Three Students Facing Felony Charges After Fight, Deputy Punched

February 18, 2011

Three Northview High School students are facing felony charges following a fight in which a deputy was allegedly punched Thursday morning in a school hallway.

Isaac Sheldon Moorer, 16, of  Juniper Street, Walnut Hill was charged with felony battery on a law enforcement officer. Marquis Taurus Davis, 14, and Christopher Benard Staten, 17, of Allen Circle, Molino, were each charged with felony affray/riot and misdemeanor resisting without violence.

According to Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest reports,  the school’s resource officer was in the main hallway when he noticed Staten and Davis fighting near the cafeteria. Deputy James Moretz and the school’s dean attempted to break up the fight when Moorer approached and started punching Staten. Moorer also punched the deputy in the head, according to the report, knocking off his glasses.

Moretz removed the chemical pepper spray from his belt, ordering Moorer to stop, according to the report. When Moorer lunged in his direction again, the deputy attempted to spray him, but the pepper spray can did not activate.

The deputy and the three juveniles involved in the fight were not injured, other than a minor injury treated at the school to Staten’s hand.

Editor’s note: Under Florida law, the identity of a juvenile charged with a felony is public record.


109 Responses to “Three Students Facing Felony Charges After Fight, Deputy Punched”

  1. NHS Parent on February 22nd, 2011 7:46 am

    That’s right Nick. Pull out the old race card. As racism fades, people tire of political correctness, and the fear of offending someone of another race. In this case, racism is a red herring. It will only distract us from the issue. If a person wants to be equal, so let it be, If some one wants special treatment, say racism.

  2. Nick on February 22nd, 2011 12:12 am

    All this negativity makes me laugh…None of you know what happened unless you were there and seen it!….Half of you weren’t even there! You people are fully grown and making negative comments about a 16 year old, a 14 year old, and a 17 year old…Yall gossiping like kids! All yall hiding under fake names, break your real name out and let’s see who you really are…I’m pretty sure when yall were young yall got into a fight/argument ect. Racism still exists in this world and thats a shame…some people will never change (and I shake my head at that). I conclude with all these negative comments have all of us over here laughing cause yall don’t know anything about this altercation that happen.

  3. David Huie Green on February 21st, 2011 10:27 pm

    “As for MYSELF, I don’t know who that is. Coincidently, it is a name that I use to refer to my person also. Whoever it is, we are namesakes. I am glad he defended himself, even if anonymously or under an alias or whatever”

    He’s not really speaking anonymously. The names of the three involved are listed in the story. The only one charged with battery on an officer is also listed. When he said, “I didn’t mean to hit the police,” he spelled it out for you.

    David noting facts,

  4. Jim W on February 21st, 2011 9:20 pm

    This is to myself! You seriously need to work on yourself! The way you handled yourself is undesireable and unacceptable you try to brush it off as though it’s okay to be doing what you did. Wrong man wake up, get a life, get headed in the right direction while you are young enough to do something good in life and make something of yourself. You just have got to have some good in ya man reach inside and pull it out and out it to use for you benefit your family and the community’s benefit. Go for it and give it a shot you can do it! Focus!

  5. NHS Parent on February 21st, 2011 6:32 pm

    See there, I just misspelled two words. Always proofread.

  6. NHS Parent on February 21st, 2011 6:12 pm

    Thank you Mr. Green. At least you had something nice to say about the earring. As for MYSELF, I don’t know who that is. Coincidently, it is a name that I use to refer to my person also. Whoever it is, we are namesakes. I am glad he defended himself, even if annonomously or under an alias or whatever. I tend to believe that the contact with the offiicer was unintentional. I would not be suprised if the officer blew it out of proportion.
    Mr. MYSELF, you just don’t seem to know how much people can tell about you from the way you use language. You just showed North Escambia a great deal about yourself. It ain’t good.

  7. A Concern Parent on February 21st, 2011 5:42 pm

    There’s a lot of famous people that wears earrings. Are they thugs? No! I mean look at Martin Lawence,the movie star. He wears earrings in both ears and sometimes in just one ear. It doesn’t mean he’s a thug! And if you look at all the famous male people in the world………….over half of them have an earring or earrings in their ears.Some of you people shouldn’t judge these kids by what they wear. Wearing earrings doesn’t make you a thug. Just like wearing rip holes in your jeans doesn’t mean you are poor. Its the style these days….we are in 2010. Y’all must not get out much. Or y’all just some red-neck country people that still lives like back in the day. I’ve learned one thing about all y’all on here…. that are posting negative comments……..y’all are immature and need to GROW-UP!!!

