Century Council Set To Approve New Community Center Rules Monday Night

March 20, 2011

Monday night, the Century Town Council is expected to approve new rental policies for the town’s community centers in response to several violent events.

After a double shooting during a “teen party” at their Habitat building, the council voted two weeks ago to “get tough” with new rules to curb violence and policy abuses at their community centers.

The town’s community center rental agreements have been rewritten by the town attorney with the new policies set for final approval Monday night. Until then, the council issued a moratorium on renting the buildings — only the mayor can override the moratorium.

If the new policies are approved, the rental fee on community centers will increase by $100 to provide for an unarmed security guard at all functions — even church and non-profit events. All events will be required to end by midnight on the day of the rental, and no one other than legal non-profits will be allowed to charge admission for any function. Only non-profits will be exempt for the $100 security fee, if they provide proof that they are providing their own certified law enforcement security guard.

With the $100 security fee, building rentals for the Habitat Building or the Ag Building will now be $300 up front, with a $100 refundable deposit.

The Century Town Council meets at the city hall at 7 p.m. Monday; the meeting is open to the public.

Pictured: The Century Habitat Building. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Century Council Set To Approve New Community Center Rules Monday Night”

  1. Concerned2 on March 21st, 2011 10:47 am

    A Century block party was givin with free everything, the police were invited to come and meet the public and not even one road by,So my though is its not the 300 that is going to stop the abuse of policy,Its better comunacation with the ppl in the community and the CITY LEADERS and LAW ENFORCMRNT, Is that not what our tax dollars pay for?

  2. Looking for a new Century on March 21st, 2011 8:46 am

    You want the thugs out……..you have to start by teaching them at home. Start with respect, you have to have respect for other peoples property. Manners , you have to teach your children manners , simple yes maam , no maam , please and thank you. They have to have the want, to have a nice place to have a party. How many playgrounds have you went by that the county has redone with new equipment for the kids, to come by a couple months later and it looks like a war zone. If your not taught at home to take care of your own home and have pride in it , your not gonna make them take care of public property. The parents have to start at home , and it’s sad most parents don’t have respect either, or they would be ashamed of the way their children behave. Act like trash , you will be considered trash. Have pride in our community , take care of what we have. As for the thugs , they will eliminate each other with their lack of knowledge and no respect for anything, they will kill each other off one at the time…..and that’s sad.

  3. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2011 9:25 pm

    “Threat of force or the threat of being shot by security(private or LEO) is the only way to keep thugs away.”

    And yet many churches and civic events happen with no armed security on hand and no shots fired. It MIGHT be the people involved make a difference.

    David cogitating

  4. ???? on March 20th, 2011 7:05 pm

    it doesn’t look like a very nice place to have a party, don’t see what all the fuss is about……………..

  5. Jimbo on March 20th, 2011 3:01 pm

    Threat of force or the threat of being shot by security(private or LEO) is the only way to keep thugs away.They will not come if they are out guned.The first comment is a possibilty(then that would put the problem on someone elses shoulders). They would need to keep control with armed security??????Wait a minute that is where this started.

  6. art on March 20th, 2011 10:31 am

    when we all get sick and tired of the riff raff and thugs that ruin the peace and make our lives miserable, we will do something about them. we dont need law enforcement or government to do our house cleaning and they arent going to do it anyway, look at pensacola. over the last 15 years the lawlessness has slowly been creeping up into the north end of the county. to change it , it takes a mind set. it takes all of us to come together as a community and provide a united front against all this lawlessness. a whole bunch of parents could get together and have real teen parties at this location and everyone pitch in on the money for the rent and get the kiddos included. kids are very resourceful and would love to get involved with something they think is going to produce a party. i just wish one of the rules would be if there is going to be any kind of shindig at this location, make it where the kids out number the adults 10 to 1…

  7. citizen g on March 20th, 2011 9:02 am


  8. From Century on March 20th, 2011 9:01 am

    what good is that $300.00 Dept gonna do thats not going to keep trouble down if they going to fight $300.00 will not stop them you need a law at that ag building everytime that door is open or an employee to over see whats going on its not fair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i draw 674.00 a month i cant aford no $300.00 deposit! now thats a little stupid Christin people have to suffer because of stupid people in this town all that does is hurt us poor folks…… Mayor you could over see these partys also make a walk through every hour !!!!! we had the best family gathering down there i offered an employee to do a walk through on us they were like naaaaa its ok !!!!! DON;T HURT EVERYONE OVER STUPID PEOPLE!

  9. Sandra on March 20th, 2011 8:00 am

    Once again, a small faction of our society has reared its ugly head and spoiled it for the rest of us that would have rented the building at affordable rates and shown respect for others property. Now more than likely the buildign will not see much use as a rentable space due to exorbatant rates being charged to keep out the riff raff and otherwise undesireables……..thanks alot thugs.

  10. Name (required) on March 20th, 2011 12:35 am

    What if….

    Century sold the building to a private company to manage… who would be responsible for security?

    Or… if not viable from a financial perspective…

    Bulldoze it and sell the land?

    Why do we not allow this problem to go away? Why does this continue to be a government managed problem?