Two Shot During Party At Town Of Century Building

February 26, 2011

Two people were shot during an early Saturday morning party at a Town of Century Building where multiple shots were still being fired as deputies arrived.

The incident happened about 2 a.m. at the town’s Habitat Building, a community center located on East Pond Street. A 20-year old female was reported to be shot in the knee. She was transported to Jay Hospital by ambulance and later airlifted to Baptist Hospital by LifeFlight. A 19-year old male was shot in the leg and transported to an area hospital by ambulance. Another unknown age male was transported to the hospital after being hit in head by a bottle. The names of the injured have not yet been released.

Preliminary reports indicate shots were still being fired when the first Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to the party attended by 75-100 people. A gun was reported to be recovered, but deputies were unsure if it was the weapon used in the shootings.

The shooter or shooters were still at large at last report.

Further information has not yet been released.

The Habitat Building is one of the community centers the Town of Century frequently  rents to the public. For several months, the town has discussed the need to require security at parties and other functions at their community centers. But the council has yet to take any formal action on the discussion.


66 Responses to “Two Shot During Party At Town Of Century Building”

  1. David Huie Green on March 1st, 2011 2:01 pm

    “David – I NEVER ACCUSED EVERYONE of using drugs, and even the thought of that seems insane to me! Maybe you need to re-read my post, because the word “everyone, or even all” was never used!

    “Don’t be defensive when you don’t need to be”

    Don’t sweat it, I wasn’t being defensive, just considering the statement that “you can’t speak for everyone”. Some get on here frequently to justify someone’s drug use with the old “everyone does it” claim. I don’t accept the claim that everyone’s clean or that everyone’s using.

    It’s much harder to reject the claim that there are users within every profession. In fact, I accept it. I knew a preacher once whose actions only made sense years later when I read how people on cocaine frequently act. I knew several whose actions only made sense when I read how people on marijuana frequently act. (There’s a good chance if our shooter in this case were stoned, he’d’ve probably been too mellow to shoot anybody–even Atmore people!!)

    Or maybe not, I don’t know the reasons; I keep missing these 2 AM parties what with my desperate need for beauty sleep.

    How’d we even get on drugs on this comment line, anyway? Oh yeah, EMD started it with mention of the nickname “Crack Alley” near the shooting site, Houndstooth mentioned there were meth labs all over, got2sayit got on the concept of city provided juke joints, bigbill1991 figured morons and alcohol were involved.

    You and I both agree Century isn’t responsible for what a few in Century do, even Atmore isn’t responsible for what a few people from Atmore might do–assuming anything done wrong in the first place.

    David for shooting the bull
    not people

  2. esmerelda on February 27th, 2011 8:55 pm

    I agree with the first comment posted. Just shut the stupid “Community Center” down. Geez. These people obviously can’t handle anything affiliated with the concept of community. I surely do not want my tax money wasted on such idiocy.

  3. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 5:18 pm

    @ David – I NEVER ACCUSED EVERYONE of using drugs, and even the thought of that seems insane to me! Maybe you need to re-read my post, because the word “everyone, or even all” was never used!

    Don’t be defensive when you don’t need to be!

  4. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2011 4:51 pm

    “I don’t believe you do drugs, but you can’t speak for everyone.”

    I’ve never pretended to speak for everyone. I just reject the claim that everyone uses drugs. Thus I speak against those who accuse everyone, even those in Atmore.

    David knowing all generalizations are false
    including this one

  5. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2011 4:45 pm

    “There are ways to get around a drug test.”

    So I’ve been told. If I ever need to evade the truth, I’ll look into them. In the mean time the people who’re performing the tests also know the methods people try to use. If they take much preparation, folks may not be able to use the techniques.

    By the way, a number of prospective drivers fail the drug test, even knowing they are going to have one. I also knew a kid from near here who was going into the Army a few years back but failed the drug test, knowing full well they would test him. I guess he figured he was smarter than they were. (Still sponging off of others last I heard, still thinks he‘s smarter than them.)

