Molino Woman Charged With Child Abuse Hair Color Argument

February 17, 2011

A Molino woman is facing a felony child abuse charge after allegedly getting into an argument with a relative over her hair color.

An Ensley man told Escambia County deputies that on January 18, he took his daughter to the Highway 97 home of his aunt, Cynthia Ann Cole, 51.  It was the first time Cole had met her great niece, and she told the minor girl that her hair was too dark, according to the Sheriff’s Office report.

Cole then told the girl, “You can’t take a joke?” to which the girl replied “Sure can”, according to the arrest report. That’s when Cole allegedly got into the girl’s face and asked her to repeat herself. Cole, according to the report, then grabbed the girl by her hair, pulling it and pushing her down. Cole then allegedly swung at the father, who went outside to call police.

The girl told deputies that Cole then tried to choke her while the father was outside. Arriving deputies noted that the juvenile had scratches and marks on her throat consistent with being choked, and had a swollen black eye. She refused medical treatment.

A warrant was completed for Cole’s arrest. She was booked into the Escambia County earlier this week on the felony child abuse charge and released on $5,000 bond.


38 Responses to “Molino Woman Charged With Child Abuse Hair Color Argument”

  1. kazooks on February 18th, 2011 8:49 pm

    you know where not to go.

  2. David Huie Green on February 18th, 2011 2:16 pm

    “How do you know this lady has a problem? I sure don’t let my children talk to adults like that. Maybe she went a little far with pushing and hair pulling but people should discipline their kids”

    I love you folks.

    We don’t know there is a problem just because a lady attacks someone else’s child?? (assuming it happened as reported) She has had a number of charges for battery in the past, one no contest/admission of guilt and one which has been in the works since 2008 including psychological evaluation but maybe they made her mad, so it’s okay, or maybe they were family members, so it’s okay.

    “she told the minor girl that her hair was too dark, –“You can’t take a joke?” to which the girl replied “Sure can”, — grabbed the girl by her hair, pulling it and pushing her down. — allegedly swung at the father, — tried to choke her –the juvenile had scratches and marks on her throat consistent with being choked, — swollen black eye.”

    People should discipline their kids. I fully agree. Should we attack their kids if we don’t like their discipline? Should people attack YOUR children if they didn’t like what they said or did?

    Oh, but this is “family”–big deal, we are all family; we just don’t keep tabs after a few generations, but you and I are both kin to them and everybody else on this planet. (Howdy, Cuz.) Some of the relatives with which we share this planet are fruitcakes. Many are dangerous to other family members.

    I tend to avoid the more violently insane relatives, but that’s just me. Interesting that you disagree.

    David wondering
    if there MAY be a problem

  3. brianna on February 18th, 2011 1:44 pm

    ok people there is more to the story and i do believe its best that you know the whole story before u judge anyone involved in this(:

  4. fireman2011 on February 18th, 2011 1:40 pm

    Well enough is enough I am the father of the child my aunt is very sick and I will go and help her I think people need to keep there nose in there own business and don’t worry about everyone else’s.I love my aunt and I don’t want her locked up.and as far as talking about me I don’t care what y’all say I didn’t press the charges on her but I have custody of my child I have talked to the state and its over.

  5. firefighter on February 18th, 2011 1:38 pm

    The father is a good person and he has tried discipline his children but when they are teenagers u cant do any thing with them.Me the father and the rest of the family knows that the aunt is sickly .The rest on her thats doesnt know her doesnt know her history when it becomes to health problems.I think these comments needs to be taking off of here cause what people dont know she can get each and everyone of them for slander.There is such law of that .Theycan find out where yall are.

  6. me on February 18th, 2011 11:21 am

    How do you know this lady has a problem? I syre dont let my children talk to adults like that. Maybe she went a little far with pushing and hair pulling but people should discipline their kids better to not talk to people the way most kids do now days.

