Gov. To Unveil $5 Billion In Budget Cuts This Week

February 7, 2011

Gov. Rick Scott unveils this week how he plans to cut more than $5 billion from the state’s current $70 billion budget, making room for tax cuts, while closing a constitutionally prohibited deficit. He’s been pretty quiet on exactly what he plans to cut out, but at a tea party event Monday in central Florida Scott will roll out his proposal.

Scott’s budget proposal is expected to include a five percent reduction in the state workforce and changes in pay and benefits.

“My budget will cut $5 billion in state spending, while also cutting taxes,” Scott said. “It will be one of the most fiscally responsible budgets in the nation.”

Scott’s budget rollout Monday is shaping up as a major Tea Party event – with the governor’s presentation of his first spending blueprint shoe-horned into a number of activities drawing 60 grassroots groups.

Organizers said Friday that Scott will hold a private luncheon with tea party leaders at the Eustis Community Center before taking an outdoor stage to unveil his plan to cut $5 billion from the state’s current $70 billion budget.

“In the days ahead, the special interests and those who support big government solutions will attack my budget. They don’t recognize, as you and I do, these times require a bold new path,” Scott concluded.

Of course it’s up to lawmakers to write the budget, and they can completely ignore Scott if they want. Most leaders have expressed some skepticism, but also have intense interest in ideas for cutting the budget – and cutting taxes.

Still, Scott said during the campaign he’ll propose a two-year budget and the Legislature works on a one year proposal, so it’s not clear how those two things will mesh.

While Scott’s budget will garner much of the attention this week – his aides will be in several legislative committees explaining the proposal all week – most of the major issues that the Legislature will deal with this year, from teacher pay, to Medicaid changes, to water pollution, will also be before lawmakers in committees.

Other major issues that will be at least discussed in legislative committees this week include the unemployment compensation system – a House committee is proposing to cut back on how long the unemployed are eligible to collect benefits.

Other closely watched issues that lawmakers will be talking about this week include sinkhole insurance claims and immigration.

The News Service Florida contributed to this report.


3 Responses to “Gov. To Unveil $5 Billion In Budget Cuts This Week”

  1. Jack on February 7th, 2011 1:06 pm

    Dorothy; we are all shaped by hundreds of people, why single out teachers for special consideration?
    As for suffering, better talk to the students that have a dream of becoming teachers. Supply and demand controls economics.

  2. You Who on February 7th, 2011 9:11 am

    He going to start a mess.A lot of state,county and city workers accross the state are waiting to see what he plans to do. If he messes with the pay or benefits of this large group there surely will be some big rallies in Tallahasse. This group for the most part don’t make the money thier private counterparts do and the benefits help tp make up the difference. There is no big line of people/workers lining up to get these jobs because of the low pay.

  3. Dorothy on February 7th, 2011 8:48 am

    Leave the teachers ALONE. Why do they always have to suffer for the mistakes of the past? They haven’t had a raise lately, they always have to
    sit in the background because no-one fights for them. Where are the Unions, come on and help. Gov. Scott, you were in school at one time, how did your teachers affect you? You wouldn’t be in your posistion today if not for TEACHERS.