  8. David Huie Green on February 21st, 2011 4:56 pm

    “in the bible days they wore earrings now say some bad about that”

    Yep, and they melted them down to make a golden calf to worship.

    But don’t let them get you down. I think your accessories are lovely.

    David lacking jewlry

  9. MYSELF on February 21st, 2011 3:50 pm

    okkkkkkkkkkkk i’m tired of this man…….if yall got anything to say call my mama because this coming from me i’m the one who was in the fight…………i been reading all these comments on here now and for all yall that say the police should have shot me IS STUPID. I didn’t mean to hit the police he caught my elbow when i was swinging…The fight was not even all that serious and for everybody on here leaving negative comments bout me and THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW ME need to bequiet…. Get a life you don’t have nothing to say so u leave a stupid comment about earrings……get 4real man and just to let u kno im not a thug……….and by the way in the bible days they wore earrings now say some bad about that

  10. Thoughtful on February 21st, 2011 3:41 pm

    “amazing grades”

    *Their–possessive; shows ownership
    *There–Adverb: indicates a place; Adjective: indicates an intensive;
    Pronoun: Well, I will let you figure out that one.
    *They’re–contraction for they are

    The parts of speech are amazing. They let us determine how a certain word functions in a sentence…even in casual writing.

  11. Kitty Moore on February 21st, 2011 3:33 pm

    ash…. You just made my case.

  12. Kitty Moore on February 21st, 2011 3:30 pm

    Well, The Walnut Hill nut brought it up first. Telliing us what God likes and doesn’t like. The Bible tells us to judge by fruits. We are instructed not to judge intentions. As for as the first stone goes, That is out of context. The Bible says that Judas hung himself. There is a verse in the Bible that says “Go ye and do likewise”. That doesn’t tell us to hang ourself. Find your Bible verse. Make your case.

  13. Horrific on February 21st, 2011 3:21 pm

    As for the one who said what I said was messed up.
    You need to get a grip and find out that these three and what THEY
    Physical violence is no way to solve anything. It’s stupid.

  14. ash on February 21st, 2011 3:15 pm

    umm. i am in high school and i kno how to read and write thanks (: i make amazing grades. So u wrong on that one just cuz people use slang or write stuff in text form does not mean they dumb. haha. and home boys means their my friends, and their real good people. They went to far and got in a fight wow doesnt mean their bad. i mean this is the 12 or 13 fight at nhs this month… nothin new, theres been worse than this

  15. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 21st, 2011 3:13 pm

    The bible also says judge ye not least ye be judged. It also says let those of you without sin cast the first stone.

    As long as we’re talking about the bible.

  16. Kitty Moore on February 21st, 2011 3:03 pm

    Dear Walnut Hill Resident,
    Proverbs: 20-11 reads; Even a child is known by his doing,whether his work be pure,and whether it be right. God said it, not me. So I guess we can judge a child by his actions.

  17. Kitty Moore on February 21st, 2011 2:44 pm

    Dear ash,
    I could not desipher (understand) your comment. it resembled english but the spelling was awful. This is a bad reflection on where-ever you home boyz went to school. I would just bet that you are a friend to these thugs. By the time you get to high school, you should be able to read and write.

  18. David Huie Green on February 21st, 2011 2:22 pm

    “Agianst the law to post pics or names of minors ”

    Having reading problems, aren’t you? Please try to read the following three times and see if it makes sense to you:

    “Editor’s note: Under Florida law, the identity of a juvenile charged with a felony is public record.”

    It’s at the bottom of the article. Does it make sense yet?

    Please try again.

    Still no?

    Well, never mind then.

    David thinking: at some point
    we can’t hide behind our age
    or ignorance

  19. FYI on February 21st, 2011 2:19 pm

    Editor’s note: Under Florida law, the identity of a juvenile charged with a felony is public record.

  20. ash on February 21st, 2011 1:45 pm

    and to add, yall dont even know the story, these are actually good kids out of the rest at nhs. I mean fights go on every day Get over it ! loveee yall (:

  21. ash on February 21st, 2011 1:40 pm

    you people dont even know these guys so dont hate on them ! Their not thugs they are kids , and for all yalls info this is like the 12th fight at nhs in a month so yall have no reason to hate on them ! I lovee yalll guysss ! And plus my home boys are stilll minors , umm you aint allowed to have their names our pics up here. Agianst the law to post pics or names of minors !

