Two People Seriously Injured In Van Versus Motorcycle Crash

February 26, 2011

Two Century area residents were seriously injured when their motorcycle was hit by a van Saturday night.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, a van driven by Emma Evelyn Page, 55, of Century, pulled from Fields Road onto West Highway 4 into the path of a motorcycle driven by William Joseph Walston, 45, of Century. Walston and his passenger, 34-year old Wendy Lambeth of Century, were thrown from the motorcycle onto the highway, after at least one of the hitting the windshield of the van.

Walston and Lambeth were both transported by ambulance in serious condition to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. Emergency officials called a “trauma alert” on one of them and requested the LifeFlight air ambulance, but there were no helicopters available at the time.

Page was transported by ambulance to Jay Hospital with minor injuries. Page was cited for violation of right of way, according to the FHP.

The Century Station of Escambia Fire Rescue, Escambia County EMS, Santa Rosa County EMS, Atmore Ambulance and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the crash.

Pictured top: Two Century area residents were seriously injuries when they were thrown from this motorcycle during a crash Saturday night in Century. Pictured below: This van pulled into the path of the motorcycle, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. photos, click to enlarge.


79 Responses to “Two People Seriously Injured In Van Versus Motorcycle Crash”

  1. Wendy Lambeth on April 7th, 2012 9:49 pm

    Hey this Wendy I know it’s been a year since mine and Joe’s wreck and I’m just now holding myself together to read everyone’s prayer’s I want to thank everyone for there concern’s I’m up walking,breathing and taking care of myself I am on surgrey #23 I have had alot of trouble with my pelvic bone heeling I am going through 1 more surgrey that’s to break my pelvic bone and have it fused my Dr is taking a peice of bone out of my back to place in the pelvic area everyone he said it was a 50/50 chance that this surgrey will work so everyone please keep the prayer’s going. And to everybody that help save my life that night THANK YALL !!

  2. WMC on June 6th, 2011 10:25 pm

    just to let katie know joe wasnt the onlyest one to keep pep up on so lets for sure pray for wendy and her family.Shes doing wonderful prp want believe it when they see her.

  3. Maggie Geddings on May 5th, 2011 10:53 pm

    Hi Katie,
    Thanks for the update on your dad. Yes, many people are praying for him and have your family in our thoughts. My husband Greg works at Century and I am helping organize the motorcycle ride (fundraiser) for him on May 15th. Hang in there!

  4. katie on May 2nd, 2011 9:27 pm

    Don’t know if anyone checks jus or.not but decided to post an update anyways. Dad can walk a little. He has no use of his right arm, when taken out of brace it jus flopps. He jus got out hospital today. Wanted to do surgery but cant cuz his liver and gall blazer is infected. Don’t know y. So since they cant do sugery they sent him back to the care center(aka nursing home) he was at.

  5. haley on March 26th, 2011 1:05 am

    lexie hope ur dad gets better and ill see u at school love ya

  6. Concerned parent on March 15th, 2011 9:48 pm

    I went to see him last week. He knew who I was but was unable to talk. I will probably go see him tomorrow and will let all know how he’s doing.
    I don’t know Wendy, but I do know her family. Prayers are with you all.

  7. amy on March 8th, 2011 10:13 am

    Thank Katie for the updates on Joe . we miss and love yall. How is wendy doing?

  8. CHECK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLES on March 6th, 2011 9:34 am

    Katie thank you so much for the updates on your Dad please keep them coming. And let us know how Wendy is doing as well. Alexis were all praying for him to go home safe and sound soon.

  9. alexis on March 5th, 2011 9:55 pm

    I really miss my daddy and really love him

  10. Joey Collins on March 5th, 2011 9:28 pm

    I’m definately keeping Joe in my prayers. I’m probably going to head to the hospital tomorrow after church. If anyone see’s his daughters let them know Joey(from church) said hey and he’s praying for them.

  11. molino07 on March 5th, 2011 8:14 pm

    is there any updates on Wendy on how shes recovering

  12. Katie Clay on March 5th, 2011 4:48 pm

    the latest new is next week dad will be moved to a rehab center behind lowes on airport. He is doing better but they have said he thinks its 2008. There is alot of co-workers and people he has met since then that he doesnt remember. But they think it willl return. the memory loss is from when he fell off the bike it jolted his brain.

