Woman Reports ‘Voodoo Thing’

February 3, 2011

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies received an unusual complaint this week from a North Escambia woman who felt that she had perhaps been the target of some sort of voodoo.

At 12:28 Monday morning, the woman on West Highway 4 between Bratt and Byrneville called the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to report the alleged troubling incident.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the woman told dispatchers that she wanted “to show deputies a voodoo thing she took apart, and it has her picture in it. She thinks she knows who did it”.

A full incident report was not filed after the woman was contacted by deputies.


33 Responses to “Woman Reports ‘Voodoo Thing’”

  1. kazooks on February 8th, 2011 7:07 pm

    it only works if you believe.

  2. Sheila Rodgers on February 6th, 2011 10:54 am

    Just want to thank my friends and family for there support- One particular friend says we have to be on the look out for a one- legged chicken running around Byrneville- he might want his claw back- LOL- To the ones that say for me to be carefull, dont worry I AM- and Ive always kept a loaded gun at home. This person or persons had the nerve to do this on my front porch, so me and my family are concerned about what else they may attempt. Precaution and protection are what we are focusing on. I just wish the person involved would apologize to the lady that was at the house at the time. She is a good christian woman that has been going thru a difficult enough time without this mess. Leave innocent people alone!

  3. Just An Old Soldier on February 5th, 2011 4:54 pm

    I agree with OldMarine – but I do have one word of advice: those that believe in Voodoo (or Voodun) should be taken seriously when they make a threat, and I believe that this is a physical threat.

    If the person that left the token at your door doesn’t see that it worked, they may follow up with something else, more real and more dangerous. Having been deployed to Haiti, I understand it a bit better than when I was a child watching horror films and Hollywood’s version of it.

    Put on the whole armor of God and your will be protected, but keep a wary eye out for those that may wish to do harm.

  4. concerned on February 5th, 2011 4:52 pm

    i think who ever done this is just a punk. they gotta use voodoo to try to take someone down.if they have problems with someone they should grow up and talk it out or just leave it alone. im just saying trying to use voodoo to hurt someone is just stupid well using voodoo all together is dumb.

  5. coffeeintheam on February 5th, 2011 9:20 am

    lol the po-po shake someone down because of a “suspicion”
    thats not going to happen and their not going to bother for follow up

  6. whoever I am on February 4th, 2011 10:06 pm

    Sheila, the article above has the statement, “She thinks she knows who did it”.
    I suggest that you pursue the name of the person she thinks it is, to see if you have had any dealings with the person.
    If so, I would think a search warrant could be obtained to shake them down and see if they have articles of witchcraft at their home.
    You’re dealing with a lunatic here, and you never know what might happen if you just let this go.

  7. Concerned parent on February 4th, 2011 5:17 pm

    Ok, if I saw this in a movie, I would probably think it funny and come up with many funny comments to make about it. However, since it happened in real life, I have to say that this is scary. For one thing, what I am really concerned about is that there seem to be people who would resort to such. If they believe in this, then their intent was criminal, pure and simple. If they don’t believe, then their intention was simply to harass and intimidate, which they did, and is still unacceptable behavior.

    Whether you believe in any of this or not, finding it in your driveway would be disconcerting at the very least.

  8. EMD on February 4th, 2011 12:04 pm

    Dear Fed UP,

    You certainly are generalizing. I am a born again, Spirit-filled, believer in, and lover of, Jesus Christ, and I did not make fun of this woman. No true believer and follower would. It sure “sounds’ to me, like you are trying to use a few to excuse yourselve from being in fellowship with others of like faith. That is if you are even OF the faith. I hear this all the time. Of course there are hypocrits in every church. It is Satan’s job to place them there, perhaps. So are you being a hypocrit “outside” the church? Why don’t you get to know The King, and ask Him what he thinks about your statement? There are good churches in the world. I know, because I am a member of one. And I thank God continously for leading me there.

  9. BEAUTIFUL on February 4th, 2011 11:59 am

    I agree with you totally. THAT IS how an adult handles their business
    with someone else. I am very sorry to inform you today there are more
    of THEM than THERE are of US. In that I mean CHICKENS.
    Chicken men and women who can’t handle anything with rational
    thought and then rational action. Instead VENDETTA TIME!

    SORRY you have deal with some imature low life chicken. Have dealt
    with a bunch of them since I moved to Escambia County myself and have
    also found the police to be of NO USE for years.
    Good Hunting and don’t forget your gun because THEY WON’T

  10. Sheila Rodgers on February 4th, 2011 10:55 am

    First I have no problem letting any one know that it happened at my home in Byrneville. I was at my ex brother in laws wake at a funeral home in Atmore. When I returned home I found the doll and a cut up picture of me with chicken bones attached to it. I called the sheriff only to be told that my roommate had already called it in. The officer that responded to my call did not seem to be interested since they believe it was a prank. He even said the chicken foot was fake. However if he could have smelled the thing when I got rid of it, he would have known it was real. No I dont believe in voodoo, but feel like the person responsible for this incident obviously does. All I can say is I will get to the bottom of this, There was a good christian woman and her children in the house at the time, and whoever did this should come to my face with any thing they have to say to me, NOT HARRASS innocent women and kids

  11. FED UP on February 4th, 2011 10:01 am

    i AM SHOCKED that the harrassment of this woman by someone
    or that she feels she is hexed by someone seems to be funny to
    all you good church goers. I guess you not any better than the
    person who is hexing her. They probably put up their front every
    sunday also but can’t walk the walk..