  22. Thoughtful on February 21st, 2011 9:31 am

    “n you just can’t these boys to jail n didn’t take da other 2″

    I hope the boys arrested speak more coherently and appropriately in front of the judge…for their sake.

  23. t2 on February 21st, 2011 8:27 am

    Racism is about color…..this issue is about stupidity in their actions. And I include any color when I say thug. And it doesn’t matter what color the child is, that child needs to know respect. And if you know that if you fight at school you are getting arrested, then dont do it, regardless of your color. The issue of race should quit being drug into every conversation and the issue of maturity, intelligence and respect should start being the issue, EVERYWHERE WITH EVERYONE.

  24. nudo on February 21st, 2011 8:08 am


  25. Resident on February 21st, 2011 7:32 am

    There’s nothing racist about calling someone a thug. The definition of thug does not say white, black, red or yellow.

    A thug is “a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly”. Beating up your friends or punching a deputy seems to qualify when you view it totally colorblind.

  26. Walnut Hill Resident on February 21st, 2011 7:18 am

    I cannot believe the comments that people are making about these kids. If you do not know someone how can you judge a child by their actions. Many of you are commenting as if you haven’t did anything bad in your life, Let’s stop talking negative about the boys. They are not thugs and they have good parents that stand up behind them 100 % of the way. People are on here being racist because the kids are black and it needs to stop it’s 2011 and this is still going on. Its sad that you still have racist people in the world, but REMEMBER GOD don’t like ugly. Pray for the boys and hope that they have learned a lesson and quit with the negative comments.

  27. David Huie Green on February 21st, 2011 7:17 am

    did any of the others hit the deputy?

    David considering possible non-racist differences
    in actions and possible consequences

  28. .....23 on February 21st, 2011 3:34 am

    y yall got to say a thug couse they black an I kno a lots of white boys that wear earrings so do dat make them a thug . Now I see it’s still hate in this world and racism . And just because a kid wear earrings don’t make them a thug so yall grown peoples need to stop that and that same day it was 2 fight at that school one was 2white boys and then these black boys but y didn’t da white boys aint go to jail to n you just can’t these boys to jail n didn’t take da other 2

  29. sam stewart on February 20th, 2011 9:28 pm

    well when the deputy spray failed he should have pulled the stun gun and darted that boy and let all the others who wants to start trouble that they could be next.

  30. t2 on February 20th, 2011 12:57 pm

    If you want to be taken seriously and be preceived to be intelligent…..use proper English and refrain from wearing earings the size of dimes on your ears (being a guy that makes you look a little less than smart). And when trying to stick up for these guys, you may want to make your comments seem intelligent. Because all you are doing is proving the point that these three are thugs. And plus, they are posing as if they just dont care.
    Yes, I got into a few fights in school, mostly because of people picking on my little brother. But I also learned that violence didn’t solve the issue. The people starting the conflicts were still dumb even after the fight, so no matter how many times we fought, they were never going to learn.
    Some parents just do not care about their children. They are too busy partying themselves and acting as teenagers that they do not have time to tend to their children. And that leads to the other children suffering. But there are cases to where the parents do all they can to raise their children correctly and the child just refuses to learn from the parent and take up with the lower side of life.
    Children need good examples, and some of these children live in bad neighborhoods and have idiots for kin, so they need extra pray just to wind up close to normal. It is sometimes a no win situation.
    But with these three, they should loose the earrings, dress appropriately, talk with intelligence, use manners and learn self control. They are teenagers, they can still take this and turn around and make something of themselves. But that is going to be totally up to them.

  31. nudo on February 20th, 2011 11:06 am

    The ones on here defending these little punks are the ones who should ashamed of themselves.

  32. Mullet Man on February 20th, 2011 11:00 am

    You cannot tell me that this is not a sign of things to come. I went to Century High School. I check here and PNJ to see what my old classmates are up to. I am here to tell you, these guys will be famous. Feel sorry and pray for them. But don’t forget the poor souls that have to go to school with them.

