Escambia Sheriff: Scott Getting Bad Advice

March 3, 2011

Gov. Rick Scott is getting “less than stellar advice” on how to fix the state’s budget crisis, Republican Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan has warned the governor in a letter that also pleads that governing “cannot be approached as a hostile corporate takeover.”

Morgan, who was on Scott’s law enforcement transition team, sent a long letter to Scott with several pieces of advice.

Transferring problems from state government to local is not an acceptable way to deal with a budget shortfall, Morgan said.

Morgan also said the Scott administration seems intent on arbitrary cuts, and urged the governor not to follow through on proposed changes to public employee retirement rules. “Reneging on these assurances to generations of working people is unacceptable,” the sheriff said in his February 22 letter. Scott hasn’t responded to Morgan.

by The News Service Florida


29 Responses to “Escambia Sheriff: Scott Getting Bad Advice”

  1. A. Davis on March 5th, 2011 6:14 pm

    Has anyone ever really thought about the danger with working at other places besides prisons? I think I can tell you In a prison if a CO is beat, raped, murdered well the person who did it gets caught because where are they gonna go? Now the people working at the little store , bank or lets just say real world the person who is raped beat murdered or even screamed at or spit on the bad person gets caught if we are lucky. People always worry about law enforcement they signed up for the job they knew what could happen just like the taxi driver with no benifets

  2. A. Davis on March 5th, 2011 6:11 pm

    Has anyone ever really thought about the danger with working at other places besides prisons? I think I can tell you In a prison if a CO is beat, raped, murdered well the person who did it gets caught because where are they gonna go? Now the people working at the little store , bank or lets just say real world the person who is raped beat murdered or even screamed at or spit on the bad person gets caught if we are lucky.

  3. Rediculous!!!!! on March 5th, 2011 4:39 pm

    okay, well I work for the state of florida. i am an OPS employee, which means I am considered to be a temporary employee(for over two years). i do not get any type of benefits whatsoever, even though there are people that I work with that have benefits that do the same job as me, and make the same amount of money. Okay, II have learned to deal with this, I am over it now. But at the beginning of this year, it was made apparent that all “temporary” employees that work for the state will stop paying into social security(4.2%of wages) and begin to pay into a MANDATORY retirement fund (7.5% of wages). I just don’t understand how it can be legal for someone to tell me what I have to do with my money. I barely made it from check to check as it was, and even though it is not but a 3% difference, it is a big difference, believe me. So, if there is any one out there that can help me figure out this situation, please respond to me. I am just so sick and tired of the government always having to be in everybody’s business, maybe if they minded their own then we wouldn’t be in the shape we are in now!!!!!!!!!!

  4. David Huie Green on March 4th, 2011 12:39 pm

    ” I doubt he would rarely have anything to say”

    likely, very rarely

    of course, I THINK I pretty much stay within the guidelines, but could be wrong

    David still sniffling

  5. Just An Old Soldier on March 4th, 2011 11:38 am

    I think that Gov. Scott and Sheriff Morgan are both trying to do the right thing. They are our duly elected officials.

    I also think that there is a problem with the State budget, which Gov. Scott was elected to make right. His approach is to modify the future pay out of State funds to retirees by having the employees contribute a small amount more toward a retirement account – a form of deferred income for a future benefit.

    There are many advantages to doing that for both the individual and the State.

    One benefit for the individual is that the invested money will likely grow faster than what the State would be able to compensate at a future date when the employee is retired – and it’s likely to grow faster than inflation, while State payouts would grow at a rate equal (or less) than inflation.

    The State (Taxpayers) would be in the position of paying out less of our tax dollars to support retired civil service workers. It “bends the cost curve” as our politicians are so fond of inanely repeating.

    I think that’s a wiser course than just relying on the Taxpayer to be there to support the retired workers – really that’s a Ponzi scheme that only benefits the people that are the first out (and collecting) over those that are left holding the empty bag at the end. Kind of like our present Social Security system is right now.

    When the State goes broke – who’s left holding the empty sack? All of us. The State cannot spend or commit itself to pay out more than it takes in to cover expenses.

    We are heading into a financial brick wall, and it’s time (passed time) to apply the brakes on the liberal spending of money we don’t have. That applies locally as it does to every higher level of government.

  6. Wow!!! on March 4th, 2011 5:01 am

    I apologize David Huie Green………..I wish you were Sheriff.

  7. Just sayin on March 4th, 2011 4:45 am

    I could careless how many times David posts on this site, I rarely read anything he writes anyway . I just wish he and many others would post within the guidelines of the rules which are clearly listed at the bottom of this page.

    Rule 2: No harrassing comments. (case in point, his post below)
    Rule 6: Limit your comments to the subject in this story only. (not the comments others have made)

    But were David ever forced to post within the rules and guidelines, I doubt he would rarely have anything to say.

