Three Facing Charges After Active Meth Lab Discovered

February 9, 2011

Three North Escambia men are facing multiple drug charges after deputies discovered a meth lab at a home on Muscogee Road.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies located the active methamphetamine lab inside the residence at 1115 Muscogee Road during the early morning hours Sunday. They discovered Matthew Michael Ramsey, 38, of Molino; Robert Edward Raines, 48, of Cantonment; and a third man inside the residence with the meth lab. The third man, a Molino resident, was transported to a Pensacola hospital for an untreated burn on his hand; a warrant is being issued for his arrest.

Raines and Ramsey were charged with possession of methamphetamines with intent to sell, trafficking in methamphetamine , possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of listed chemicals with the intent to manufacture a control substance. Raines was also charged with possession of marijuana under 20 grams.

Ramsey was released from the Escambia County Jail on $25,500 bond, while Raines was released on $26,000 bond.


77 Responses to “Three Facing Charges After Active Meth Lab Discovered”

  1. T on February 19th, 2011 8:32 am

    @ the “SON” I agree, your father has done wrong, and should pay the consequences BUT people are cruel, cold hearted, mean, AND down right ignorant. They could care less that this man has children who read the derogatory statements written by the “flawless” “sinless” and perfect!

  2. the son on February 14th, 2011 1:16 am

    @ Josh Baker
    i dont care? im pretty sure i said that they deserve to go to jail and get whatever punishment is handed down to them! However i use the name the son cause Robert is my father and even tho he messed up royally and deserves to go to jail it still makes me irate having all these people slander him because of it. Yes he needs to go to jail for it, but having people say some of the stuff they said is uncalled for

  3. foryourinfo on February 12th, 2011 12:14 pm

    i know dawn and all these people and yes people make mistakes even good people as for “iknowemall” dawn has been clean so please get your information right it took her a long time but she done it! keep it up dawn…she has stopped the drugs and beacame a good mom to her kids so unless you know her now and hang out with her which im sure you dont then dont talk about her.

  4. Resident on February 12th, 2011 11:09 am

    think about this….these people didn’t even sell someone death so they
    could put their children through college
    they just sold death to children so they could have one more high……
    death is the only fair punishment for them

  5. Resident on February 12th, 2011 11:03 am

    people who make meth should never get bond, and if convicted they should never get out
    there should be no second chances for people who kill children

  6. JoshBaker on February 11th, 2011 8:17 pm

    @thinks it’s funny It amazes me too buddy I just don’t get it. Also I cant belive someone bailed there two out.

  7. thinks it funny on February 11th, 2011 6:37 pm

    WOW whats this the 3 or 4 meth bust lately and they all have gotten such a cheap bond!!!!It amazes me!!!

  8. Tired Of It on February 11th, 2011 6:25 pm

    This guys

  9. JoshBakaer on February 11th, 2011 3:14 pm

    Hey Jim W did you read my first sentence them stop now I’m laughing at you. I despise these two more that you could understand, on another note what’s totally not funny is the little to no punishment they will receive. I can see it now there family in the court room saying “well judge he’s a really loveing guy”.

  10. Jim W on February 11th, 2011 2:57 pm

    For those who thinks this is a laughing matter it is not by no measure. It just shows how our society is falling apart from this kind of stuff. Drugs are a serious matter make no mistake about it. Ask yourself do you really want to live in a world full of drugs and become another 3rd world. That could happen if people don’t care and the laws are not enforced. I for one completely back what the laws say on this matter. They bottom line they knew what they were doing so if you do the crime be willing to do the time! No exceptions!

  11. JoshBaker on February 11th, 2011 2:03 pm

    @hmmm I’m with you brother, what im laughing at is these guys help supply drugs to other people and now they got busted. The son fails to realize that, he doesn’t care. Let’s pretend thses guys sold or offered this crap to your kid/brother/friend or whoever, and they started useing how you feel? Well that’s what people like this are doing, might not be someone you know right now but when will it be? What do you think addicts do for drugs very few work, they steal, rob, and in some cases kill for there fix. As a community let’s stand up and say stop! You can’t deny this its the raw truth. Life in prison sound good to me.

