Six Area Residents Arrested On State Drug Charges, Meth Lab Found

February 24, 2011

Six Molino and Cantonment residents were arrested Tuesday on multiple drug charges. Two of those arrested were charged in connection with a meth lab found on Molino Road.

The six arrests on state charges were in addition to a dozen arrests on federal charges as federal, state and local law enforcement conducted “Operation Blister Pack” Tuesday. For information about the federal arrests, click here.

Molino Road Meth Lab

Sheldon Dewayne Flowers, 28, of Molino Road, Molino was charged with trafficking methamphetamine more than 200 grams, possession of methamphetamine, manufacturing methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a listed chemical, He was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $650,500.

Stephanie Flowers, 27, of Molino Road, Molino, was charged with possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $5,500.

Tuesday morning, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit discovered a meth laboratory inside a home at 484 Molino Road. According to their report, deputies found methamphetamine, numerous items used in the manufacture of meth and a stolen Rug Doctor cleaning machine.

Deputies discovered a mason jar containing enough methamphetamine liquid to produce well over 200 grams of meth, along with a large “one pot” meth lab.

For more exclusive photos from the alleged Molino meth lab, click here.

Traffic Stop Finds Meth

John David Godwin, 24, of Williams Ditch Road, Cantonment,  was charged with producing methamphetamine, trafficking in methamphetamine over 14 grams, possession of listed chemical, possession of marijuana less than 20 grams and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Escambia County investigators said Godwin was found in possession of meth and the meth-making items following a traffic stop January 6, 2011, near Well Line Road and Lakeview Road in Cantonment. He remained jailed with bond set at $37,000.

Possession Of A Listed Chemical

Michael David Archer, 33, of Lakeview Avenue, Cantonment, was charged with 13 counts of possession of a listed chemical for purchasing excessive amounts of pseudoephedrine  at various stores and pharmacies in Pensacola between June 2009 and November 2010. He remained in jail with bond set at $13,000.

Kellie Lyn Odom, 33, of Duxbury Avenue, Molino, was charged with 22 counts of possession of a listed chemical for purchasing excessive amounts of pseudoephedrine  at various stores and pharmacies in Pensacola between June 2009 and September 2010. She was released on $22,000 bond.

Ronnie Orbin Lambeth, 62, of Eden Lane, Cantonment, was charged with seven counts of possession of a listed chemical for purchasing excessive amounts of pseudoephedrine  at various stores and pharmacies in Pensacola between  August 2009 and October 2010. He was released on $7,000 bond.

Pictured inset: An alleged meth lab was located Tuesday morning at this home at 484 Molino Road. Pictured below: Alleged liquid meth was found in the Mason jar below. Investigators transferred the liquid into the smaller plastic bottle for evidence. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


67 Responses to “Six Area Residents Arrested On State Drug Charges, Meth Lab Found”

  1. Like a father to me... on August 6th, 2011 8:23 am

    FOR EVERYONES INFORMATION, Ronnie Lambeth happens to be a very good Husband, Father, Grandfather, and my best friend. My FATHER, got caught up with the wrong people…..He made mistakes…he never had a meth lab, he stopped buying boxes a very LONG time ago. He unfortunatley got caught up in the investigation because his name was given by someone trying to save ther own ass. He may have gotten a lightersentence than the others but he also had never ever been in any trouble. And I’m sorry to say to “CONCERNED PARENT” He may still be your neighbor whether you like it or not. Leave my Father out of your comments…He is a good man and an asset to our community.

  2. young adult drug rehab on March 8th, 2011 1:20 am

    Good work for drug rehab.thanks for sharing.

  3. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 5:58 pm

    “since Huie seems to think everyone else’s opinion means they are doing drugs then maybe he is hiding something ! I’m not saying one crime is better than another I’m saying the punishments don’t fit !”

    Unlike some, I don’t assume everybody’s doing drugs. I just imagine those who think it’s okay probably are, the ones who swear the drug manufacturers are wonderful people–who need just a little bit more of our help.

    Unlike you, I DO believe some crimes are worse than others. I suspect that’s why we have different punishments for different crimes and different situations. Specifically, I believe crimes which hurt only the one committing the crime are self-punishing and crimes which hurt others are worse.