  7. firefighter on February 17th, 2011 9:53 pm

    This was family matters.It was Aunt and Niece and I am kin to all of them..My husband and I was there when it all took place and yes the father was there also.Everyone was in the house 2gether.My aunt is a sickly person .The father was in there when it all was taking place.The law wasnt called to after the fact.Then was told by the father that he didnt need them or want any charges pressed against his aunt.I had a run in with this child the day before all this took place.There is more to the story than what all yall know.There is 2 sides to every story.Please let my post stay so others can see that there were other people there besides the ones mentioned above.Thank You

  8. firefighter on February 17th, 2011 9:49 pm

    No in the above story that not what happened.Where the conflict took place was not the aunt’s house.It happened to be the aunt’s mother and the father’s grandmother who is 79years old.

  9. firefighter on February 17th, 2011 9:40 pm

    So don’t judge the book by it’s cover until u know the truth.Enough said

  10. dick tracy on February 17th, 2011 8:37 pm

    Professional hair dresser?Hmmmmm

  11. Name (required) on February 17th, 2011 8:15 pm

    Sad story, but I too appreciate this site.

    Much healing needed, those who would ‘lock up and throw away the key” need to send in your personal checks to pay to back your opinions… life is never as simple as such statements make it out to be on the internet.

    I am very sorry for all involved, and hope there is a workable solution. I certainly do not see any circumstances the girl should need to have any dealings with her aunt any more… but suggest any who feel fit to judge the dad might do well to take a look in the mirror and ask if you have ever done anything another might care to judge on the internet…

  12. David Huie Green on February 17th, 2011 6:22 pm

    “It’s best to keep the law out of family business”

    So, if for example, the step father is raping the step-daughter, everybody should continue to handle it in house? That could explain some happenings, your attitude.

    I imagine he could have taken a baseball bat, 2×4 or knife and made you happy with how manly he was in handling the situation, but people tend to gripe about THAT too.

    But please tell us how YOU would have handled the situation, assuming it is as reported.

    David learning at the feet of wisdom and manliness

  13. Keith on February 17th, 2011 5:46 pm

    @ Not Again,
    Actually, calling the law to deal with certain family drama is the correct thing to do. When the proper authorities get involved it presents an accountability opportunity and accountability most of the time prevents the past from repeating itself.
    I assume that when most people get to sit in the back of a cop car it helps them reflect on the actions it took for them to get there. And helps them to reconsider being a Jack A## in the future.

  14. Sharon Dunning on February 17th, 2011 5:20 pm

    Old woman? At 51?!
    I think there is more to this story also. Will be looking forward to the update, if we get one.
    William, I appreciate the accurate reporting of stories. It’s refreshing.

  15. NotAgain on February 17th, 2011 3:15 pm

    @ David

    “Interesting viewpoint expressed here. Rather than go to impartial authorities, he should….What? Slug it out? Shoot it out? Ignore it??”

    No, but a man that can’t handle an altercation between an old woman and a minor girl and has to call the law to intercede isn’t much of a man. It’s best to keep the law out of family business.

  16. Jim W on February 17th, 2011 2:58 pm

    I don’t think we know the whole story yet. It will come to light soon I am sure. But regardless something happened there that should not have happened. If th adult did attack the young woman then she should have to pay the price same is true of the young girl if she attacked the older person she too should have to pay.

  17. David Huie Green on February 17th, 2011 12:00 pm

    “he was a WIMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s a scared little punk.nothing but a law caller” (MORE OR LESS)

    Interesting viewpoint expressed here. Rather than go to impartial authorities, he should….What? Slug it out? Shoot it out? Ignore it??

    The only thing which makes me wonder in such a situation is why would anyone leave one who supposedly had been attacked alone with the one who supposedly attacked her?

    Life is good, yet some insist on making it worse.

    David for good people

  18. David Huie Green on February 17th, 2011 11:54 am

    ” It was the first time Cole had met her great niece, and she told the minor girl that her hair was too dark, according to the Sheriff’s Office report.

    Cole then told the girl, “You can’t take a joke?” to which the girl replied “Sure can”, according to the arrest report. That’s when Cole allegedly got into the girl’s face and asked her to repeat herself. Cole, according to the report, then grabbed the girl by her hair, pulling it and pushing her down. Cole then allegedly swung at the father, who went outside to call police.”

    Regardless of what really happened, it might be wise to let it be the last time for the two to visit each other.