    David for working brains

  6. a harsh judge on February 27th, 2011 4:04 pm

    I told my children long ago that they would never become alcoholics if they never took the first drink – and they’d never become addicted to nicotine if they didn’t smoke the first cigarette. This is from an almost alcoholic and a forner nicotine addict. The same with experimenting with drugs of any sort.

  7. Jim W on February 27th, 2011 2:53 pm

    The only barrier drugs have are from the people who choose not to use them. Drugs will cross all lines if accepted and they do not care about you or your family or your friends.
    If you don’t allow them in your life in the first place they can not thrive. Simple and clear!

  8. Concerned parent on February 27th, 2011 11:32 am

    I don’t remember the Cecil/Raymond tragedy. Who was that?

    I would also like to ask those who are blaming it all on Atmore, what about the “mysterious” deaths we’ve had around here? Drownings that we all know weren’t drownings, alleged suicides, etc.

    What about the HUGE amount of drug overdoses? Another one just a couple of nights ago.

  9. tired on February 27th, 2011 11:14 am

    Come on! We all know what the problem really is! Too bad it’s politically incorrect and even illegal to say it these days!

  10. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 10:10 am

    David, I believe we agree on this issue, and I don’t believe you do drugs, but you can’t speak for everyone. There are ways to get around a drug test. It’s been reported and confirmed that people from all walks of life do drugs. My profession was included in my statement, and I don’t do drugs!

  11. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2011 9:39 am

    “Why would Century guys shoot their own friends? That’s stupid for real.”

    Need I remind you that one shot and killed his friend a few years back while playing with a pistol?

    It wasn’t the brightest thing he ever did, and I believe he really didn’t mean to kill him, but he’s still dead.

    David remembering
    Cecil and Raymond

  12. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2011 9:29 am

    ” bus drivers, engineers, pilots, and many more who do drugs.”

    We were drug-free the day we were hired, we are drug free when we are randomly tested or we lose our jobs, we are drug-free if we are ever at fault in an accident or we lose our jobs.

    For all I know, some may be on drugs all the rest of the time, but it seems unlikely.

    David for unimpaired driving

  13. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 8:36 am

    To those of you making comments about Century. Something bad happened that put us in the news, but something bad happens everywhere. This web-site is mainly about North Escambia, and what happens here. If there was one concetrated on your area, you would realize how bad it is near your back door also. I don’t know if y’all realize it or not, but it’s not just poor, uneducated people who do drugs! There are doctors, lawyers, people from wall street, teachers, nurses, daycare workers, pastors, “so called christians” you sit beside on the pews every Sunday, electricians, students, plumbers, bus drivers, engineers, pilots, and many more who do drugs. Don’t be so quick to get on here and talk about a whole town, because we have some bad apples, because believe it or not your town does too! By the way, my son was not at that party, and I don’t do drugs!

  14. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 8:18 am

    I don’t care if they were from Century or Atmore, why would ANYONE take a gun to a party if they weren’t looking for trouble? It doesn’t make sence. Were the boys from Atmore invited? The responsibility for the party and what goes on needs to be put on the host also. If you host a party and it gets out of hand and you don’t call the police yourself and report who did what, you shouldn’t be able to host/rent anymore. Yes, I admit Century has more problems than just Atomre, but there has been a rilvary between Atmore males and Century males since before was born. Parents of Century: keep your children away from Atmore parties.
    Parents of Atmore: keep your children away from Century parties.
    I’m sure ther will be some of you who will say “I’m not going to stop my child form going anywhere. This is a free country!” That may be true, but a bullet has no name on it. I would rather keep my child safe than find out he is dead!!

  15. A Mother on February 27th, 2011 7:48 am

    Read!! When I said, Wasn’t it just last year that a Brewton teenager was shot/killed @ a Century party? That “?” mark should have gave you a clue that was a question and not a statement. And no, I did not have the facts, which is why I asked the question. But… fact is… there were 3 hurt, 2 shot and 1 hit in the head. 1 of the ones shot was from Century, the other one shot and the one hit in the head was from Atmore. That’s fact. Looks like somebody didn’t have all the ‘facts’ either, huh! Look, stuff happens and it happens everywhere. I have heard plenty of bad things happening in Century, Atmore, Flomaton, Brewton, Bay Minette, etc. when people from other cities were involved. That doesn’t mean it was all of them from the other place causing the trouble. Atmore kids attend Flomaton high school and there aren’t any fights or shootings going on there everyday of the week. Alcohol, anger, and guns are never a good combination, no matter where you are at.