    If you think we need to change our sentencing guidelines, feel free to expound. Maybe you’ll lead to a real improvement in the criminal justice system. One thing is for sure, you are free to have your say, just as others are free to agree or disagree.

    David for an even better world

  4. JONI on February 26th, 2011 5:39 pm

    i never said that drugs or any other crime was ok ! and i was just trying to make a oint but since huie seems to think everyone elses opinon means they are doing drugs then maybe he is hideing something ! im not saying one crime is better than another im saying the punishments dont fit ! but its whatever you i doubt you ever even lost a friend or loved one to drugs! so don t be so quick to say others ore doing cause they think the systems SUCKS thats my OPINION! BUT I DO PRAY THEY GET HELP

  5. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 2:22 pm

    “ok David Huie here’s a question if you witnessed a paid informant kill your children’s father how much time should he get? see that’s about stupid as the question about the dealers ! I think our systems sucks !! here’s the thing YOU HEAR THE WORD DRUGS AND OMG ! YOU SEE MURDER AND BIG DEAL, I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH TIME BUT I STILL BELIEVE WAIT I KNOW ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY ANDWHO THEY KNOW!”

    Let’s see, if I witnessed the murder of my children’s father, then I would be dead since I am their father. I rather suspect I would be most unhappy about it. It sounds judgmental of me, but under those circumstances, I don’t think any punishment would be too much, since I would really miss me. (somebody should)

    And you think it’s ALL about money? I believe people go into drug dealing FOR the money. I believe if drugs were legal for adults, there wouldn’t be enough money for the lowlifes to bother with it. I believe MOST people oppose legalization because they know those lowlifes wind up killing and robbing.

    I believe most who try to justify drug usage do so because they are involved in it themselves. I believe those who say it’s okay but they should be punished make no sense. Why should you be punished for something you consider okay?

    I could be wrong.

    David for eliminating the profit motive
    from drug usage and dealing

  6. MICHAEL WEAVER on February 26th, 2011 1:16 pm


  7. JUDY MASEK on February 26th, 2011 12:49 pm

    in addition to the the far reaching detriment done to our community and so many families, it would probably astound you to know just how much that disposable hazmat gear (essential to cleaning up/processing meth labs) is costing the taxpayer….i cant remember the exact amount..but, it was (i believe) around 600-800 dollars apiece…then, the additional costs associated w/shipping the toxic meth debris out of state….hopefully, some of that financial burden is assessed to the assests of the convicted meth-lab criminal…(not that i think they have much of value)

  8. stacy seale(town of century) on February 26th, 2011 5:56 am

    good job law enforcement,there should really be a zero-tolerance policy in our court system for meth,they are not just killing them selves!they are hurting their kids,neigbors,law enforcement who responds to lock them up,any one who comes in contact with it.I AGREE with the old soldier. death penalty would be the answer for repeat offenders but thats not gonna happen our tax money will have to feed them,cloth them,shelter them.GOOD JOB SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT,and all other entities involved

  9. joni on February 26th, 2011 4:03 am

    ok david huie heres a question if you witnessed a payed informant kill your childerens father how much time should he get? see thats about stupid as the question about the dealers ! i think our systems sucks !! heres the thing YOU HEAR THE WORD DRUGS AND OMG ! YOU SEE MURDER AND BIG DEAL, I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH TIME BUT I STILL BELIEVE WAIT I KNOW ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY ANDWHO THEY KNOW!

  10. has better things todo on February 26th, 2011 1:57 am

    truthfully im not nor ever been a drug addict and i know first hand how drugs destroy families and people you care about including children .im far from an idiot ,i just have compassion for some involved in this matter on a personal level because i truly know what kind of people they are and they arent to far gone to be helped .i really understand how disgusted neighbors and the community must feel and i wouldnt want it in my neighborhood either .my point is some people are not too far gone to be productive members in society and there should definitly be consequences but i think 2-3 year drug treatment would be more beneficial then a long prison stay . what ever happens ,happens this is just my personal feelings .

  11. PWS on February 25th, 2011 11:11 pm

    Couldn’t of happened to a better group of our outstanding citizens from the Molino area, especially Godwin. Job “WELL” done to our law enforcement men& women. Maybe if the Judge would give these 2nd offenders a little more ..time in jail, might make our town a little safer.