  13. Prayer 101 on March 3rd, 2011 10:12 pm

    I have put in a prayer request in at my church in all Sunday schools and I have also put in one at school and even told other churches to pray for you guys I was eating at the panhandle cafe and Steve Stanton happen to be there and he jumped up very fast and took off and when he got back we all stood praying for y’all I called every one in my phone book and asked them to pray for y’all I don’t know y’all but I love y’all and hope y’all get well soon

    I will continue to keep y’all in my prayers

  14. Katie Clay on March 3rd, 2011 1:28 pm

    Just left hospital from visiting dad. He is in a room in a special part of the hospital for people with ad many broke bones as he is. This is wonderful news since the doctors said he would be in critical care for 1-2 weeks. He cant talk yet but he moves his head to answer and lips words. the doctor says his throat is very sore and thts why he cant speak yet but in a couple of days he will be able to. he is at high risk for infection so they rnt allowing children to visit. In 4 days they will be moving him to a rehab center to start physical therapy. We arent sure exaactly what center he will be in. He still has a long road ahead and please keep praying for him. WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES!!!!!!

  15. William on March 2nd, 2011 7:39 pm

    >>>I hope William can somehow allow this article to stay on top for a while longer so we can check in for a daily update.

    It will fall off the front page Thursday or Friday — the newer stories “push” the older ones off.

    You can, however, bookmark the story in your browser to return, or use the search box near the upper right of the front page. If you will search for “Walston”, it will show up in the results (currently first).

  16. T on March 2nd, 2011 7:36 pm

    Thank you so much for the updates. Tell Joe his family at work is really pulling for him and Wendy and hoping for the best. Stay strong.

  17. T on March 2nd, 2011 7:21 pm

    Thank you for keeping us informed. A bunch of us are praying for these two. Someone tell Joe his work family is really unified for him and pray he and Wendy come back strong. These updates are important to us and I hope William can somehow allow this article to stay on top for a while longer so we can check in for a daily update.

  18. Katie Clay on March 2nd, 2011 5:45 pm

    Just received an update from my grandpa that my dad and wendy both are gettin put in rooms tonight. He is already in one and he wasnt sure if she had been or not but knew she is getting put in one tonight

  19. fredsmom on March 2nd, 2011 2:51 pm

    We are praying for you and your family, Katie. My husband works with your dad as I am sure many that read this newspaper do. Thank you for the updates on their condition. There is nothing that God can’t do and you have a great community of people praying with you. God bless you.

  20. molino07 on March 2nd, 2011 2:46 pm

    thank you for the updates and thank god for his mighty healing we will continue to keep praying for the both of them as well as for the the families of all involved

  21. Katie Clay on March 2nd, 2011 2:34 pm

    Since my last update a lil while ago joes breathing tube has been removed and he is starting to wake up. But his throat is very sore. As for Wendy she removed her breathing tube herself last night. Shes been talking a lil bit today but her voice is very hoarse. So this means prayers really do work. please keep praying. And thank you all for the donations you have already made for my grandparents to be able to go to the hospital. Without it they wouldnt be able to go.

  22. Katie Clay on March 2nd, 2011 12:53 pm

    Im Joes oldest daughter and jus wanted to give an update bout hsi surgery he had tueday afternoon. They started at 3:30 pm and it was supposed to only last an hour but it was 730 when they finished. The doctor said when he started workin on his right arm it was worse then what he thought. It took them a while to put it back togeather but they put 2 metal plates pn his elbow to hold it togeather and a bunch of screws. The doctors say he will be in hopital 3-6months then alot of therapy. They both have to learn how to walk again due to the shattered pelvis. And for the people who re starting the rumors that Wendy or my Dad have died please stop rumors is the last thing we need to deal with right now.

  23. molino07 on March 2nd, 2011 12:38 pm

    Does anyone have any updates on Wendy and Joe there still in our thoughts and prayers

  24. kazooks on March 1st, 2011 11:02 pm

    i pray every .day for the parties involved ther lives will never be the same i know joe personally and what you see is what u get i wouldnt have it any other way love you brother.

  25. bigboy850 on March 1st, 2011 5:36 pm

    Instead of all the nrgative comments we all should continue to pray for the people in the hospital.

