Century Delays Approval Of Community Center Rental, Security Policies

March 22, 2011

The Town of Century has again delayed a new community center rental policy in response to several recent violent events — this time over a concern that some non-profit groups could be hit with a $350 rental fee.

After a double shooting during a “teen party” at their Habitat building, the council voted two weeks ago to “get tough” with new rules to curb violence and policy abuses at their community centers. Mayor Freddie McCall returned to council Monday night with a recommended policy that was developed with input from the town’s attorney, Matt Dannheisser.

The attorney, according to the mayor, recommended that the council  require security provided by off duty Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies  at community center functions at $25 per hour. McCall recommended charging for a six hour minimum for deputies, possible refunding any time over four hours not used.

With a $100 rental fee, a $100 deposit and a $150 fee for the deputies, the total cost out of pocket for an individual or group to rent the town’s Habitat Building or Ag Building would increase to $350.

That expense, and the need for an armed deputy, concerned council member Jacke Johnston on behalf of Century’s Relay for Life, which holds planning meetings at the Ag Building. “For a (Relay for Life) meeting, we would have to get security?” she asked.

McCall also express concerns about making groups like the Century Chamber of Commerce  pay for security.

“It’s a shame and I  hate to do it,” he said of charged established non-profits for a deputy at their meetings.

Century’s concern over rental policies and security requirements arose after several violent events, including a late-February double shooting at the Habitat Building, which was rented at the time by a Century woman for a “teen party”.

With knowledge that the violent events had occurred, and could happen again, the town could be very liable if sued, according to the town attorney, without a security requirement.

“I’m not for renting it anymore for parties, period. We are inviting ourselves to trouble,”  McCall said. “It wasn’t built for those wild parties to being with…most of these people doing it are coming from Atmore. They’ve done been run out of Atmore.”

“The only other option we have is to not rent it all,” said Brooks.

Monday night, the council tabled action on any new community center rental and security policy, opting to return to the town attorney for an opinion. Council members want to know from the attorney if they can forgo the security requirement for non-profit groups.

Until a policy is approved, the council has issued a moratorium on renting the buildings — only the mayor can override the moratorium.

Pictured top: The interior of Century’s Habitat Building, which is often rented to the public. Pictured inset: The exterior of the building. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Century Delays Approval Of Community Center Rental, Security Policies”

  1. Concerned resident on March 24th, 2011 7:50 pm

    I agree with everyone to some point but it’s said that you can’t have church functions family reunions class reunions baby showers or even wedding receptions because of a few ignorant people. Something needs to be done

  2. why:? on March 23rd, 2011 12:34 pm

    I was wondering about that. Did $200.00 pay for the electric used and the
    clean up. Sounds kind of like a break even deal anyway
    Is no one an accountant up there

  3. Richard on March 23rd, 2011 11:34 am

    As for the Habitat Building just close it down it cost more to keep it open than the town is making off it.

  4. Richard on March 23rd, 2011 11:32 am

    Come on people it’s CENTURY !!!!!!! Have we in the town of Century ever done anything without taking forever . We have meetings to plan a meeting . Then in that meeting we talk about what we are going to do in the next meeting .

  5. From Century on March 23rd, 2011 7:07 am

    Like i said on another comment $ 350.00 is stupid its not gonna stop the stupid people from what they wanna do!!!!!!!!!! its only hurting the poor put an employee in there to over see the wild parties!!!!!!!!!!!! all they have to do is call 911 they dont wanna help out BUT they still have to come on the 911 call so there !!!! they will be there

  6. David Huie Green on March 22nd, 2011 5:06 pm

    “Why does it always take forever to make common sense decisions”

    Sometimes they SEEM like common sense decisions because you only have your one viewpoint. Others with other viewpoints believe some other decision is the only one which makes sense. In our system of government everybody should be heard even though that delays decisions.

    Besides, if common sense were common, how do you explain how common it is for so many to not have any?

    David for common cause

  7. Horrific! on March 22nd, 2011 3:43 pm

    Why does it always take forever to make common sense decisions and
    implement them. I guess that’s were we jokingly get the statement “Its like
    an act of congress”. lol

  8. concerned citizen on March 22nd, 2011 1:44 pm

    To Jim W and Art.. I totally agree with you both that some provision can and should be made to accomodate legitimate charities and non-profit orgs.. I also agree that it probably will not be very difficult for the town to put such a provision in place..

  9. Jim W on March 22nd, 2011 12:07 pm

    I have to agree with Art on this one. It’s real easy the legetimate non profits have a number desinated by the Federal Government and a letter of non profit status. Have them show evidence prior to renting and if it will be some kind of on going rental thru out the year take a copy of what the numbers are and put it in a file for future use and exempt the non profit out. We also need a hold harmless agreement on file and if needed a certificate of insurance for the function. That is the proper way to do business.
    To concerned citizen it is so true the guilty parties could care less that we the public who are treying to do the right thing is getting stuck with all this as a result of their action. In fact I would say as dumb as they are they think it is samrt and are laughing at us. So sad our society has come to this.

  10. concerned citizen on March 22nd, 2011 10:15 am

    This is yet another example of how the criminal element in our society create an extra burden on decent law abiding citizens.. Now, Relay for life and other worthwhile organizations that actually help the community will have to use their limited resources to cover security (which they do not need).. Worse yet, the people responsible for this extra fee (the idiots who were involved in the shooting) probably could care less..

  11. art on March 22nd, 2011 7:16 am

    this is easy…everyone that is a non profit has a number like a tax id number…if you have proof you are a non profit and you provide your number you get to rent the building at a reduced rate. town of century can set that rate anything they want. why ya’ll got to make it so hard? and as for the comment that they run these no good hoodlums
    out of atmore…well, do you think they are welcome in century? century is not a dumping ground for thugs. everyone needs to get on the freakin bandwagon on this one!

  12. T on March 22nd, 2011 6:21 am

    YEP, we all have to pay because of a few dummies :(
    just like we have to pay for shoplifters :(

    If I had to pay $350.00 to rent a building, then I’m going to find a much nicer building to rent……BUT with this being said, I have to say that I DO NOT blame them for adding security.