Gov. Scott Pulls Funding For Splash Pad, Walking Trail, More At Park

February 23, 2011

There’s some bad news out of Tallahassee for the Town of Century’s plans for enhancements at the Anthony Pleasant Sports Complex.

blackcat-hurricane-019.jpgThe town voted last September to apply for  a $200,000 grant from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to fund the park improvements.

“I’ve got some sad news on that,” Mayor Freddie McCall said. “The governor has pulled all the money we were going for.”

Without the state grant, Century will be forced to shelve plans for a splash pad water feature, lighting for the football field, a walking trail about one mile in length that would connect to Showalter Park, and improved handicap parking.

Pictured top: The Anthony Pleasant Sports Complex is to the right of the wooded area in this aerial photos. Showalter Park (with the softball/baseball fields) is to the left. Courtesy Google. Pictured inset: Century little league football action at Anthony Pleasant Park. file photo, click to enlarge.


23 Responses to “Gov. Scott Pulls Funding For Splash Pad, Walking Trail, More At Park”

  1. Sara on February 25th, 2011 2:07 pm

    You know this area has so few activities for young people to hang out with each other for good clean fun – it seems that in the long run these community projects would help to deter crime and drug abuse. Not everyone likes to hunt and fish.

  2. David Huie Green on February 25th, 2011 10:42 am

    Nonsense. Scott was elected for *exactly* that reason.

    Governor Scott was elected for one reason alone: more people voted for him to be governor than voted for anyone else to be governor. Why they voted as they did has many reasons. I assume each voter voted conscience or pocketbook or both.

    Some people just vote for their TEAM. Some don’t like women. Some people like baldies (I didn’t say lots do, just that some do). Some liked his mother saying he’s a good boy. Some hoped he would make Florida government better than it already was. And, of course the ones who voted against him or for others had their own reasons. Votes are a tally of individual decisions, including whether or not to bother to vote.

    David for perfect politicians

  3. John Payne on February 23rd, 2011 6:38 pm

    Some one has to take charge of the budget, and quit kicking the can down the road. Most of the time give aways and waste just buy votes.

  4. eab on February 23rd, 2011 4:48 pm

    From THE DOER (we wonder what he/she does?) we hear that

    “Your saying that Scott was voted in just to keep a democrat out is like saying that Obama was voted in just to keep a white out or a republican out. I used to hear that all the time after the election. Those conversations have certainly stopped. I guess that hope and change isn’t going too well for anyone.”

    Nonsense. Scott was elected for *exactly* that reason. Hope and change? Scott may be bringing change but he ain’t about hope. He’s about money. His own.

  5. barrineau on February 23rd, 2011 3:13 pm

    Hey Dan
    He sure did steal BILLIONS from the tax payers (yeah thats BILLIONS with a B)
    So I guess him not taking the Governers salary was a stand up thing to do.
    Oh and Jack
    I’ll bet it was a good meal.

  6. Molested on February 23rd, 2011 1:02 pm

    What is all this talk about responsibilties and budgets?? What is that? He doesn’t take a salary how do give your self a raise without a salary?

  7. Dan on February 23rd, 2011 12:13 pm

    Hey Barrineau,

    Scott is working for free.
    He refused to accept the Governor’s salary !

  8. Sara on February 23rd, 2011 11:42 am

    Bald-headed crook smiles like he just ate the canary!

  9. AL on February 23rd, 2011 11:07 am

    why pay for a walking trail or splash pad when education and prisons are being cut? Come on, folks, be logical. If you want a walking trail donate your time and go work on one. Want a splash pad? Sell doughnuts and magazines, bag groceries and wash cars – let the kids work for the money and they can claim the park as their own.

  10. Boomer Bil on February 23rd, 2011 10:43 am

    States have to live within their budgets, they cannot print money like the Federal govt. does. If my memory serves me , for every dollar the federal govt. is spending, 43 cents of it is borrowed money. Much of this debt is being held by foreign govts. like the Chineese. We have to drastically cut back both our local, state and federal budgets. Why do kids need a “splash pad” when we have many creeks and streams around within walking distance. When I was growing up there was a trail leading to every creek and swimming hole in the area. Grants are not free money, someone eventually has to pay for them, in this case it will be our grandkids, because our federal deficit is so big that this generation won’t live long enough to pay it back!

