Docs, Gun Groups Compromise On Evers Gun Bill

March 29, 2011

Doctors would still be able to ask patients questions about whether they have guns in many cases under a measure approved by a Senate committee on Monday, a result of a compromise between gun rights groups and the medical establishment on a bill sponsored by Sen. Greg Evers.

The National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups had pushed for a much stronger bill that would have precluded doctors in many cases from asking patients about whether they own guns. Backers of the measure had said patients were being harassed over gun ownership.

But citing the confidentiality of what is said between doctors and patients, and a broader desire to protect other members of patients’ families, doctors had pushed back hard against the bill (SB 432). The issue had promised a fight between two of the most powerful lobbies at the Florida Capitol.

But an amendment adopted before the committee’s vote on Monday would now generally allow doctors to ask questions about gun ownership, as long as the physician doesn’t “harass” the patient, and doesn’t enter the information into the patient’s record without a good reason. That leaves enough room that doctors now support the measure, as does the NRA.

“We have an agreed-to, good bill here,” said Evers.

While the committee advanced the bill, four members, two Republicans and two Democrats, said they still were uncomfortable with anything that would give doctors pause about asking questions about safety issues, and voted against it.

“I am concerned this degrades and diminishes the doctor-patient relationship,” said Sen. Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood. “A doctor should ask about safety in the home whether it’s pool safety, helmet safety or gun safety.”

Sen. Mike Bennett said his opposition was personal – because of his own experience as a child with a father who “chased his wife around” the House with a gun.

“I’ve been there, done that,” said Bennett, R-Bradenton.

“What about the patients’ children? What about the patient’s wife getting a beating every Saturday night?” Bennett asked.

Evers said the new version of the legislation would take care of that concern – allowing doctors to ask questions now, if they feel there’s a valid reason.

“There has to be a justification (however),” said the sponsor of the compromise amendment, Sen. Thad Altman, R-Viera. “The doctor can’t do it arbitrarily.”

The bill also no longer carries any civil or criminal penalties, leaving it up to professional medical boards to police the requirement.

The compromise appeared necessary to get the proposal moving – the bill had been stalled in the Health Regulation Committee for more than two weeks, and even some who voted for it on Monday expressed some skepticism.

The bill still has two more committee stops in the Senate, but Evers gave the panel his commitment that only minor changes would be made in those committees, and that the bill wouldn’t revert to its former form. A similar House bill (HB 155) still has two committee stops there.

By David Royse
The News Service of Florida


23 Responses to “Docs, Gun Groups Compromise On Evers Gun Bill”

  1. eab on April 1st, 2011 5:57 pm

    Bob Hudson said…..So if you wish to cut the head off a snake , do it , whats the matter? Do not wish to find out who is really behind this.? Just follow the trail.Like old Barney Fife said, nip it, nip it in the bud.

    I said….Uh oh. I think I owe you an apology, Bob. I thought you were just a bit paranoid and perhaps should just see you doctor or sleep with your gun for a night or two. (chuckle)

    But now I see you quoting Barney Fife, so I know your argument should be taken seriously. Sorry.

    McDavid Citizens for a Free America

  2. Bob Hudson on April 1st, 2011 4:15 pm

    So if you wish to cut the head off a snake , do it , whats the matter? Do not wish to find out who is really behind this.? Just follow the trail.Like old Barney Fife said, nip it, nip it in the bud. .Follow the gun control movement from the last several years, and see where the money ties in to. Or , ask the people of new Orleans why their guns where taken away during hurricane katirna. Well that sure did not get a lot of air time. Point made.

  3. David Huiie Green on April 1st, 2011 2:41 pm

    so don’t use the doctor who asks you what you don’t want to be asked

  4. Bob Hudson on April 1st, 2011 10:50 am

    And when I said (left wing agenda) who do you think is behind gun control? Like I said, look it up. It is a improper thing to ask, if you are being treated for a cold , and should not be put on a standard form as general information.

  5. Bob Hudson on April 1st, 2011 10:18 am

    Go back and read or study who is backing this bill and the anti-gun groups they support, Ya’ll need to pull your head out of the sand. Research it, it will not hurt you. While you are at it, look up the U. N’s policy (small arms control), which we have not signed. And tell me we should not be worried? Here is a hint. Enter pro-gun control and see who pops up.

  6. eab on March 30th, 2011 11:59 pm

    This is a question I have never heard from a doctor and don’t expect to hear. I guess Greg Evers will be sponsoring a bill to give away anxiolytics to his supporters next. They need that worse than protection from their doctors.

    C’mon Bob. Just say no.

    We ain’t got money to waste on such frivolous laws as this. Goodness. Y’all pull yourselves together. It’s safe to go outside as long as you don’t live near a gun range.

  7. hellbilly on March 30th, 2011 9:50 pm

    Weird. I’ve never had a doctor ask me about guns at home. I can’t find anyone that has been asked that ethier. It’s not a big deal to me if i don’t want them to know i just say no. If i do i just say yes. It’s not like they are goin to come to my house and search me.

  8. David Huie Green on March 30th, 2011 5:44 pm

    ” if this bill seems a little overboard , well that is what it takes now days to combat the left wing agenda for gun control.”

    So really, doctors asking patients questions is actually part of a vast left-wing conspiracy?

