Scott Unveils Budget (With Full Speech, Complete Budget PDF)

February 7, 2011

Florida’s first “Jobs Budget” was unveiled Monday by Gov. Rick Scott.

Scott rolled out the proposed budget that he likened to a cleaned out attic. There were things in the state budget that were priceless and need to be protected, Scott said. But there were also ” a lot of odd things someone once thought we needed. I’ve spent a lot of time in that attic, and we’re cleaning it out.”

To view the complete budget in pdf format, click here.

The following is Gov. Rick Scott’s remarks on the state budget, as prepared for delivery.

Today, I’m proud to present Florida’s first “jobs budget.” A budget that is designed to reduce state spending, lower taxes and hold your government accountable.

When I ran for Governor, I offered Floridians a specific, detailed plan – 7 steps to 700,000 jobs in 7 years.

This budget puts that 7-7-7 plan into action. As I promised to do during the campaign, this budget reduces state spending by over $5 billion while returning $2 billion directly to the taxpayers.

After 35 years in business, I know the importance of focusing on clear goals. This “jobs budget” is focused on the goal of shrinking government, reducing your taxes, creating private sector jobs and holding government accountable.

It’s not a budget that dabbles. It doesn’t offer a little something for every special interest or sweeteners for certain people.

It’s a two year budget that faces realities NOW, rather than putting them off for later.

It makes the hard decisions. But it makes the right decisions for Florida’s future.

The fact is that government has to get back to its core functions. Only its core functions! And we must hold our government accountable when it fails to do so.

As long as 1.1 million Floridians are out of work, we can’t afford a government that runs wild with taxes, regulations and excessive spending.

Reviewing a governmental budget is much like going through the attic in an old home.

You come across some priceless things you need to protect. But there are a lot of odd things someone once thought we needed.

Much of it we’ve outgrown. And it just doesn’t fit anymore.

Over the last month, I’ve spent a lot of time in that attic.

And I’m cleaning it out.

There are things we need to dust off, repair and protect. And there are things we need to throw away.

And all of it needs to be regularly re-examined.

Let’s start with the obvious. We can’t spend more than we take in. And we take-in enough from hardworking Floridians.

Over the last few years, Florida accepted one time hand-outs from the federal government.

Those temporary resources allowed state and local governments to spend beyond their means.

That’s like someone who wins the lottery expecting to receive that same windfall year after year.

It just doesn’t make sense. There was never any reason to think that Florida taxpayers could afford to continue that higher level of spending once the federal hand-outs were gone.

The false expectations created by the federal hand-outs are the reason we hear about a multi-billion dollar deficit.

Some have become accustomed to the artificially high level of state spending made possible by the money the federal government borrowed from our grandchildren.

That level of spending was never wise and simply cannot be sustained.

To those who suggest that we meet those new unsustainable expectations with higher taxes, I want to send a clear signal.

That is NOT the answer. We will not increase taxes.

For the last four years, most Florida families have had to learn to live with less at home.

Even those who continued to find work have been forced to make sacrifices. There are places where several generations are crowded into tight quarters. They’ve given up all the extras because it’s what they had to do.

Floridians shouldn’t have to send more of their MONEY to Tallahassee to pay for non-essential government programs or solely fund the retirement programs of government employees.

Let’s never forget that government has no resources of its own. Government can only give to us what it has previously taken from us – minus a huge cut for the government middleman.

Now this “jobs budget” reduces taxes for Florida taxpayers to energize the economy and help Floridians can get back to work.

This “jobs budget” will reduce the business tax from 5.5 percent to 3 percent, completely phasing it out by 2018. And we will cut property taxes by $1.4 billion over the two year term. Together we will cut taxes by over $4 billion over two years.

Critics have said we can’t afford to cut taxes now. They repeat the same misguided claims we hear in Washington. I say they are wrong. I say we must cut taxes now.

Things cannot improve until we have more private sector jobs.

We will capture more jobs if other states have a business tax that Florida does not have. We are competing with 49 other states and many countries for entrepreneurs who start, grow and move companies based on where they can get the best return.

Cutting taxes is essential to economic prosperity. We will be the best place in the world to live, work and play.

This “jobs budget” devotes significant resources, $800 million over two years, for economic development projects and incentives that develop private sector jobs and particularly promising ventures.

Let me be clear. The decision to spend these dollars will be subject to clear-eyed, rigorous calculations.

In my years in business, I was known as someone who knew how to get a significant return for shareholders. We will not give incentives without getting a VERY good return for the state’s shareholders, you the taxpayers.

Since we have resolved not to raise taxes, balancing our budget means reducing the size and cost of government.

