Century Sets Community Center Rental Rules, Requires Security Guard

March 8, 2011

After a double shooting during a “teen party” at their Habitat building, the Century Town Council is getting tough with new policies to curb violence and policy abuses at their community centers.

Monday night, the council voted unanimously to increase the rental fee on community centers by $100 to provide for an unarmed security guard at all functions — even church and non-profit events. All events will be required to end by midnight on the day of the rental, and no one other than legal non-profits will be allowed to charge admission for any function. Only non-profits will be exempt for the $100 security fee, if they provide proof that they are providing their own certified law enforcement security guard.

With the $100 security fee, building rentals for the Habitat Building or the Ag Building will now be $300 up front, with a $100 refundable deposit.

The town’s community center rental agreements will be rewritten by the town attorney with the new policies  for final approval in two weeks. Until then, the council issued a moratorium on renting the buildings — only the mayor can override the moratorium.

“I hate that we’ve got to go to this length,” council member Nadine McCaw said, “because of handful that abuse it…We’ve got to cover ourselves because of people we can’t trust.”

The town will contract with Dynamic Security of Pensacola to provide an unarmed security guard at $90.60 for six hours at a $15.10 hourly rate. If the town hired an armed Escambia County off-duty deputy, the cost would be $25 per hour, $150 for a six hour period. However, Mayor Freddie McCall said county deputies will not work security at any “party”.

Council member Sandra McMurray Jackson expressed concern over using unarmed security guards, because “you are still having to wait until somebody gets there armed”.

McCall said that the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department would respond to any problems at the community centers, providing “armed backup” to private the security guard.

During the early morning hours of February 26, two people were shot at a “teen party” at the Habitat Building community center as gunfire erupted at a party with about 100 people in attendance.

McCall said organizers of the party were charging a $10 per person admission and providing “beer and whiskey” in violation of the town’s no-alcohol policy. Many of the party attendees, according to the mayor, were underage.

“Alcohol got in these children’s system and made them wild,” McCall said.


22 Responses to “Century Sets Community Center Rental Rules, Requires Security Guard”

  1. cant get right on March 9th, 2011 2:09 pm

    Lets look at effects of the Mayor your community leader and representative)renting out city property to seedy character’s, There’s been a stabbing in the same building, a shoots fired a few weeks before this shooting took place, a young man lost his life in a vehicle crash after drinking alcohol at a party held at the agricultural building that the mayor rented and now a double shooting. YEAH way to go. now, get the local boy scout commander to provide security and the Mayor will be right on track for re-election.

    I dont beleive the Mayors decisions of rentin city buildings to thugs should require local law enforcement to be baby sitting his and the cities counsels private parties. at the tax payers expesne.

    Hey here’s a suggestion just say no to renting out the property for anything but legitimate meetings i.e. wedding receptions business meeting, church functions school dances etc. If you follow good business practices and principles which is apparent our city don’t have a clue, just follow other communities good examples.

  2. commonsence on March 9th, 2011 12:29 pm

    We need Armed Security, not Unarmed. I thought that was the purpose to have Security. Someone with authority to handle any situation. Everyone attending the event are Unarmed Security Guards. This is a bit backwards, it’s time for Century to go Forward. (Let me see now, we still have a Old backward way of thinking and doing business), the very reason the community can’t grow.

  3. Horrific! on March 9th, 2011 9:07 am

    @You who
    I guess it wasn’t clear because I read it the same way JIM W. did.

  4. You Who on March 9th, 2011 8:44 am

    Dave: My thinking exactly.

    As for Jim W my thinkings was that around 10:00 pm all the cops in that area would be there because of wild parties and the party getting out of hand. What you read into what I said – I have no idea!!!