  12. really??? on February 25th, 2011 3:39 pm

    To: Just An Old Soldier, you couldn’t of said that any better. God Bless you! Straight to the point on everything!

  13. Jim W on February 25th, 2011 1:01 pm

    For those of you who seem to think it does not bother other people who do not do drugs. Just take a look at the comments here and the expressions given. It bothers us all because we care what happens to our children and Grandchildren and our community. I guess if it were left to the drug smoking drug sniffing crew we would have just a community of drug users and it’s major source of income would to be in the manufactoring business of drugs. This is a sad state of affairs.

  14. Sock it to em' on February 25th, 2011 10:51 am

    OK there is more people that just these that they listed. One of them USE happened to be my best friend! They had kids and had already had them taken away because of drugs and violence in the home. They told me they weren’t on the drugs. My dumb butt believed them. NEVER again! I can’t believe they did this. I say put them ALL in a room together and turn the gas on and watch them all die slowly and painfully the same way they are doing there family and friends! They only care about themselfs! They don’t care how bad the family and friends suffer from there STUPIDITY! I pray for all the family and friends of ALL these people!

  15. Just An Old Soldier on February 25th, 2011 10:35 am

    Let’s be perfectly clear – the production of these dangerous, illegal, and medically unnecessary drugs cannot be justified by any stretch of logic or imagination.

    They are harmful to those that use them. The drug literally destroys neural pathways, and reorders the physical brain in a way that it often can never recover from. This is especially true for children. The abusers of these drugs often become psychopathic or sociopathic. They are fundamentally disordered.

    There is no justification for this. This is poison. This rots our culture, and destroys our society.

    I thank God every day for His Blessings. I think in return for that, I have an obligation to live right, and righteously. Yes, I do go to Mass every Sunday, and sometimes more often. But my belief in the Risen Savior, Jesus Christ, has little to do with my understanding of this terrible drug.

    This drug has stolen my school mates, and friends. It has devastated friend’s families and whole communities. It is a scourge that strikes at our community with violence and brutality.

    If you are addicted to it, seek medical help right away – you are playing Russian Roulette with your life.

    Stop now and live better! Be the better person that God wishes you to be.

    If you are making these drugs, stop it now. stop killing our children, and turn your life around.

    Seek God and you shall find Him. The Way of Truth lies not in a drug, a pill, a bottle, or a smoke. Seek the Path of Light and Truth.

    Those that have an ear, let them hear.

  16. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 8:04 am


    If a reduction or incentive was offered to one of the criminals involved in this case then it is a matter of of who is the fastest or smartest and who agrees to talk to the fed’s and who plays well with them. Again knowing a few of the agents involved they all had chances to play with the fed’s and more than likely all but the winner lawyered up or were innocent…

  17. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 7:51 am

    @has better things todo
    You are an idiot! They weren’t hurting anyone but themselves? Really? There are people and families in those communities involved in this case that would beg to differ with you. Btw if they are doing the same thing down the street you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a new dealer then.

  18. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 7:40 am


    No saint here but no drug manufacturing or selling criminal who leaves many innocent victims and communities in my wake either

  19. itsjustme on February 25th, 2011 7:33 am


    Please! Don’t use the excuse you don’t know what they’ve been through in their lives. I have had a life that could probably rival a lot of theirs but I am not out manufacturing and selling drugs to our children and ruining communities. You can over come your past if that is what you choose to do. That’s a load of crap…feel sorry for them because they’ve had a bad life. Btw way education is a wonderful thing…

  20. questions on February 25th, 2011 7:21 am

    I know for a fact that one of the couples involved in this had children. Now, if the children were not living at the house, did they ever visit the house? And even if they didn’t, do you think the children were apt to sooner or later start using the meth Mommy and Daddy were making? So if they were to be the next generation of dopeheads, that means we have two more makers for another genration, And therefore the cycle keeps going. These people care nothing of their own children, why do you think they give a s about anyone else and their kids. And also, while Mommy and Daddy were cooking up the meth at this house, where were the kids? Im sure they didn’t just do it during school hours only. Parents like this are worthless.

  21. recovery rocks on February 24th, 2011 10:03 pm

    ummm, speaking out of my own experience… Without consequences, there would be no motivation to change. Jail is a very uncomfortable place to be, but it saved my life. Take responsibility for your actions, and learn from your mistakes. Do something different!! Life is and can be very good if you do!!

