Evers Bill Would Prevent Local Governments From Regulating Guns

March 7, 2011

Florida Sen. Greg Evers has introduced a bill that would restrict any local government control over guns.

Evers, who represents the North Escambia area, had introduced a bill  this session that would allow people over 21 with a concealed weapons permit to openly carry guns on college campus. Evers recently told a group of students at the University of West Florida that the open carry law would make colleges safer, with gun owners able to use their weapons to protect themselves and others. Another bill would prevent doctors from asking a patient if he or she owns a gun.

Evers’ latest bill would allow only the state and federal government to regulate guns, superseding any local gun control laws.


27 Responses to “Evers Bill Would Prevent Local Governments From Regulating Guns”

  1. leo on March 10th, 2011 12:16 pm

    I think that sen. Evers bill is a great idea. However it is bad timing. The amount of violent crimes may go down but their is always the flip side to that, crimes of passion and opportunity

  2. tallyho on March 9th, 2011 4:57 pm

    Lets here the libirals, NRA buying votes, This will turn the State of Flordia into the wild west. You should not have the right to protect your family and property. It makes it easier to harm people and steal from them, if you are not armed. For eight years all i heard was how Bush was in the back pockets of the oil company, why is the gas going up if he is not. Well Bush is not in the White House anymore. Why arrn’t you screaming now, Where are you liberals now. Out trying to get the uneducated fired up again. Go to Fox News where you can get both sides of the news, not just the one side you want to here. Think for yourself, not because it is cool and all my friends say it is so.

  3. mike on March 9th, 2011 12:52 pm

    It’s not the gun’s that hurt people. My children been around and handled guns all their lives, no problems have occured. I can put a gun on the table and it won’t move, let alone hurt anyone. It is the Idiot or the in experiance person that hurts people. If someone is going to be around firearms, they need to get them some training and teach it to your own children as they grow. Teach them to respect it as a life saving tool.

  4. Just An Old Soldier on March 9th, 2011 11:31 am

    Absolutely correct! Go Greg Evers!

  5. Sandra on March 8th, 2011 7:59 pm

    Good job Mr. Evers.

  6. Horrific! on March 8th, 2011 12:52 pm

    NRA bribing our SENATORS.
    That could never happen in the USA.
    I’m sure they have just gotten this far by saying PLEASE, and we all know
    our Senators are above reproach.


  7. Jimmy Carter on March 8th, 2011 12:37 pm

    If someone is trespassing yes then call the LEOs. Call if you hear gunshots. But if their is no illegal activity going on they will soon tire of responding to your calls. Anyone who thinks this bill will result in people blatantly carrying in plain view are being foolish. The last thing persons with a CWFL(Concealed Weapons and Firearms License) want to do is draw attention to themselves. That is why they “conceal” their weapons. All this bill will do is afford protection for license holders should their guns be accidentally exposed. These protections are already afforded to 46 States without problems. It will also allow license holders to carry on College and University campuses. Their are currently 124 campuses nationwide with this policy. They have had no incidents involving licensed concealed carry holders. Oh, and suggesting that the NRA is paying people off is absurd. Please show us proof of your slanderous accusations.

  8. Horrific! on March 8th, 2011 11:35 am

    art ….where did you come from?
    You my friend are one of a kind. I hope when you call the law because
    someone came on your property you are treated better than I.

  9. art on March 8th, 2011 7:12 am

    last time i heard this was a free country and people had the choice of carrying guns or not. personal freedom to participate in a constitutional right if they so choose.
    liberty. it is what makes this country great. so dont look down on folks as if they are weaklings if they are not inclined to toting around firearms. and dont look up to folks because they carry firearms out of fear. i can live where i want. i can complain about the noise if i want. and buddy, you best believe i will be calling my local leo if you step on my property with a firearm or you shoot too close to the house. there are laws in place so folks can live in peace. accidents happen all too often for me to allow that near my family.

  10. OMRBH on March 7th, 2011 11:22 pm

    People? Yes, basically 3 kind. Most are like sheep, going about their daily lives, doing whatever it is they do all day and night. Then there are wolves. They are the ones who prey on the sheep, taking from the sheep whatever it is that the wolves need. And then there are the sheep dogs. The military people who sacrifice for our safety. LEO’s who usually recieve too little pay for the dangerous work they do. Then there are the honest, law abiding citizens. The ones who do not break the law then cry out they just “made a mistake”……man, I get tired of hearing/reading that excuse! These citizens mind there own bussiness, go about their daily work, but WILL defend themselves, their families and the sheep who can only stand there while being violated by the wolves.
    What are YOU?