  16. TIERDOFMORONS on February 27th, 2011 7:38 am

    To David Huie Green
    I love reading your responses to these posts…..most of the time you say what I’m thinking!!!

    My thoughts on all the comments about this is why is everyone pointing fingers? I truly believe that if we all take control of our own children and quit worring about what everyone else’s kids are doing things would change…..Now I’m not saying this is easy, I’ve been a single mom for 17 years and I knew what my kids were doing…they thought i was too strict, but as soon as they got out of the “teen” years and realized that going to parties and drinking was not so cool, they appreciated my “strictness”, I know that they did things that I didn’t know about, but NEVER did they get into trouble, they knew what I would do if they did, I put the fear of MOM in them……now they are both in college on full scholarships, work alot of community services and take pride in their accomplishments. And they actually spell and talk like educated adults!!! Just sayin…..

  17. PROUD FLOMATON RESIDENT FOR LIFE on February 27th, 2011 7:28 am

    Pray for the people who were hurt in this incident, and pray for a healing for he Town. And yes, A police office should be required for all further uses of the building. There are a lot of very good people in Century and I pray that they will out number the bad element and take back the Town. Call the mayor and council and demand Police presence at functions…Protect your children now..

  18. Sandra on February 27th, 2011 7:00 am

    Relay Queen. Apples and oranges. You’re talking about law abiding , productive citizens V/S well,…….you know.

  19. ctown gurl on February 27th, 2011 12:37 am

    first off no it wasnt a century party the teen got killed at it was in berrydale get your facts straight an i have onli heard of century being shot at this party and y would century guys shoot their own friends thats stupid forreal who from atmore got shot huh

  20. Relay Queen on February 27th, 2011 12:25 am

    Just got home from the Century Relay for LIfe Mardi Gras Masquerade. Guess what. A sizeable group of adults and young people gathered together at the Century Ag. Bld. to have a good time and raise money for the American Cancer Society. We had a fantastic band (Will Inspire), danced, ate, socialized and had a blast! There was no alcohol, no fights, no gunshots…..go figure. We hired an ESCD off-duty deputy to provide security even though we felt a little silly at the idea that we would even need him. Better safe than sorry. even if it reduced the amount of money we will be able to give to ACS by $100. If the Town of Century stops renting their facilities completely, then organizations like ours, families needing space for reunions and other special events, and other responsible groups will suffer. It seems that the best solution may be what was suggested in earlier posts; require the individual or group to pay the cost for having security present. If the Sheriff’s department doesn’t provide security for private parties, then another alternative, maybe a higher security deposit, should be explored.

  21. Bob on February 26th, 2011 10:46 pm

    I remember last week reading that we spend $68 hundred dollars of hard earned tax dollars to send these BOIS or whatever they are to school for a year. How pathetic our society has become. When I read the post on this article makes one want to throw up. These people have no education, no ideals,no respect for the human race. They are wardsof the taxpayers and will never amount to squirt.

  22. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 10:37 pm

    “Wasn’t it just last year that a Brewton teenager was shot/killed @ a Century party? Was it Brewton or Atmore’s fault then, too?”

    Closer to Berrydale although Jay got the blame. A possible contributing factor was that his friends took him to Brewton–much further away rather than the closer Jay Hospital. Driving further without help would have given him more time to die. I assume they had their reasons.

    It might not have made a difference, though.