  33. Coach Jim on February 20th, 2011 10:20 am

    If you have a child who goes to this school, as I do. You would be concerned as I am. Let’s take a break from the name calling. OK ? Some reasonable person thought this story was newsworthy. Therefore, how can my thoughts be positive. I am looking out for my son. I do not want him subject to this kind of behavior. I teach him a better way. Say what you want about these students who settle their differences with brutality. I do not want them around my child. Sadly, after you put a few years behind you, you will see the harm in behaving this way. You will see what is does to them and what it does to others.
    Go Cheifs

  34. OldMarine on February 20th, 2011 10:00 am

    trial in adult court , prison , get them out of and away from any school so real humans can get a real education.
    we are loosing the most gifted of our young people due to compassion for the terrible ones.
    Rid ourselves of the thugs. Bad Seed

  35. Thoughtful on February 20th, 2011 9:48 am

    “thingz happen dats just life”

    Yet…I see no look of remorse on those faces…

  36. Kitty Moore on February 20th, 2011 9:46 am

    They are thugs and I am tired of it too.

  37. Ralph Mathis on February 20th, 2011 9:42 am

    I went to school with kids like this. I can judge them. I know what it is like to try to have a normal productive day at school when violence breaks out. It is a shame that our children have to be exposed to this in a learning intitution. This is not preparing our kids for college or a career. This savagery has no place here. Maybe these three are learning how to make their living when the school system has had enough of them, And folks, Do Not Forget that this is Black History Month. This sets us back 50 years.

  38. Judge Bean on February 19th, 2011 11:25 pm

    Well said Dr. Kevin R.Linam

    School system should start having a phys ed class in boxing….let ‘em put on the gloves and duke it out……but they would have to be in training for at least 6 weeks prior to the bout…………….let it be a school function………….might teach a little displine and clean living for the 6 weeks (and carry on in the future)…………………….and a career…………….some of these boys are built to be a boxer.

  39. 17 Enfield on February 19th, 2011 10:41 pm

    Dats right—–we cool, we cool! PS, don’t ever think you could ever qualify for our United States Military.

  40. To ->HORRIFIC on February 19th, 2011 9:26 pm


  41. TIRED OF IT on February 19th, 2011 9:02 pm

    I was just going through the comments waiting on some idiot to say something about a dang thug! Well Sandra and Kitty Moore you are the dumbest winners! Do you even know what a thug is?? Or do you just see someone who fights and wears a dang earring and say oh my thats a thug. Come on people, this is getting rediculous with all the name calling. They got in a fight and went to jail BIG DEAL guess what…when they are YOUR kids lets see who will be quick to cast the first stone then. I know you will no where in sight to present your comments would you??? We need to be praying for these young men and our schools. And to every holy and sanctified christian on here you had a past too and I’m sure it involved a fight or two so I will say it again like I did before…WHO CARES IF IT IS NOT YOUR KID!

  42. Movin' On on February 19th, 2011 7:55 pm

    What about applying hockey rules. No one jumps in until someone hits the floor then two minutes in the penalty box!

  43. dee on February 19th, 2011 7:44 pm

    Editor’s note: Under Florida law, the identity of a juvenile charged with a felony is public record,,, wow just saw this

  44. dee on February 19th, 2011 7:41 pm

    i would also like to know how these kids full names, ages, and their picture was made available since they are underage??

  45. -_ - on February 19th, 2011 7:36 pm

    you all can just go somewhere than to judge other people you dont even know!!!!

  46. NHS Student on February 19th, 2011 6:01 pm

    These are not bad kids, they got in a fight. Oh wow big freaking deal. There has been many fights at NHS just this year and way worse then this one. But this is the only one that gets put up here? And for everyone who said they should have used a gun is crazy. What if that officer would have pulled out that gun and fired it and someone hit his hand and it hit another student instead and killed or hurt them? People who say stuff like that do not think. And as for the Officer getting hit, only ONE of them hit him. He shouldnt have jumped in cause when someone is throwing punches you dont get between them if you dont want to get hit. Simple as that. I know all three of these boys. So instead of calling them “thugs” and stuff like that you shoud be encouraging them not to make the same mistake again. You dont judge people unless you know them, and half of you people on here dont know not one thing about them or how they have been taught!

  47. just saying on February 19th, 2011 5:08 pm

    im am so whicha dee

  48. just saying on February 19th, 2011 5:06 pm

    yall need to stop judging and criticizing folks if you dont know where dae come from thingz happen dats just life :get over it