  11. OMRBH on March 7th, 2011 11:09 pm

    Kathy, your intentions are good but you don’t have a clue. Perhaps your exposure to firearms is what you’ve seen on TV or in the movies. I don’t really know. Anyone raised by parents who taught them to love and respect life but to always be ready to defend their own lives and property or the lives of their family members understand why the police can not protect us all all the time and that we must be willing and able to protect ourselves.

  12. Just is on March 7th, 2011 10:02 pm

    To Kathy:,
    I pray and hope that you never need a gun. I also pray that if you ever do need one, that there is one close enough for you to use to defend yourself. I carry a gun because cops don’t fit in my pocket very well and the closest cop is never close enough when the criminal is closer. I also hope reality never closes in on you, dear.

  13. Rob on March 7th, 2011 10:02 pm

    States should NOT be able to pass legislation that infringes on constitutional rights. Lets take it state by state, and then get the soon to be Republican house, Senate & NRA to pass federal legislation that would allow citizens to carry firearms everywhere in the country, including NYC, and Chicago.

  14. Richard on March 7th, 2011 7:41 pm

    Go Greg!!! Keep our rights. If it was the wild west we all would have guns on our sides. Everybody needs a way to protect their family, my top choice is gun powder and lead. All of your ccpermit owners have training class to be able to get them. By the way have yall watched the news the crime rates are outragous. My family is part of the NRA family.

  15. redneck123 on March 7th, 2011 7:30 pm

    Thank you,Mr. Evers

  16. 24/7 on March 7th, 2011 3:46 pm

    God Bless the NRA and Sen. Evers!!!!

  17. Robert Hudson on March 7th, 2011 2:09 pm

    It seems that there are those who do not have a clue on what it takes to get a (permit to carry) Thank you Greg, And thank you NRA !

  18. Robert Hudson on March 7th, 2011 2:06 pm

    Really, then why is it that the more PTC ’s are issued , the more the crime rate drops? And yes , if anyone tries to rape, molest our children , or harm us in any other way, yes we will stop them. Bad people, do bad things, and must be stopped.That is what you do to a rabid dog. A cell phone is a rotten weapon. It is our God given right , and it is our constitutional right to bear arms and protect our selves. If you choose not to, then that is what you decide to do . But no one should be allowed to take away this right from those who wish to use it. Criminals do not obey the law.

  19. interested reader on March 7th, 2011 1:17 pm

    Instead of “shoot out at the OK corral” we will have shoot out on the college campus”. Maybe they could have new classes to teach people to handle guns responsibly. My prayer is that no one has to go the hospital or morgue to identify their child or grandchild.

  20. Kathy on March 7th, 2011 11:51 am

    These are not good bills. We are not in the wild wild west. As the world moves forward we move backward. Such a Christian attitude. Jesus declared when he strikes you on the cheek turn the cheek and let him slap the other. You folks would just shoot em.
    I also have concerns that Evers is getting money big money from the NRA to sponsor thier desired gun laws. 10 years from now and many deaths we will change it all back to where it to be. The word neanderthal comes to mind.

  21. Just An Old Soldier on March 7th, 2011 11:22 am

    Go Greg, Go!

  22. think it through on March 7th, 2011 9:37 am

    GO EVERS !!!

  23. Robert Hudson on March 7th, 2011 9:33 am

    Very good point. No one ever thinks that they would take away your guns , but the city of New Orleans did not have a problem when the hurricane hit. It is a shame that we have to have a law , that protects our God give right.

  24. Jimmy Carter on March 7th, 2011 9:10 am

    It is not preemptive. There have been politicians in SE Florida passing and enforcing guns laws that are in violation to the States gun laws. Currently there are no penalties for violating this portion of State law. The politicians know it is illegal, but they pass the laws anyway because there are no penalties involved. Evers bill will impose penalties for the violations and rescind all gun laws in violation of Florida’s gun statutes.

  25. Robert Hudson on March 7th, 2011 8:31 am

    Thank you Mr.Evers! No.1 criminals do not obey “gun free zones” Any one who has a ptc(permit to carry) knows how rigid the rules are and must be cleared with the FBI and state. Every one knows that ptc reduces crime. College students are mature enough to fight for our country at this age, why not let them carry on campus?I feel much safer around a group that is well arm V.S a group that is not.You will notice that very rarely does any one rob a 7-11 during hunting season in the county because every one has a gun. Now the 2nd law is need to stop folks from moving out to the county, and then deciding that they do not like us firing our weapons. because they do not like gun fire, or it scares them. And we know this happens all the time. And yes it may be a preemptive strike, but it is one that is needed.

  26. sambo on March 7th, 2011 7:25 am

    Thank you Evers!

  27. Oversight on March 7th, 2011 6:20 am

    Do we have any local gun control ordnances? I can’t think of any. So then what’s the point, a preemptive strike?