    David for sobriety

  23. meh on February 26th, 2011 10:08 pm

    stop havin parties

  24. A Mother on February 26th, 2011 9:57 pm

    I am a mother from Atmore. This cannot be blamed on “Atmore bois”. This is a problem with all of the youth. Did anyone actually read the article. Kids from Atmore were shot/hurt. Surely they did not hurt themselves. A girl from Century was shot. It was some kids from Century doing the shooting. Stop pointing the finger. Atmore, like any and all other cities, has its issues, true, but do you really think that Atmore kids is Century’s problem? Shootings, fights, killings, etc. every other week. But the same thing is going on everywhere. Wasn’t it just last year that a Brewton teenager was shot/killed @ a Century party? Was it Brewton or Atmore’s fault then, too? Our youth, from every city, needs prayer. And it is not always about gangs, and it’s more than Atmore boys acting stupid, not excusing any of them.

  25. Angi B. on February 26th, 2011 9:46 pm

    It’s not just century going to hell in a hand basket, this kind of crap happens everywhere, everyday… Seems as if the good old days are gone, Nobody use to have to worry about so much crime, locking their doors or windows etc… There are good and bad people all over the world, it’s how they chose to be. I really hate to hear about this happening, and I hope everyone is alright…

  26. WOW on February 26th, 2011 9:34 pm

    That is a wonderful idea…security at UNDERAGE DRINKING functions….hahahaha….thats a GREAT way to stop these parties…..Now to just get the Town of Century to have someone smart enough to make the move.

  27. Disgusting on February 26th, 2011 9:28 pm

    I wonder if the Town of Century gets a cut of the revenue generated at these parties when they charge 5 or 10 to get in so you can “drink”…..and that is why they allow these “baby showers” and “reunions” to continue taking place. What amazes me is how these said events dont even get started until 10PM or so….and UNDERAGE DRINKING is taking place and NO ONE has ever been held responsible for it….I could go on and on, but I guess all i can say is WOW…..i guess it all depends on who you are, huh? People need to get their head out of the sand….really.

  28. Trish on February 26th, 2011 9:18 pm

    To ctown gurl: “look questions i do to know how to spell and write i was jus abbreviating stuff ok and why you gotta call me out when its not about me its about all the shootings” gurl you can text incorrect english all you want to your friends but on a public comment board be prepared to be criticized. End of story!

    Century does have a lot of good people and yes the bad apples are the ones who make the news.

    You would think that liability insurance alone would cause the town to hire an off duty officer to babysit the “function”. I would think that alone would stop all of the problems. Charge the one booking the building with the cost of the officer. If you can afford the party you should be able to afford the officer. If not, have the party at your own house or ask your momma’s church if you can use their property. Heavens to Betsy, shame and embarrasment would flow when the church grounds had a wild party that was sponsored by sister or brother so and so and the police had to be called.

  29. LADY on February 26th, 2011 9:03 pm


  30. commonsence on February 26th, 2011 8:46 pm

    It should not be a hard decision for the council to make. Simply put: Any one Renting or leasing any Public Building for gatherings of 25 or more people, a Security charge will be added into the rental fee. Police usally get $25.00 an hour so a 4 hour party will cost an additional $100.00, and you have the Law Enforcement with Authority to do what is necessary when this type of Incident occur. No Big Deal. Hire a COP. I would feel better knowing he’s there at my finger tip.

  31. questions on February 26th, 2011 8:27 pm

    I was referring more about the usage of “bois”. And it is not just you, I see it everywhere with today’s generation. And because I see it so much I can only conclude that it is the “way” in which this generation is going to talk and write. As you will notice after your comment there were a few more using the same verbage. And it wasnt the abbreviated things that bothered me, as I know what text abbreviations are, but when I see so much of words such as “bois” for boys, “mi” for me, it leaves me only with the answer that today’s pride is out the window. And if you cannot spell, that is one thing, but I know for a fact of younger people that deliberately misspell words to try to be “gangsta”. So never feel as though anyone is picking on you for spelling, but do try to have pride in not using the gang slang.

  32. century_repper on February 26th, 2011 8:04 pm

    There shouldnt be no more parties thrown in century. Because someones is gne end up getting killed. This should be a lesson learned. No More Parties in Century.

