Walnut Hill Man Charged: Starving Horse Dead, Nine Others Rescued

February 3, 2011

A Walnut Hill man was arrested late Wednesday afternoon, charged in an animal cruelty case that ended with the seizure of nine horses and the euthanization of another.

James Benjamin Bethea, 61, was arrested at his Walnut Hill home as authorities and volunteers worked to save a horse in critical condition. Bethea was charged with two felony and eight misdemeanor animal cruelty  charges. An outstanding Santa Rosa County warrant for worthless checks was also served on Bethea.  He was released on $9,000 bond.

Bethea had 20 horses on his property in the 5000 block of Highway 97A in Enon when Panhandle Equine Rescue arrived to investigate an abuse complaint Wednesday afternoon.

A neighbor told deputies she observed a horse lying in the pasture Tuesday morning. When she returned home Tuesday night, the horse had not moved, and she contact Panhandle Equine Rescue for assistance.

For more photos from the scene, click here. WARNING: Some readers may find the photos disturbing.

One of the horses was so severely malnourished, according to PER President Diane Lowery, that it was euthanized in the pasture by a licensed veterinarian.

Another was in critical condition, unable to stand. The thin animal shivered in the cold and sleet as rescuers worked to load it into a trailer for transport to a veterinarian for evaluation. Nearly a dozen volunteers were forced to push and pull the horse into a  trailer as it lay nearly motionless on a tarp.

Another eight horses were seized by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and taken to a veterinarian for treatment.

“They won’t survive the night in this cold and sleet if we don’t get them out of here,” Lowery said as a small army of volunteers assembled with horse trailers to load the animals for transport.

The other horses remained on the property. Lowery said that the case was  being handled by the Sheriff’s Office, it would be up to law enforcement what happens to the remaining horses.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene unit was called to the scene to photograph the horses and their surroundings, including empty food troughs and old bathtubs that were presumably the water source for the horses. The bathtubs were dry.

Many of the horses gathered around a fresh roll of hay that, according to Lowery, appeared to have been placed in the pasture sometime Wednesday. Other horses, bones clearly visible under their skin, stayed away. Another horse gently nudged volunteers, seeking attention and closely following those that would rub it on its face.

For more photos from the scene, click here. WARNING: Some readers may find the photos disturbing.

Pictured top: One of nine horses being seized Wednesday in the Enon community. Pictured inset: This horse was in critical condition, unable to stand even with assistance. Pictured below: Another of the seized horses. NorthEscambia.com exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


55 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Charged: Starving Horse Dead, Nine Others Rescued”

  1. sofia on November 6th, 2011 12:37 pm

    I have my own 18 horses and i gust think it is just really rong

  2. XACO on March 3rd, 2011 9:50 pm

    I did not see the original article as I do not have time to look everyday on these sights since I am no longer an animal control officer but I will blame some of this on the public for being aware of this and for waiting so long to notify authorities of the starvation. PER and animal control depend on you guys to be our eyes because we cannot be everywhere at once and you citizens always either (1) cry wolf and say it’s starving when it’s not or (2) watch it starve unti it’s almost too late and you can’t stand it anymore and you finally notify someone of the problem. I am not bashing anyone and will not look on this site to see who all screams back at me, but I am telling you the facts from my experience for the past 12 years of exactly just how you do things and expect us to jump and come to the rescue and the want to criticize on the outcome of the situation. Way to go PER, good job as always, your friend in critters:)

  3. Jesus' view on February 9th, 2011 11:28 am

    you know all of you are talking about taking him out somewhere and starving him well the BIBLE says HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE… and I SERIOUSLY DOUBT any of you are without sin of some sort… the man is done what he has done and now has to face the charges but do not throw a stone if you are not willing to throw one at yourself. If you seen this happening and did nothing about it then you are just as quilty. LEAVE HIM ALONE !!!!!! and yes he has gone without a meal I know for a fact….

  4. molino_girl on February 6th, 2011 10:04 am

    @flomaton man here is you explanation…he was starving his horses. he expected them to eat grass that was not there instead of hay or grain. this man did not care for his horses. and as far as him being a good man aparently he is not that good of a man if he cant seem to take care of his animals.and not just the horses that are in the field but the many many dog he has in his house.

  5. Tammy on February 5th, 2011 10:33 pm

    Thanks Diane For being there again u Go Girl…..

  6. coffeeintheam on February 5th, 2011 8:51 am

    KUDOS to you also UNCHAINYOURDOG. We need more out there like you.

    Animals, Animals, Animals. Who really are the animals.