  26. Reverend Laura Ward on March 1st, 2011 1:35 pm

    To William and Wendy’s family: I am the assistant chaplain for ABATE of Florida, Gulf Coast Chapter. Please contact me if there is anything I or ABATE can do for you all. If they would like me to come to the hospital just call me (850) 529-7633 or email me at I am praying for them. I have lost many friends because someone “did not see” them on their motorcycles. ABATE is here for you and so am I.

  27. marie w. on March 1st, 2011 8:57 am

    I am glad to hear that Wendy is awake that is a big improvement for her. I hope her kids are alright. Joe’s kids are hanging in there. I took Samantha to school yesterday but had to go get her because she kept seeing her daddy’s motorcycle on the street (image she had). Alexis is dealing with it also the best way she can. As soon as they are allowed to see him I will be taking them to see him, because they are asking to see their dad. Right now it is not best for them to see him the way he is. I let them know that he is alrite and that he is strong and that he will make it thru ok. Both side of the families need all the prayers possible. It will be a long road ahead for both of them that is for sure. I hope that both of them realizes that they are miracles and GOD saved them for a reason but it is up to them what they do with it. I hope and pray that this will wake them up see that. Prayers do work.

  28. Gayle Mathis Aldridge on February 28th, 2011 11:28 pm

    it’s 11:16pm just got home from the Hospital Joe and Wendy are still critial ,,, they have a long way to go,,,,,, they need alot of prayers !!!!!!!!! everything is the same except Joe went into surgery today everything went good! i can call Wendys name she opens her eyes i ask her a question she moves her hear to answer me! they both are on high dose of pain meds !!! keep the prayers coming! the Doctor will do surgery on Joe’s right arm in the morning (Tuesday) both are broke not sure what they willl see when they get into the right arm .they are still on the breathing machine. will post update on Joe’s arm sometimes tomorrow

  29. THE TRUTH on February 28th, 2011 11:07 pm

    I am a BIKER and ried Day And NIGHT Us Bikers Have Bright Lighs on our bikes so ppl can see us, i have had ppl pull out in front of me just like they didnt see me but before they pulled out they looked right at me, BIKERS are ppl too we have kids, Mamas and Daddys brothers, sisters and so on JUST LIKE EVERY ONE DOES, BIKERS ARE GOOD PPL TO……… , EVERY BODY SHOULD HAVE TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE FOR A YEAR BEFORE THEY CAN DRIVE A CAR AND THEN THEY WOULD LEARN TO LOOK OUT FOR BIKES , HAVE YOU SEEN A BIKER TEXTING AS THEY RIDE ??????, JUST SAYING

  30. Jackie Johnson on February 28th, 2011 7:58 pm

    Emma, how are you doing? I’ll be praying for you and everyone else involved.

  31. T. Brame on February 28th, 2011 6:50 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with Joe and Wendy. I work with Joe and know he is a great guy. I consider him a friend and we were just talking last Friday. Wow, things change so fast. Our conversations were mostly about his kids and he loves his children very much. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless you Joe!

  32. ProudArmyParent on February 28th, 2011 4:20 pm

    Just got back from Sacred Heart Hospital, Joe was in a surgery that was supposed to take only an hour. He was still in surgery when we left and that would take it closer to 3 hours. Keep Joe and Wendy in all your prays they have a we long road in front of them as far as recovery time. Let’s support Buddy and Hazel also. Buddy has a lot on his shoulders and any help you could offer I know will be appreciated.

  33. senior11 on February 28th, 2011 10:49 am

    i am so so so sorry to hear about this i am very close to his daughters and i pray that joe and wendy come through this with a speedy recovery!! i love yu lexi and man man soo much im here for ya!!

    love courtney nicole:)

  34. sniper on February 28th, 2011 8:29 am

    hey i know lets put a traffic light up there. speedy recovery to all!

  35. Jonica Walston on February 27th, 2011 9:55 pm

    William (Joe) is my second cousin. I just can’t believe what a horrible week this has been. First we all lose Nick and now there’s a chance we could lose these two as well. People just don’t understand that by not looking carefully you can destroy someone’s life, or take it away. I personally think there should be special side lights on Motorcycles so that people can see them even on the darkest streets. My prayers are with everyone’s families involved in all of this! Jessica, i’m Christopher Coon’s sister, and I am so sorry about Nick.. I wish you and your family closure.