    David skeptical but learning

  9. Bob Hudson on March 30th, 2011 10:03 am

    It seems that there are those who are not aware of why Mr. Evers is pushing this. So I suggest that you inform your self more about the nature of this bill and who is against it, before you make up your mind. Look up who is backing gun control and see why they want a doctor to ask you this question. It is another under handed trick to form a gun registry.And when you find out what groups are against this bill, look and see what gun control groups they support. Now,. I have no problem with a Doctor that has seen sure signs of mental problems, asking this. But it should never be placed on a form to be filled out, as just general information. And if this bill seems a little overboard , well that is what it takes now days to combat the left wing agenda for gun control. Long live the NRA and those who support it.

  10. Propete on March 29th, 2011 8:34 pm

    The NRA ROCKS!!!

  11. dad on March 29th, 2011 5:46 pm

    Just wondering if anyone on here has ever been asked that question by a doctor? I haven’t and I’ve been around a long time. I find it hard to believe patients were being harassed about this by doctors. Just Evers kissing the NRA’s butt as usual. Stop wasting time on crap like this and use your time for important issues.

  12. joe on March 29th, 2011 3:41 pm

    So, most people will answer no from now on. There is only a few times when this is an important question from your doctor. that would be when you are a danger to yourself or others. even then a gun will not make a big difference, if a person wants to harm others or themselves they will find a way.

  13. David Huie Green on March 29th, 2011 2:18 pm

    “Having the right to keep & bear arms…what gives a doctor the right to know? I think this crosses the line..will they ask-do you have knives, matches, hmmmm where does it stop??? If continue to give a little here and give a little there ..,our Freedoms will be gone!”

    Having the power to silence doctors is the power to withhold their rights to speak and to do their chosen job of healing the sick. This IS a worthless piece of legislation since it assumes the power to force people to close their mouths. I don’t care if they need the information or not. You don’t have to tell them the truth if you want to play Russian Roulette with your health.

    You DO need a government which doesn’t tell you what you can and can not say. If you disagree with that statement, imagine if the government could arrest or fine you for speaking your disagreement.

    David for limited government
    and human freedom

  14. eab on March 29th, 2011 1:19 pm

    What strikes me about this whole issue is how fearful people are. I own two guns, a 20 gauge single shot and a 12 gauge pump.I don’t care who knows it and I’m not paranoid enough that I think someone is gonna come to my house demanding that I turn them over.

    A lot of gun owners seem to be afraid that, on the one hand, someone may find out that they have guns (as evidenced in no name’s response) or that someone is gonna storm in and take their guns away (as Bob Hudson is frightened of).

    We have a lot of issues in our nation and Greg Evers is wasting time and energy on a completely unnecessary law simply to placate the NRA . Hopefully, when this is sorted out he will be able to find something meaningful to do with his time and some of the people with guns can relax a bit. I look at gun ownership as a means to be less worried, not frightened half to death and peeping out the curtains waiting for someone to come and get my gun.

    Just tell your doctor no or change doctors. Then you won’t need to be so frightened about what’s in your record.

  15. Bob Hudson on March 29th, 2011 12:55 pm

    Well it is none of his business, And tell him or her so. What it says to me is the far-left liberals, who wish to usher in gun control, will stop at nothing for their agenda. Long live the NRA and those who back it, and what it stands for.

  16. Name (required) on March 29th, 2011 11:40 am

    The problem is that once the information is entered into the medical record it is there forever… the ‘protection’ of this information is not what many think it to be… and in this modern age of electronic data the potential for abuse is significant.

    The conversation with your doctor may be protected, but your medical records are only as secure as the data protocols, software, and future politicians agendas allow them to be….

    Just one example….

    If you are purchasing life insurance, you have to grant access to your records to the insurance company…. they could use such information to increase your rates since you own firearms…. or simply deny coverage.

  17. eab on March 29th, 2011 10:43 am

    To Century Girl and Guy….this is just a tempest in a teapot and one of the most useless pieces of legislature ever.As several other posters already put it, all you need to do is find another doctor or just tell the one you have you don’t want to answer the question just like you can with any other question the doc may ask.

    The doctor is not the police,folks. Try not to be so afraid. To pass this law is a waste of time and taxpayer money. It only serves as a smoke screen to make Evers suck up a little closer to the NRA.


  18. Century guy on March 29th, 2011 8:42 am

    Amen to that Century girl!

  19. Me on March 29th, 2011 8:14 am

    If my doctor ever ask if I own a gun, that will be my last visit to him. To many doctors to choose from. Gun ownership ain’t none of his buisness.

  20. nonsense on March 29th, 2011 6:27 am

    Haven’t we got more important things our state government should be working on.

  21. my2cents on March 29th, 2011 6:06 am

    Why not just tell the doc none of your business?

  22. eab on March 29th, 2011 1:09 am

    Nice. The Republicans talk about personal freedom and responsibility but they were backing the Not Responsible for Anything organization in a bid to get between doctors and their patients.

    Good grief.

    So doctors are harassing patients over gun ownership? Cite?

    Way to go, Evers. It’s good to know the bill wouldn’t revert to it’s former form of a man being able to chase his wife around the home with a gun.

    Thank you Mike Bennett for standing up like a man with a conscious. I’m glad to see there are still some Republicans who believe in American values and not just firearms.

  23. Century girl on March 29th, 2011 12:34 am

    Having the right to keep & bear arms…what gives a doctor the right to know
    ? I think this crosses the line..will they ask-do u have knives,matches, hmmmm where does it stop??? If continue to give a little here and give a little there ..,our Freedoms will be gone!