  49. dee on February 19th, 2011 4:30 pm

    i can not believe some of the comments on here, do you really believe that Good People/kids do not get in bad situations. Moorer/Davis do not have a criminal record are not known to cause trouble. You all with your negative comments should speak with the principal,dean and the officer before you pass judgement on KIDS. Moorer/Davis actions are not condoned by their parents,– who would hit an officer on purpose!! and the mug shots look terrible because they are ashamed, and feel sorry for their actions. the officer was not attacked nor hit by all three boys. everyone wants the best for their children and others children. there will be consequences for their actions, you all should be encouraging the boys letting them know this one event will not end their life nor their education they should take it as a learning should be encouraging the officer or wishing him well. you shouldnt give negative comments when you do not know the kids,parents, or the situation. alot of information was left out of the article. Moorer did apologize to the officer, the kids were not sprayed, and there was another fight at the school, everyone that has a fight is not a thug and i do not believe this one incident should label them as THUGS, or allow them to be JUDGE so negatively, and commenting on ear rings,, be for real

  50. camelot kid on February 19th, 2011 2:32 pm

    man i knew cristopher he whent to my school

  51. doc on February 19th, 2011 2:17 pm

    hey atleast they will keep doc in a job when they end up in prison

  52. tired on February 19th, 2011 1:27 pm

    To “really”. That “resource” officer happens to be a deputy sheriff. He just happens to work at a school. And yes, those “little boys” should be arrested for assaulting a police officer. That’s exactly what they did. He is an Escambia County Sheriffs Deputy!

  53. retire on February 19th, 2011 12:37 pm

    well i mke my statement short hey rick scott this deputy just got hit by 3 young men that will soon have a DC Number still want to cut our retirement ? oh i know let hire a security officer to wrok the school that will work. all he can do by the law call 911 that the deal..

  54. really. on February 19th, 2011 11:04 am

    these arent bad kids at all. kids will get in fights from time to time. its not the end of the world. you cant sit there and say that if someone punched you in the face you would just turn the other cheek. and the “officer” is a RESOURCE officer. most people that jump in to break something up will get punched. its not that they mean to, its just a REFLEX. ive seen teachers get punched it wasnt because the student targeted them. it was a natural reflex. they were already swinging. he shouldnt press charges, just because hes “authority”. he needs to take the time to realize that these are just kids and adding this to their record will not help them in life. i think any adult would let it go.

  55. SW on February 19th, 2011 10:30 am

    Fighting is one thing. Resisting arrest is another.

    Charge them. Take them out of the public school system. School attendance should not be mandatory. Get those out who do not wish to learn or to participate. Let those who want to succeed have the opportunity to succeed without the interference of those who don’t.

    It should be a warning sign that a police officer is stationed in the school system in the first place.

  56. Someone concerned on February 19th, 2011 10:10 am

    These comments are just horrible. I’m not sure if anyone really noticed, but these are just kids. How many of you didn’t get into a fight, whether at home or school when you were younger? And for Proud American, do you have kids? Would you want someone to say that your kids should have been shot? All of us on here should be adults and we should be setting some type of example for some of the kids that might be reading this. I’m more ashamed of these comments than I am for the boys! Instead of talking about someone or putting them down, we should just pray for them.

  57. Scary on February 19th, 2011 9:04 am

    I am dreading that my child will be going to this school in a few short years. Hopefully, these young men will be able to graduate by then. Everybody makes mistakes but how about a little self control while you are at school? Go home and knock each other senseless if you want to!

  58. VW on February 19th, 2011 8:55 am

    JW, the Military won’t take these types in. It not our job to remold and shape Americas children because their parents won’t. They are already a statistic. Just keep your kids away from them because if you think that they learned a lesson from this, everyone on hear is sadly mistaken.

  59. Brian on February 18th, 2011 11:06 pm

    These ‘teens’ need to be told that they are on the road to becoming just another statistic for young black males. The road they are on, they will not be anything but a statistic, and not stand out as individual people in the World. Just more ’statistics’ behind the fence at the local jail.

  60. PJP on February 18th, 2011 10:43 pm

    I feel sorry not for these “boys” but for the students that are attending school not for a social life but for an education so they will be able to take care of themselves and their families. I came from an era not to long ago where if a teacher had a problem with a student behaving, he or she or several hes and shes would be put in the hall. Each period the principal or ast, principal would walk the halls and usr the board of correction to show this behavior was not allowed. I was never afraid to go to school because someone might bring a gun to shoot somone or alot of what schools have to put up with. When they told us they could not paddle our son when he was in middle school and he chose to misbehave, it only took ONE trip to the school with his own paddle for my husband to get his attention! Our youth need to know society will not put up with this behavior; not send them home to an empty house where parents are working or maybe no parents at all. Remember, they are not there to learn anyway! We have got to get our schools and homes back to where the teachers and parents are in control and not the children!!

