Standing Strong: NJROTC Annual Inspection Held (With Photo Gallery)

February 12, 2011

Northview High School’s NJROTC Annual Inspection was held Friday at the school, with cadets undergoing  face to face scrutiny with a retired Navy commander.

Commander Merlin Ladner, USN (Ret) conducted the inspection. The day’s events began with a personnel inspection, drill demonstration and a pass-in-review in the school gym. Other events Wednesday included a financial record review, briefings, administrative inspections, supply inspections and more.

For a photo gallery from the inspection, click here.

One by one, Cmdr. Ladner went face to face with each cadet, asking them questions about their NJROTC experience and conducting a complete inspection of their uniform.

“I will spend a few seconds with each cadet asking them questions,” he told the audience. “You won’t hear what I have to say to them, but it will help me get a sense of the unit’s health and how it’s going.”

“Yes, sir,” the cadets answered as they faced the questions about their NJROTC service, their ribbons, the shine on their shoes and some less than expected questions that left some cadets trying not to crack a smile.

“I am very proud of how you look this morning,” Ladner, who conducts annual inspections at about 60 high schools in the Southeast, told the entire group following his inspection. It has been two years since he was last at Northview. A visiting officer conducts inspections during the years Lander does not visit Bratt.

Ladner said the voluntary military service, and a voluntary Navy JROTC program is a good thing for the United States.

“I don’t want to be in the country that’s number two in the world,” he said.

For their outstanding personal appearance during the inspection, cadets Kasie Braun, Michelle Carnley, Christina Donald, Amber Francis, Jacob Peterson, Kent Smith, and Victoria Wright were awarded the Exemplary Personal Appearance ribbon.

Northview’s NJROTC is under the command of Senior Naval Science Instructor Captain Charlie Code and Chief Jeffrey Simpkins. The unit is led by Company Commander LCDR Tyler Garrett and Executive Officer Cadet LT Melissa Moretz.

For a photo gallery from the inspection, click here.

Pictured top: Commander Merlin Ladner, USN (Ret) addresses the audience during Northview High School’s NJROTC Annual Inspection Friday morning. Pictured insets and below: More scenes from the inspection. photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Standing Strong: NJROTC Annual Inspection Held (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Amanda Nahkala on February 25th, 2011 11:44 am

    GO CHIEFS !!!!!! to all of you that i know n love YOU FLIPPIN ROCK!

  2. Victoria Wright on February 15th, 2011 9:09 pm

    I have been associated with the NJROTC unit at Northview for over ten years.
    It has always been an impressive unit and has contributed to much to the Atmore
    area community. I’m highly impressed! In addition, I congratulate Victoria
    Wright on her achievements and hope she is considered for recognition when
    cadets are selected this year for the VFW and Legion medals.
    Lee Martin, Commander, Atmore Area VFW Post 7016. Veterans of Foreign Wars

  3. Christy Yuhasz (Garrett) on February 14th, 2011 7:44 pm

    Great job guys! And so proud of you Tyler!

  4. Allen Garrett on February 14th, 2011 5:16 pm

    Congrats to all you cadets. Continue to impress. Tyler excellent work, lead the way. Love you cous.

    NJRTOC is an excellent program for young adults and without a doubt produces some great people. Keep up the good work everyone!


  5. Sherry & Howard Bloodsworth on February 14th, 2011 10:03 am

    We are extremely proud of the Northview NJROTC unit and it’s cadets and always will be!

    This is an awesome program for every young person whether they plan to go into the Military or not. I have personally witnessed students coming into the program carrying with them many negative issues and bad attitudes and through the guidance and counseling of the Instructors, teamwork and support from their fellow cadet classmates, they learn how they should carry themselves in life and most importantly, they gain confidence. respect and pride for who they are no matter what circumstances they come from.

    I also know that NHS NJROTC cadets always look forward to an inspection when it’s from Commander Merlin Ladner. He is a very nice man and a well respected Officer and represents the U.S Navy to the highest.

    Keep up the awesome job ya’ll are doing at Northview Captain Charlie Code and Chief Jeffrey Simpkins, were very proud of you both.

  6. Ms.Bev on February 13th, 2011 8:07 am

    Melissa, you totally look like an “officer in training”. So proud of you!

  7. Brandy on February 12th, 2011 10:44 pm

    Congrats, Cadets!! The whole unit was looking good. Special congrats to my cousin Tyler Garrett, we are so proud of you.

  8. NJROTC/NHS Graduate on February 12th, 2011 3:10 pm

    Way to go, cadets! I know this is a hectic and important time for the whole unit. I know that everyone was excited to stand inspection, but also excited for it to be over. I hope you guys get unit achievement or an honor the same magnitude or greater. Keep up the good work, your grades, your morale, and physical fitness. It will all pay off in time. I’m behind you all the way. NJROTC is an amazing program and will open many doors in your life. Best wishes, MIDN 4/C Bloodsworth.

  9. Worried Resident on February 12th, 2011 9:35 am

    Congrats to all of the cadets and commanders! Go Northview!!

  10. Dixie on February 12th, 2011 9:12 am

    I am proud of you all. The ROTC program at Northview has done wonders to help my sister, as well as many other students that are involved in it. She was so happy when she was showing me her new ribbon, I couldn’t help but smile. She put so much hard work in making sure her uniform was on right, that everything was in place. That whole morning, she was badgering me with questions like; “Does my shoes look okay?” and “Is my name tag and ribbon on my uniform straight?”. Her attitude and enthusiasm, as well as some of her grades, has increased so much since she has been involved in NJROTC. Each student works so hard, both in and out of school, and I am proud of them all. Congratulations, guys. You all looked great!

  11. Paula on February 12th, 2011 7:06 am

    Way to go Tommy! Very proud of all of you. Keep up the good job you guys are doing!

  12. The Wright Family on February 12th, 2011 2:13 am

    We are very proud of the all the cadets and the Northview NJROTC unit. They all did very well and looked great! We are especially proud of our daughter Victoria (pictured above with Cmdr Ladner) Victoria, like everyone else, was pleasantly surprised when she was called front and center and promoted by Cmdr Ladner. She was promoted to cadet Petty Officer 3rd class. We were told this is very rare and a great honor to be promoted by the Area Manager. we are very proud of her.