Donald Trump, Rick Scott Give Away Trips To Escambia County

March 2, 2011

Donald Trump and all-sunshine Gov. Rick Scott were in New York to give away trips to Escambia County today.

The governor is on a two-day ““Share a Little Sunshine” tour of cold weather cities where he’s hawking Florida vacations. Florida oranges and other prizes were distributed at events today where Scott was trying to convince people in New York and Chicago to come to Florida.

At Trump Tower, Scott was  joined by Donald Trump to give out vacation prizes, including trips to Pensacola. In Chicago, he’ll gave away trips to Miami. During the day, Scott  also did interviews on Fox News and CNBC.


16 Responses to “Donald Trump, Rick Scott Give Away Trips To Escambia County”

  1. Florida Resident on March 26th, 2011 8:14 pm

    Legalization of medical marijuana would boost our economy. Not only would we make money but we would save money that’s being spent on expensive pain medications.

  2. Jim W on March 3rd, 2011 12:56 pm

    I am agreeing with Art the food is the real deal. Excellent stuff and the out of state people need to experience some of our great food and hospitality.

  3. CW on March 3rd, 2011 10:50 am

    Florida needs to stop depending on tourism and get some real permenant industry for its people.

    And we dont need New Yorkers flooding the panhandle, south Florida is bad enough.

  4. art on March 3rd, 2011 10:40 am

    oh the food, the food here…wow! some of the best cooks on this planet hail from this area of the good ol’ usa! (if you don’ t believe me, ask their spouses)…that good comfort food, cajun, and the fresh fish, the local fresh produce is fantastic. (miss coopers). there is a richness and history to this part of the country that cant be beat …we have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to offer.

  5. AL on March 3rd, 2011 12:27 am

    Bryan – sorry, friend – I’m a democrat :)
    A few trips could add up but the advertising is the kicker, not the individual trips. But who knows in this technological age – if they have a good time it will be all over Facebook and Twitter. Photos of our beaches and bragging on southern hospitality (what remains of it)…. good stuff there, my friend

  6. STUMPKNOCKER on March 3rd, 2011 12:06 am

    Im glad he is out there trying to sell our state that’s great, but i do not agree with him on some cuts he plans on making cocerning lawenforcement.He’s wanting county.state workers to pay into their own retirement,i idisagree becacuse when hired in this was not the agreement,there has been no rasies for local lawenforcement for 4 years,no not complaining and yes im glad i have a job.when going to work for the county this was a plus,but you took less pay.If lawenforcement was paid according to the private sector we could afford to pay for our own retirement.I am just saying i have heard some folks say well they should pay for their own retirement and again that would be true if we received private sector pay.It not right to compare the two when the pay is so far apart.just my thought

  7. JUDY MASEK on March 2nd, 2011 10:06 pm

    so far, im very impressed w/scotts judgement and foresight…he thinks out of the box and i like that.

  8. Bryan Bethea on March 2nd, 2011 9:31 pm

    You can always count on the Republicans to put lipstick on a pig. A few free trips will not make one tiny bit of difference to what is facing our state. Scott is the wrong guy at the wrong time. HCA anyone? I bet they gave away free prizes too.

  9. Bob on March 2nd, 2011 8:35 pm

    This governor is on the right track. He is desperately trying to make a difference. We the residents of this great state should get behind him on some of these ideas,instead of bitching and bellyaching about the cuts that he might make,and wondering if his decisions will impact our lives. Things will never be like they were before this recession and the sooner we realize this the better we will all be.

  10. AL on March 2nd, 2011 5:43 pm

    Great idea…. there is so much to offer that people miss because we aren’t a big city (and there’s another plus!!)

  11. Jim W on March 2nd, 2011 1:29 pm

    Oh we need to say thaks for whom ever if it’s the state or private vendors who donated the trips.

  12. Jim W on March 2nd, 2011 1:28 pm

    Any postive advertisement is good advertisement. I have to agree with Art Escambia county has been a well kept secret for way too long. The economy needs the influx of visitors spending money. It’s good for evryone, the money works it’s way back to citizens of Escambia county and helps fund city and county needs in the form of taxes.

  13. Jimmy Carter on March 2nd, 2011 12:57 pm

    Sometimes you just got to go after what you need. Jeb Bush went to New York to lobby GE to open a plant here in Pensacola. Without his efforts many of the highest paying blue collar jobs in Escambia County would not be here. Good for Scott, at least he is trying. Get Escambia what we need, as no one will deny that we need more jobs.

  14. art on March 2nd, 2011 9:44 am

    as far as i am concerned, escambia county is one of the best kept secrets in the country. we have a lot to offer and people are going to sit up and start to take notice. perhaps we have been left alone and treated like the red headed step child for a long time, but that fact can work in our favor. we are not overly developed, that is for sure. the paper mills and such have had their ways with our forests, but we still have beautiful pure clean water and water ways in this neck of the woods. what a premium! and it will only become more and more valuable.

  15. Name (required) on March 2nd, 2011 9:40 am

    I wondered who was going to be first to make a negitive comment…

    … I am glad the governor is doing this, I hate that he has to go to NY and worse yet Chicago! Dress warm gov!

  16. Horrific on March 2nd, 2011 8:42 am

    Well I hope the lucky people will enjoy their trips to bask in the sun and see
    our beautiful beaches and not be accosted by one our little thugs.