  36. Karen and Mike B. on February 27th, 2011 9:38 pm

    We were camping @ Lake Stone when we heard the sirens and my husband was returning from hunting and came upon it right after it had happened. He helped direct traffic until authorities arrived. We (those of us waiting at the campground for Mike – myself and two other couples) starting praying immediately for whatever was going on. When Mike arrived and shared with us what had happened we had more prayer and again this morning when were together again. We were glad to get home tonight and read up on the updates. Mike was concerned for all, but especially for the young lady. We will continue to remember them in our prayers and will share the update with our camping/church buddies. Know there will be many more joining the prayer circle. We obviously need to turn this one completely over to the Lord. K&M Blalock

  37. T on February 27th, 2011 8:32 pm

    Many of us work with William Walston. He is hard working and we will be praying for the two of them. I’m in Total shock. Just the deer threat is too much risk for me not to ever ride motorcycles.. Not enough protection. I was in the same office on base in the military as the Motorcycle safety officer and every week there was some incident with a motorcycle, usually an accident and usually very bad results to the motorcycle rider. Broke me of the urge to ride. Praying hard for my friend.

  38. jessica mathis on February 27th, 2011 8:07 pm

    please pray for wendy. we lost one family member already.

  39. Marilyn & Chuck Pace on February 27th, 2011 7:41 pm

    Joe is my cousin and Wendy I have never met .
    We are praying for you both. We hope yall have a speeding recovery. We love yall.

  40. CHECK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLES on February 27th, 2011 7:32 pm

    Alexis i am the one you met at the wedding sweetie if there is anything i can do for you or your sister let me know. And im praying for your daddy and Wendy. And please please keep me up to date on there progress. God Bless.

  41. Teresa on February 27th, 2011 7:04 pm

    We all do thing that can be somewhat dangerous( Swimming, diving, shooting range) People don’t pay attention these days. We all in such a hurry. The point is anything you choose to do can be potentially dangerous. Like I said before, I lost a step son in a biking accident…But he loved to ride as does my grandmother. It keeps her young. Your either a biker or your not..but we need to respect people’s right to ride. The streets belong to them also..Mrs. Gayle, Alexis and other family, I think we can all agree that we wish your daughter and dad the best..Keep your heads high and we’ll keep the prayers coming!

  42. Danette on February 27th, 2011 6:27 pm

    Thanks for the updates! Please continue to let us know how the progress of healing is going. If we as fellow bikers and neighbors can do anything to assist the families please let us know! Continuing to pray for all!

  43. alexis on February 27th, 2011 5:54 pm

    im joes middle daughter. he not ok but i think he is gettin better.i was up till 4 this morning at the hosptail with the family on his side and her side.they still have to do 2or 3 major sergurys on him

  44. Gayle Mathis Aldridge on February 27th, 2011 5:47 pm

    Joe is still on high dose of pain meds not talking or moving due to meds ,,, broke arm ect….. still critial… Wendy broke back, pelvis shattered very serices possible broke vertabra in the neck, some broke ribs.puncture lung they draing the blood from the lung very seriousJoes not very cretial also Wendy is worse than joe PRAY,PRAY PRAY FOR THEM

  45. CHECK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLES on February 27th, 2011 5:26 pm

    I work with Joe as well…he is a very good and cautious rider please let us know
    if there are any updates? The hospital cant say as im not family. But a very concerned friend. If anyone has heard any news, please share.
    Joe you and Wendy are in my thoughts and Prayers God Bless you all.

  46. Jessica Barrett on February 27th, 2011 5:16 pm

    My goodness. Uncle Chuck and Aunt Gayle, I am so sorry to hear of this horrible news. I will be in prayer and will spread the news to the congregation at my church. Many prayers will be send for Wendy and Joe, and for the both of you and the rest of the family. We love you guys dearly and are sorry we can’t be there. Please keep us updated.

    Jessica and family

  47. Danette on February 27th, 2011 4:57 pm

    To Voice of reason and others that feel this same way:

    Let me get this straight…. You feel that every biker that rides his/her bike on the streets or highways, will without a doubt get in an accident????

    So do you also feel that every driver of any vehicle will get in an accident????

    If you look at numbers you will realize there are more vehicle to vehicle accidents than vehicle to bike accidents AND a bike to bike accident is so rare I can’t even remember hearing about one!!!