  7. unchainyourdog on February 4th, 2011 8:03 pm

    I would love to hear the explanation(s) for committing FELONY animal cruelty. Yes, he was charged with two felonies and 8 misdemeanors. The felonies are for the two horses that suffered the most and endured prolonged agony: “CAUSE CRUEL DEATH PAIN AND SUFFERING ANIMALS” ~ FL Animal Cruelty Statute 828.12 (2). The 8 misdemeanors for the other horses seized: “TORMENT DEPRIVE MUTILATE KILL ANIMAL” 828.12 (1)

    KUDOS to the agency (agencies) responsible for the arrest of James Bethea on FELONY animal cruelty charges, in addition to the misdemeanor criminal charges.

    Starving an animal to the point of imminent death is not a *mistake*. It’s a criminal action and can get him up to 5 years in state prison and $10,000 fine on each felony charge. Each misdemeanor charge can bring 1 year in prison and $2,500 fine. Regardless of the economy, his actions were criminal.

  8. flomaton man on February 4th, 2011 5:10 pm

    they were living across the street from my family in flomaton.These people are very nice folks,we enjoyed them as neighbors,I’m sure there is an explanation to the charges.I wish the best for all ,man and animal.

  9. Steve Gillis on February 4th, 2011 3:24 pm

    Dont know some people ….doesnt look like the owner missed a meal.. take him out in the woods tie him up and leave him…come back in a a few months that get these peoples attention

  10. LINDA on February 4th, 2011 12:55 pm

    These horses weren’t neglected/starved by folks who loved them. Hoarder is a politically correct term often applied to abhorrent practices. Humane groups would rather be contacted for assistance or guidance than respond to a frozen field with starved, dying horses. If unable to provide care and with absolutely NO other recourse available, humane euthanasia is a better choice than allowing a protracted, painful death. Once you’ve accepted responsibility for an animal’s life that’s what it is – responsibility. Man up; don’t allow it to suffer.

    Bethea’s actions were irresponsible disregard for the animals’ welfare. Recently, a local man who had thwarted a robbery said “enough is enough”. Well, enough is enough when it comes to animal abuse and neglect. Anyone witnessing abuse/neglect/mistreatment of an animal should feel, if not compassion for the animal, then an obligation to their community and themselves to report it. Be their voice.

    Rescue groups do need our support and many of us do provide it! Owners must greedily stop purposely over breeding and using horses as a money crop. Reopening slaughterhouses isn’t the answer. Foreign owned facilities in the U.S. were finally closed because of environmental, tax and procedural issues. Regulations and inspectors did nothing to ensure humane treatment. Research the barbaric methods used to transport and slaughter America’s horses. These activities create their own criminal community. Foreign entities owned and operated the plants to send meat overseas; you won’t find thoroughbred steak or quarterhorse chops at your local grocers unless you’re in certain south Florida communities. The majority of Americans have no desire to eat their horses (whether they view them as companion animals or working livestock) and demands humane treatment for them – and all animals.

    Hopefully Bethea will receive maximum punishment and the other animals will be removed from his property!! Anyone having knowledge of his behavior should receive the message this is not acceptable and won’t be tolerated. Enough is enough.

  11. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 4th, 2011 11:02 am

    It should be illegal for this man to ever own/have an animal in his care. That should definitely be enforced!! When he goes to court he can only be foud guilty! Surely they have enough pictures. He had too many animals to be able to properly care for anyway!

  12. FED UP on February 4th, 2011 9:44 am

    little bit
    your ignorance knows no bounds. you need to grow up. This guy has
    been starving his horses for months and months. HE IS NOT A GOOD GUY.
    HE DOES NOT LOVE HORSES. He just hoards them.
    These horses have SUFFERED for a LONG LONG time.
    I don’t know how you can even take up for him.
    I sure hope YOU don’t have any animals.

    As for the one who called us posters arm chair whatevers.
    ANIMAL GROUPS. Where to you think THEY get their funds.


  13. Dan on February 4th, 2011 8:21 am

    Bethea doesn’t look like HE has
    missed any meals lately.

    Maybe he was eating the horse’s food himself.

  14. a little bit on February 4th, 2011 7:02 am

    every one of yall are wrong i know people make mistakes and money gets short. i aint sayin that this aint bad because horses are my life. even though this happened dont give any one of you a right to say that he is a bad person. i met this guy and known him for a while and he and hiswife loves horses,. every body makes mistakes! how many of you drink and drive? how many of you went to jail? exactly !!!! so give this man some space the police already took care of him.

    SO BUGGG OUT !!!

