Sign Case Against Former Candidate Greg Brown Dismissed

February 4, 2011

Charges were dismissed Thursday against a former state representative candidate and his wife for allegedly stealing an opponent’s campaign signs.

The charges were dropped by Circuit Court Judge Gary Bergosh against Greg Brown, Jr. and his wife, Jennifer. They were originally offered a pretrial diversion program in which they would  be required to complete 50 hours of public service and write a letter of apology to now Rep. Doug Broxson.

Bergosh found that the Broxson signs removed by the Browns were either unlawfully on the land of private property owner or unlawfully on the public right-of-way, giving the Browns the “lawful right to remove the campaign signs of Douglas Broxson”.

Brown issued the following written statement Thursday afternoon: “Today our faith in government was restored. Over the course of the campaign, we learn first-hand the cruel nature of some politicians who will do anything to not only win, but continue to maliciously attack ones character and cause irreversible damage. My wife and I never wavered from the fact that we did nothing wrong. It is clear from the order that either the signs were unlawfully placed on private property, or were illegally placed in the public right of way and considered litter by Santa Rosa County. We appreciate all those that supported us during the campaign and well beyond. We are anxious to move forward with our lives and to be productive members of our community who facing much bigger challenges.”

In July, the Browns were shown on video (watch video below) as they removed campaign signs belonging to opponent Broxson from an intersection near Milton. Greg Brown maintained that the signs were on private property where he had permission to remove them.

Broxson’s campaign used a night vision camera to video the Browns during the incident.

Pictured top: This still frame from a night vision video camera shows Florida House candidate Greg Brown and his wife Jennifer removing an opponent’s campaign signs from Highway 87 near Milton.


18 Responses to “Sign Case Against Former Candidate Greg Brown Dismissed”

  1. Jerry on February 8th, 2011 9:11 pm

    The Sheriff report was ignored by the Judge. The Assistant State Attorneys pre trial diversion program for the Browns was ignored by the Judge.The obvious law violation of placing signs in ROW by Candidates Broxson, Brown and others was totally ignored all officials concerned in the sorry petit theft incident.
    The Judge called it a traverse decision. I call it a travesty of law and obviious dereliction of duties.

  2. Justsmart on February 8th, 2011 7:22 pm

    Right on Mr. Leonard Bates. If Judge Bergosh don’t know the law any better than this , maybe it will be his last term.

  3. Leonard Bates on February 8th, 2011 11:54 am

    If Mr. Brown was doing his civil duty of removing signs on public right-of-way why did he only remove his opponents signs??
    How many signs will now be removed next election by ‘concerned citizens’??
    How much does it cost to “BUY” a judge in Santa Rosa County??
    Where is the justice in our judicial system anymore??
    If we the people aren’t upset by this ruling, maybe we deserve what we are getting these days from ‘our’ courts and politicians!!
    DISGUSTING–TOTALLY DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yeah sure on February 6th, 2011 4:47 pm

    Yeah sure, Mr. Brown’s “apology” is going to be very sincere isn’t it? Doesn’t he sound remorseful? What a loser! So thankful he is not representing us. Let’s make sure he doesn’t get elected to anything in the future. Wrong is wrong Mr. Brown. Own it!

  5. Litter Police on February 5th, 2011 11:55 am

    Pick up ROW litter campaign signs and take them home and insulate you garage, or barn or whatever. They only cost about $4 bucks each. Its now legal by court decree. Take just selected candindates signs and that is OK also. As already said.” YEE HAW” for the next election cycle.

  6. Molino Mom on February 4th, 2011 8:44 pm

    Broxson is a crooked, insurance tycoon, with silver spoon syndrome. Brown a spoiled, thieving kid with absolutely no life or business experience. I will be so happy when an honorable, hard working, business experienced person runs for this office. After all, this is one of our law makers!

  7. Jo on February 4th, 2011 7:11 pm

    So we can go around at night stealing signs off public property in the next election. YEE-HAW!!!

  8. Just An Old Soldier on February 4th, 2011 4:27 pm

    “Brown issued the following written statement Thursday afternoon: “Today our faith in government was restored. Over the course of the campaign, we learn first-hand the cruel nature of some politicians who will do anything”…like stealing signs after dark and worrying about leaving fingerprints?

    I hope that Mr. Brown doesn’t run for any future office – I think I would tire quickly of the video repeats of his nocturnl escapades with his co-conspirator, er, wife…

  9. Jerry on February 4th, 2011 4:02 pm

    Petit theft is illegal behavior except in the GOP primary in Santa Rosa County. Here it is called legal litter police. This sorry case sure restores our faith in government and our legal system.

  10. You Who on February 4th, 2011 1:57 pm

    I thought in the video Mr Brown’s wife made a statement saying she thought she forgot to wipe her figerprints off one of the signs. Did anybody else here this. If she was worried about her finger prints then she must have thought She/He had broke the law. Good thing he did not win

  11. Jo on February 4th, 2011 1:04 pm

    Brown is a sore loser who didn’t stand a chance and now wants to play the victim ever though HE is the one sneaking around at night taking his opponents sign. Watching the video exposes his lack of integrity and sneaky characteristics.

  12. BEAUTIFUL on February 4th, 2011 12:04 pm

    Both of them were wrong. You just can’t trust any politician these days,
    It is all about the big money machine.,

  13. David Huie Green on February 4th, 2011 10:14 am

    “The video shows intent. Everything is not legal/illegal nor does it need to be.”

    Yep, if he had openly removed the illegally placed signs, he would have been in better shape.

    It was the hiding and waiting until witnesses passed which gave him trouble.

    Those who gripe about the set-up are concentrating on the horror of having an electronic recording device, forgetting it would not have recorded anything if nothing had been done which was questionable.

    David thinking better luck next time

  14. gosh on February 4th, 2011 9:28 am

    why would they set up a night vision camera and wait in the woods? they totally set him up.

  15. M on February 4th, 2011 8:21 am

    Mr. Brown was set up from the start.Broxson knew he would do this.This is how politicians win now. Just make the other guy look bad.But now you know what kind of guy Broxson is.The same kind that fill 98% of Washington.

  16. Oversight on February 4th, 2011 6:25 am

    I think I said this last summer: you can’t steal something that is illegally placed – in other words abandoned. Yes, this was bad form for Brown and his wife. But was it criminal? No. For Broxson and co., now comes the civil suit, so go ahead and break out the checkbook. And consider it’d probably be better to quickly settle out of court to save yourself (Broxson) from a public trial that’d surely become an embarrasment because you signed that affidavit to bring a false charges against Brown.

  17. Carolyn Bramblett on February 4th, 2011 5:56 am

    The video shows intent. Everything is not legal/illegal nor does it need to be. Everything doesn’t belong in a court of law. Mr. Brown still harmed himself and has no one to blame but himself.

  18. bigbill1961 on February 4th, 2011 1:16 am

    What an absolute joke. Anyone else would have had to pay the consequences for this juvenile act. What a great example to set for our children and grandchildren.