Survey Says: Floridians Are Just Fed Up

February 15, 2011

Close to half of Floridians surveyed say the state is worse off than it was five years ago, while one-in-five say they are seriously considering moving elsewhere, a new poll by Leadership Florida shows.

The survey of 1,220 Floridians was conducted last month by the Nielsen Company for Leadership Florida, an arm of the state Chamber of Commerce.

It found that 69 percent of Floridians believe business community leaders rarely do what’s right for the state. Another 65 percent said state government wastes taxpayers’ dollars. About three-fourths of those polled gave “fair” or “poor” marks to the performance of the state and federal government, while 65 percent gave similar grades to county government.

“The public is very wearisome of the slow economic recovery and the high frustration level of Floridians is impacting their opinion of government at every level,” said Susan MacManus, a University of South Florida political scientist. “At the same time, people have an expectation of what they want the governor and the Legislature to do: to create jobs and remove major barriers to doing business in the state of Florida,” she added.

Floridians gave Gov. Rick Scott a mixed message in the survey. While 52 percent of Floridians supported firing ineffective teachers, a signature issue for Scott, only 3 percent of Floridians believe tax relief should be the governor’s top priority. Scott has championed a $2 billion tax cut for property owners and businesses. While Scott also campaigned heavily on cracking-down on illegal immigration, only 1 percent of respondents said that should command the governor’s focus this year.


9 Responses to “Survey Says: Floridians Are Just Fed Up”

  1. Everett on February 17th, 2011 4:50 am

    Not much of a survey. 1,220 folks surveyed. That comes out to 19 persons surveyed in each of florida’s counties.

    I agree with oldenough. If you think you can do better elsewhere, go. I hear the cost of living in Egypt is at an all time low. You don’t even need the priceline negotiater or orbits to get a good hotel room there either.

  2. oldenough on February 16th, 2011 9:03 am

    The last I knew, we were still FREE to live any place we wanted to live. I say go ahead and move if you want to, I’m considering it and I was born and raised here.

  3. whitepunknotondope on February 15th, 2011 8:09 pm

    Ha! I’ve lived in this area all my life and this is NOT NEWS!

    Floridians (especially the old-timers around these here parts) have ALWAYS been “fed-up” with one thing or another. Fact they’re about the most fed-up bunch of ornery old complainers I ever did see!

  4. Just listening and good at it.! on February 15th, 2011 5:09 pm

    You got it George in the hip pocket and and up to their adnois in the brown stuff. Scott giving the home owners a break. Yeah just like Chris did I guess. Take it out of one pocket and double or quadrupple and the state fees to makeup for it. HA! HA! HA!

  5. Bryan Bethea on February 15th, 2011 4:59 pm

    $500 to register your vehicle is a bargain compared to other states. I have become a resident of Colorado and then Virginia in the past 10 years. I can assure you that Coloradans and Virginians would gladly pay Florida’s rates (and have no state income tax on top of that).

  6. David Huie Green on February 15th, 2011 1:52 pm

    Yes, but we don’t want people moving into the state. We just want their money

  7. bill j roberts on February 15th, 2011 12:37 pm

    I am frustrated that Escambia County as a whole cannot seem to attract new business to our area. We cannot survive on tshirt and sunglass sales. A lot of the new business seems to be going to Mobile. Can’t we learn something from them?

  8. Jack on February 15th, 2011 10:00 am

    Check the costs for bringing a vehicle into the state. Over $500 in tax, tags, title per vehicle. Companies that are considering starting a business in Florida look at the expenses involved in relocating.

  9. george on February 15th, 2011 8:38 am

    homeowners insurance rates in this state keep getting higher. the companys make a killing. they complain about hurricanes running up costs, look at their bottim line. we’re getting ripped. where are our representatives? i’m guessing in the companys hip pocket.