  11. art on February 23rd, 2011 10:40 am

    radical? is it really that radical to suggest kids don’t want stuff, they want attention, honor, respect, support, admiration, and love from their families, friends and community? and it don’t cost a dime. just your time. in my humble opinion, happy, thriving kids is essential to having a truly great community.

  12. Randall Tritt on February 23rd, 2011 9:43 am

    I don’t no when people are going to understand that our county, state and federal government’s are broke and the pet projects are going to have to wait. We as tax payers don’t need the burden put on our backs.

  13. Jack on February 23rd, 2011 9:03 am

    art .. Suggesting people fend for themselves or worse yet, if they want something, work for it. Radical.

  14. Jack on February 23rd, 2011 8:59 am

    richrepublicans etc…If it takes a crooked republican to stop spending money you don’t have on things you don’t need, lets have more of them run for office.
    barrineau…He may even go out to eat, so?

  15. art on February 23rd, 2011 8:50 am

    people, name calling and such doesn’t accomplish a mite’s sash…(it gets me into trouble: the term whackadoodle comes to mind). what we have here is “politics as usual.” they are politicians: do you really think they are not supposed to do crazy things we just shake our head at? there is little to be done now except, accept it. he is going to do what he feels is necessary. this is one of the most strong willed men in america. be that as it may, the question that jumps out at me is what can we do as a community to bring good things to and for our kiddos? what can WE/I do that will somehow counter this negative turn of events? how ’bout this for starters?
    everyone (parents, grandparents, aunts uncles, business leaders, teachers, preachers, go crazy for your kiddos ball games. show up and cheer your team on..every body in the community, go” wild” for your local school’s mascots. wear their tshirts, make bumper stickers….encourage your kids to get outdoors and hiking and exploring with you. spend time with your kids just for the sake of it. watch them play a video game they love…and do it for an hour…i dare you…without talking…

  16. SW on February 23rd, 2011 8:37 am

    And it’s government’s job to build parks and such?


    What’s wrong with keeping government at it’s intended size?

    If people want parks and entertainment facilities, fine; then do it out of donations, fund drives, etc. Not out of government treasury and tax dollars.

  17. barrineau on February 23rd, 2011 8:07 am

    I’ll bet he gives himself a nice raise very soon.

  18. moms rule on February 23rd, 2011 6:55 am

    This change in budget doesnt set Century back any. There football program is run by smart enough people to know there is daylight to play in and they have always done a wonderful job working with it. With time all will work out but for now it is just not possable.
    I didnt vote for him BUT. I think the better of the two won and he is doing what he needs to do. The best thing is not always the easiest and i am proud to say i think we finally have someone out there who knows that and has enough in him or her to say so.

  19. Name (required) on February 23rd, 2011 6:24 am

    While I would like to see these improvements, they are clearly not necessary.

    Someday folks will figure out that if you can not afford something, you simply can not do it.

    The earlier post illustrates this clearly… the grant got cancelled because we
    can not afford it, and to go forward with it would only burden our children with debt they can not pay…. oh if only the federal government understood this also.

    …. proud to vote for a man with courage to make hard choices.

  20. Mary on February 23rd, 2011 6:09 am

    for all who voted for him..Man you screwed up!

  21. THE DOER on February 23rd, 2011 5:38 am

    To richrepublicans_hatemiddleandlowerclasscitizens:

    I can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t think that is why Scott was elected. People wanted a plan and felt that because of his business decisions, he would make some drastic and necessary changes for Florida. It is better to go ahead and pull the money now rather than let the state/town continue to pile up the debt and expect the money to fall out of the air. Your saying that Scott was voted in just to keep a democrat out is like saying that Obama was voted in just to keep a white out or a republican out. I used to hear that all the time after the election. Those conversations have certainly stopped. I guess that hope and change isn’t going too well for anyone.

  22. Flo on February 23rd, 2011 5:35 am

    It’s called sacrifice. Finally someone is in charge in Tallahassee who can say no. All these things we want are nice but should wait until there is actual REAL money to pay for it.

  23. richrepublicans_hatemiddleandlowerclasscitizens on February 23rd, 2011 1:16 am

    this is what happens when people vote in a crooked republican just to keep a democrat out…scott is known by the public for living a life of fraud, thievery and schemes and has paid the government hundreds of millions of dollars to settle fraud lawsuits against him…voted him in just to keep a democrat out.. SAD people..but this is what you wanted and now you got it! Good for you.