  12. the son on February 11th, 2011 8:39 am

    got what they deserved? yes.
    but to say that your goin to sit back and laugh is wrong to do,whats funny about people screwing up there lives? Yes they deserve to go to jail but its still not a funny situation by no means

  13. hmmm. on February 10th, 2011 6:08 pm

    Disgusting…. I knew these two had it coming…. They got what they deserved…. Now I can sit back a laugh…. Can’t wait for sentencing!

  14. David Huie Green on February 10th, 2011 5:14 pm

    my vote’s for Samantha.

    no attacks (other than possibly the “small words” comment), no defense of wrongdoing, simple statements and concern for one who went the wrong way.

    David admiring

  15. Whatever on February 10th, 2011 4:59 pm

    I think it is absolutely ridiculus that the posts on here have turned from the story to attacking people who comment on it. I do believe some of you need to get a job or a hobby because you have entirely too much free time. That is all.

  16. allykate on February 10th, 2011 4:40 pm

    Okay, I’d have to agree, that Samantha has got to be one of the absolute BEST people I know! She is always so kind, and caring. She is also completely genuine, and has the biggest heart! I was actually thinking about how great of a person she is just yesterday. I’m very very glad to have her as a friend, and just lucky to have know her. Just thought I’d give you some info on the girl you’re trying to compare to Hitler. God bless all :)

  17. Samantha on February 10th, 2011 4:15 pm

    Most girls dream of being compared to Barbie or a Princess….but Hitler..yea now that’s a real winner!
    Allow me to clear the air…in smaller words that others can understand. (Don’t fret, I will even spell mine correctly so that there is no confusion…) Yes, I do attend College(which is spelled correctly as you can see..since some of us are assuming I think it’s fair for me to say that you never went or you could spell that word correctly) …and yes I am a straight A student. And, not to brag, but if you ask around MY town (which is not where these two were busted by the way) 99.99% of them will tell you that I have always been a good person. I have NEVER been on drugs nor have I ever thought about it. Do you know why? (Since some of you seem to know EVERYTHING!!) No? Drawing a blank? Let me help you…I watched my uncle, the above stated Matthew Michael Ramsey, struggle because he chose drugs over other things. There was a time in his life that he was sober and that is the Uncle that I miss. I love him, regardless of the choices that he has made. I did not make those choices for him. If it were up to me he would have gotten treatment a long time ago! I believe that he deserves to sit in jail a while. He needs to learn his lesson. I hope and pray that one day that will help him to live a better life..I hope that he lets go of this drug that has controlled his life…the one that he chose to pick up..and get a better life for himself and his family! Now, indeed Hitler was a liar and he killed millions of people. I must say this has never been on my mind. I love everybody! :D Even those of you that have chosen to call me such things. I have spoken my piece…..that is all. I owe no one an explanation….just thought I’d clear up the confusion. :)

  18. JIM W on February 10th, 2011 2:40 pm

    If there was not wrong doing then you would not need laws passed to protect the ones who do not do wrong. What these two did is to break the law there is no defense for what they have done period. For those of you who are too quick to defend stop and think about what you are saying. You are upholding what they did where you realize it or not. You can make the excuse all you want about how tuff they had it but they knowingly made a decision to do what they did so now they need to pay. Maybe they will clean up and sober up and make a good citizen for the future. Because as they are currently they are not a good citizen. We already have enough cancer eating away at our society and our children it has to stop. Before you jump on me for saying what’s in my heart let me make you aware of a few things. I did not have it easy either came from poverty don’t ever want to go back to it. Been cut been shot and served my country all the while. I survived it and am doing well I never had to turn to drugs or anything else. I had a solid foundation that I did not comprimise. It’s called I know and I knew right from wrong and what the price would be either way. These two did as well so let the chips fall where they may! No more excuses!

