Escambia Deputies Begin Seat Belt Crackdown

March 15, 2011

Tuesday,  Escambia County deputies started a two-week crackdown designed to increase seat belt use and decrease motor vehicle fatalities across the county.

During the mobilization, officers will be cracking down on motorists who fail to wear their seat belts – both day and night. Seatbelt non-usage is a primary violation and motorists should remember that they may be stopped for not buckling up, according to Sena Maddison, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.
The targeted effort will run through March 31st.

Pictured inset and below: An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit motorcycle deputy writes a ticket on Highway 97 in Walnut Hill last year. file photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Escambia Deputies Begin Seat Belt Crackdown”

  1. Everett on March 17th, 2011 11:47 pm

    I call it population control if you don’t wear a seatbelt. This also goes for the “helmetless organ donors” riding motorcycles.

    Agree with Michelle on the school zones. Bellview middle school frequently has drivers blowing through the 20 mph flashing lights daily.

    Let’s also crack down on people leaving young kids and pets in the car while they just pop in to get a few groceries. I’ve seen this occur several times at the Grocery Adantage in Cantonment and the Publix at 9 mile and Pine forest.

    Fire lane parking enforcement is another joke. I was walking out of the above Publix when a vehicle sped around a vehicle parked at the front door and nearly hit me in the crosswalk. I complained to the manager to no avail.

    I am glad to see the deputies running radar in the Bellview area recently.

  2. Bamcubz on March 17th, 2011 8:23 pm

    That’s great they are checking seat belts but maybe they should concentrate on SPEEDERS because there are plenty of those driving up & down Hwy 29.

  3. Mike on March 16th, 2011 9:26 pm

    You’ll never see me without my seat belt on.

    That said, I am against any seat belt law.

    Big Brother, leave me the he!! alone.

  4. Robert Hudson on March 16th, 2011 4:41 pm

    Just remember, the laws of mother nature always win.

  5. Booboo on March 16th, 2011 11:28 am

    When Florida makes it a law to wear a helmet on a motorcycle then ill wear my seatbelt. IT is FAR MORE DANGEROUS riding a motorcycle without a helmet then being in a car with no seatbelt. there have been many situations where the seatbelt is the reason the person is not here today. and also other way around GOD IS GONNA TAKE YOU WHEN HE WANTS YOU WEARING A SEATBELT OR NOT. i think it should be your decision to wear your seat belt just like it is to wear helmet.. FINE PEOPLE WITHOUT HELMETS AND THEN ILL WEAR MY SEATBELT!!!!!!

  6. Paul on March 16th, 2011 11:19 am

    I always wear my belt and make my passengers do the same or they don’t ride. It saved my life more than one time. The same goes for when I ride my bike, helmet, glasses, boots and gloves every time. I had a hard time refusing to give a ride to a very fine babe who wouldn’t wear a helmet recently but I’ll get over it, if we got hit by a distracted driver it would be something I couldn’t get over.

  7. Robert Hudson on March 16th, 2011 9:19 am

    I do believe in freedom choice , Now God and a seat belt saved my live, And in the world of action=reaction, if you hit something at 60mph, and are not strapped to it or in it, you will continue at 60mph, till you hit the some thing solid. Drivers in Nascar or any other auto sport wear them. Death comes in the blink of a eye, there will be no chance to buckle up, it is a shame that we have to have laws, that enforce common sense , just like the no texting, or cell phone use.But do not let your own personal choice for freedom get you killed. If you have ever rid’en a horse, you know that if it decide’s to stop and you are not ready for it, you are leaving your mount at a high rate of speed. Same in a car. Hate to see any one killed because they did not take the time to secure their selves, but it is your choice, but please make sure others are buckled up.( children ), adults can make up their own mind)

  8. sniper on March 16th, 2011 8:58 am

    i think the speed limit should be enforced on hwy 97! the ECSO comes out once a year and writes tickets then back to the lower half of the county…

    and whats the deal with all the “DEALER TAGS” speeding up and down this road??? is that an ATMORE car dealerships way of advertising their name on the back of the cars they are trying to sell??? i get passed EVERY morning by one of these “DEALER TAGS” hot rodding down the road with no caution to passing lanes or dangerous hills/curves. just sayin…

    didnt think car salesmen needed to risk their lives or others by getting to work!

  9. sho-nuff on March 16th, 2011 8:31 am

    I totally agree!

    I have a friend that flipped there car while trying to answer a cell phone, much less texting. I think think it ranks up there as dangerous as drinking and driving!
    I attempted to call my teenage Daughter the other day. No answer. When she did call me back, she said she was driving, and turns her phone off while driving. And believe me, she is the “Queen” of texting and talking!

    As far as seatbelt laws, its a good thing. I use to never wear one, did not the Goverment telling me what to do. But I did make my Kids wear them. and you should lead by example.

    My attitude changed after I was hit head-on, and knocked the windshield out with my forehead and face. The constant neck pain and scars I see while shaving in the mornings, remind me that seatbelts are put in a vehicle for a reason.

    Seatbelts are a good thing.

  10. Fairlane63 on March 16th, 2011 7:29 am

    Land of the free…

  11. William on March 16th, 2011 6:48 am

    >>Woah! we have motorcycle cops?! Learn something new everyday…

    They are part of a traffic unit. They are not often in the north end.

  12. Driven on March 16th, 2011 2:35 am

    Woah! we have motorcycle cops?! Learn something new everyday…

  13. dick tracy on March 16th, 2011 12:31 am

    Communism at work………..

  14. Mike on March 15th, 2011 9:11 pm

    Dear Escambia County Sheriff’s Office,



  15. m on March 15th, 2011 6:43 pm

    If we have to wear seatbelts, then they should outlaw motorcycles….They even have a choice of helmet or no helmet….What?..Thats stupid?

  16. Paul on March 15th, 2011 6:37 pm

    I wish they would pass a law making cellphones and texting illegal, stop the wreck before it happens and you don’t need the seatbelt….

  17. Michelle on March 15th, 2011 3:27 pm

    Is there a chance they could do more in school zones?
    The speed limit is 20 when the light is flashing. And either I have people way to close trying to make me go faster, or they are passing me (EWMS).

    There is a police sub station right there near by, can we have more police for a while to catch thses people and ticket them?

    SLOW DOWN !! Thank you