    And yes I realize that I broke both rules with this post……just sayin.

  8. Everett on March 4th, 2011 3:39 am

    The governor needs to do what he promised to do. After all his promises is what got him elected. The state of florida is a business and needs to be run as such. It’s not a social network or the good ole boys club. I’m sure the governor has received many e-mails and letters of advise from several citizens form the state. What makes mogan’s letter deserve any press over anyone else. It can’t be for political reasons, say it ain’t so. He can’t compare his military service on how to run a state. I can agree the the Air Froce is very effecient. But you can’t run a state government like the military.

    Both Scott and Morgan have taken on resposibilities as governor and sheriff with good intentions and see their ideas as a positive way to help our state and community. Not everyone agrees and will agree on everything. We need to give Gov Scott and Sheriff Morgan our due diligent attention and support. Neither may be right or may do everything we feel is right all the time but they do the best they can.

    I would suggest the sheriff wear a more tasteful unifrom at public functions. The picture from the above news story looks very professional and is in good taste. I was a little confused from his uniform at the recent heroes commendation ceremony banquet.

  9. billy on March 4th, 2011 1:47 am

    I think Scott is much more business minded than our great sheriff.

  10. eab on March 3rd, 2011 9:52 pm

    I’m for letting David post as much as he wants as he is one of the few reasonable people on this forum. I only agree with him about half the time (I mean, he can’t be right all the time) but isn’t that what discussion is supposed to be about?

    If most of us here tried to address the issues rather than shouting each other down, we might break some ground.

    Besides, he uses his real name. Not many folks are doing that,eh? I use only my initials but a lot of folks on here want to be even more anonymous than that.

  11. Voice of reason on March 3rd, 2011 7:22 pm

    Anyone else wonder how the “News Service of Florida” knew that Sheriff Morgan wrote a letter to Gov. Scott?

    Obviously Governor Scott didn’t tell them, so did Sheriff Morgan release this information in hopes that he might actually get a response if the media some how becomes involved?

    If so, that is pathetic!

    I wish the good sheriff would spend a little more time taking care of the problems here at home, rather than sticking his nose where it has no business.

  12. David Huie Green on March 3rd, 2011 5:51 pm

    “I am for limiting David to one post per topic.”


    David with hurt feelings

  13. Boomer Bill on March 3rd, 2011 3:46 pm

    When did the Sheriff become an authority on managing a “business” which is in essence what the state is?
    I think he spent his career in the Air Force,now that is a real efficient and cost conscious organization( think 500 dollar hammers)
    Remember his armored vehicle that didn’t cost anything!

  14. Wow!!! on March 3rd, 2011 3:38 pm

    I am for limiting David to one post per topic. Morgan is an egomaniac.

  15. David Huie Green on March 3rd, 2011 11:01 am

    “that’s pretty arrogant to write a letter to someone telling them how to do their job”

    Could be, but we do it all the time. We tell teachers how to teach, preachers how to preach, doctors how to medicate, parents how to parent. I wrote to President-elect Jimmy Carter suggesting improving the social safety net while reducing cost and he ignored me. No big deal, you get used to it.

    The question I tend to ask is: Was it good advice?

    Sheriff Morgan advised the governor to not break promises and to not act in an arbitrary manner. Should that advice be rejected? Should the governor rule by throwing darts and act according to where they hit? Should he steal from employees by taking away their compensation?

    If the governor dislikes the suggestion to act honestly, he can always remove our sheriff and put in a yes-man to take his place. I would advise against it, even if I am arrogantly out of place to do so.

    David for good advice

  16. David Huie Green on March 3rd, 2011 10:32 am

    “Now I”m going to go lay down and have a STROKE….which will make most
    of you very happy.”

    Actually, it’s “lie” down, but we would miss you even then.

    David for stroke-free life

  17. Molino Resident on March 3rd, 2011 10:14 am

    To Horrific – It’s probably a good thing that you calm down a bit.

    Anyway, don’t we all have the need to throw our 2-cents out there? We’ve all done it…even if it wasn’t welcomed or accepted. I found it more interesting that we were told about the letter in the first place. I think there is probably some advice that could be given to Sheriff Morgan regarding his working methods too. (In the jail and the community there are many issues to be addressed.) I am sure we all have room for improvement…instead of throwing stones, we should be working together to become the best we can be. The best we can be as individuals, couples, groups, families, communities, counties, states, countries. Hasn’t anyone figured it out yet? We are all connected to each other.

    P.S. I don’t live in a plastic bubble…I’ve seen & expereinced some horrible things in my life. But, I try to make today better than yesterday. To be a little more tolerant, loving, and forgiving. To be more positive and compassionate to those around me. To learn more and to understand the real meaning of the rights we all share.

  18. Horrific on March 3rd, 2011 9:33 am

    Sorry about all the typos and misspellings, my thoughts where going faster
    than my fingers or my 60 years ago schooling.