  19. JoshBaker on February 10th, 2011 2:31 pm

    @Lily Matthew 5:44 , a REAL christian would live by this, it’s only in the bible.

  20. Lily on February 10th, 2011 1:33 pm

    You really should apologize to Samantha for saying the things you said. You know good & well if it were your family you’d have something to say about it as well & if you would read Samantha’s comment, she never said he was in the right, she clearly said he was in the wrong, but the fact is that it’s her uncle and she loves him no matter what. & for you to sit there and compare her to Hitler… really? & to say something about her being a christian…? first off.. she’s not ‘claiming’ to be a christian, she IS a christian. She’s an amazing person, through and through. I’ve known her my whole life and she’s one person that I trust completely. …you really should apologize, that’s all I’m saying.

  21. Bama Fan on February 10th, 2011 11:15 am

    @southweststrangla…..The townspeople including yourself have cast their proverbial stones at these two for their sins, each breath taking blow perhaps well deserved which by the way there is a verse in the bible about casting stones that may make some good reading for you, this being said at the risk of being compared to Adolph Hitler! My point is this whole gathering is about giving these two a good pelting but you seem to have brought a few extra rocks to the stoning to throw at the other towns people and for some reason it angers you when they pick it up and sling it back at you, which by the way… ‘while we’re having judgment day”… also brings me to the conclusion that judging from your name and the way you feel the need to strike out at everyone could stem from some deep seeded anger issues, maybe from an unhappy childhood ‘mom never bought you those double fudge dipped chocolate oreo’s you so desperately reached for from the shopping cart as she wheeled you helplessly down the grocery store aisles”! Who knows, but there is a button for that also when you dial the helpline if you are interested! Fact is strangla even dirt bags like this have family who still love them and only want them to get them off this evil life destroying drug but in no way would aid them with a tank of gas, warm jacket and a snack while they were out dealing poison!

  22. Just An Old Soldier on February 10th, 2011 11:03 am

    Thanks Jim W – and others that are speaking out against manufacturing these illegal and deadly drugs that are a blight on our society, and a curse to those that are addicted to them.

    I am appalled & saddened that so many people jump to the defense of the indefensible. Those that support the efforts of these criminals (that do great harm to our folk) should take a deep look inside at what they are defending.

    This plague isn’t new, it’s been around for decades. It’s taken its toll of human lives and suffering.

    I have seen young men in the flower of their youth cut down by the scourge of this deadly drug. I can think of three right now that I grew up with that chose this path and died of it. I can think of several others that went to prison and damaged themselves forever because of this drug.

    Were they bad people? No. Did they deserve to have their lives cut short by this drug? No. I saw kindness and even sweetness in some of these boys – and yet, they chose this path of death over the Path of Life. And they died in despair. God help them.

    It’s alright to defend (or even pray for) the person – just don’t defend their actions. They have placed themselves outside the Law, and have been caught, now the Law will be applied, and hopefully Justice too.

    Those that defend substance abuse need to look at the real harm they are advocating for on their fellow citizens. It’s immoral, and it’s evil. I pray for your soul.

  23. imahurtin on February 10th, 2011 10:52 am

    LOL @ ■hawghead :) addicted to love

  24. iknowemall on February 10th, 2011 10:51 am

    Dawn? Dawn bahahaha. lol. now I understand the offense you are taking. The investigation needs to be expanded right up the street yeehaa. Dawn, get help, get off that stuff before you are behind bars with them and yur chitlins are living with foster parents.

  25. hawghead on February 10th, 2011 10:25 am

    “Might as well face it, I’m addicted to Love”.llllllllllll

  26. David Huie Green on February 10th, 2011 10:12 am

    “Can you read ”

    Many can’t read. Or they could but don’t actually bother. I wonder if the frequent poor spelling forces them to guess what was intended and then they wind up guessing at what was intended even when the writer spelled it out correctly and meant neither more nor less than what was written.

