Local Women Arrested On Drug Charges

February 24, 2011

Two women are facing several drug charges in Escambia County, Ala., after authorities located drugs and cash at a home near Flomaton after a month-long investigation.

Jodie D. Adams, 18, of McDavid and Jody Simmons, 24, of Flomaton, were each charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $10,000 each. Simmons was also charged with violation of probation.

The 21st Judicial Drug Task Force, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the Brewton Police Department executed a search warrant in the 2000 block of Wolflog Road. Authorities said they located marijuana, cash, drug paraphernalia and prescription medications during the search.


28 Responses to “Local Women Arrested On Drug Charges”

  1. jodie adams on March 8th, 2012 12:39 pm

    just so everyone knows i didnt sell no drugs just saying

  2. jon on April 21st, 2011 2:48 pm

    what a waste of talent

  3. sister of jody adams!! on March 8th, 2011 1:00 pm

    for one jody adams !! is my sister and ii know her so everybody who has someting negative to say about her cant be quiet cause none of yall know the true facts about her and what happened thanks and appreciated greatly !! she is a great person just needs to choose her froends more wisely everyone makes mistakes so end of that !!

  4. Does it matter on February 27th, 2011 9:46 pm

    Well I know both of these girls all to well. Yes, I used to run with them but as I got older I realized that life aint for me. I wish they could have thought the same. But thats the life they choose I hope this wakes them up. Adams is a smart girl and is just around the wrong people and needs to evaluate whats important in life and simmons has a child and should try putting her first. My opinion im not downing anyone just hope they wake up and make some changes in their life.

  5. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2011 2:32 pm

    “noone was there for her when her MOM and GRANDMA died…Where were you the ones making comment’s??? So keep your bad thoughts to your self…I LOVE HER SHE IS MY FAMILY ”

    Nobody was there for her, not even you? and you are her family? So you condemn the non family people for not doing what you didn’t do either?

    That’s confusing.

    David wondering
    what I was supposed to do
    since I didn’t even hear about it
    and didn’t push any drugs

  6. Miss K on February 26th, 2011 2:18 pm

    How about instead of making excuses for these grown adults, we start sticking it to them. If you continue to make excuses for these people they are going to keep doing what they are doing.

  7. BE THANKFUL on February 26th, 2011 1:43 pm

    prescription medications By the way that does say PRESCRIPTION NOT CRACK ARE METH ARE LAB.Yes it said marijuana, cash, drug paraphernalia. So go figure. Now it is all wrong. But not as bad as what I have seen.

  8. Connie Whitworth on February 25th, 2011 4:07 pm

    I know Jody and if you knew her as well as her family does you are anyone else would not say anything negitive about her. Yes she has made a lot of mistakes in her life. But walk in her shoes for a week are even the past few years then you just might understand why she has done some stupid things. You who have wrote things you know nothing about besides the news report. I am sure there are things in your past are even in your family’s past that you would like to keep secert. But no matter what we LOVE her and she has to learn her own way in life. She will pay her dues. So keep your bad comments to your self.. You would think someone could say hope this teaches her a lesson. Are even say’s why didn’t she ask for help. Why should she noone was there for her when her MOM and GRANDMA died…Where were you the ones making comment’s??? So keep your bad thoughts to your self…I LOVE HER SHE IS MY FAMILY WE KNOW WHAT SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH!!!!! Not any of you HOLY THEN THOU PEOPLE…

  9. whitepunknotondope on February 25th, 2011 2:21 pm

    ‘whitepunknotondope, I’m not picking on you no matter how it seems but it isn’t really all that inaccurate.”

    Well considering the intellectual capacity of this crowd, you can’t afford to leave the SLIGHTEST interpretation to chance.

  10. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2011 11:21 am

    ” “A parent has to be a parent, not a friend.”

    “I nominate this as the most useless, overused and inaccurate comment of the year, and it’s always given by people who have no business telling anyone else how to do their job!”

    whitepunknotondope, I’m not picking on you no matter how it seems but it isn’t really all that inaccurate. Sure people should be friendly and loving toward their children but the point most are trying to make is that they shouldn’t be afraid to tell them something they are doing is wrong even if the child responds with something like I HATE YOU. Better to say and do things that keep them safe and out of jail than to defend their actions all the way to prison.

    As to giving any advice on parenting, I’ve always appreciated it even as I was amused at how silly and contradictory some of it was. Two loving, experienced mothers will tell the new mother “You have him dressed too warmly for this warm weather” followed immediately by the second knowingly announcing “You have to dress him warmer than that in this cold weather.”

    The children’ll still make their own decisions as to what paths to walk, but better to try and fail than to never try at all. People will still blame the parents. Many parents DO set poor examples for their children, though.

