Escambia Man, 25, Gets Life In Prison For Burglary, Grand Theft

March 13, 2011

An Escambia County man was sentenced to life in prison as a re-offender by Judge John Parnham late last week.

Wendell Ray Hurley, 25, was convicted in October 15, 2010, of principal to armed burglary with a firearm and principal to grand theft of a firearm by an Escambia County jury. The life sentenced was based upon his extensive criminal record, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins.

The conviction stemmed from an incident that occurred May 29, 2009 at the home of Paul Otto in Escambia County. After learning from his brother that there was a gun in the home, Hurley and another man drove to the home, entered through a window and stole the gun along with several other items, according to Eddins.


16 Responses to “Escambia Man, 25, Gets Life In Prison For Burglary, Grand Theft”

  1. Fred on March 15th, 2011 1:46 am

    ron ask old soldier and horrific

    What if you were the one wrongly accused?

    ron, wrongly accused people has happened but is rare, and the possibility of this is much lower with modern ways of collecting solid evidence such as dna, electronic fingerprinting and higher numbers of fingerprints on file in the computer system.
    What we are talking about here is multiple time repeat (habitual) offenders that have been given a chance time after time to find a job and maintain the same job for a period of time to prove to his family and society that he is willing pay his own way instead of stealing and robbing to pay his way.

    David has some good logical ideas, but the problem I see is that he said we should build them an Island.
    I think they should build their own Island.
    But I do think we should give them some building materials to work with.
    This is my idea, Put them in a Helicopter, tie 3 large cement blocks to each leg.
    Put two 60 lb bags of quikcrete in their arms, Oh what the heck, make it two 80 lb bags, we want to make sure they have enough.
    Fly them to dead center of the Bermuda Triangle, drop them out of the chopper with their materials and let them build their Island there.
    I choose this spot because I don’t think they’ll have to worry about a lot of pesky Neibours there.

    Well, maybe I was being a little cold about this in my other comments.

  2. ron on March 14th, 2011 12:38 pm

    @ old soldier and horrific

    What if you were the one wrongly accused?

  3. David Huie Green on March 14th, 2011 12:22 pm

    Regarding the concept of placing criminals in some isolated location, there are thousands of uninhabited islands in the world. (Mind you I’m not saying it would be a good idea, just that there are places available.) For example in the Aleutians there are islands which are just mountains sticking up out of the sea, it might get a bit cold and uncomfortable but it’s doable.

    And then there’s the Philippines. More thousands of islands, good chance some of them were recently swept clear of population by tsunamis, but we could check with the Philippine government to see if they had any they wanted to rent out.

    Closer to home we could make artificial islands by going south of Louisiana 30 or 40 miles where the water is still only 8 feet deep or so. Dig mud and pile it up the same way they used to make roadways around Houma. Pile it up in a circular path until it is high enough to block incoming gulf water.

    Pump it out and Voila! another New Orleans! sadly without the French Quarter. They really should dredge out the river every so often, too and that would also provide material for our inmates to stand on.

    For that matter, consider the proposed landfill upstream of us. We could just ship them all the waste from the nation, build their artificial island higher and higher and occupy them sorting it all for the good of mankind. They might have to move when it got over five thousand feet high but good up until then.

    David considering good locations

  4. Horrific! on March 14th, 2011 8:42 am

    I agree with old soldier…..sometimes there are just casualties of war and
    this IS a war. If you haven’t noticed….it’s them against us….after all we
    did nothing yet we are THEIR PREY !

  5. Just An Old Soldier on March 13th, 2011 10:24 pm

    @Ron – I think the percentages of “innocent but convicted” are vastly exaggerated in the media.

    Part of keeping a safe society is removing the capacity of criminals to do harm – like when they’re behind bars.

    Incapacitation. When we stop doing that, you can be sure that you’ll see a swift rise in crime and a lot of truly innocent lives lost.

  6. JohnMolino on March 13th, 2011 10:09 pm

    One minute perusing through this convict’s arrest record will attest to this punishment. He has nobody to blame but himself. Good riddance.

  7. ron on March 13th, 2011 7:09 pm

    I am by no means defending this guy, and I agree with all the comments but what happens to the people that are wrongly convicted? It would be nice to wipe out our prisons and start over but as we all know our judicial system does have flaws and there would be alot of innocent people wrongly convicted sentenced to death. Just my thoughts

  8. Fred on March 13th, 2011 5:50 pm

    Ifish4 wrote: Fred, that is cold, but I agree 100%.

    When everyone agrees, we can start making the changes to make a jail become a jail again.
    Jails now have all the comforts of home. TVs , games, 3 full course meals.
    It’s a rough life huh.
    This is why we have so many repeat offenders.
    Their outlook is this.
    “Oh well they caught me, I guess I’ll have to go to my home away from home and eat and watch TV and play games for a while, at the taxpayers expense, hah! hah! hah! I knew that at worst case I could rob them and get away with it “.

    How long has it been since you saw a chain gang?

    We need jails to become the Dungens they used to be.

    Again I say, It’s cold but it’s reality.

  9. Fred on March 13th, 2011 5:22 pm

    Driven suggested: I’m pretty sure we could leave them in antartica….

    The population that is there is just scientists i do believe…i could be wrong. But if so…just abandon those posts for good and put the prisoners there. I’m pretty sure they would not be able to get off that island/continent.

    I don’t think the Human Society would allow this, Penquins and Polar Bears will be pretty ticked off if we throw trash like this in their domain.

  10. Ifish4 on March 13th, 2011 4:33 pm

    Fred, that is cold, but I agree 100%.

  11. Driven on March 13th, 2011 2:08 pm

    Fred says: (There is no Islands left with no way off)

    I’m pretty sure we could leave them in antartica….

    The population that is there is just scientists i do believe…i could be wrong. But if so…just abandon those posts for good and put the prisoners there. I’m pretty sure they would not be able to get off that island/continent.

  12. Fred on March 13th, 2011 12:51 pm

    Driven ask: Great…now we get to pay to keep him alive for the rest of his life…can’t we just send these lifers to a deserted island with no way off and let them live the rest of their life there?
    (There is no Islands left with no way off)

    Really! A life sentence should be replaced by the nettle of death.
    This is like raising a fattening hog from little pig and never butchering him.
    There’s children on this Earth that are starving to death.
    Shouldn’t the money that we’re going to spend to feed and house this misfit go to feed these children?

    It may seem cold, but it’s reality.

  13. Paul on March 13th, 2011 11:42 am

    There are few guns in my house that these Punks are welcome to come over and try to steal…the taxpayers wouldn’t be feeding them that’s for sure. For some reason that mug pic makes me want to punch him out.

  14. David Huie Green on March 13th, 2011 8:53 am

    good, hope he finds many loving friends in prison

  15. sambo on March 13th, 2011 8:32 am

    Good job. Hang them out to dry!

  16. Driven on March 13th, 2011 2:45 am

    Great…now we get to pay to keep him alive for the rest of his life…can’t we just send these lifers to a deserted island with no way off and let them live the rest of their life there?