    Now I”m going to go lay down and have a STROKE….which will make most
    of you very happy..

  19. Horrific on March 3rd, 2011 9:20 am

    Every problem this country has could be solved by just good common sense by
    people who honest to GOD care about this Country and it’s citizens.
    The first thing you need passed is line item veto again so your elected leaders
    who you all trusted don’t just stick everything in they can get away with that
    will line the wrong pockets.
    THEN the states need to do the same thing from office to office including
    Geesh this stuff just gets my dander up. It won’t be long we will be paying

    Sure we need to cut back. How about starting with our LOUD MOUTH


  20. Horrific on March 3rd, 2011 9:05 am

    How is that for negative better keep track of that one too….. I love you too!

  21. Horrific on March 3rd, 2011 8:57 am

    @ CO
    I am here to tell you I think it is dispicable that your job along with the other types of services that they have choosen is the most rediculas thing
    I have ever heard.
    THERE CERTAINLY IS enough waste in our government that NO PERSON who
    puts their life on the line, OR our teachers who teach our most rarest of gifts
    (our children) to say nothing of our LAW ENFOREMENT OFFICERS should
    ever have their pitiful wages cut when spending is so very outlandish on every-thing governmental.
    Cutting the wages of our most valuable people is the biggest waste of all.
    It is mearly the easist way out when by the slip of a pen you can cut out millions
    by just reducing wages of millions in the U.S.
    I have an idea why don’t we just Give ALL of YOU $5.00 an hour, how much
    will that save us. While we are at it lets just reduce ALL AMERICAN workers
    to $5.00 an hour and lets just do away with our UNIONS.


  22. Kathy on March 3rd, 2011 8:56 am

    Morgan has the right and the personal responsibility to speak what is on his mind as do the rest of the citizens in this State. Cuts hurt but have to be made, how about the cutting of taxes for his rich friends to make more profit. IF everyone suffered a little no one would have to suffer alot. The governor is not a KIng and this is but an exercise of “free speech”.

  23. Horrific on March 3rd, 2011 8:42 am

    I see absolutely no problem with the Sheriff wearing his Air Force Medals any
    time he wants on anything he wants, he earned them. My father put his in a
    drawer all his life. How stupid is that?

    I don’t always agree with Morgan and I don’t think he should have sent anything
    to Scott. They both have enough of their own jobs to do and they both are having
    more than their share of problems. Then again they both inherited a hand full,
    just like the president.

    Sheriff we still have drug problems and DUI drivers up here….get to work please, your not done and probably won’t be even if you have the job for the rest of your life.

  24. CO on March 3rd, 2011 8:30 am

    My friends, I got to work with the worst kind of people everyday. I am a correctional officer and myself and thousands of others put our life on the line day in and day out for ungrateful people. I speak for myself and others when I say we cannot afford the proposed cuts. I you are one of these people who think we are over paid go to a prison and take a tour if they are available and imagine being in a dorm or on the recreational yard alone and you work 16 hour shifts. I promise you feel feel the same way my brothers and sisters do.

  25. Name (required) on March 3rd, 2011 8:29 am

    Arrogant? For offering advice?


    How about IN THE ARTICLE where it says;

    “Morgan, who was on Scott’s law enforcement transition team”

    Gov. Scott was wise enough to include our Sheriff ON HIS TEAM…
    … he ASKED for his opinion…. why on earth would it be arrogant
    for him to offer it?

    Both men (Sheriff Morgan, and Gov. Scott) are good men, trying to
    be faithful in doing their jobs…. and I see no evidence that either are
    acting in any way other then to do what they have been elected to do.

    Pray for both, as they both have difficult (and at times unpopular)
    jobs to do. I for one am thankful that both are in the offices they are.

  26. Bob on March 3rd, 2011 7:08 am

    Cuts are in line for everyone, always been a staunch supporter of Sheriff Morgan, but this time I have to say he has stepped out of line. Everyone has to pay the price of our past spending habits,get ready it is coming whether you like it or not.

  27. Wow!!! on March 3rd, 2011 6:45 am

    If I were Scott, I would not respond to Morgan either. We elected Morgan to be Sheriff, not Governor. But as you have seen since Morgan took office, his arrogance preceeds him. What makes you so qualified to give Scott advice Sheriff? Sheriff run your own office, leave the Governing of our state alone. From what I hear, you have some internal problems of your own. Take care of that first, then you can run for Governor the next election. Sheriff by the way please stop wearing your Air Force medals of your Deputy Sheriff uniform, it looks silly.

  28. Mike on March 3rd, 2011 6:34 am

    Ha! Whether you agree with the Sheriff or not, that’s pretty arrogant to write a letter to someone telling them how to do their job. Who does the Sheriff think he is?

  29. billy on March 3rd, 2011 2:05 am

    Cuts hurt……..but they have to be done