    (The man says to the psychiatrist, “Good morning,” and the psychiatrist stands there for an hour thinking, “I wonder what he meant by that.”)

    On the other hand, quite often a question implies an answer and I’m guessing that’s what happened here. So if you ask if a person might be an addict and give advice if she is, many will assume you were saying she is.

    That’s especially true when some say addicts are defending each other on here. It’s an easy stretch to go from defending to simply not attacking and assuming anyone not attacking drug dealers is defending them and must be a user. I don’t say it, but I can see where some would.

    I know, I know, that makes me a defender of Samantha and by extension of the poison makers, but I’m used to it.

    David for literacy and clarity

  27. Trisha Milstead on February 10th, 2011 9:51 am

    plus the bad thing about these people theyll still their bodies….i had an experance with is dope heads they stole my drivers license and went aroud buying pills to make the meth….i wound say no names but u know who u r……the funny thing about it….these stores have camerasand the get the dummys on tape…..duh….leave the drugs alone people… brain..before u become retards

  28. southweststrangla on February 10th, 2011 9:27 am

    Can you read I said “do you use if so get help” so shut up and collage does not make you innocent. As far as being a christian Adolf Hitler claimed to be christian and look at him. You just want to take up for people and I respect that but your argument s inferior.

  29. Just for the Record on February 10th, 2011 9:14 am

    Again.. people should not ASSUME things.. @southweststrangla.. Samantha is a straight A college student, Christian lady, no she is not nor has she ever been high, or done drugs, neither has her parents, if you would take the time to read her post she states…”I am not condoning anything that was done…He is not a bad man to be around…when he is sober. Yes, he was wrong..and again..I do NOT condone his actions in this matter. I have never made excuses for his mistakes… so hope that one day he will clean up…some may say it’s a long shot…but I do recall that “All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s all about faith..I believe in you, Uncle Matt and I love you with all of my heart…I hope that one day you will get it together!”.. So nowhere in her post does it say she supports him.. she is saying that she is praying for him in hopes that he will get the help he needs.. DO NOT ASSUME.. Please read the entire comment and comprehend it before you make an ugly statement to someone else, one day it may be someone in your family or someone you love that has yes made a terrible mistake, even ,more than once, but that does not mean you no longer love them or that you can not Pray for them.

  30. dirtroadninja on February 10th, 2011 9:06 am

    Addicts should be quarantined and forced to live there pathetic existance together, all you supporters should go with them!

  31. dirtroadninja on February 10th, 2011 8:59 am

    It’s sad how addicts get on here and defend other addicts. If this makes you angry your probably who I’m talking about!

  32. Seriously!? on February 10th, 2011 8:30 am

    PolythenePam, yes they do, but they don’t face multiple drug charges. Read the story before you speak! It says “Three North Escambia men are facing multiple drug charges” =) I’m sure if it was a Narcotics Agent then that would not be published.

  33. hawghead on February 10th, 2011 8:05 am

    Stop making excuses for these guys. I’ve been thru tragedy in my life also. I lost my wife in an auto accident. But I can tell you that not one time did I ever think that I needed to make and sell METH. They knew what they were doing and made a choice to do it regardless of the consequences. They may be “good people” but they are criminals. I went to school with Bobby and have only seen him 3 or times in the last 31 yrs. We are the same age but you couldn’t tell it from the picture of him posted with the article. METH KILLS and the sooner people quit making excuses for those who make, sell and use it, maybe we can start getting rid of it. METH IS FOR IDIOTS…….

  34. PolythenePam on February 10th, 2011 7:46 am

    Thanks William for the info, sorry to be so long getting back to you.

    Seriously, yes Narcotics agents even go to jail to get needed info……

  35. Imahurtin on February 10th, 2011 6:38 am

    @ DAWN lol at you sweetheart. My My MYYYY. nuf said!