  15. Concerned on February 4th, 2011 6:21 am

    I agree with “Trish”. If everyone who is sickened by this idiot would send donations to rescue groups such as PER, Jr Humane Society etc then more can be saved. As it is, the horses that are seized by the county will eventually go to a local sale where, guess what? Meat buyers are standing by as the price to buy them are so cheap they make money by selling them to slaughter houses. Do you have any idea how these slaughter houses kill them? It’s a gruesome, cruel and painful death. Google it and read about it then maybe those who can afford a dollar to two will donate to a great cause such as PER!!!! Thanks again to Diane and her volunteers who aren’t afraid to be the voice of cruel neglect !!!!!!

  16. uh-oh on February 4th, 2011 5:38 am

    This just brings tears to my eyes.
    Are they going to take the rest of them away?
    And any other animasl he has too??

  17. shame shame shame on February 4th, 2011 2:50 am

    Shame shame shame on the people in that neighbrhood-this did not happen overnight-this happened over months-neighbors new-how can you live with yourselves knowing this was happening to innocent animals-Gods creatures -and you probably all go to church on sunday and pray-that makes you feel good free of guilt and you all new what was going on-disgrace….someone from that neighborhood said “what happens here stays here”-what ignorance what stupidity-if it was a child would they feel the same way ? Probably would-pure stupidity and lets look the other way-they are all guilty of this horror and shame on our justice system for letting him out on such a small bail shame on all of you…..you do need to go to church and pray for forgiveness….

  18. Froginthecounty on February 3rd, 2011 7:11 pm

    Well I was driving by this morning and the horse they put to sleep is still laying in the field. why?

  19. Lee on February 3rd, 2011 6:51 pm

    Thanks once again to Panhandle Equine Rescue. A big God Bless to all those good-hearted volunteers.

  20. whoever I am on February 3rd, 2011 6:31 pm

    I haven’t read a single post here.
    I’m not going to read a single post here.
    Because, I am an animal lover, and the most I could do is get more depressed than I already am about this insane neglect.
    When a person has no money and is hungry, all he has to do is ask for help and he will get it..
    When the owner of an animal has no money, and can’t buy food for them, all he has to do is ask for help and he will get it..
    Horses are confined to a pen, and they can’t talk. Its the owner that should do the talking for them.
    There is no excuse in the world that would Justify this.
    This man should should be locked in a Jail cell with no food or water until his health is so bad that he has to be Euthanized.

  21. jessica on February 3rd, 2011 5:50 pm

    hes a horribleman!! :( (

  22. TO: ■think it through on February 3rd, 2011 5:06 pm

    I disagree with every word that you said, that is not how it should work. You can take your horse to a vet and have them put down before you starve them! An injured horse is part of having one. Is a horse useless if you can not ride them? My family has a horse that is 32 years old, blind and going deaf. Do you think we would take him to a slaughter house? Heck No!! He gave us the best he had during his riding years, now it is our turn to provide him with the best we have in his last years! We have an old broodmare that is his Seeing Eye Horse and she has been doing nothing but that for about 10 years now. Neither even remember what a saddle feels like! That is a friendship and bond you have with our animal(s). Slaughter Houses would be filled to the brim with the horses the kid wanted and had nothing to do with after they got one. They would be filled with the “ill” mannered horsed because the owner did not take up proper time with them, etc (i hope you get the point)…..I love my horses! We take care of ones we have and they are fed before any of the humans are because that is our promise and commit to them and ourselves for being responsible owners.

  23. Jane on February 3rd, 2011 4:34 pm

    Doesn’t this man also have rabbits? Or did he starve them to death too?

  24. EMD on February 3rd, 2011 3:51 pm

    Can’t believe I didn’t see this. I am going to start “looking.” Makes me sick! I wanted a horse all my life. I cannot imagine doing this to any living thing, Do not understand these people at all.

  25. hihi on February 3rd, 2011 3:14 pm

    he was prob. like i dont care they are stiupid animals

  26. Michelle Miller on February 3rd, 2011 2:28 pm

    Outrage will not help solve the problem if that’s all you’ve got. Some very good, well thought out comments have already been made. I have a similar situation two properties down on my road except it’s not starvation–horses are standing in mud CONSTANTLY that is knee deep. The authorities in Mobile County have been contacted and are starting the “process” from what I’ve been told. Some people cannot be educated about humane treatment of animals–they feel because it’s something they own (a “lesser being” if you will) that it’s their God given right to possess the animal(s) and their business, period. They would not dream of giving away their possessions, they’d ignorantly let them die of abuse, neglect, etc. first. These same caliber of people have no problem adding animals to their menagerie since they don’t worry about the quality of care their possessions are receiving, obviously many don’t limit their collections to horses. The “free horse” situation that’s so prevalent now is scary too…. Those of you out there who have room in your pastures, extra shelter, can contribute materially or timewise have to get involved–this situation is NOT going to improve as long as people wait until they see dead/dying animals before speaking up.