    David for avoiding conflict

  19. ****** on February 17th, 2011 11:37 am

    Just please stop all the negativity until you’ve heard everything………………..or either block the commenting…this is out of control

  20. Sandra on February 17th, 2011 11:33 am

    And when she finally goes off of the deep end and hurts someone severely, everyone will be asking why she wasnt already locked away in a mental institution. By the way….run up to my car window and start yanking on the door handle. Can you say Castle Doctrine?

  21. William on February 17th, 2011 11:10 am

    >>reading the above it’s only one side….the fathers. The other side is not there.

    Keep in mind that’s all that’s in the Sheriff’s Office report — the father and girl’s side. So that’s all we can report.

  22. Horrific on February 17th, 2011 11:05 am

    There is a whole lot more to this than apparently ANY of them wanted to tell
    the Police

    I hope there isn’t DRUGS involved in this story

  23. trouble on February 17th, 2011 10:57 am

    People, if this was your family member would you want them verbally abused? I know you wouldn’t be commenting if it were the reverse situation. You would be sitting there behind your computer screen reading all the comments wishing people would stop. So stop saying negative things about this until you’ve heard the whole story…….reading the above it’s only one side….the fathers. The other side is not there.

  24. OMRBH on February 17th, 2011 10:50 am

    Yup, we are only getting part of the story. Father seems a wimp, aunt seems a nut case!

  25. momof2beautifulgirls on February 17th, 2011 10:48 am

    i’m glad i don’t have her as my neighbor,wow! i agree with CONCERNED,there’s something missing,ummm maybe father’s side of the story….

  26. AL on February 17th, 2011 10:42 am

    ditto to the comments on there is more to this… no way I’d walk out while someone was even “verbally” assaulting a child – any child. Way to go “Dad”

  27. whodat on February 17th, 2011 9:55 am

    Oh yea, by the way she has a record of assaults look it up.

  28. whodat on February 17th, 2011 9:54 am

    concerned, shes not disabled other than her brain, the assault that she committed that I witnessed, Cole jumped and ran from her car to attack someone who had done nothing to her, other than go around her while Cole was stopped in the middle of Atmore hwy, she chased this person and accused her of “almost hitting her” and in the process scared the crap out of a 16 year old girl and when the victim tried to just walk away from her she attacked her and then hit another person coming to the victims aid. It took a grown man, an off duty officer to subdue the “diasabled” woman.

  29. flip on February 17th, 2011 9:47 am

    he was a WHIMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s a scared little punk………………….nothing but a law caller

  30. KIKI on February 17th, 2011 9:41 am

    so easy to just “walk outside to call the police”. was daddy a whimp or a man? why not try to tear her off of the girl? or even call police while inside, instead of going outside?………once again, something just does not add up here.

  31. flip on February 17th, 2011 9:19 am

    Concerned you are absolutely right…the quote “father” is just a freaking idiot….the above only tells half the story…his side……not hers.

  32. Mary on February 17th, 2011 9:09 am

    This woman was COURT ORDERED to take her meds!!! She has numerous Battery Charges(escambia court public records) They need ot put her her somewhere & force the meds down her throat..But no way should they let her back out in society.

  33. concerned on February 17th, 2011 9:02 am

    this story sounds reaaaal fishy to me. Anyone who knows this lady from our area knows she’s disabled and can barely stand without help and can hardly walk without help…now can’t you see her jumping out of a chair or off a couch , running towards this girl who is left inside the house by her father who just stood there and watched her get into a verbal disagreement with his daughter. SDounds like the man relative was trying to start something. And why did he just decide to take his daughter to meet this aunt….just doesn’t add up.

  34. Oversight on February 17th, 2011 9:01 am

    Nice family… NOT!

  35. Freddy on February 17th, 2011 7:57 am

    Dad Blame, this lady must be meaner than a stripped Snake.

    If he is a family member, surely he knew her demeanor, why would he take his daughter around her in the first place.

  36. TaxPayer on February 17th, 2011 7:45 am

    Sounds like she has bipolar disorder and is a very unhappy and dipressed individual. They cannot get along with anyone and people cannot even say anything around them.

  37. ellenb on February 17th, 2011 7:42 am


  38. whodat on February 17th, 2011 6:32 am

    This woman needs to be in a controled environment, she has repeated assaults against others and has been banned by most of the local stores. Her family cant control her and she is a menace to society.