    SOOOOOO, who is the more alert drivers? In my opinion, it is bikers! Bikers are more concerned with self preservation because we aren’t surrounded by metal which makes us more alert to our surroundings!!! We know we have to watch for the other drivers because they aren’t watching for us. Have you ever seen a biker riding down the road texting??? or even talking on the phone for that matter??? I think not!

    One other point… if a biker chooses to ride without a helmet it is their right and freedom to make that decision! As others have stated, helmets can help protect or cause other injuries just as a seatbelt can!

    Now, who is being asinine???? Judge not!!!!

    Ride safe my fellow bikers…. rubber side down, chrome side up!!!!

  48. friend on February 27th, 2011 4:46 pm

    We will be praying for u guys. Hope to see you soon Walston. I love riding a bike but there are too many idiots out there that are only concerned with theirselves and will not look for others who may be riding.

  49. just another LEO on February 27th, 2011 4:30 pm

    I work with Joe…are there any updates? The hospital will not say anything unless the person calling is family. If anyone has heard any news, please share.

    Prayers go out to Buddy & Hazel, Joe’s parents. They are not in good health & lost a son years ago. Prayers to Joe & Wendy.

  50. HARLEY RIDER on February 27th, 2011 3:05 pm


  51. HARLEY RIDER on February 27th, 2011 3:01 pm

    I am praying for both families for a good out come. I have known Wendy since she was a litle girl. Good luck William and Wendy. I ride to. And I ride in TEXAS so it is real scarey here they don’t see us on the road so we have to watch out even closer. I love the wind in my face. It is sad when something that you love to do people can’t even see you. Sorry I don’t believe that they DON’T see us they just think we can stop on a dime. But we can’t it will cause us to wreck for sure..LOVE AND PRAYERS GO OUT TO THE FAMILIES TO BOTH.

  52. Jim W on February 27th, 2011 2:57 pm

    This is to Gayle Mathis aldridge I do not know you but I do know prayers are needed for the injured. So I will be praying and pu them on my prayer wheel. Keep us posted on how they are doing. God Bless.

  53. Voice of reason on February 27th, 2011 2:54 pm

    If you ride a motorcycle on the streets and highways,

    it’s not IF you get in an accident,

    it’s WHEN will you get in an accident.

    The only question is “how bad will you be hurt”?

    And to ride without wearing a helmet is asinine…..

  54. Lee Ann Tharp on February 27th, 2011 1:50 pm

    Chuck & Gayle, you are in mine & Butch’s prayers…..and it obviously goes without saying Wendy, I love you and even though I can’t physically be there, I’m with you in heart….I don’t know Joe but may God be with him & his family during this trying time. I love you all!


  55. Gayle Mathis aldridge on February 27th, 2011 1:13 pm

    Thank everyone for all the prayer’s for my daughter Wendy and Joe. As of this morning they are both still critical but Wendy is awake!! They still have serveral surgeries to go through as of right now. They both have a long road ahead and need prayer!! Love you Wendy and Joe!!!

  56. johnny on February 27th, 2011 11:49 am

    Riding a motorcycle at night is no more dangerous than riding one during the day. Please continue to pray for these two wonderful ppl and their families.

  57. Dixie8245 on February 27th, 2011 11:46 am

    People should not drive cars at night it is too dangerous. They may hit us who are legally riding our motorcycles. After all we have a drivers license, tag, and insurance plus incredibly good balance to keep our vehicle up on two wheels.

  58. Concerned parent on February 27th, 2011 11:44 am

    At 7:00 at night, it should be a lot EASIER to see a motorcycle than it is in the daytime. I can see that someone who isn’t paying as good attention as he/she should could overlook a tiny motorcycle in the daytime when it can blend in with so many other things, like the road and vehicles (yes, I was being a smarta$$) but there is NO excuse whatsoever for not seeing a headlight coming toward you at night. I’m sorry, but if you don’t, you don’t need to be driving, either because you’re drunk, under the influence of drugs, tired, or losing your eyesight. Whichever the case may be, GET OFF THE ROADS!!! My kids and friends mean too much to me to make excuses for you. Sorry.