  27. Trish on February 3rd, 2011 1:16 pm

    Looking at the pictures makes me sick too. What he did was wrong, I will feed my animals before I feed myself. BUT you can’t just keep saying “give the animal away”. Look on craigslist at the free horses. No one will take them. I read all the time in horse magazines and on-line that rescue facilities are turning down people who want to surrender horses. PER along with other horse rescue organizations are begging for money or help but few step up to the plate. We need to find solutions instead of just spouting that the people should just “give the horse away” when in reality that is not always possible. Not just anyone has the facility to keep a horse and most horse owners will tell you quickly that they don’t need another mouth to feed with our failing economy.

    So don’t complain about a situation, do something, get off of your comfortable sofa, off your computer…..be pro-active instead of re-active. You want to bad mouth someone then badmouth yourself for not caring enough to do something other than run your mouth.

  28. Concerned Citizen on February 3rd, 2011 10:47 am

    I live in Conecuh County, AL and we don’t have a Animal Control or anything available to us to help animals in our area. I had a neighbor that had several horses on less than 1 acre of land and they was not responsible like this individual. My husband and I gave the people money to feed the animals on several occasions. I personaly called trying to get someone to come and help these animals and was not succesful at getting any help. I personaly told 1 of the owners “How can you look at yourself in the mirror when those animals are starving?”. God will deal with these people in the end and when you do wrong you will reap what you sew. I personaly will not let this stop me from trying to put an end to this. Thankfuly I kept on until these people put the horses on 40 acres of property. The animals do not have a voice and that is everyones job to take a stand.

  29. starve him on February 3rd, 2011 10:40 am

    Wish our judicial would starve the SOB and let him remain in the same conditions that these horses where in! Take away his outer clothes and give him an empty plate and empty glass and let him survive. Would not waste tax payers money!!!! (I am not normally this cold, but this just chaps my behind)

  30. David on February 3rd, 2011 10:21 am

    Seeing these horses made me physically sick. I hope that they will have a chance now.

  31. David on February 3rd, 2011 10:19 am

    This makes me physically sick. I believe this man’s sentence should be to go live in the filth that was provided for these horses. He should be fed the same thing as well. Which from the looks of it …it would be NOTHING….he could miss a couple meals.

  32. David on February 3rd, 2011 10:15 am

    When I saw the pictures of these poor horses who put their trust in a us to feed keep clean water for them in such deplorable conditions, I actually got physically sick. My solution would be to take the person in charge of these animals and tie him up and let him receive some of thebsame TLC as he gave these horses.


  33. hmm... on February 3rd, 2011 9:59 am

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am going to need blood pressure pills if all this crap continues. I will leave off all the curse words in order to maintain some sense of class and show that I am educated far beyond this ignorant piece of garbage. I don’t understand. Give the animals to someone if you can’t take care of them. I see that that fat piece of crap has been feeding his mouth too much! This just really ticks me off. If I saw that man in public, I think I would have to give him a piece of my mind. And the sad truth is that if I did see him in public he would not give a rip about what he has done because he is a piece of trash!!! I will now go take some blood pressure pills.

  34. think it through on February 3rd, 2011 9:50 am

    Slaughter houses should be allowed to operate here so that there is a monetary bottom to the horse market. As it stands now, a person that has a 3year old horse that goes lame may end up with a horse that he does not ride and cannot sell. Then, he may end up supporting the horse for 30 years, if he is unwilling to put it down.

  35. concerned citizen on February 3rd, 2011 9:25 am

    Here we go again!! Another massive animal cruelty case in this area.. I am speaking from experience, because I own a horse, as well as a dog and a cat and some chickens.. I love all of my animals, and it is beyond me how someone can be so cruel as to neglect, and literally starve their animals.. The sad part is, that regardless of the cruel treatment, these animals will remain devoted to this sorry excuse for a human being!

  36. Bob on February 3rd, 2011 9:19 am

    Yep,,,,,,, He looks well fed.

  37. Terri Sanders on February 3rd, 2011 9:19 am

    The authorities can’t let the man miss a meal.We have let the ACLU and other organizations step in to protect the criminals rights.

