could you regard yourself as “The Messenger”? You have to be joking or else you are delusional.

    Old Sobber, it’s one thing to take the problems facing our nation seriously but when you start taking yourself too seriously you are in a jam.

  7. Just An Old Soldier on March 14th, 2011 10:29 pm

    Sticks and stones little sister, sticks and stones. The more you say, the more clear we see you. So sad, little girl, so sad.

    Liberals have cornered the market on hate and anger. They excel at derision and name calling and live in a world that is at the emotional level of a three-year-old. They are trapped in sin, and detest anyone that clearly states the facts. They detest maturity and responsibility. They detest God.

    Some people may call sarcasm fun and smart. Some may call it wit, but they’re only half right. It’s a trap. It is the Bully, and the verbal whip of the Sneering Tyrant. It is their expressed hatred of all things decent and True. It is sin. One of the worst.

    The Anti-Christian, bigoted rhetoric is right there for all to see. The derision and contempt of decent church-going Americans remains as appalling now as it was when it was first posted. And the author has failed to acknowledge this. In fact, the poster has gone out of her way to deflect attention away from it. Interesting.

    It seems that Christians are fair game to ridicule, and abuse as far as the Left is concerned. They attack with a will. You see it here. The Left will take anything that their opposition says and twist it and turn it until the words become meaningless and the message is lost in the Assault on the Messenger.

    Attacking the messenger is a tried and true tactic of cowards and socialists (both are one and the same). Deriding the qualities of the person they oppose lifts the spirit of the lowly socialist for they think that if they shout loudest and longest they win.

    Truly sad isn’t it?

    I went to Mass today and prayed the Rosary for you, and was moved to tears over your condition. Repent and turn from your sinful ways.

  8. ginger on March 14th, 2011 8:49 pm

    Thank u for defending our gun rights! To those of u that don’t agree with guns then WAKE UP!! If someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night and tries to harm u then u will wish u had something to protect yourself. Even the cops will tell u that they can’t be there by your side at best it will take them at least 10 minutes to get there and by that time u could be dead or raped and they will be the first ones to tell u to protect yourself first. You can’t carry a cop in your pocket!!
    Thanks again Mr. Evers for all of your hard work also with the septic tank laws too!!

  9. Bob Hill on March 14th, 2011 6:18 pm

    Leave my d^m guns alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. eab on March 14th, 2011 6:18 pm

    I guess I better back off. Old Sobber is about to blow a gasket….I wouldn’t want to be responsible for him having a stroke and costing Medicare a whole bunch of money. (chuckle)

  11. doncg on March 14th, 2011 5:56 pm

    xpeecee you got that right on

    i feel sorry for people that think higher taxes and bigger gov. is the answer
    the health care bill is no more than government control of the people
    if the government wanted to help people with health care why did they not go
    for a simple answer like making it easier for people to get Medicaid or medicare
    the U.S is ranked 9th for country’s with the freest gun laws Sweden is #1 and look at there crime rate one of the lowest in the world
    gun education starts there before children start school in the home.
    almost every household has a gun
    florida needs to start gun training and safety in 1st grade and by high school should have shooting classes
    i V.A Fairfax high school has a gun range in the
    that is what is needed in Florida

  12. KDOG on March 14th, 2011 12:55 pm

    Thanks “Old Soldier” – Well said!

  13. Kathleen Wilks on March 14th, 2011 12:43 pm

    Greg Evers on the I am the NRA gun billboard said everything. He is not our man and he is not his own man he is an NRA owned man. You got to laugh at the Christian right and its Christian Principals as stated above. Some one needs to read the Bible and seek what Christ wanted for you. It was to care for the aliens in your land, that was what Sodom and Ghor. was about. it was to preserve life as a precious gift given with grace. To love and serve one another. Have any of you read the 10 commandments lately. Does it really sound like Greg Evers has?

  14. David Huie Green on March 14th, 2011 12:32 pm

    ” If you reread my letter you will see it is written as satire.”

    Good satire at that.

    I’m not as unhappy with him as you are, despite his attack on the first amendment rights of doctors but people who want the state to be in charge of our lives are just like that. One thing’s for certain, when he said ‘I AM THE NRA” he was not lying.

    David for truth in campaigning

  15. Just An Old Soldier on March 14th, 2011 9:42 am

    Like I said – The Liberals took off their mask during that “healthcare debate” and revealed the Sneering Tyrant. Their true self.

    When liberals, and socialists like this young lady here get backed into a corner with their own words, the mask of civility and “democracy” comes off to reveal the hate filled, sneering Tyrant. That’s the essence of the Democrat Party. You see the mask, they live for what’s underneath it.