  36. southweststrangla on February 9th, 2011 11:23 pm

    @samantha WAKE UP STOP SUPPORTING THESE LOWLIFES! Do you do meth too? If so get help!

  37. southweststrangla on February 9th, 2011 11:21 pm

    Yeah I know there guys too , they are bad people Matt is spreading this poision aroud like it’s the gospil! Then some judge gave them bond then someone actually cared enough to bail them out! I bet anything they are high right NOW! Wake up lets do something!

  38. Samantha on February 9th, 2011 10:58 pm

    @Nudo: I’m glad you can spell science…because you obviously can’t spell the word “doubt.” It’s called spell check..I’m just saying.

  39. Samantha on February 9th, 2011 10:56 pm

    I am not condoning anything that was done. Matt is my uncle…and I love him dearly. He is not a bad man to be around…when he is sober. Yes, he was wrong..and again..I do NOT condone his actions in this matter. I have never made excuses for his mistakes but the donkey thing really wasn’t what the papers made it out to be..SERIOUSLY and it was in 2007 so can we please let that go. I am an animal lover myself and I in no way condone animal cruelty! However, facts are facts and rumors spread faster….Bull crap sells and people believe what they want to. My Uncle is a very loving man..again, when he is sober. I so hope that one day he will clean up…some may say it’s a long shot…but I do recall that “All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s all about faith..I believe in you, Uncle Matt and I love you with all of my heart…I hope that one day you will get it together!

  40. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 9th, 2011 10:33 pm

    Let me start this off by saying, I’m all for people getting/keeping themselves clean and drug free, but… that is not what this story is about. It’s about people who were manufacturing and selling Meth. A drug, that is just as destructive, and addictive as Crack, and not only does it destroy to the people who use/abuse it, but the communities as a whole!!! These guys are no better than the crack dealers that stand on the corner. They all deserve the same thing!!

  41. For the Record on February 9th, 2011 10:22 pm

    Just to set the record straight, Mr Ramsey’s Parent’s did not bail him out. His father passed away several years ago, his mother lives near Birmingham, and as a friend of his only sister, she did not even know about it until she read it on North Escambia, and she has not spoken to him in almost a year… please do not assume anything, because we all know what that can do. Just because someone chooses to do wrong, does NOT mean that the family enables, condones, assist, or approves of the things they do. As adults they choose what they do, some adults just choose to do the wrong thing, that is not to be blames on the other family members, .. the sins of the father should not fall upon the child….

  42. Sandra on February 9th, 2011 8:05 pm

    Nicknamed “Muleskinner”………..seriously! LOL

  43. Just do it on February 9th, 2011 7:18 pm


    I like your style. I am glad there are people like you willing to step up and help our four-legged friends. Many kudos…..

  44. unchainyourdog on February 9th, 2011 6:57 pm

    @ just another person with a commwnt~ I was able to pet the dog after a week of patiently offering TLC. He only barked at me the first day. I was able to sit next to him by the white truck, on several occassions. He took treats from my hand while I talked to him softly. We would sit there together like we were long lost friends. I was honored that he allowed me to sit with him. I was touched that he allowed me to gain his trust. The first day I saw that *bag of bones*, I pulled over quickly to assess the situation. I grabbed my camera because I wanted folks to know about his plight. Yes, he barked at me a lot but I sensed that it was a cry for help. I would stop by twice a day to feed him and show him that his life mattered. If he was being fed before I discovered him, it was of such insufficient quantity that he was allowed to become emaciated.

  45. just another person with a commwnt on February 9th, 2011 6:15 pm

    this is in regaurds to ”unchainyourdog”….i do know bobby raines and iam familiar with that dog situation…allthought it wasnt his dog…bobby did put food out for that dog…even when he could not go out back where the dog was left…that dog was mean and did not allow no one to get near it (before it even got put into the poor situation you seen him)as you can tell in the video pictures ect that was taken of it from afar!you couldnt get close to it either!!!bobby did talk with people about the dog as he also tried contacting the owner who abandon it!it just so happened the dog sadly got hit before it could get the proper help it needed!

