Town Hall Meeting Tuesday To Discuss Old Molino School Project

February 10, 2011

seeplansclick.jpgThe public will have an opportunity next week to learn more and offer input about the renovation of the old Molino School into a community center, library and museum.

Escambia County Commissioner Kevin White will hold a town hall meeting on Tuesday, February 15, at 6 p.m. at Molino Park Elementary School at 899 Highway 97. The meeting is being held to discuss the old Molino School project.

The project architects, DAG, have completed the design documents, and the project could be bid as early as the end of February.

In May, 2009, commissioners approved the $400,000 purchase of the building from the Escambia County School District. Commissioners have since approved a budget of $2,089,156 from Local Option Sales Tax monies for the renovation project. DAG Architects is being paid $214,580 to design the renovations.

The project includes one section of the 15,600 square foot main building that will be converted into a library with both a children’s and adult area, computers and thousands of linear feet of book shelving. The old auditorium will remain a community auditorium with available seating for 242 people. The rest of the building will include a museum, classrooms and meeting rooms.


First opened in 1939, the Molino School closed in 2003 when the new Molino Park Elementary School consolidated Molino Elementary and Barrineau Park Elementary.

Pictured: A front hallway of the old Molino School. photo, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Town Hall Meeting Tuesday To Discuss Old Molino School Project”

  1. just sayin on February 12th, 2011 2:51 pm

    Im with the northview senior. Northview is to far to drive. We do need a high school in Molino or make Tate our school district.

  2. Shawn Moyers on February 11th, 2011 11:49 pm

    I also would like to see the library completed. I think the children around Molino would benefit greatly from it.

  3. Northview SENIOR on February 11th, 2011 12:13 pm

    i personally would like to see it become a HIGH SCHOOL, its a far drive to Northview and especially for molino teens who drive there and back everyday. also Northview should might as well be CONSIDERED a ALABAMA school since its pretty close to the line anyways and theres Alabama kids going to NHS.

    so i definetly think Molino should grow up some and make it a high school. :)

    -Sincerly a Northview Highschool SENIOR :) 2011!! whoop whoop!

  4. interested on February 10th, 2011 8:43 pm

    I personally would like to see it turned into a YMCA or molino high school!!!

  5. Trish on February 10th, 2011 3:06 pm

    If you are a library supporter please attend. The county is trying to back out of completing the library section by saying there is not enough money to complete the project at this time. My question is this….If you approved the renovation project from the Local Option Sales Tax money, where is that money now going? What project did you divert it to? A ballpark?? A boat ramp?? I keep paying my portion of the tax, I remember the county asking the public for input on preferred projects, I went to Tate High School to cast my vote. When public opinion was counted the library was high on the list, along with ambulance, fire, and sheriffs department.

  6. interested reader on February 10th, 2011 1:23 pm

    This is a wonderful asset to our community. Hope lots of citizens will support it and use it when it’s completed.

  7. william sims on February 10th, 2011 11:48 am

    i hope everyone will show up and support this project