  22. got2saait on February 24th, 2011 9:59 pm

    Hey Judge Bean…

    Lock em in a room for a few weeks…??? Where in the world would they go to the bathroom at….corners tend to fill quickly

  23. Little B on February 24th, 2011 9:56 pm

    “has better thing todo” This story is not about just a less than perfect lifestyle. I don’t care whether ore not they have children, I am concerned because I have children. Are you on meth now? My daddy told me not to argue with an idiot because bystander wont be able to tell the difference. I have nothing more to say to you.

  24. dad on February 24th, 2011 8:04 pm

    So maybe there are no kids that lived in the house. Just other peoples kids that visited. Or just storing it for someone. Depending on which comment you want to go by.
    It still does not make it OK.
    So we can rest easy knowing neighbors are cooking up meth just because no kids live in the house? Maybe you can but not me.
    Sounds like a lot of relatives on here defending the indefensible or maybe users.

  25. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2011 5:32 pm

    There’s still plenty of prayer in schools, just the government no longer tells your childern how, where, when and to whom to pray.

  26. Judge Bean on February 24th, 2011 5:03 pm

    I thank God in heaven he has given me the sense to judge.

    If people would use that God given sense more, there would be fewer people such as these.

    I also thank God I live in a country that I can speak my mind – here and anyplace in the US.

    Judge Bean for putting prayer back in the schools!!

  27. Jim W on February 24th, 2011 4:55 pm

    It is a scary thought when I read some of the comments on this thread. People trying to justify what they were doing in some kind of way. Let’s get this very clear what they did was to break the law. If you knew them before they started this mess they no longer exsit as you knew them beforethey have ruined their bodies and their souls. Just look at their physical appearences do you think that really looks normal? Not! They very well may never be what they were before that is how distructive the drug is. And you seem to think we the law abiding citzens are suppose to condone this and just live with it as it is killing our youth. I think not! Oh yes we the law abiding citzens make mistakes too but we try to do the right things in life like raising our children to be good productive people in our society. So, before you bleeding hearts start jumping on the band wagon you need to envoke some common sense as it seems to have escaped you on this subject. Just saying.

  28. questions on February 24th, 2011 4:16 pm

    For all those saying that we should not judge and we are not saints, well Im not a saint by any means, but I have never purposely made drugs and put them out for society including children to use them. Im trying to help the human race not destroy it. And if it were not for the druggies, us caring Mothers that actually give a darn wouldn’t have such a bad job trying to raise our children not to do drugs. But it is a constant struggle when you have lowlifes making and selling.. and making it so easily assessable for chidren, pulling against what’s correct and by what the Bible says. So Im really confused when you say dont judge, and blahblahblah, when I do believe one of the commandments is “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”. And God wants us to protect our children and families and to do as the goodbook says. So I think if judgement is the only thing Im being told not to do, (compared to these drugheads) I think Im doing a great job! So maybe more energy and effort should be put into taking drugs off the streets instead of taking judgemental people off of comments.

  29. Sandra on February 24th, 2011 4:09 pm

    No, we’re not saints. We just done manufacture illicit drugs or condone those that do.

  30. yell on February 24th, 2011 4:00 pm

    I knoe whaT all them done was wrong but people deserve second chances an yea yall knoe these people now ,, but do yall knoe what they have been threw in there life time ,,? No i bet ya dont im not sayin they dont deserve punshiment but it just amazes me how half the people on here were best friends with them an now look at yall now nothing but two faced people ,, now stop the trash talk an try an help your community why wont yall ;; if yall are so worried about ,, lets takee acount how many ppl leavin comments where right in the middle alla yaal i bett !!

  31. butternut on February 24th, 2011 3:53 pm

    all them need help not jail jail will not help them it will only make them worse i know all of them but 4 and to i know very close and they were doing really good all rehab not jail

  32. Sara on February 24th, 2011 3:45 pm

    Boy you would think that everybody on here was a saint – judge not lest ye be judged and let the first one of you who has not sinned through the first stone.

  33. cantonment on February 24th, 2011 3:03 pm

    I think that its said for their familys, and Children. Because thats who it hurts the worst, Everyone that is doing the drugs they dont care about anything other then their selfs.
    And they are just a waste of oxgen, their just slowly killing their selfs.