    David thinking all mean well
    Many do well
    All’s well that ends well
    Clichés are fun to spout
    Hope the Jod-y/ie-s improve

  11. whitepunknotondope on February 25th, 2011 8:18 am

    “A parent has to be a parent, not a friend.”

    I nominate this as the most useless, overused and inaccurate comment of the year, and it’s always given by people who have no business telling anyone else how to do their job!

    A parent IS a parent, and needs to teach their children responsible, compassionate and morally acceptable behavior. A parent should ALSO be a friend to their child, in the sense that they have fun together, play and do things together, and be approachable and a safe haven in times of distress.

    So in my opinion anybody who adheres to the comment “A parent has to be a parent, not a friend” is a lousy parent.

  12. CHRISTINE on February 25th, 2011 12:51 am

    maybe they will wake up before its to late-get help.they dont need us to judge them.us older ones are our childrens role models.kids only repeat what they hear and see.all we can do is help them down the right path and keep praying they will stay on that good path.good luck girls and get some help.open your eyes.be good role models.

  13. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 24th, 2011 8:59 pm

    I guess these are thugetts?!?

  14. ?? on February 24th, 2011 7:00 pm

    i know jody(amanda) simmons personally & i feel bad for her her mother has passed away years ago & i dont think she has ever known her father but that is no exsuse….so please when you are commenting just stop & think what you are typing….and how the family feel’s when they read the comments

  15. cygie on February 24th, 2011 5:57 pm

    BTW, this house is right next door to a children’s day care. It’s a sad commentary on society today that drug dealers have so little respect for other people’s kids. I pray that they get right with the Lord, and find a better avenue for their time and efforts. We all make mistakes, and I hope these ladies will learn from their errors.
    Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.

  16. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2011 5:19 pm

    If you’re gonna have a mug shot, do it while you’re still pretty.

    It’s too late for me, so I might as well avoid getting one.

    David with ugly pictures

  17. Jim W on February 24th, 2011 4:36 pm

    This is for OH PLEASE. Parenting comes first friendship comes later when they are grown and respect themselves and you as well for doing the job you did with them. It is a shame to see two youg lives ruined this way. They are going to have a rude awakening when they hit cross bar hotel for a long stay.

  18. Oh, Please.... on February 24th, 2011 2:54 pm

    I have told this over and over….there is no law in the State of Florida, or Alabama, that says you cannot physically discipline your child. So many people use this as an excuse to not discipline their child at all. What is cute at 2 is not cute at 12. And, there is a big difference between abuse and just a good old fashioned tear that behind up. Parents…listen up….you need to set the stage before they are four. Spankings on the behind are acceptable, not putting their heads through sheet rock walls, or using extention cords, broom handles, burning a child, or torture. If people would just remember that a little one needs firmness and consistency, by the time the child is pre-teen and so forth, they would think twice before getting into trouble. A parent has to be a parent, not a friend.

  19. :) on February 24th, 2011 1:18 pm

    Hope they get what they deserve and don’t end up right back on the streets!

  20. pm on February 24th, 2011 11:49 am

    “wipe that smile off her face” – That would be great but her mom would be charged with a crime as Simmons is 22 yoa. Maybe a public whipping post for these types of offenders would be better. Punishments that were doled out publically were not considered “cruel and unusual” when our forefathers wrote the Constitution. Today if a parent spanks their child the DCF people will be on the door step within 24 hours.

  21. Horrific on February 24th, 2011 10:49 am

    It is very dishearting to see a big smile on a mug shot.
    It is also dishearting to see such young girls go down this path.

    MOM I hope your going to drive to town and wipe that smile OFF her face.


  22. pm on February 24th, 2011 10:08 am

    Another case of “live easy even if you have to live low” – A little tar and feathers might have a profound effect on these two. The ripple effect of these crimes just keeps on going and going. From the looks on their faces, one would have to seriously doubt if they cared about how many other kids they got hooked on their brand of poision. Their days of smile and the world smiles with you is coming to a halt very soon. Drug use is a choice and apparently they made it thiers. Sympathy for people like these is waning quickly. No pity for the shameless from me.

  23. Sylvia on February 24th, 2011 9:21 am

    Two pretty young ladies already threw their lives away. So sad that they don’t care, and you can tell they don’t with that big smile on their faces.

  24. Stu on February 24th, 2011 8:28 am

    Ms. Simmons is excited with her new sleeping quarters

  25. WORRIED RESIDENT on February 24th, 2011 8:21 am


  26. ThePowerMan on February 24th, 2011 7:31 am

    Very sad to see young ladies ruin their future. Some just don’t get it.

  27. JUDY MASEK on February 24th, 2011 7:23 am


  28. itsjustme on February 24th, 2011 12:55 am

    Another job well done by all involved