  5. Dave on March 9th, 2011 7:22 am


  6. Jim W on March 8th, 2011 4:46 pm

    This is for You Who: One thing for sure we will know where to find the cops around 10:00 pm or so they will be there “BET”

    Do you think the police should not be there at anytime after what occured? The more they show their presence the better off all parties are. It is apparent that you can not leave some parties on their own for people get killed and hurt. So, the council is just doing what they think is prudent and reasonable. They do not want people getting hurt and no one should be using this venue to make money anyway. Especially the booze part of it unless you are licensed to do so. There should be no parties on premises who are not held responsible for their actions. This includes those who may have a liquor licenses to have a one night party. They should be made to have a certificate of insurance nameing the city as the named insured and holding them harmless. Oh is that to business like for you. Well that is what the guys down the road have to do that is running their business why should you be abble to gain and not pay your portion? There is a little business 101 for you and thats just the tip of the iceburg.

  7. You Who on March 8th, 2011 1:43 pm

    Do you think one guard unarmed is going to tell a crowd of people what to do. He will go along with any thing they do. Need to put a real cop in as security with a gun, taser and radio and you might stop it. One thing for sure we will know where to find the cops around 10:00 pm or so they will be there “BET”

  8. Jim W on March 8th, 2011 1:41 pm

    Just remember it has to start some where. I think as times comes along you will see that the council will get it figured out. Even if i includes closing it down and everyone loosing.

  9. Horrific! on March 8th, 2011 12:11 pm

    These people Don’t care about the RULES, and they won’t care about
    some security guard that you have there anymore than they cared about
    the crowd of people and KIDS who were around for both the shootings in this
    building this year.
    IF and I say IF THIS IS GANG RELATED…..this guard will just be the
    first one taken out. GANGS run the streets now days and EVERYTHING
    RULES<UNARMED GUARDS who are you kidding…
    She should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.
    Probably some of the people shot didn't have insurance and WE
    garbage just makes me want to cringe. There are no half measures
    we can do about anything anymore. CRIMINALS have taken over
    our streets and our public buiildings and I HAVE LOST PATIENCE

  10. Fred on March 8th, 2011 10:44 am

    Horrific, If you have been reading all comments pertaining to this matter from the beginning, then you know that what was apparently a member of this group, posted a comment that said, “If there was enough jobs to go around down here we wouldn’t be havins to rent these buildings to make money”.
    The point here is, take away the Alcohol and you take away the money making object.
    The Security Guards job won’t be to have a shoot out with people who start firing in a crowd of people, as to many lives would be in danger.
    His job will be to enforce the rules of the City of Century contract.
    Since no Alcohol is one of the rules, these people won’t rent these buildings again.
    The problem here is that these people are gonna look for another building for these illegal parties if no one is arrested for the crimes that were committed here.
    Marthe Tims is gonna be just another pawn here that was coaxed into signing a contract for the building. There’s gonna be a kingpin behind the illegal parties and it could even be Gang related.
    Martha Tims needs to start talking to the investigators or otherwise take the rap herself for the crimes committed here.

  11. David Huie Green on March 8th, 2011 10:35 am

    “$100.00 for unarmed security or $150.00 for an Armed Law Enforcement Officer. Isn’t it just like this County to decide on the better choice money wise, rather than for the health and safety of it’s people.”

    Please consider the part of the article which said: “However, Mayor Freddie McCall said county deputies will not work security at any “party”. “

    This tells us there would not be any armed deputies there for their parties no matter what.

    Also, please consider that Escambia County is not involved here, it’s all on the Town of Century–different political entity.

    Finally, please consider what they’ve done:

    1. They’ve made sure the thing will close by midnight–at which time we all turn back into pumpkins; most shootings happen after midnight, so the danger is greatly reduced.

    2. They’ve assured an independent person is there to see the rules are followed and to call for help if things start to get out of hand.

    3. They’ve put an end to the illegal drinking, therefore the drunkenness and the foolish actions associated with drunkenness.

    4. They’ve put an end to money-making illegal drinking and smoking parties which might otherwise attract those evil Atmore targets.

    This just might do the trick.

    David appreciating efforts,
    hoping for the best

  12. MQ on March 8th, 2011 9:42 am

    UNarmed security – how absurd. The reason Century is stepping up the guard situation is because two individuals were SHOT. I guess they want the UNarmed guard to be the third. He will only be a sitting duck, and a laughing stock to anyone who wants to cause problems at the centers.