  61. JW on February 18th, 2011 10:22 pm

    send them to afghanistan and let them fight there, parents sign the paperwork! make sure they join the army though.

  62. A Concern Parent on February 18th, 2011 9:28 pm

    If the parents are having problems raising these boys then maybe they need to call Children and Familys to get help.Or just send them to reform military school. Then maybe their future will be a positive out come. So many of y’all are so quickly to judge. This fight, mug shots, or earrings doesn’t say they’re future inmates. Nobody can predict the future! Have you not ever heared the saying “live and learn the hard way”? Who’s to say these boys haven’t just learned a hard lesson. Are children learn from the best(they parents or someone they look up to),so instead of judging….we need to ask what can we do to help are children. Cause the ones who are making comments about these boys earrings,mug shots and the fight………you are teaching are kids its okay to bully. Please post positive comments..or just keep your comments to yourself! And for the ones who are saying a firearm should’ve been used…… glad it wasn’t cause killing kids isn’t the answer. If the officer would’ve then these kids would be died….and whose to say other innocent kids would’ve got hurt or killed also. Am glad this officer kept a clear mind in this situation. Remember these are kids not adults…..and you are adults not kids.

  63. David Huie Green on February 18th, 2011 8:57 pm

    “Also, where did I imply that the officer should have shot anyone. Noise is a great equalizer.”

    Maybe it’s the difference between upbringing.

    I was taught you don’t point a gun unless you intend to kill the person you’re pointing at. Whether or not you intended to kill, if you fire, you MAY kill. If you pull a weapon, you may have to fire it.

    Not only that, but your bullet doesn’t stop when reaching your intended target and leave everybody else alone. A gun doesn’t even know who you intended to shoot. Your hand isn’t rock steady and others might jostle you or jump in the line of fire. You might hit someone in front, behind or beside your target.

    You certainly don’t pull a gun to use as a noise maker.

    David, son of a Korean riot breaker,
    grandson of a deputy US Marshal,
    knowing guns aren’t toys

  64. kazooks on February 18th, 2011 8:35 pm

    I know from experience this is how it starts. I’m a retired corrections officer and have seen this over and over. When they stop fearing the police officer they come and see me and get a number

  65. COL on February 18th, 2011 7:21 pm

    look over my keyboarding spelling. I should have read before I posted. I was typing too fast.
    kids, not dids
    felony, not felong
    over it, not overit

  66. COL on February 18th, 2011 7:18 pm

    I know Jr ROTC students who have gotten into fights. The school can no longer allow fighting, like the old days. If a student get hurts or killed, you know what would happen. Kids have been fighting since day one and many are friends. The resource officers job is to stop the fight. Kids get mad and maybe the student did not mean to hit the deputy but he stilll must pay for it. If this is the only thing these young men do, it will not hurt them, much. They may have to tell future companies about a felong. I personnaly do not like earrings on boys but get overit, the dids like them and they really don’t hurt anyone.

  67. Proud American on February 18th, 2011 7:14 pm

    I said what I meant and I meant what I said. If the officer was being punched, he had the right and the obligation to protect himself. Should he have just left the scene? Also, where did I imply that the officer should have shot anyone. Noise is a great equalizer.

  68. GOT2SAYIT on February 18th, 2011 6:59 pm

    To..DONT JUDGE……you gotta be kiddn…right?

  69. Kitty Moore on February 18th, 2011 6:51 pm

    My children have to go to school with these thugs.

  70. Harley on February 18th, 2011 6:24 pm

    Wow! o.O i was there when that happened and it was more INSANE than the way it seems. I was just on my way to 3rd period when i noticed the fight. i know that the three of them never really got along, but that is just no excuse for their actions. i am friends with all three of them, and i NEVER thought in a million years that one in particular would be in that fight. But when i was there, i thought i saw a different student punch officer Moretz, but it was so crazy that day…. who knows!

  71. concerned citizen on February 18th, 2011 5:58 pm

    Fourteen and sixteen years old, and absolutely no respect for authority.. These three are future inmate hall of famers..

  72. Don't judge on February 18th, 2011 5:52 pm

    Many of you are talking bad about these guys and you don’t even know them. How do you know how their parents raised them. More than likely you don’t even know the whole situation. Maybe if you saw the fight, you could say something, but i bet most of you didn’t. And honestly, making comments about they’re earrings? Those have nothing to do with it. And why are you talking about how they take a picture? Seriously, Don’t judge without all the information.

  73. ashley on February 18th, 2011 5:37 pm

    Omg i cant believe all three of my home boys. lol I lovee yalll !