    They promise all things to all people, knowing that they can never pay for it. Lie, after condemnable lie. You’d think that America would learn that about them after so many years of the Democrats & Liberals being friends to America’s Enemies & doing their worst. Observe the Venona Papers. Been happening since FDR.

    Why do you suppose Liberals hate Americans that have guns? I know the reason. You can’t make a man with a gun do anything against his own will. That’s freedom.

    Thanks for the prayers, little lady! I don’t hold myself to be perfect in Christ. He’s still working on me.

    And young woman, sarcasm and name calling is still a sin. Still a trap. Just like your anti-Christian, anti-American, bigoted rhetoric. I pray for you.

    God bless you and keep you, May His Light shine upon you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

  16. xpeecee on March 14th, 2011 7:49 am


    His name is Old Soldier – not Sobber!. Show an old soldier some respect! Me thinks you are having an out of body experience with yourself. You should do that in private…

  17. eab on March 14th, 2011 6:26 am

    Ms Betty in Milton, you really have no clue. If you reread my letter you will see it is written as satire.

    Everybody wants to cut the budget. They just want to cut it on someone “else”. Cut them, not me, is the attitude.

    Most of the people like Old Sobber who squall against a government plan are either already on a government plan or they think it would be better to crawl to an insurance company than to have the government administer health care.

    No ma’am, the letter I wrote was satire, pure and simple. And it won’t be the Democrats cutting your brnefite. Watch the news in the next 7-8 months. You will see who is really after you.

    Insurance is one of the sleaziest businesses around. They are not in the game to pay claims but to NOT pay. Yet people want these jokers calling the shots.

  18. Buddy on March 14th, 2011 5:37 am

    Thank you Mr.Evers for doing exactly what we hired you to do sir, your dedication to the preservation of our rights and the continuing fight to keep the socialist left from destroying America is commendable. Please keep up the fight and God Bless you and yours.

  19. BettyinMilton on March 14th, 2011 2:37 am

    eab…you really have no clue. You must be in your 20’s. Most “lazy” 75 year olds have worked for 50 years or more but no longer can do so due to health or forced retirement. Most employers won’t hire someone that age because for every job he might apply for, there are 200 guys 50 years younger wanting it too.Employers want people who have a long term hire future.And if you stop medicare and social security will the government then pay back all the money paid in by these “lazy” seniors?? Go push your ideas to your grandparents and see how long it takes them to show you your lack of compassion.

  20. eab on March 14th, 2011 12:32 am

    I am certain of my Christianity,Old Sobber and of my salvation… I did not put them together with guns and bibles. I can live well with just the Bible and I don’[‘t relate one to the other as you did in your statement,Read your original post. If you were in error, there is no shame in admitting it. If not and you meant what you said, the stand up. Either way, act like a man.

    And should I choose a mentor to teach me about God it would not be one such as you who spouts only anger, hatred and anti government rants and lies.

    You are the one who is UnAmerican,Sir. And quite frankly afer observing your rants, your meanness and listening to you spewing your vitriol I cannot accept the guise of you as a Christian adviser. Even the thought of such a counterfeit is abhorring. I will pray fro your soul Old Sobber, for you are wrong and on a hateful, evil path. May God forgive you for trying to mislead people.

    I pray He will restore you to his arms where love and understanding is how we are to deal with our disagreements.

  21. Just An Old Soldier on March 13th, 2011 11:18 pm

    The Left have cornered the market on “hate and anger”, young lady, and your bigotry stands plain for all to see. It is shameful. Such a pity. And now names? I’m sad for you.

    God gave us the Bible to free our souls from sin, man invented guns for self defence and hunting. Guns have helped ensure our Liberty since the founding of our country. I don’t say they go together, except perhaps in conversation, but if you say so, well, you go right ahead. You must be a very sad and lonely girl. Go to church. Try reading the Bible. Avoid democrats. I recommend the Gospel of John. You could even try praying – just think of it as a conversation with God. :) Ask Him to reveal His Truth to you. Read what Jesus said about himself. Repent your sins and follow Christ. Sarcasm, by the way, is sinful. It’s a trap. Avoid it.

    I’ll be praying to God for your eternal soul. May you find the Way. I mean that. Truly.

  22. eab on March 13th, 2011 10:08 pm

    I guess that’s the real difference between us, Old Sobber. I don’t think “guns and bibles” necessarily go together.

    That’s become the conservative position in our country. Hate and anger. That’s hardly Biblical.

  23. Just An Old Soldier on March 13th, 2011 10:01 pm

    0bamacare? A pure abuse of power. No debate, just rush & ramrod the bill down the throats of Americans, while Libs shouted “Elections have consequences! Elections have consequences!” and lied about the cost & details of it.