  59. bigboy850 on February 27th, 2011 10:06 am

    People shouldnt ride motorcycles at night, its too dangerous. I pray everyone involved has a full recovery

  60. Christy on February 27th, 2011 8:51 am

    I’m really good friends with Wendy and her family, her sister is my best friend. I pray that everything turns out ok for everyone. Wendy’s family really needs prayer right now, they are going through some hard times. I will continue to pray for everyone involved, and I’m here to help with anything yall need.

  61. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 27th, 2011 7:42 am

    We saw ALL the lights in the distance last night, and started praying then, and will continue to do so. May the GOD bless all concerned.

  62. vickie wright on February 27th, 2011 6:17 am

    joe is my first cousin i never met wendy but my thoughts an prayers are with her too

  63. mariemcmillan on February 27th, 2011 6:15 am

    joe i love you baby an my prayers an thoughts are with yall love aunt marie

  64. vickie wright on February 27th, 2011 6:13 am

    joe we love yall an we are praying strongly for yall we wish for yall a speedy recovery god bless yall an all the families

  65. Robert on February 27th, 2011 6:09 am

    PLEASE PLEASE everyone drive while watching for others. A car doesn’t mean that you are immune to getting hurt yourself. I ride my bicycle all of the time and I deserve to be safe. Please watch out for others.

  66. dae. on February 27th, 2011 1:58 am

    update: they both are still in sugery.

    this is a very hard time for our family (joes my cousin) so please keep both familys in your prayers!

  67. courtney on February 27th, 2011 12:52 am

    yeah , speedy recovery is needed ! like I said WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES !!!! Wendy needs all the prayers we can get , please keep her in your prayers everyone .. im so worried .. )’:

  68. Mrs.Page son on February 27th, 2011 12:11 am

    Thank God that my mom is okay, and I pray that the others will make a speedy recovery

  69. courtney on February 27th, 2011 12:10 am

    Wendy is my cousin . keep her in your prayers please , she’s not in good condition at all <|3
    watch out for motorcycles !!!!

  70. EMD on February 26th, 2011 11:40 pm

    I pray that the Peace and Power of God would overshadow all involved and that the injured are healed quickly and completely to His Glory and the advancement of His Kingdom in the earth.

  71. Concerned parent on February 26th, 2011 10:59 pm

    OMG, Joe, I hope you come out of this ok. I’m praying for you.
    I don’t know Wendy but I’m praying for her too.

    If you get any updates on their conditions, will you please let us know?

  72. ctown gurl on February 26th, 2011 10:44 pm

    pray for him an wendy an his kids please they need it forreal he has two daughters an they are taken it very hard specialli the older one and mrs kathy simmons pray for her to cuz she gone need it i love all yall an im here for you guys

  73. Superman on February 26th, 2011 10:39 pm

    It seems like everyone I know that rides has an accident, it’s just not that exciting to me and I had one. I sold it because they are dangerous.

  74. Old puppy on February 26th, 2011 10:29 pm

    This poor family needs alot of prayer. Wendy’s younger cousin died just last night. Please pray for this family.

  75. Danette on February 26th, 2011 9:57 pm

    Thank you Teresa, please continue to pray for all bikers! I ride one and still worry!

  76. Angi B. on February 26th, 2011 9:55 pm

    This is so horrible, I know we came right up on this accident and it scared the crap out of me; there were so many emergency vehicles… Prayers are with all involved.

  77. Teresa on February 26th, 2011 9:53 pm

    I lost a step son from motorcycle accident… brother, and my 80 year old grandmother rides( Harley Granny). It scare’s me. People just don’t pay attention these days. I see folks texting, playing with there radio..I’v even seen a guy reading a book and driving going down the interstate! If you get hit on a motorcycle you got a lot less of a chance of getting up and walking away. I know there fun..but I cant help but worry. I pray for the riders and there families.

  78. Danette on February 26th, 2011 9:10 pm

    PRAY PRAY PRAY…. After being on the bike all day this is very scary! Hope the best for the riders! People, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee pay attention to your surroundings!! CHECK TWICE FOR MOTORCYCLES and motorcycles please ride safe and check over and over for the others! Be alert!

  79. Angi B. on February 26th, 2011 8:55 pm

    Came right up on this accident, we sat there for quite some time before we could get through on hwy 4.
    Our prayers are with Joe and his family for a speedy recovery, and also to the other driver as well…