  74. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 18th, 2011 5:20 pm

    First let me say, they should not have been fighting, and I, for one am glad that there are consequences for fighting in school. I do not know these boys!

    With that said, it’s amazing to me that the majority of the posted views about these 14, 16, and 17 year old are that they should have been expelled, tased, shot, and that they are thugs, and future inmates. Yet there is another article on this same web site about a 19 year old druggie, that some of you same posters have told her to get away from the thug before she ruins her life, even though she has a history of doing the same thing without him. I wonder what the difference in your opinion is???? or need I even ask.

    I’m sure some of you posters have had fights, and/or your children. Would you have wanted to be tased, or shot? or would you want your child shot or tased? No! If the shoe was on your foot it would be so different!!!

    I don’t know these boys!! I’ve had two boys finish high school, and go off to college without problems. I have another one on the way to high school. I taught them, then all I could do was pray. Just like the rest of you. How do you know their parents haven’t done the same thing.

  75. ... on February 18th, 2011 4:17 pm

    this is such a shame…

  76. Jim W on February 18th, 2011 4:09 pm

    Come on people this is not about their attire this is about their behavior. It is simply no respect, none for themselves and none for authority. I use to fight at school but not in the hall ways. And yes I got disciplined for it but that is okay it taught me to have self respect and to respect authority. Problem now days if kids take it off school grounds they end up shooting each other thinking that is where it stops. Then all of a sudden they have the awaking when mr law comes after them and they realize what they have just done. In the mean time they have ruined their lives. And their families and friends are affected as well.
    I sure hope as young as the guys are they wake up and pull it together we do not need to be loosing our youth.
    They should be in something like the JROTC that teaches them self respect and gives them postive re-enforcement which creates a productive person.

  77. Dr. Kevin R.Linam on February 18th, 2011 3:51 pm

    Godly parenting!! Discipline!!! It’s a simple process, if you love your children, you discipline them and teach them Godly values………….

  78. just call me joe on February 18th, 2011 3:11 pm

    I wish the school district would implement a policy where males were not allowed to wear earrings. Real men don’t wear earrings!! You can see the attitudes these boys walk around with just from looking at their mugshots. No Bright Futures scholars in this group!!

  79. Serious on February 18th, 2011 3:08 pm

    It amazes me how some adults forget their childhood.I remember just as David getting into fights at school.I agree the earings are a bit much,but majority of kids get into fights at school on the bus,at home and other different places.Far as the earings,that starts at home.Yes,i do feel the school should have guidlelines but we must all remember that the schools were not established to raise our children.We must all remember that these are children.Dont drag them thru the dirt because of a fight.When you down a person that makes a person become something they arent.I asked that the grown folks on this blog stop acting like kids,pray for the kids and hope they make better choices in life.

  80. DONTWORRYBOUTIT on February 18th, 2011 2:40 pm


  81. Alfred on February 18th, 2011 2:19 pm

    Geez you guys, lighten up, those earings are from their boyfriends.
    Valentines Day was just Monday you know.

  82. pm on February 18th, 2011 2:10 pm

    These three are prison bound and from the looks of thier mug shots are proud of it. Compare these pictures with the Jr. ROTC – the difference is astounding. If Mr. Thomas is serious about non-violence and drugs at school why were these three allowed to wear the earings and why was not their obvious bad attitude adjusted by the teachers and principal of the school. Possibly a strict dress code instead of drug testing may be a good idea. The whole situation with some of our young people is deplorable. THese kids will be caught up in a system (DOC) that they can never get of without great determination and a serious change of attitude. We the state taxpayers will have to pay for 3 hots and a cot most of the time and when they are out we will be victims. Very sad situation for all of us.

  83. pitiful on February 18th, 2011 1:34 pm

    where will these teens be in 5 years? They have their future ahead of them and they are starting their adult lives off with a felony record. That is so sad. As for the parents, they should teach their children to respect others. So many parents don’t care what their children do so the children do things to gain attention.

  84. David Huie Green on February 18th, 2011 1:26 pm

    “When the pepper spray failed, the sidearm should have come out. (and used)”

    So you’re saying they should have been killed? I guess you’re mad nobody was killed?

    “There is NO excuse for fighting on school grounds.”

    And yet I got in fights on school grounds. No excuse, simply know I did.

    David remembering Darryl,
    Jerry, Roger, Tim, Rusty and a few others

  85. Alfred on February 18th, 2011 1:17 pm

    When punishment is hidden behind cement block walls, nothing is seen to fear.