  38. You Who on February 3rd, 2011 9:09 am

    I think we should starve him (the man) till his rib shows. Let him feel how those poor horses must have felt. Looking at his picture he hasn’t missed any meal lately

  39. art on February 3rd, 2011 8:54 am

    if this person has any more animals, they should be removed immediately. please. he has shown he does not understand how or is unwilling to care for livestock properly.

  40. Horsemomma on February 3rd, 2011 7:01 am

    I have five fat healthy spoiled horses of my own. When people find out I have horse it seems like the next thing I hear is I know so and so and they have a horse they are trying to give away because they can’t afford it, do you want it? Just come see it. I have to tell them no, as much as I love my horses and would do anything I could to help a horse I know I can’t afford proper feed and medical care (shots, fairrier, wormer, coggins, ect…) for another animal. I wish more people would think before they adopt a new pet of the cost. There is no such thing as a free horse, dog, cat, or other animal. If you can’t afford it, don’t wanna get out in the cold/heat to care for it don’t accept responsiblity for it. These cases just anger me so much. Like another poster said we should tie these folks up outside in the elements, with no, food or water. It sounds cruel but it isn’t any cureler than what they have done to an innocent animal (I would say this if they did it to a child or elder person as well). Thank you everyone involved in saving these horses good to see Dr. Lee out there too. I hope the other horses are rescued soon too because they didn’t look so well either.

  41. OldMarine on February 3rd, 2011 6:31 am

    Damn this Heartless Man and all those who let it happen

  42. Robert on February 3rd, 2011 5:36 am

    This makes me want to throw up! And cry!

  43. Carolyn on February 3rd, 2011 4:10 am


  44. pm on February 2nd, 2011 11:44 pm

    Thank you Diane and your associates for doing a wonderful job under such adverse circumstances.

  45. :( on February 2nd, 2011 10:38 pm

    I would hope they have plans to seize the other 16-20 horses from the property. If they will let it happen to one they will do it to all of them, why not take them before it happens!

  46. Really? on February 2nd, 2011 10:20 pm

    This makes me sick !! This poor animal is suffering.. I agree with “dad” I bet the owners ain’t missed a meal. Shame on them. I hope they get whats coming to them and more.. Tie them up and let them starve til there rib cage sticks out… I am sorry to be so rude about it, but there is no excuse why this should happen..

  47. Anita Gale on February 2nd, 2011 10:10 pm

    What is this world coming too for these poor Animals,there is so much abuse and neglect today and we the people are the only ones who can speak for them,they have feelings just like us humens the only thing they can’t do is ”SAY STOP HURTING US”.The Law needs to take more action for people who miss treat or abuse these Animals and make them pay for what they have done.No matter if they are Horses,cats,dogs.etc. if you can’t afford to feed them don’t have them at all.I bet people would never make they kids go hungry so why is it any different for Animals?

  48. Bamcubz on February 2nd, 2011 9:49 pm

    How much you want to bet this is the same people as before, reported about 6 months ago on here.

  49. jamie on February 2nd, 2011 9:49 pm

    i take in horses like this all the time and it is sad to them i go without food if it means me or them i had someone pull in and drop off 3 one day and i still have them a year later all they needed was food and some love and you would never know they were the same

  50. UNBELIEVABLE on February 2nd, 2011 8:55 pm

    This is just SICK, tragic and heartbreaking!! Who could sleep at night knowing that they were allowing these poor animals to suffer like this? They must have been keeping them hidden because I drive by here almost daily and have never seen these animals. If I had, I would have gladly called the law. So, so, sad.

  51. dnutjob on February 2nd, 2011 8:50 pm

    Well it has gotten so bad with the closing of the slaughter houses and the market, it is where you can’t even give away a horse. If you want a free horse go to the sale in Robertsdale and leave your truck and trailer parked overnight and when you come back in the morning you will have a trailer full of horses. If you cant feed them or give them away put them down, no need to starve them.

  52. concerned on February 2nd, 2011 7:56 pm

    These people have had issues such as this before. HORDERS should be prosecuted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope they are comfortable and warm in their beds at night with full stomachs while they have these helpless animals in their care. UNBELIVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. Concerned citizen 44 on February 2nd, 2011 7:01 pm

    That’s just too sad. Poor horses hope whoever is responsible gets what’s coming to them

  54. mommytoone on February 2nd, 2011 6:48 pm

    I think this is ridiculous! I mean honestly people, why own animals if you can not afford to feed them. Lets not even get into wether or not these animals have had proper vet attention. Hope these poor animals get adopted out to much better owners!

  55. dad on February 2nd, 2011 6:42 pm

    What’s wrong with people? I bet the owners had plenty to eat.