Northview Celebrates National FFA Week

February 23, 2011

FFA members at Northview High School are celebrating National FFA Week with a variety of events.

Tuesday, the FFA officers and members prepared a homestyle breakfast for teachers, staff and invited guests that support the FFA program. On Monday, students prepared refreshments for bus drivers.

For a photo gallery from both events, click here.

FFA week activites include:

Monday: Bus Driver Refreshment/ FFA T-Shirts

FFA members prepared refreshments for all bus drivers to give to them in the morning as they arrived at school.

Tuesday: Teacher Breakfast

All teachers, staff and invited guests were invited to eat a home cooked breakfast before school started that was prepared by FFA officers and members.

Wednesday / Ag Olympics

All agricultural classes will participate the Ag Olympics program with several events.

Thursday / Coke Float Day

Members are invited to have a coke float in the Agriculture department during the student’s lunch.

Friday / Dirty Truck Contest

All students of Northview High School, FFA members or not, will be allowed to participate in the Dirty Truck Contest.

Saturday: Ruritan Farm Equipment Auction

FFA members will assist with the Walnut Hill Ruritan Farm Equipment Auction Saturday as a community service project.


5 Responses to “Northview Celebrates National FFA Week”

  1. Mrs. Ellis on February 24th, 2011 8:54 pm

    Remnds me of the good breakfasts you prepared for us “back in the day”!So good to see the skills you learned at EWMS at being used and you are hard at work still ! Keep adding more layers on your good foundation. I am proud of you all.

  2. pm on February 24th, 2011 6:03 pm

    Great story – keep up the good work kids – makes me proud to know that kids like you still exist.

  3. Bill Slayton on February 23rd, 2011 4:10 pm

    The breakfast was super, thank you keeping the FFA tradition alive.

  4. Jamie K on February 23rd, 2011 3:38 pm

    Love this! Graduated from northview in 06 n won the dirty truck contest :)

  5. Jim W on February 23rd, 2011 1:07 pm

    Keep the tradition and keep up the good work guys.