  33. ctown gurl on February 26th, 2011 7:47 pm

    omg you people are stupid its not the parties in general its these stupid atmore boys why cant yall just listen ask someone that knows for sure what it is if these stupid atmore guys would stay away nothing would be wrong god yall cant read or what

  34. ctown gurl on February 26th, 2011 7:16 pm

    look questions i do to know how to spell and write i was jus abbreviating stuff ok and why you gotta call me out when its not about me its about all the shootings thanks

  35. Lol on February 26th, 2011 7:04 pm

    Lol….I agree with Sandra.! If you all would like to avoid all of the violence and trouble, then all parties should be stopped and parents should re-evaluate letting their children go out to all of these wild parties that are occuring or allow their children to go to AGE APPROPRIATE parties.

  36. !!! on February 26th, 2011 5:52 pm


    i agree with you…

  37. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 5:43 pm

    “Yes, I do David Huie. I think that is true because I know personally that it is the Atmore boys coming down here, starting fight and shootings. I know people that were at the party. They jumped on one of my friends at a previous party.” (that wouldn’t be so hard to say would it?)

    Okay, let’s assume you’re right, since you have superior knowledge of what goes on at these parties. I’ve known of fights at other times and places in which Atmore people were not involved but maybe nowadays only Atmore people do such things.

    There IS a solution to the problem. You don’t actually have to force EVERYBODY in Atmore to stay home. (After all, what would life be like in Atmore if they weren’t blessed with the chance to visit Century?) Unless you have some special love and forgiveness for the ones who hurt other people, you could let Sheriff Morgan know about what they have done.

    If you name names and cite specifics, there is a good chance he will deal with the few less loveable ones. In fact, had somebody done it earlier, the ones you are saying did this shooting might have been in jail at the time and the lady with the bad knee wouldn’t have been shot–always assuming you do indeed know what you’re talking about so eloquently.

    It’s too late for them, but you might still save some other knees if you try. It’s up to you.

    David for specifics
    rather than general prejudice
    against the good people of Atmore

  38. Sandra on February 26th, 2011 5:04 pm

    Is it just me or do some of you have to read these posts two and three times to understand them…….Maybe we do need to re-evaluate our teachers.

  39. questions on February 26th, 2011 4:52 pm

    “”■citizen of century on February 26th, 2011 12:03 pm
    first off alot of u dont kno wat ur talking bout its not jus century bois its these atmore guys comen down shooting cuz they n a gang an dnt like century guys or gurls for tht matter an the gurl that throwed the party should of had better sense then to bring atmore ppl to er party”"

    This entry here should explain alot. What in the H has happened to our society? What happen to the way people are supposed to talk and write? No wonder people are shooting and killing, the basic foundations are gone. Pride is becoming rare with time. And just think, this generation is what is making the next generation. And these generations are who are going to run the country. We are doomed. Start praying.

  40. Senior11 on February 26th, 2011 4:33 pm

    Look i do believe if atmore people would stop comin around here most of the violence would stop. This is rediculous its gettin out of control!!! Im afraid to come out my own door its so bad!!! Kick ATMORE PPL OUT OF CENTURY!!! And yu will see

  41. ctown gurl on February 26th, 2011 4:18 pm

    yes i do david huie think that is true cuz i kno personalli that it is the atmore boys cmen down here starting fites an shootings i kno ppl tht was at the party they jumped on one of mi friends at a previous party

  42. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 4:09 pm

    “so if somehow Atmore could be baned from coming to parties in CENTURY OR BREWTON, THE SHOOTINGS AND CRAZINESS WOULD STOP…TRUST ME!!!!”

    We all know I love Century like a relative, I was even born there (back in the previous millennium), but do you really believe there would be no craziness in Century were it not for the Atmore outflow?

    David thinking even Bluff Springs
    has at least one crazy
    (or so I’m told/called)

  43. Ctown gurl on February 26th, 2011 4:07 pm

    i agree ctown thats exactly wat it is dem atmo idiots needa stay away from century

  44. C_TOWN!!!!!!!!!!! on February 26th, 2011 3:23 pm

    yall don’t know what yall are talking about……………it’s not century people, IT’S ATMORE!!!!!!!!!!!! they shut down the place where they use to have their parties at and now they are coming to CENTURY AND BREWTON ACTING STUPID!!!! so if somehow atmore could be ban from coming to parties in CENTURY OR BREWTON, THE SHOOTINGS AND CRAZINESS WOULD STOP…TRUST ME!!!!