  46. An old friend on February 9th, 2011 5:30 pm

    Usually I’m like most people when I read something like this and I automatically think LOSERS! This time though it’s different because I know Bobby and I know that he has suffered so much pain in his life. He has suffered more tragic losses than most people combined. I am hoping and praying that he turns his life around and gets back on the right track. Good luck Bobby. I am sad that you are in this situation because I still care about you and know you have a good heart. Others are writing this too so I hope it helps.

  47. unchainyourdog on February 9th, 2011 5:21 pm

    @ the son ~ no one accused anyone of being an animal abuser. The facts are that dog slept on that front porch, back yard, next to the truck, by the little fish pond, etc. while in a emaciated state. No one from that house offered to feed or care for that dog. Not saying it was his dog, but that dog stuck like glue to his house. Has to make you wonder why. Even if the dog was not his, by turning his back on starving animal while the animal slept on his front porch, speaks of a person’s character in my opinion.

  48. David Huie Green on February 9th, 2011 4:58 pm

    “However I’m not going to let y’all slander the people when y’all know nothing about them except the fact they’re idiots. Bobby is a very nice man and has been thru a lot. I’m not making an excuse, he deserves to go to jail but nonetheless he is a great guy with a great heart. Matt is also a kind hearted man that is there for people when they needed him” (more or less)

    They are great guys who make and sell human poison. What is so hard to understand about that??????????

    David glad they are good people
    wondering what bad would do

  49. blast from the past on February 9th, 2011 4:20 pm

    i personally know both men they are good people who made a stupid choice!
    they both have been through a lot i’m not making excuses they deserve everything they get .l just want to say thry are good people with big hearts who hopefully will learn from there mistakes

  50. Old puppy on February 9th, 2011 2:54 pm

    @jay momma… Missy is clean & fixing her life… Wow is in order.
    @missy… Keep up yo new life. Make the best outta what u have. LOVE YOU

  51. Old dog on February 9th, 2011 2:48 pm

    Jay mom… Missy has cleaned up her life & is paying for her mistakes so… Yeah a wow is in order.
    @ Missy… Good job girl. We love u & know u r straightening out yo life. Keep doing what your doing.

  52. JIM W on February 9th, 2011 2:26 pm

    This is for Jaymoma. Congrats for being clean and sober for a year. I hav never had that problem and am very thankful for not having the problem. I have known people who have and as you said it is really hard to get off of. So, congrats to you kepp with it.

  53. the son on February 9th, 2011 2:22 pm

    I agree they should go to jail. They both did dumb things that they were warned they should stop doin, but deside other wise. However im not goin to let yall slander the people when yall know nothing about them eccept the fact there idiots. Bobby is a very nice man and has been thru alot im not making an excuse he deserves to go to jail but non the less he is a great guy with a great heart, Matt is also a kind hearted man that is there for people when they needed him but also deserves what he gets.
    “unchainyourdog” that wasnt his dog that probably why he didnt take care of it only dog that was a residence of that house was a red nose pit named lady that died in 2010 cause she was 15 years old and was well taken care of so you can try to learn the facts befor you try to make Bobby look like a animal abuser

  54. jaymomma on February 9th, 2011 1:39 pm

    ” I was arrested last year for the same thing and I dropped out of school in the 9th grade so no it don’t require much more than a few hours of watching someone to know all you need to know. Everybody would be surprised if they knew how prevalent it really is. Meth is unlike any other drug, it can happen to good people before they even know what happened. I know these guys and they are good people, And it is the hardest drug ever to get off of, but it is possible.”