  13. atmore on March 8th, 2011 9:12 am

    That is sad that they would have someone go to that place “unarmed” with shootings and fighting going on…how will he protect himself if something starts happening? I hope everyone refuses to do it unarmed. I sure as heck wouldn’t do it unarmed even for $500.00 and hour. ugh…what’s goin on with these people!? Just sad that to save someone $50.00 they would stick someone in there with no protection! I hope the person that came up with that has to be the one in there with everyone actin stupid like they do!! I understand for civilized acting people saving that $50.00 would be wonderful but everyone is going to claim to be civilized just to save the $50.00 then when it comes down to it cousins friends sisters boyfriend…will go up there acting crazy and then what!? Ugh!!! It makes me sick

  14. Horrific! on March 8th, 2011 8:27 am

    $100.00 for unarmed security or $150.00 for an Armed Law Enforcement Officer.
    Isn’t it just like this County to decide on the better choice money wise, rather than
    for the health and safety of it’s people.



  15. Fred on March 8th, 2011 7:41 am

    Jimbo unarmed security is a joke. It is a great way to get , someone hurt. Show of some kind of force is needed.

    The old “Hell’s Angels” Motorcycle gang would work real well.

    Martha Tims must “know” (not have) a Guardian Angel some where.

    We need to look at the big picture here.
    There was at least two crimes committed by Martha Tims and a Insane person that’s willing to open fire on a crowd of people still at large.
    I haven’t seen the phrase “bring your own bottle” used here, so I presume the Alcohol was furnished by the Group that rented the building.
    This would be selling Alcoholic beverages without a license.
    Also contributing to the delinquency of minors.
    Martha Tims signed a contract stating that she would be solely responsible for what went on at this building, and she should be arrested for the two crimes.
    Justice needs to be served here.

  16. Concerned Citizen on March 8th, 2011 7:09 am

    At least Century town council is finally pulling its head out of the sand.
    Here are some critical questions that should be answered:

    - What happened yesterday’s “no arrest yet” story that involves the shooting at the community center? The story is revelant to the public because nobody has been arrested and the shooter remains at large.

    - Why has the shooter not been publicly identified when a warrant was being put in for the shooter? Does this process take weeks or can it be done like say in a day when it is a public safety priority? This should be Century’s number one issue to get this name and picture out for everyone to see so that the shooter can be taken off the street.

    - And if there is creditable information that this “teen party” was selling booze, then shouldn’t state beverage agents be going after those who were doing this without a license?

  17. safebear on March 8th, 2011 7:03 am

    I have to agree with the others here – having an unarmed security guy is just another target. At least you’re taking small baby steps.

  18. Jimbo on March 8th, 2011 5:59 am

    unarmed security is a joke. It is a great way to get , someone hurt. Show of some kind of force is needed.

  19. art on March 8th, 2011 5:31 am

    good going you guys. you had to do what you had to do. now it is up to parents and the community alike to keep our kiddos safe, protect them from this kind of criminal element. lets put our kids at the very top of our priority list!

  20. nudo on March 8th, 2011 4:46 am

    And they think a unarmed security guard is going to do what? He’s just another set of eyes that will be ducking the next time someone shoots.

  21. Fred on March 8th, 2011 2:49 am

    Well, hopefully this will be enough to keep these people from renting these buildings.
    On the down side they will simply find another buildings for their parties somewhere else.
    Now that the mayor has openly stated that there were underage people in the building, do we now get an arrest on Martha Tims for numerous counts of contributing to the delinquency of minors?
    If a minor is sold Alcoholic beverages by a store, it is a crime with a heavy fine.
    It is to my understanding that they were charging 10 dollars per person for people to enter the building and drink.
    Am I wrong, or is this not the same as selling the minors Alcohol?
    I think a Judge should decide this.

  22. Uhmmm on March 8th, 2011 2:18 am

    Kinda defeats the purpose of having unarmed security at these functions when you really need a Law Enforcement Deputy already there who can handle any problems that arise.

    The Council should make the person renting the building pay for an off duty deputy for security not an unarmed security officer.

    Just my thought.