    It is and will be an epic economic disaster and will transform America into a socialist “utopia” that will eventually implode under a mountain of debt like the Soviet Union did.

    The Liberals took off their mask during that “healthcare debate” and revealed the Sneering Tyrant. Their true self.

    Sooner or later they always do, like when they spout bigoted anti-Christian rhetoric. Guess we just cling too much to our guns and Bibles for their taste. Too bad.

    Thank God for Greg Evers!

  24. Robert Reese on March 13th, 2011 9:34 pm

    Yes Sir, keep up the good work.
    I have an issue that needs to be addressed in this State of Florida. Since Hurricane Ivan, the insurance on my Double wide Home has quadrupled, I simply don’t understand why the state is allowing the insurance companies to do this to folks who can’t afford it and for no good reason. The truth is, my home had very little damage after Ivan hit, but the brick homes down the rode had much damage, guess it was because mine was tied down and theirs were not, Huh!!. Most Stick built homes are just sitting on the foundation blocks, while mine is tied down to steel augers every 5 feet along and around the entire length of the home, per Florida Statutes as it should be. I’m not advocating that other home rates go up, I’m just saying if mine is within the regulations as it should be why are my rates higher. I would appreciate you’re looking into this matter. Thanks

  25. eab on March 13th, 2011 9:22 pm

    (chuckle) xpeecee, to quote Bill Watterson, talking to you is like an out of body experience.

  26. Name (required) on March 13th, 2011 8:18 pm

    Greg Evers,

    God bless you! I am absolutely behind you!

    Septic – Hope we can get this mess repealed, our citizens can not afford the ‘tax’.

    Guns – “The right… shall not be infringed” Glad you got it!

    Obamacare – the gov can not afford it, nor can the economy… shut this thing down in any way you can!

    Thank you for your service, know you are in my prayers, and your name continues to be on my mind in the voting booth. :)

  27. xpeecee on March 13th, 2011 7:41 pm


    I don’t think you understand reality!

  28. xpeecee on March 13th, 2011 7:36 pm

    @ Jerry Williams:

    I totally agree!

  29. eab on March 13th, 2011 2:03 pm

    Mr Evers, keep up the great work! I just have a couple of questions you can help me with.

    If the open carry law is passed does that mean I can take my shotgun to church or will I be limited to my old .357? Either can do the job but I am a lot more likely to take out evil doers with the scattergun. That is, of course, if we don’t consider collateral damage. Which I don’t suppose you do.

    On the health care issue… thank you for attempting to destroy the only legitimate attempt we have ever had to address the issues facing our nation regarding health care. Sure sounds like you are not trying to come up with alternatives or to do anything positive toward solving the problem. Thank you. I suppose your law will give people two choices on the health care issue….pay $800.00 a month for it or do without.

    Will you be taking on Medicare next? I don’t mean trying to fix related problems but doing away with it altogether. That program is a money sucker and good republicans were against it from the beginning. Same with Social Security. It needs to be done away with plain and simple. I don’t see why a lazy 75 year old can’t just get up and get a job like the rest of us hard working Christian folk. Why should they get health care just for living a long time while the rest of us do without because our job doesn’t supply is or we cannot afford it?

    Yep. Thanks for the health care choice….do without or get elected to office. Let’s get back to what this nation used to be!

  30. Chris Morin on March 13th, 2011 10:33 am

    I fully support your efforts this year! It is innappropriate that such a firearms-friendly state has remained one of only 7 with no legal open carry, and I’m glad you’ve had the courage to step up and challenge this issue. I’m not in your district, but would certainly vote to keep you in the Senate if I could!

  31. Jerry Williams on March 13th, 2011 10:02 am

    Senator Evers

    Words are not enough to express out thanks for your efforts on our behalf. Too often we are ignored, put off, and stifled, but not in your district!
    We thank you for your incredible gumption to follow the will of the people.
    Sir, you are a honorable man and i salute you.
    Please keep up your effort and support of SB 0234 open carry legislation.
    Thank you and God speed

    Jerry Williams
    1262 Greenview Lane
    Gulf Breeze, Fl 32563

  32. xpeecee on March 13th, 2011 7:08 am

    I can’t remember a time when we had a Senator who represented the will of the people as well as Senator Evers! His hard work and dedication renews my hope for the future of this country. Keep up the good work, sir!

    The message from the people is clear:
    * We don’t want socialism
    * We dont want more government
    * We don’t want more taxes (as in septic tank inspections)
    * We don’t want out-of-control spending
    * We don’t want illegal aliens getting a free ride
    * We don’t want more gun control
    * We don’t want to depart from the Christian principals that our country was founded upon
    For those who didn’t get the message – – – we will vote you out of office!!!