  45. concerned citizen on February 26th, 2011 3:23 pm

    More LEO’s for Century, Please. You already have more than Molino/Cantonment combined. Time to shut these “community centers” down.

  46. Cynical on February 26th, 2011 2:56 pm

    I wonder if anyone has thought about the many, many quiet, law abiding people at that party who were terrorized by the outlaws.

    Their party was ruined by hooligans with guns.

    Sad for them and for anyone who just wants to have some regular fun. Nobody plans a fiasco. Now putting plans in place to cope with developing fiascoes – such as security or carding / wristbands for underage drinkers – that could help.

    As for Century being Escambia’s “Prichard,” isn’t it more likely that ESCAMBIA might be Century’s Prichard, since trouble rolls into town rather than originating there?

  47. EMD on February 26th, 2011 2:49 pm

    Hey Art,

    You must have missed this. I copied and pasted it for you here:

    ” I am praying that God calls some folks (hopefully Century residents) to help this town.”

    See, I agree with you. I know there are good folks there. I only know two of them well. The third one got married and moved away.

  48. Home Town on February 26th, 2011 1:56 pm

    I grew up in Century it was nice. Now to see it you have to lock your home up next you will have to put bars on your wondows and doors like you are in prison. Well you are due no law there. Wait don’t they have to drive from Pensacola to get there by that time the crime is over and all of your years of working have gone by some thug…Get the community to patrol your streets now. stay in contact with the police..I think Century needs it own Police back…

  49. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 1:44 pm

    “why should we pray that the all mighty send “good” people to century to help straighten it all out?”

    Please re-read: ” I am praying that God calls some folks (hopefully Century residents) to help this town.”

    That wasn’t a call to send people to Century but to call on SOMEONE to help, including “(hopefully Century residents)”. I figure most are good enough but the ones who misbehave make the news because what they do is more interesting than “went to work, treated neighbors well, loved children”. That just doesn’t make the news.

    David hoping the knee injury wasn’t too bad

  50. art on February 26th, 2011 1:40 pm

    or how bout this idea? instead of raising the rates, as long as the child to adult ration is 10:1 and everyone is out by midnight, continue to rent it out… there are bunches and bunches of kiddos that would love to have adult chaperoned parties for them….people start having real parties up there…the kids can show the grown ups a thing or two about having a party. have a “wild about century kids” party every once in a while, birthday parties, neighborhood parties. show your pride century!

  51. SW on February 26th, 2011 1:05 pm

    Sounds to me like the town should increase the rate on the use of city property for private functions and require security at a rate decided by the applicable authority, i.e., Sheriff.

  52. bigbill1961 on February 26th, 2011 1:04 pm

    Morons + alcohol + guns = catastrophe.

  53. art on February 26th, 2011 1:00 pm

    why should we pray that the all mighty send “good” people to century to help straighten it all out? there are good people already there, lots of them, bunches and bunches of them. the children of century for starters are too awesome to believe. the ladies that work at the grocery stores and the dollar general and the laundry mat. the folks at whataburger. are you kidding me? i could go on and on. century has a lot going for it. please. its up to the folks in the community to not be afraid of being proud of century and put an end to the monkey business… what will more leos do anyway? be practical, people!

  54. Jim W on February 26th, 2011 12:42 pm

    Now days when you have a public venue for parties and the like you better require security. Especially if there has been a history of problems before at theis location or with the kind of groups who are renting it. I know some of you are going to jump on the band wagon and say I’m profileing and you are right I am. If it looks like it’s a dangerouse snake it normally is. Just calling it the way it is. I know there are some who do not fit this profile but I think the LEO’s and the people who trent the center out knows who is who. Just saying.