  34. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2011 1:40 pm

    “truth is they deserve something for punishment but throwing away the key isnt the awnser..op”

    Please don’t just tell folks how stupid they are, tell them what YOU think should be done. What punishment would you suggest?

    In fact, if you really believe what they are doing is okay, why do you think they SHOULD be punished?

    Please share exactly where in Barth the police can arrest others or other users can find replacements.

    David wondering

  35. Concerned parent on February 24th, 2011 1:15 pm

    Ya know, I have to say that it really changes the way I look at these comments when I know who the authors are. Crackheads pretending to be good moms, pillheads denigrating their dealers, busybodies pretending to care just to get some more mud to sling!

    Wow, aren’t we a bunch of whackos? I do know several of these people and while I am not surprised at some, I am dumbfounded at others. I am absolutely heartbroken at one.

    Sheldon and Stephanie…..sheesh! Dad wasn’t enough?

    JohnJohn….the whole neighborhood knew that one was coming.


    Ronnie….glad you’re not my neighbor anymore.
    Wow, Kellie was the only one I didn’t know. That’s scary.

  36. JohnMolino on February 24th, 2011 12:40 pm

    The test will be whether I can walk outside at nighttime in Molino, without having that chemical smell attacking my sinuses.It gets real bad sometimes. I’m so sensitive to that smell the Police could use me as a drug sniffer dog. In the past I have not called the police. That has now changed. Next time I smell that “smell”, I’m calling the Federales so they can do their thing.

  37. Lock Em Up on February 24th, 2011 12:28 pm

    Throw Away The Key!!!

  38. has better things todo on February 24th, 2011 11:36 am

    its so funny all these opinions ,might be a bit diff if you if you know what your talking about the people who lived in that house DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN !! in truth they were probly not hurting any body but their selfs dont you think and if their were potential buyers of the stuff im sure they knew what they were doing and probly really happy too .. so the whole throwing the book at what you think is “scum”? i happen to know barth has been down the road doing its thing a long time but thats ok huh . the problem is drug addicts dont deserve prison they need a different kind of help not a babysitter. most of the comenters here, u would think have perfect lives ,but i know that isnt true so throw your rocks if it makes u feel better but truth is they deserve something for punishment but throwing away the key isnt the awnser..op

  39. Horrific on February 24th, 2011 8:47 am

    I just can’t believe a two year investigation and this is all the bail they get.
    They are probably right back out on the streets by now or will be soon.

    Why does our criminal justice system think so little of making, selling,
    and doing drugs and anyone can look at society today and see how large
    a problem this is and just how hard it must be for the average family today
    to stay safe and clear of this plague or it’s perpetrators. In some way or
    another we are ALL victims. We can’t even go to bed at night and feel
    safe in our homes. Everytime there is a problem most of it can be traced
    back to a drug connection..

  40. momof2beautifulgirls on February 24th, 2011 8:30 am

    wow,i know 2 of them people….i’m shocked!!

  41. Horrific on February 24th, 2011 8:29 am

    Wow didn’t take long for my post to go.

    Well I hope they get ALL of them because this is just the tip of the Ice burg
    and we all know it.

    Call your DEA…..

  42. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2011 7:33 am

    “How ’bout that for time to fit the crime”

    Sounds good, hard but good

    David for letting adults
    do what they wish to themselves

  43. "Proud Parent" on February 24th, 2011 7:23 am

    Wondering when I’ll get to see my own children’s photos on this. Jail is where they belong! It just might be the only place they can get away from this drug. The people they used to be are dead now.

  44. JUST FYI on February 24th, 2011 6:39 am


  45. Native 1950 on February 24th, 2011 5:26 am

    They’ll all probably be back out of jail by tonight!! :( (

  46. Judge Bean on February 24th, 2011 5:07 am

    to David Huie Green

    I think they should put them all in a room with the stuff they brew and sell, oodles of it, and any paraphernalia they need to administer the stuff to themselves, and close and lock the door for a week or two before opening it again.

    How ’bout that for time to fit the crime?