In creating this “jobs budget,” we have looked at every activity and asked whether it’s the taxpayers’ responsibility to pay for it. If it seems appropriate for government to fund, we’ve asked whether the way we’re doing it is the smartest and most cost-effective approach.

When making budget decisions, we are doing what smart families do. We decide what’s essential and protect it.

Then, if there are resources left over, we invest in things that yield the best returns.

When I ran for office, I said I didn’t think taxpayers ought to pay for private jets to ferry public officials. So, during my first week as governor, I ordered those planes to be sold.

When Florida families travel, they drive or fly commercial. Public officials will do the same.

The same thinking compels me to offer a plan to stabilize and secure government employee pensions by bringing them in line with the private sector and nearly every other state in the country by requiring government employees to contribute five percent towards their own retirement. We cannot ask Florida taxpayers, most of whom have no pension at all, to bear ALL the costs of pensions for government employees. By modernizing the Florida Retirement System, we will save taxpayers $2.8 billion over two years.
Other cost savings will be realized in the “jobs budget” by changing the way government does business. State government buys a lot of things, enters into a lot of contracts, and negotiates a lot of leases. By taking a fresh look at these purchases and by renegotiating contracts and leases, along with prioritizing and eliminating wasteful spending we can save the taxpayers more than $660 million over two years.

We will save money by streamlining state agencies and consolidating overlapping functions. State agencies are not permanent fiefdoms. They are simply a means to serve the interest of the taxpayers. By consolidating functions, reorganizing, privatizing and sharing certain services, we will save taxpayers over $120 million over two years. And, by eliminating programs that are not core government functions, we will save over $150 million over two years.

Many of the savings in this budget come from reforms that are long over due. This budget constrains the growth of entitlements, offering better ways to serve Floridians receiving Medicaid, the health care safety net for the poor. We will save nearly $4 billion over two years by creating a patient-directed system. This will reduce utilization of this health care safety net for the poor, provide freedom of choice for patients and significantly reduce expenditures over the long run.

This budget also saves $500 million by innovating the management of juvenile offenders and the management of our state prisons.

This is a lean budget that reduces state spending, cuts taxes for Floridians and reforms a regulatory framework that has stunted economic growth. But this is also a budget that will hold government accountable.

For the first time, this “jobs budget” provides a measurable goal for every single line item so that we can track and assess whether it is cost-effective and achieving its mission.

At this moment, you can go online to and view the “jobs budget” in its entirety. There will be many special interests that will decry cuts to their favorite programs.

But we must remember that for the sake of our grandchildren’s futures, we must get spending under control today. I said I would present a balanced budget that reduced spending and taxes during the campaign, and I am making good on that promise today.

We will reduce state spending by over $5 billion while returning $2 billion directly to the taxpayers.

So join me today as we set an example for the nation that you can in fact shrink government, return tax dollars to their rightful owners and create an atmosphere that creates new and better paying jobs.

Let’s Get to Work.


12 Responses to “Scott Unveils Budget (With Full Speech, Complete Budget PDF)”

  1. Bob on February 10th, 2011 10:31 am

    I don’t know why Gov. Scott’s proposals come as a surprise to anyone. He is a republican so ideologically by definition he does not work for the majority of Floridians who fall in the middle and lower economic classes. There’s a reason the Republican party is known to be “pro-business”; that’s because they have a long history of deregulation and the removal of consumer protections and rights, and cutting taxes for the wealthy (they throw in a middle class tax-cut to appease the ignorant masses). Look what they did at the national level with the extension of the Bush tax-cuts. Even though our federal government is already bankrupt, they held hostage the extension of unemployment benefits for tens-of-millions of out-of-work Americans who are relying on those benefits to survive, in order that they could shower their wealthy campaign donors with even more money in the form of continued reduced tax rates. It just illustrates how stupid we are as a state and as a country that we continue to elect people we know are ideologically predisposed to screwing us over.

  2. Brad on February 8th, 2011 5:50 am

    Way to go Governor Scott! Now that you have made public service even LESS appealing, let’s all see how many young people are willing to work the long hours, do the often dangerous jobs, for the already little pay and hard training that FIRE, EMS and our LEO’s go thru. they have not seen any raises in 4 years, cost of insurance has increased each of those years and what it will pay for has gone down. So now they are going to have even less money in their pockets. Now that makes sense to me!

  3. Joe on February 8th, 2011 5:48 am

    To Molested,
    It is not fair to compare state employment to the private sector. People in the privatve sector made alot more money. The state employees worked for the retirement benefits. Most of them put their lives on the line daily to protect the public. 5 police officers were killed in the line of duty in the last 2 weeks in Florida, It is an insult to suggest taking away the only real benefit state law enforcement has. The citizens of Florida have been fortunate to have the highly trained, professional staff that they have for public servants, If you reduce their benefits, we may not be able to retain them. In that case how safe will Floridians be? Governor Scott should realize you get what you pay for.