  55. citizen of century on February 26th, 2011 12:03 pm

    first off alot of u dont kno wat ur talking bout its not jus century bois its these atmore guys comen down shooting cuz they n a gang an dnt like century guys or gurls for tht matter an the gurl that throwed the party should of had better sense then to bring atmore ppl to er party

  56. got2saait on February 26th, 2011 11:52 am

    Is the TOWN OF CENTURY in the juke joint business now ?? Memory serves me to say there was a wedding party somewhere in one the Century buildings last year that got a little wild…remember

  57. george on February 26th, 2011 11:50 am

    look at the location. what do you expect? did the city really expect anything different when money was wasted to renovate that location? ramar st or crack alley as it’s known is still open.

  58. Houndstooth on February 26th, 2011 11:26 am

    The people of Century gives the entire county a bad name? Are you for real? Certainly you do not believe that yourself. You think about all of the homicides and meth labs that have happen in this county in just the last 6 months. I’m not sure of the ratio but I would be willing to bet that Century has fewer than some other areas of this county. As far as bad name, I personally didn’t think that we had it all that bad.

  59. EMD on February 26th, 2011 10:46 am

    a harsh judge: You said, “…. you gheneralize Century as being like Prichard. Not fair to the many decent law-abiding people in Century.”

    I wrote you a rather lengthy, but very heartfelt response. I had forgotten or didn’t know about the 300 word rule and got “bumped” by technology. My hands are tingling and going numb, so I cannot write alot right now.

    Just want you to know that I know some very nice folks in Century. I love them all. I am appalled by the majority there and am praying for them and their town. Three very very good things in Century are Century Care Center, The Museum, and the Library. What is good there really stands out, and shines light on what is not good there.

    We have not, because we ask not, is what God’s Word says. I am praying that God calls some folks (hopefully Century residents) to help this town. God equips the called. Would someone out there agree with this prayer, and also pray for God to call some folks to help this town, and that those He calls will hear and answer?

  60. Bama54 on February 26th, 2011 10:13 am

    The people of Century need to get their act together and clean up this trash. Then you want be compared to Prichard. You need to expose all the bad apples!!! You guys in Century give the whole county a bad name.

  61. ??????? on February 26th, 2011 9:35 am

    there are a lot of parents that allow even there underage children to have these parties or attend them…..but why not the parents are out boozing it up all the time….i know because i work with some of them…..they have no values, care or concern about the family values.

  62. j on February 26th, 2011 9:27 am

    If only people who do the crime would pay the time
    If only they would not get back to Century quicker than the police car
    If only we had a police force here
    if only….if only…..if only……

  63. a harsh judge on February 26th, 2011 8:41 am

    EMD, the Habitat is the old Carver HighSchool/Middle School facility. I would have thought the address would have been West Pond Street, not Ramar, although Ramar borders the property.
    Also, EMD, you gheneralize Century as being like Prichard. Not fair to the many decent law-abiding people in Century. There are more than enough rabble rousers there to make it seem terrible, I’ll grant you, but let’s not disparage everyone for the sake of some. I’d venture a guess that there are many like you, Art and Angie, who are totally embarassed and hate this sort of thing is happening.
    And Art, previous altercations were at the Ag building a mile or so away on West Highway 4 near the Century Care Center. Century has more than one place where violence can break out.
    Godlessness, ego, and stupidity mixed together is a volatile combination.

  64. EMD on February 26th, 2011 8:21 am

    When I worked up there, Ramar Street was known as “Crack Alley.” It was NOT my favorite place to go. I saw nothing that resembled a community center or any other civilized looking structure on “Crack Alley,” unless a falling down old house with a porch where druggies gathered can be called “a community house.” I think that Century is to Florida what Prichard is to Alabama. Century may once have been a nice little town, when most people there had jobs and not “handouts.” I once heard two unmarried teen girls discussing how many babies they would have to have to get enough welfare ( taxpayer money ) to live on. That is the truth…first hand. I heard it with my own ears.

  65. angie on February 26th, 2011 8:07 am

    Just wow….. what else would you expect???

  66. art on February 26th, 2011 8:03 am

    that does it! when are they going to shut that place down? every time i turn around there is trouble at these “parties”. party used to mean something entirely different when i was a young’un.