  55. JIM W on February 9th, 2011 1:20 pm

    Ever so often you read something on here that just sets you aback and today that happened. Dawn it does not a matter how good you think the people are they are not good in the eyes of the law. They have broken the law of the land by doing what they are doing and was caught doing it. They are aiding in taking our population down our kids and our loved ones. So, how can you possibly take a defensive posture for them? Bottom line they are bad, they may have been good people at one time but no longer.
    As long as there are people like you who are willing to defend or aid them then we as non using populatin will have this problem. How many childern and loved ones do we have to loose because of that kind of attitude?

  56. missyj on February 9th, 2011 12:13 pm

    I was arrested last year for the same thing and I dropped out of school in the 9th grade so no it don’t require much more than a few hours of watching someone to know all you need to know. Everybody would be surprised if they knew how prevalent it really is. Meth is unlike any other drug, it can happen to good people before they even know what happened. I know these guys and they are good people, And it is the hardest drug ever to get off of, but it is possible.

  57. smarty pants on February 9th, 2011 11:39 am

    What amazes me is the fact that the folks who are hooked on this junk, and ingesting it in whatever means, are trusting their lives to such skilled, intelligent “chemists” such as these two.

  58. What?? on February 9th, 2011 11:35 am

    Dawn, honey, ……what can I say? You probably need to broaden your circle of friends….

  59. Horrific on February 9th, 2011 11:28 am

    wow dawn!
    “Everyone is addicted to something” Sure your right about that?
    I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, over eat, drink soda pop or even
    pick my nose. I would sure like for you to tell me what I am addicted to that is illegal, ill moral, or kills children, and anyone I run with has to set the
    same example. I don’t feel the need to kiss every-one’s you know what, so
    I choose my friends wisely. Maybe I don’t have a million of them, but
    the one’s I have I will never have to worry about being called down to the
    local jail to bail them out for a felony or even a misdemeanor or something
    they’re making that kills kids.
    If I were you I would get off of this site, go to church and go back
    to school, because your going to need to get a new outlook on
    life if you think THESE ARE NICE GUYS. Honey if these are the best
    you can do well I just won’t even go there. You get the idea!

  60. wake up call on February 9th, 2011 11:23 am

    Your thinking is so twisted. You, too, are heading down the wrong path that will end up bad. I hope you wake up before it’s too late or we’ll be reading about you on here. Good people do not make and use illegal drugs.

  61. JUDY MASEK on February 9th, 2011 11:11 am

    theres going to be a “DRUG AWARENESS” program at the cottage hill baptist church (in cantonment) at 6:30pm on FRIDAY…(there is currently an ariticle about it in NORTHESCAMBIA.COM) i went to the last was great….it focused on just this stuff….METH and how to recognize signs of a meth lab (and user)…and, what to do about it…KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

  62. dawn on February 9th, 2011 10:44 am

    if you dont know these people then keep you mouth shut they are these 2 guys are some of my friends and you have no idea what they are like just because they got into trouble for drugs you want to cast stones but you need to ask yourself what is addiction everyone is addicted to something so shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. Just An Old Soldier on February 9th, 2011 10:37 am

    Great job ECSO! Shut all these poison spewing sites down!

  64. Someone from the past... on February 9th, 2011 10:23 am

    I actually know both of these guys. One of them from high school, the other from a more recent and brief acquaintance! So sad to see a life turned in this direction! Praying for them and their families! God grant the family a sense of peace as they deal with this sad news and God please touch their lives and bring them past this addiction!

  65. Sreriously!? on February 9th, 2011 10:02 am

    PolythenePam, you have to read the story before you comment on this. lol Some people amaze me. Do you think they would mention a third guy if it was a Narcotics Agent??? Duh! I don’t think the NArcotics Agent would be facing criminal charges. I’m glad they are cleaning these streets up. It seems like nothing but a bunch a garbage out on the streets these days. Clean them up boys! It seems like every week you see someone in the paper for making meth the most dangerous thing to be around. It’s scary to know you can be at a friends house or your own house at that and not even know they are making something like this, right down the road or next door to your house. You just never know. They might as well charge them with intent to harm others or to kill. It seems like this a drug of choice for most these days. Come on people get your act together!

