State To Seek Death Penalty In Two Murder Cases

February 4, 2011

State Attorney Bill Eddins announced Thursday that he plans to seek the death penalty in two different murder cases.

Eddins said the State intends to seek the death penalty against Joshua Wayne Douglas regarding the death of Jamie M. Broxson, and the State intends to seek the death penalty against Robert Lee Hobart for the deaths of Tracie Tolbert and Robert Hamm.

An Escambia County Grand Jury returned an indictment against Joshua Wayne Douglas on December 22, 2010, for the death of Broxson. Broxson’s body was found in the woods on Jernigan Road near Nine Mile Road by Gulf Power employees on November 29, 2010.

She was found with duct tape over her forehead and arm. The autopsy found evidence of sexual assault and the death was the result of asphyxia. Douglas was linked to the crime by DNA work performed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

A Santa Rosa County Grand Jury indicted Robert Lee Hobart on two counts of first degree murder with a firearm for the deaths of Tracie Tolbert and Robert Hamm on December 6, 2010.

On September 22,2010, Tracie Tolbert and Robert Hamm were found shot to death in the brush on the opposite sides of Jesse Allen Road near A.D. McCall Road in Allentown.

Pictured top: Joshua Wayne Douglas. Pictured bottom: Robert Lee Hobart.


6 Responses to “State To Seek Death Penalty In Two Murder Cases”

  1. whoever I am on February 4th, 2011 3:21 pm

    I totally agree with CONCERNED and aubrey king.
    And when there’s proof without a doubt, there all appeals should be denied.
    There’s no better example as to what appeals can do, anywhere than the guy in Brewton, Al. that abducted a 14 year old girl from a church where she was doing cleanup work on a Saturday morning.
    He toke her into the nearby woods, raped her, sodomized her and killed her.
    When the body was found the same day, the dogs went strait from her body to this guys door.
    The dna evidence also proved it was him.
    He went to trial and was given the death penalty.
    While on death row, Alabama adopted the plead guilty and avoid the death penalty law.
    This guy comes up with a bogus story that the dna evidence wasn’t properly presented to be granted an appeal and then pleaded guilty to avoid execution.
    I can not believe the court system let this happen.
    Now the family of the 14 year old girl has to go through the heartbreak of going to parole hearing to keep this cold blooded murderer behind bars.
    Yes, you read me right. He even ended up with the possibility of parole.
    This guy should have been executed over 20 years ago.

  2. CONCERNED on February 4th, 2011 11:36 am

    My opinion they shouldnt even sit in jail and waste out tax money go ahead and get rid of them. They didnt think about the people they were murdering. I have no remorse what so ever for someone like that. Why give them free meals , warm bed, free clothes , free medical attention for killing somone. The people that they murdered what do they have nothing. No chance what so ever to live long happy lives and have families. Why should the scum that killed them have that oppurtunity. Wasteing tax money on something so useless is crazy.

  3. aubrey king on February 4th, 2011 9:47 am

    They both deserve death.I just wish when a person is sentenced to death the state did just that.Dont wait 20 years to carry out the death sentence.

  4. whoever I am on February 4th, 2011 9:07 am

    Whats up with this being a nice guy to cold blooded murderers.
    We’re talking about one guy that duct taped at least one and most likely two young woman for confinement and raped and murdered her or them. And confessed to one.

    We’re talking about another guy that shot two people with a 9mm pistol and left them beside the rode to die. He had no remorse. He was suppose to be a lifelong friend of them but had the nerve to visit the sister of one of the victims shortly after the murder asking if she heard about who might have killed them.

    These two deserve to die in the worst kind of way.

  5. Dave on February 4th, 2011 8:18 am

    A death pentaly should be allowed one appeal. Appeal granted- Life in prison without parole- Appeal denied- The sentence should be carried out in a timely manner.

  6. uh-oh on February 4th, 2011 5:21 am

    I believe in the death penalty but truly wish it never had to be sought and carried out. So sad.