  4. eab on February 8th, 2011 12:18 am

    Rick Scott has made his fortune off the taxpayers of this country. Will he give some of that fortune back now that he has religion?

  5. bill w on February 8th, 2011 12:13 am

    It always amazes me that the first thing everyone thinks about ( or talks about ) during budget cutting times is Police,Fire and Ems. I was in California when prop 8 was being considered and it was the same rhetoric.
    A lot of fat can be cut from our government from sources other than emergency services. How many of you have have been frustrated by our public servants shuffling papers or talking idly to the person next to them while you wait for help.How many people does it take to file papers, clean our parks,or any of a myriad of non emergency jobs.
    The size of government has grown during flush times which might be good, but we are not in those times now and something has to be done. One problem I see is the person who would lose their “fat” job would lose their homes adding to our economic woes.
    I have no answers but I’m sure many will be forthcoming.

  6. huh on February 7th, 2011 10:18 pm

    If you cut out all the taxes you bring in no money at all , so in return you have to cut jobs to match all the taxes you just cut

  7. Molested on February 7th, 2011 7:51 pm

    What Scott is doing makes sense.
    There are a lot of state jobs that do not involve citizen safety. After all the talk about a responsible goverment all we hear is complaining. Tax payers cannot continue to fund out of control goverment. Take that back unaccountable goverment. Rick Scott is not picking on Escambia county. There is no shortage of employees in todays economy, only good employees. More money does not make good employees in only gives human resources more people to interview. If he Rick can create more jobs that will be great. Still to be determined.
    No one complained when the sheriff sold the helicopters to create more jobs.
    Retirement and benefits has been being reduced for decades for everyone in the private sector. Each generation seems to get less than the generation before them. But this is not the fifties with the boom of new jobs after the war and the creation of new jobs. Those were the best of times when you could simply return home from the service and get a job. This is globalization and lost jobs that did pay taxes to the goverment that no longer exist.
    WE are all looking at new realities like this.

  8. well on February 7th, 2011 7:03 pm

    Guess p RICK will walk out of the Govs office able to make a lot more money in the private sector.

  9. Joe on February 7th, 2011 5:33 pm

    Governor Scott’s budget proposal is further proof of how out of touch he is with the needs of the citizens of Florida. To insinuate that the taxpayers should not fund state employees retirement is ridiculous. State employees have worked for far less than the private sector employees because of the retirement and benefit packages. Governor Scott needs to stop comparing state employees with the private sector. Taxpayers pay state employees salaries and benefits, (including retirement), for a service. One of which is the safety of their lives, property and families. To try and justify this insult by doing away with politicians private jets is also ridiculous. They have an expense account that I am sure includes travel expenses. Taking retirement is a lifelong theft. Furthermore I happen to know some of our local state politicians, none of which have a private jet.

  10. waste on February 7th, 2011 5:29 pm

    He said 700,000 jobs in 7 years. He just terminated 8000 jobs in 1 month. Florida is doomed.

  11. Retired PoPo on February 7th, 2011 4:35 pm

    The taxpayers will have to pay for all the cuts in law enforcement in the years to come. You cannot get any one now to work for the pay and no raises. I agree with the poster above, we are headed for trouble if you do not pay for law enforcement and the other necessary agencies. I hope in 4 years, what he has done can be corrected. Probably not!!!!!!

  12. WEAR last to know on February 7th, 2011 2:45 pm

    “When I ran for office, I said I didn’t think taxpayers ought to pay for private jets to ferry public officials. So, during my first week as governor, I ordered those planes to be sold.”- Great,so when the next Governor is elected tax payers will have to pay for new planes to be purchased.

    “The same thinking compels me to offer a plan to stabilize and secure government employee pensions by bringing them in line with the private sector and nearly every other state in the country by requiring government employees to contribute five percent towards their own retirement. We cannot ask Florida taxpayers, most of whom have no pension at all, to bear ALL the costs of pensions for government employees. By modernizing the Florida Retirement System, we will save taxpayers $2.8 billion over two years.”- Great, take away the only perk for being a responsible citizen,having a clean record,going through months of certifing classes,working in stressful situations as EMS,FIRE,LAW ENFORCEMENT do and hand these people a 5% pay cut after not having a cost of living raise since 2007. So now we will have more home forclosures,more people in debt, this sounds like a good deal Rick. Must be nice to have as much money and toy’s as you do. Heck, why don’t you just get rid of all EMS,FIRE,and LAW ENFORCEMENT. Save the state big bucks. We can all just be vigalantes,and if your house burns down,or your in a vehicle accident and no one responds to help you I guess it was just met to be huh?