  66. William on February 9th, 2011 9:30 am

    >>Maybe we don’t get the third guys name because he was the Narcotics agent , or maybe he ratted on the other two so he will get out of trouble. Interesting that we only get part of the info…….

    The third man is not named because he has not been arrested, yet.

  67. PolythenePam on February 9th, 2011 9:29 am

    Maybe we don’t get the third guys name because he was the Narcotics agent , or maybe he ratted on the other two so he will get out of trouble. Interesting that we only get part of the info…….

  68. Oh that's just fine and dandy on February 9th, 2011 8:41 am

    Somebody bailed these pillars of the community out, as far as I’m concerned
    that is just enabling. Why does that surprise me when it’s probably the same
    mother and father who raised these no good drug dealer addicts who look
    like cave men. Who ever bailed them out should be very proud of them-
    selves. These guys will just disappear to another relatives home and start
    again. Why in the world would we ever give people who are manufacturing
    the drugs that our killing our nation and our children BAIL?
    Someone please explain that to ME?

  69. hawghead on February 9th, 2011 8:34 am

    The State has increased the penalties for meth, just like they did for crack. But it does not seem to have made an impact. This drug is so addictive that anyone would rather face a lenghty prison sentence that quit using. Sad story indeed. It seems that everyday another meth lab is found. Put them in prison for life and see it that has an effect on others. Doubt it will…

  70. Somebody on February 9th, 2011 8:13 am

    This is a very sad story! Unfortunately I am familiar w both of these men.. Matt Ramsey also known as mule skinner is the same man that drug the donkey behind his truck down Hwy 29 yrs back and went to jail for that, looking at his arrest record, he has had several bouts with drugs as well!! Not a nice guy, not a gd friend, someone u would not want ur children around!! Bobby Raines, is actually a very nice pleasant guy, although very country man, he got wrapped up with the wrong people doing the wrong thing obviously!! Wonder who the third man is??? Some people dont learn from their mistakes, and need to be put under the jail and have the key thrown away, bcuz giving them another chance, is like hoping the lab doesnt explode next time!!They r mixing bathtub meth, not gd for them, not gd for the community!! Less on the streets, less meth heads on the streets too!! Hope they get the right kinda help!! If theres any left to be given..

  71. unchainyourdog on February 9th, 2011 8:11 am

    OMG! I was stunned to read the address because this is where I found a very emaciated Am. Bulldog *living* in July ‘09. Apparently, this poor dog had been thrown away there. I made a video slide show of this dog’s plight at the address listed above. At no time, did the *owner* ever come out of the house to say hello to me as I provided food, water, treats, and TLC for the dog. Tragically, the dog was hit by car or truck, the night before I was going to bring a cage to catch the dog and find him a good home. RIP Muscogee Rd. Dog. ALWAYS IN MY HEART!

  72. OldMarine on February 9th, 2011 8:01 am

    Life without parole for all Poison Brewers , they steal lives

  73. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 9th, 2011 7:53 am

    Three more out of the communties!!

  74. David Huie Green on February 9th, 2011 7:06 am

    I imagine meth users seldom live long enough to develop cancer, so it’s a form of cure. You might say preventative medicine.

  75. Sandra on February 9th, 2011 6:39 am

    These two could find a cure for cancer? That’s a stretch dont you think?

  76. nudo on February 9th, 2011 4:59 am

    The science has already been done for them. Its just a mere recipe and cooking ability that is required…lol. I dout these two could spell science.

  77. The Wright Family on February 9th, 2011 1:07 am

    I am always amazed when I read stories like this. making meth is complicated and requires a strong knowledge of chemistery and science, it is a shame these men wasted their “talent” to produce controled substances. they could have been doing cancer research or who knows what…..