  12. Beegee on February 3rd, 2011 9:38 pm

    I plead the Blood………of Jesus Christ!!!

  13. OldMarine on February 3rd, 2011 9:14 pm

    Not Thumping here people , but there is No Spirit Stronger than God The Father , Son , and Holy Ghost.

    If she feels this thing is spiritual , there is only one answer and it isn’t the cops.

  14. kim mccullough on February 3rd, 2011 6:17 pm


  15. nomoc on February 3rd, 2011 6:05 pm

    i think someone has had a” voodoo thing” on me for the last 15 years, and i’m still here………or maybe not.

  16. Janice Parker on February 3rd, 2011 5:59 pm

    There is no voodo on South Pineville. We’re all God fearing folk who go to church and worship God. If this is happening it is on North Pineville. But this sounds far fetched even there. Know most of these people. Doesn’t sound right.

  17. Faith on February 3rd, 2011 4:54 pm

    Read only if you want wisdom and knowledge;

    Voodoo has been practiced in Africa and Haiti for hundreds of years.It is a religious practice with all ties to satan,”devil”.

    Witchcraft is very real as well. Hexes, spells, incantations,”the act of putting a spell on someone with negative results. Again, all ties to satan. There are many satanic ritiuals done by those who worship satan. They also have a satanic bible with many followers.

    My prayer is for the lady who was a victim of such demonic activity.

    Apply the Blood of Jesus Christ to yourself, family and everything you come in contact with.
    If you do not know Jesus as your personal savior, ask Him into your heart today!

  18. EMD on February 3rd, 2011 3:43 pm

    I have 4 good, up close personal reasons to believe that voodoo is going on in this area. But, I am not afraid of it, knowing it can’t harm me. I have One looking over me who is over everything, including voodoo. The enemy is stronger than I, but my Dad is the King of Everything, and in Him no one can do harm.

    I believe the woman. Will pray for her, and the perp.

  19. Whatever on February 3rd, 2011 2:10 pm

    Rumor has it that there is a coven down Pineville Rd.

  20. Crystal on February 3rd, 2011 1:25 pm

    If this woman is superstitious and the person committing the “voodoo” knows this, then the person (the voodooer…I guess you could call him/her that…LOL!) playing mind games with the woman. Anyone remember Ingrid Bergman in “Gaslight” ? (And before anyone accuses me of being old, I’m 25 years old. I love classic movies.)

  21. whoever I am on February 3rd, 2011 1:17 pm

    whitepunknotondope wrote: Whatever you do, don’t throw that voodoo thing in a fire!!!


  22. whitepunknotondope on February 3rd, 2011 12:45 pm

    Whatever you do, don’t throw that voodoo thing in a fire!!!

  23. click on February 3rd, 2011 12:35 pm

    lol lol thats all i can say

  24. jon-jon's mom #35 on February 3rd, 2011 12:25 pm

    and to whomever no the doll is given to u by the the witch or the vodoo doc. to do has u .like with it I just hope that this isnt going to cause a selem witch hunt down here .

  25. jon-jon's mom #35 on February 3rd, 2011 12:22 pm

    in all truthfulness this is i have to say that it was most likely done as a joke but there is also 2 types of vodoo practiced a lot of people do not know that my family tree isnt the best in the world lets just say that i have always went by what my great aunt told me never do anything to those that havent hurt u or it will come back 3 times fold on u .

  26. whoever I am on February 3rd, 2011 12:09 pm

    David Huie Green wrote: Hmmmmm, this could explain some of my pains. Maybe it ISN’T just old age.

    My memory goes a little array sometimes, but It seems like I saw those David Huie Green Voodoo dolls on ebay some time ago.
    If so, there’s no telling how many people have one.

    In all seriousness, this lady needs to be thinking about who she has rubbed the wrong way and turn them in as suspect before they cause her harm.
    Somebody has a reason for resentment.
    I wonder where they obtained her picture from, Myspace, Facebook or Twitter maybe.

  27. unicornsarereal on February 3rd, 2011 11:37 am

    Actually, that’s a very interesting book! As for the female who called for help, perhaps she felt threatened by what she had found. Hey, there’s lots of sick people and perverted people and evil minded people out there who delight in tormenting others. It doesn’t matter who did it and why it was done, the fact is, she was afraid and ask for help in the only way she knew. How many times has the law been called and it was on tv news when someone wrote messages on their house? or their yard was “rolled’ …heck, we never would have done such a thing in my younger days…matter of fact, @ the cost of paper these days, I would probably, go around re-rolling and putting to good use! LOL! It might have laughed @ by the police and brushed aside, but the bottom line is…it was real to her and she felt threatened by it all! Just saying~

  28. Thinker on February 3rd, 2011 10:36 am

    Intent to do harm must be considered, all religion aside.

  29. David Huie Green on February 3rd, 2011 10:07 am

    Hmmmmm, this could explain some of my pains. Maybe it ISN’T just old age.

  30. C W on February 3rd, 2011 10:02 am

    Why didn’t they give her a ride to the Pavilion at West Florida? That’s where she needs to be.

  31. whoever I am on February 3rd, 2011 8:40 am

    Isn’t the Voodoo thing suppose to be kept by the witch doctor, so he can stick nettles and such as in it?
    confused is confused, but I’m more confused than confused is.
    This is confusing.

  32. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 3rd, 2011 8:06 am


  33. confused on February 3rd, 2011 7:17 am

    Oh come on william. We need more info on this. lol This could be a great story! lol.