  86. AVW(: on February 18th, 2011 1:15 pm

    People are sooooo overdramatic these days….
    and why are people talking about their earings?
    ha wowwwwwwww

  87. interested reader on February 18th, 2011 1:13 pm

    There is NO excuse for fighting on school grounds. These young thugs should be EXPELLED! They can then take it to the streets where thry will probably meet more resistance. Sometimes young people go wrong no matter what kind of home life they have. Parents are not always the cause of problems.

  88. xpeecee on February 18th, 2011 12:34 pm


    Well stated! I agree, completely…

  89. jokes on February 18th, 2011 12:12 pm

    hahahaha this is classic!!!

  90. What!!!??? on February 18th, 2011 12:08 pm

    You have got to be kidding me. i understand that the pepper stray was needed but for someone to say that firearms were needed to stop a fight that wasn’t even that bad is pathetic. Im thinking that some “proud american” needs to think before they make comments like that.

  91. Concerned citizen 44 on February 18th, 2011 11:14 am

    A taser …really …lol….then the deputy would be in trouble….. Ppl don’t get it anymore the criminals and bad ppl …they have all the rights . If the deputy had used the taser he would have probably been put on administrative leave , questioned , sued , and a good chance of loosing his job. It is a shame , and these are 16 yr olds. I say they should be expelled with no chance of coming back to school and jail time …guess we will see.

  92. ngd on February 18th, 2011 10:41 am


  93. Proud American on February 18th, 2011 9:52 am

    When the pepper spray failed, the sidearm should have come out. (and used)

  94. hmmm on February 18th, 2011 9:49 am

    im definetly not defending them when it comes to violence but northview said at the beginning of the year if you get into a fight you will be taken to jail;
    these got taken to jail (obviously) but there was three fights yesterday and only these guys got arrested? And there has been plenty worse fights at northview in the past this year but these three have been the only ones arrested.

  95. Just thinking on February 18th, 2011 9:44 am

    Did the officer have other tools that he could have used to help stop the altercation without having to depend on so many school officials? Did he have a taser? The taser seems to stop violent people on t.v. I am glad he didn’t get hurt. Just thinking.

  96. Gembeaux on February 18th, 2011 9:32 am

    Members of the Northview FIM Chapter (Future Inmates of America). Give your granny’s earrings back and ask God to help you straighten yourself up!

  97. bgr on February 18th, 2011 9:21 am

    If I were to guess the earrings are a status symbol…and I’m pretty sure the reason for the altercation will definitely be somebody else fault…they have NO respect for themselves much less for anyone else…it’s sad, just plain and simply sad!

  98. Crystal on February 18th, 2011 9:11 am

    Assaulting an officer at school? What did the kids expect to happen? I guess they were expecting the usual slap on the wrist. They need to be charged to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps, they’ll learn their lessons.

  99. 357S@W on February 18th, 2011 9:09 am


  100. Me on February 18th, 2011 8:55 am

    Them looks like some really BAD boys!! Ear rings and all.

  101. Horrific on February 18th, 2011 8:33 am

    Their mothers must be very very proud today.

    If I were you (the mothers of any of these three) I would go down there
    and knock them senseless. Of course THESE THREE would not BE
    my CHILDREN because I would have blistered their hands at 2 and
    their bottoms at 4 and they would have known WHO was INCHARGE.




  102. george on February 18th, 2011 7:07 am

    their posture tells a lot. guess they’re practicing for future mug shots. 3 more for the state payroll and we pay for it.

  103. xpeecee on February 18th, 2011 7:05 am

    Don’t you know they mama proud!!!

  104. Paul on February 18th, 2011 6:59 am

    There goes their scholarships..

  105. Sandra on February 18th, 2011 6:06 am

    Expel these thugs!! Give the ones that want to learn a chance.

  106. Judge Bean on February 18th, 2011 4:46 am

    I can’t help but feel sorry for kids like these – that think violence is the answer to problems. They are soooo young. I pray God will make their hearts heavy with regret for their actions and open it up for love for their fellow man.

  107. Everett on February 18th, 2011 3:04 am

    It’s the Kay jewlers diamond earing gang. Or maybe someone went to Jarred’s.

    It is what it is. No more. No less.

  108. just saying on February 18th, 2011 1:10 am


  109. READER OF NEWS on February 18th, 2011 12:24 am

    Are those real diamond earrings? kids are out of hand and much prayer is needed for them..and their family