  47. Evil Monkey on February 24th, 2011 2:12 am

    Ok you put them in prison where they learn other ways to make it? Putting people in prison for ANY drug crimes is like sending them to college to get a master’s degree in this kinda stuff. Half the people who cook this stuff up learned how to from prison or jail after being arrested for doing drugs then use OUR TAX DOLLERS to learn how to make it and cut out the middle man, GENIUS

  48. Jennifer Percell on February 23rd, 2011 10:59 pm

    There are no children in the house .The big wheel belongs to someone else’s child that had visited the house, it is all so sad for the ” OTHER ” family members that are not involved.

  49. THE TRUTH on February 23rd, 2011 9:22 pm

    TAKE EM AWAY!!!!

  50. DAGB on February 23rd, 2011 8:48 pm

    Wonder what kind of break was offered for Mr. Underwear head robber (Sr.
    Flowers) to give up so many of his co-workers, and all three of his kids.

  51. dad on February 23rd, 2011 8:07 pm

    Notice in the picture the guy in the hazmat suit and then the little red tricycle. Sad. These folks with the meth labs care more about their drugs than their kids.

  52. pm on February 23rd, 2011 7:38 pm

    These people are cooking and selling slow death to our children. Yet our new govenor believes that we need more drug courts and drug treatment centers. Only one place is needed for these people PRISON and lots of time to think about their crimes against humanity. I won’t post on the other story other than to say “ditto” to them too. Drug dealing is to me, worse than committing one murder. At least one murder is one victim. These people have multiple victims and many of those victims are young (our kids) – They deal a slow and tortured death of both body and soul. Drug dealers are the scum of the earth and deserve to be treated as such. I do, however, feel a great deal of compassion for innocent members of their families especially their kids. I hope that God will forgive them because i never will.

  53. Bill Golden on February 23rd, 2011 7:19 pm

    At any rate, When ECUA puts it in their truck. it is their garbage and they are responsible. It is an exact parallel to criminals getting back on the street. They throw the garbage right back at you.

  54. angie on February 23rd, 2011 6:45 pm

    Now if they will do something about those selling in the historical district…. I’m tired of trying to walk for exercise and getting chased by their dogs or run over by their customers…..

  55. John Payne on February 23rd, 2011 6:32 pm

    Trash will not fly out of the truck if people woud put there garbage and trash in bags not loose in the garbage can. Now that has been said it has nothing to do with drug inforcement. Good job to our law inforcement officiers.

  56. Sylvia on February 23rd, 2011 6:10 pm

    This isn’t even a drop in the bucket of the names that should on this list. They are walking all around us everyday and I pray they get all of them soon or later. Thanks guys keep up the good work.

  57. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 5:48 pm

    I’d be happy if they just made em follow the ECUA garbage trucks for the next 10 years and pick up the trash that flies out by the ton.

  58. brewtonchic on February 23rd, 2011 5:44 pm

    Good work, Escambia County , Fl Narcotics Unit!

  59. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2011 5:40 pm


    Even though I favor legalization and letting drug users kill themselves, it isn’t legal, it IS a crime.

    Okay, with that in mind and knowing what they are producing leads to death, how much time would be appropriate for this crime?

    David wondering how they value life

  60. joni on February 23rd, 2011 5:31 pm


  61. sad on February 23rd, 2011 5:19 pm

    Hey now which one of their “associates” rolled on them??????????????? ;)

  62. Sandra on February 23rd, 2011 4:48 pm

    I wish thay they could take away their citizenship and send them to another country that coddles drug dealers….maybe Mexico. These backwoods trashy people dont look smart enough to breathe on their own.

  63. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 4:25 pm

    By the way william thanks for being on top of things. Once again great job!!

  64. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 4:24 pm

    I’m sure child protection agency will place the children. I just hope the children did not get messed up from the exposure to the chemicals. They are the innocent ones.

  65. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 4:22 pm

    Oh here we go I’m just waiting for the defenders to come out of the wood work and try to defend them. Come on guys bring it on I want to hear youe excuse now. There is no excuse other than maybe some one rolled over on the deal to the police. I guess you think that is wrong also. LOL! You reap what you sow. It’s about time the law enforcements are cleaning some of this garbage out of our communities. Long past due.

  66. questions on February 23rd, 2011 4:22 pm

    What happens to these people’s small children? Were they in the home when this was going on? If so, shouldn’t they be put somewhere safe?

  67. Say it aint so! on February 23rd, 2011 4:00 pm

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn’t Karma great!!!!!!
